Board of Governors, AcSIR
Associate Director (Admin & Finance) will be the Secretary
Senate, AcSIR

*: Ex-officio; DS: Distinguished Scientist; OS: Outstanding Scientist of CSIR
@: 02 Professors from each area of study represented by Board of Studies of AcSIR
#: 02 CSIR Scientists will be the youngest in age and Bhatnagar Prize awardees
02 CSIR Scientists will be the youngest in age and CSIR-YS awardees
$: Non-employees of the Academy or CSIR nominated by the Chancellor (Chairman of BOG); one from each field of Science (Natural, Engineering & Social) Associate Deans will be invited members
AcSIR Operational Structure
Chairman, BoG & Chancellor, AcSIR
Prof. Balaram. P
Director General, CSIR & Vice Chairperson, BoG, AcSIR
Prof. Kalaiselvi. N
Director, AcSIR & Chairman, Senate, AcSIR
Prof. Manoj Kumar Dhar
Associate Director, AcSIR
Prof. Ajay Dhar
Former DirectorProf. Rajender Singh Sangwan, F.N.A
Former Chancellor

Chairman, BoG, AcSIR, Chancellor, AcSIR
Prof. Chandra Shekhar, FNA
Former Chairperson Prof. Raghunath Ananth Mashelkar, FRS
Prof. Baldev Raj, FNA
Former Vice Chairman
Prof. Shekhar C. Mande
Prof. P.S. Ahuja, FNA
Dr. M.O. Garg, FNAE
Dr. T. Ramasami, FNA
Prof. S.K. Brahmachari, FNA
Prof. Girish Sahni, FNA (Late)
Former Acting Director
Prof. Ram Rajasekharan, FNA
Prof. Nagesh.R. Iyer, FNAE
Prof. Dr. Gautam Biswas, FNA