Research Papers with AcSIR Affiliation (till 2021).

1Yadav, A; Labhasetwar, PK; Shahi, VK2021Fabrication and optimization of tunable pore size poly(ethylene glycol) modified poly(vinylidene-co-hexafluoropropylene) membranes in vacuum membrane distillation for desalinationSEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY271
2Goel, S; Garg, A; Baskey, HB; Pandey, MK; Tyagi, S2021Studies on dielectric and magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite and bio-waste derived activated carbon composites for X-band microwave absorptionJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS875
3Kumar, S; Bijender; Yadav, S; Kumara, A2021Flexible microhyperboloids facets giant sensitive ultra-low pressure sensorSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL328
4Shit, S; Samanta, P; Bolar, S; Murmu, NC; Khanra, P; Kuila, T2021Synthesis of iron pyrite with efficient bifunctional electrocatalytic activity towards overall water splitting in alkaline mediumBULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE44
5Das, SK; Ellamparuthy, G; Kundu, T; Ghosh, MK; Angadi, SI2021Critical analysis of metallic and non-metallic fractions in the flotation of waste printed circuit boardsPOWDER TECHNOLOGY389450459
6Raj, Y; Kumar, A; Das, S; Srivatsan, V; Kumar, D; Kumar, R2021A comparative analysis of compositional and phytochemical attributes in fruits of low chilling apple varieties cultivated in the eastern and western HimalayaSCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE286
7Yadav, R; Rajput, V; Dharne, M2021Metagenomic analysis of a mega-city river network reveals microbial compositional heterogeneity among urban and peri-urban river stretchSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT783
8Negi, H; Verma, P; Singh, RK2021A comprehensive review on the applications of functionalized chitosan in petroleum industryCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS266
9Singhal, S; Chourasia, A; Kajale, Y; Singh, D2021Behaviour of precast reinforced concrete structural wall systems subjected to in-plane lateral loadingENGINEERING STRUCTURES241
10Singh, P; Kannaujia, R; Narayan, S; Tewari, A; Shirke, PA; Pandey, V2021Impact of chronic elevated ozone exposure on photosynthetic traits and anti-oxidative defense responses of Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de wit tree under field conditionsSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT782
11Das, R; Bej, S; Ghosh, D; Murmu, NC; Hirani, H; Banerjee, P2021Stimuli-responsive discriminative detection of Cu2+ and Hg2+ with concurrent sensing of S2- from aqueous medium and bio-fluids by C-N fused azophenine functionalized smart hydrogel assay @A potential biomarker sensor for Wilson's diseaseSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL341
12Rao, VN; Ravi, P; Sathish, M; Vijayakumar, M; Sakar, M; Karthik, M; Balakumar, S; Reddy, KR; Shetti, NP; Aminabhavi, TM; Shankar, MV2021Metal chalcogenide-based core/shell photocatalysts for solar hydrogen production: Recent advances, properties and technology challengesJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS415
13Vijayashankar, DP; Vaidya, T2021Homotypic aggregates contribute to heterogeneity in B cell fates due to an intrinsic gradient of stimulant exposureEXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH405
14Mishra, CK; Dewangan, P; Mukhopadhyay, R; Banerjee, D2021Velocity modeling and attribute analysis to understand the gas hydrates and free gas system in the Mannar Basin, IndiaJOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING92
15Ganesh, P; Murthy, AR2021Static and fatigue responses of retrofitted RC beams with GGBS based UHPC stripsENGINEERING STRUCTURES240
16Shit, S; Bolar, S; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2021Tailoring the bifunctional electrocatalytic activity of electrodeposited molybdenum sulfide/iron oxide heterostructure to achieve excellent overall water splittingCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL417
17Adhila, TK; Elangovan, H; Chattopadhyay, K; Barshilia, HC2021Kinked silicon nanowires prepared by two-step MACE process: Synthesis strategies and luminescent propertiesMATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN140
18Jose, SA; Krishnakumar, KA; Peethambharan, SK2021Aqueous tape casting of Al2O3-BBSZ based LTCC multilayer substratesMATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN140
19Mondal, RK; Adhikari, S; Chatterjee, V; Pal, S2021Recent advances and challenges in AlGaN-based ultra-violet light emitting diode technologiesMATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN140
20Paliya, S; Mandpe, A; Kumar, MS; Kumar, S2021Aerobic degradation of decabrominated diphenyl ether through a novel bacterium isolated from municipal waste dumping site: Identification, degradation and metabolic pathwayBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY333
21Chandarana, H; Subburaj, S; Kumar, PS; Kumar, MA2021Evaluation of phase transfer kinetics and thermodynamic equilibria of Reactive Orange 16 sorption onto chemically improved Arachis hypogaea pod powderCHEMOSPHERE276
22Singh, S; Pandey, SS; Tiwari, R; Pandey, A; Shanker, K; Kalra, A2021Endophytic consortium with growth-promoting and alkaloid enhancing capabilities enhance key terpenoid indole alkaloids of Catharanthus roseus in the winter and summer seasonsINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS166
23Vinoth, S; Pandikumar, A2021Ni integrated S-gC(3)N(4)/BiOBr based Type-II heterojunction as a durable catalyst for photoelectrochemical water splittingRENEWABLE ENERGY173507519
24Shit, S; Bolar, S; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2021An account of the strategies to enhance the water splitting efficiency of noble-metal-free electrocatalystsJOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY59160190
25Mauraya, AK; Mahana, D; Tyagi, P; Ramesh, C; Shukla, AK; Husale, S; Kushvaha, SS; Kumar, MS2021Structural and ultraviolet photo-detection properties of laser molecular beam epitaxy grown GaN layers using solid GaN and liquid Ga targetsPHYSICA SCRIPTA96
26Chukwuike, VI; Prasannakumar, RS; Gnanasekar, K; Barik, RC2021Copper corrosion mitigation: A new insight for fabricating a surface barrier film against chloride ion under hydrodynamic flowAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE555
27Sam, J; Kirankumar, PS; Sanath, K; Prathish, KP2021Development of saleable chloride free iron oxide from hazardous waste in titanium industries via layered double hydroxide formationJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT290
28George, G; Shyni, GL; Abraham, B; Nisha, P; Raghu, KG2021Downregulation of TLR4/MyD88/p38MAPK and JAK/STAT pathway in RAW 264.7 cells by Alpinia galanga reveals its beneficial effects in inflammationJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY275
29Kumar, S; Singh, B; Bajpai, V2021Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Nees: Traditional uses, phytochemistry, pharmacological properties and quality control/quality assuranceJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY275
30AbdElgawad, H; Schoenaers, S; Zinta, G; Hassan, YM; Abdel-Mawgoud, M; Alkhalifah, DHM; Hozzein, WN; Asard, H; Abuelsoud, W2021Soil arsenic toxicity differentially impacts C3 (barley) and C4 (maize) crops under future climate atmospheric CO2JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS414
31Umasankar, G; Ulla, H; Madhu, C; Reddy, GR; Shanigaram, B; Nanubolu, JB; Kotamarthi, B; Karunakar, GV; Satyanarayan, MN; Rao, VJ2021Imidazole-Pyrene Hybrid Luminescent Materials for Organic Light-Emitting Diodes: Synthesis, Characterization & Electroluminescent PropertiesJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE1236
32Murugaiyan, P; Mitra, A; Jena, PSM; Mahato, B; Ghosh, M; Roy, RK; Panda, AK2021Grain refinement in Fe-rich FeSiB(P)NbCu nanocomposite alloys through P compositional modulationMATERIALS LETTERS295
33Jha, V; Dafale, NA; Hathi, Z; Purohit, H2021Genomic and functional potential of the immobilized microbial consortium MCSt-1 for wastewater treatmentSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT777
34Kottayintavida, R; Gopalan, NK2021PdAu alloy nano wires for the elevated alcohol electro-oxidation reactionELECTROCHIMICA ACTA384
35Yadav, SK; Tiwari, K; Pandey, HM; Akbar, SA2021A review of multimodal human activity recognition with special emphasis on classification, applications, challenges and future directionsKNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS223
36Rao, VN; Ravi, P; Sathish, M; Reddy, NL; Lee, K; Sakar, M; Prathap, P; Kumari, MM; Reddy, KR; Nadagouda, MN; Aminabhavi, TM; Shankar, MV2021Monodispersed core/shell nanospheres of ZnS/NiO with enhanced H-2 generation and quantum efficiency at versatile photocatalytic conditionsJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS413
37Kikani, M; Bhojani, G; Amit, C; Madhava, AK2021Chemo-metrically formulated consortium with selectively screened bacterial strains for ameliorated biotransformation and detoxification of 1,4-dioxaneJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS413
38Kanchanadevi, A; Ramanjaneyulu, K2021Non-Invasive Hybrid Retrofit for Seismic Damage Mitigation of Gravity Load Designed Exterior Beam-Column Sub-AssemblageJOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING2515901615
39Kumar, D; Kommalapati, VK; Jerald, MK; Tangutur, AD2021Fluorinated thiazolidinol drives autophagic cell death in pancreatic cancer cells via AMPK activation and perturbation of critical sentinels of oncogenic signalingCHEMICO-BIOLOGICAL INTERACTIONS343
40Thakur, RR; Chaturvedi, N2021Design, optimization, and analysis of Si and GaN nanowire FETs for 3 nm technologySEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY36
41Vinoth, S; Devi, KSS; Pandikumar, A2021A comprehensive review on graphitic carbon nitride based electrochemical and biosensors for environmental and healthcare applicationsTRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY140
42Thejus, PK; Krishnapriya, KV; Nishanth, KG2021NIR reflective, anticorrosive magenta pigment for energy saving sustainable building coatingsSOLAR ENERGY222103114
43Parul; Mishra, A; Singh, S; Singh, S; Tiwari, V; Chaturvedi, S; Wahajuddin, M; Palit, G; Shukla, S2021Chronic unpredictable stress negatively regulates hippocampal neurogenesis and promote anxious depression-like behavior via upregulating apoptosis and inflammatory signals in adult ratsBRAIN RESEARCH BULLETIN172164179
44Agarwal, N; Meena, CS; Raj, BP; Saini, L; Kumar, A; Gopalakrishnan, N; Kumar, A; Balam, NB; Alam, T; Kapoor, NR; Aggarwal, V2021Indoor air quality improvement in COVID-19 pandemic: ReviewSUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY70
45Perween, S; Rathi, A; Raghuvanshi, PR; Bhattacharya, A; PrakashMadduri, PV; Rout, PK; Sivaiah, B; Dhar, A; Pant, RP; Gahtori, B; Basheed, GA2021Formation and magnetic properties of spark plasma sintered Mn3-delta Ga (delta=0, 1) Heusler alloys: Experiment and theoryJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS154
46Sharma, B; Seth, R; Thakur, S; Parmar, R; Masand, M; Devi, A; Singh, G; Dhyani, P; Choudhary, S; Sharma, RK2021Genome-wide transcriptional analysis unveils the molecular basis of organ-specific expression of isosteroidal alkaloids biosynthesis in critically endangered Fritillaria roylei HookPHYTOCHEMISTRY187
47Mishra, P; Patni, D; Jha, SK2021A pH-dependent protein stability switch coupled to the perturbed pKa of a single ionizable residueBIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY274
48Noore, S; Ramesh, G; Vendan, SE; Nagaraju, VD2021Persistence and diffusion behaviour of chlorpyrifos in five different species of vegetables: A comparative analysisECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY217
49Yeeravalli, R; Kaushik, K; Das, A2021TWIST1-mediated transcriptional activation of PDGFR beta in breast cancer stem cells promotes tumorigenesis and metastasisBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE1687
50Kaur, J; Malegaonkar, JN; Bhosale, SV; Singh, PK2021An anionic tetraphenyl ethylene based simple and rapid fluorescent probe for detection of trypsin and paraoxon methylJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS333
51Putatunda, I2021Multiscale temporal analysis and trends of relative humidity over India and Indian OceanJOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS218
52Bordoloi, J; Ozah, D; Bora, T; Kalita, J; Manna, P2021Gamma-glutamyl carboxylated Gas6 facilitates the prophylactic effect of vitamin K in inhibiting hyperlipidemia-associated inflammatory pathophysiology via arresting MCP-1/ICAM-1 me diate d monocyte-hepatocyte adhesionJOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL BIOCHEMISTRY93
53Azhar, M; Phutela, R; Kumar, M; Ansari, AH; Rauthan, R; Gulati, S; Sharma, N; Sinha, D; Sharma, S; Singh, S; Acharya, S; Sarkar, S; Paul, D; Kathpalia, P; Aich, M; Sehgal, P; Ranjan, G; Bhoyar, RC; Singhal, K; Lad, H; Patra, PK; Makharia, G; Chandak, GR; Pesala, B; Chakraborty, D; Maiti, S2021Rapid and accurate nucleobase detection using FnCas9 and its application in COVID-19 diagnosisBIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS183
54Dwivedi, R; Sharma, P; Jaiswal, VK; Mehrotra, R2021Tunable phase of elliptical axicon for controlled spectral switchingOPTIK237
55Panchal, D; Sharma, A; Mondal, P; Prakash, O; Pal, S2021Heterolayered TiO2@layered double hydroxide-MoS2 nanostructure for simultaneous adsorption-photocatalysis of co-existing water contaminantsAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE553
56Mahajan, M; Anuradha; Pal, PK2021Attaining higher biomass and steviol glycosides yields of Stevia rebaudiana through adjustment of plant population and nitrogen rateINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS165
57Bhumireddy, SR; Rocchetti, G; Pallerla, P; Lucini, L; Sripadi, P2021A combined targeted/untargeted screening based on GC/MS to detect low-molecular-weight compounds in different milk samples of different species and as affected by processingINTERNATIONAL DAIRY JOURNAL118
58Kumar, A; Biswas, B; Saini, K; Kumar, A; Kumar, J; Krishna, BB; Bhaskar, T2021Py-GC/MS study of prot lignin with cobalt impregnated titania, ceria and zirconia catalystsRENEWABLE ENERGY172121129
59Islam, N; Rabha, S; Subramanyam, KSV; Saikia, BK2021Geochemistry and mineralogy of coal mine overburden (waste): A study towards their environmental implicationsCHEMOSPHERE274
60Priyadarshini, E; Priyadarshini, SS; Cousins, BG; Pradhan, N2021Metal-Fungus interaction: Review on cellular processes underlying heavy metal detoxification and synthesis of metal nanoparticlesCHEMOSPHERE274
61Chandan, AK; Tripathy, S; Sen, B; Ghosh, M; Chowdhury, SG2021Temperature dependent deformation behavior and stacking fault energy of Fe40Mn40Co10Cr10 alloySCRIPTA MATERIALIA199
62Barui, AK; Nethi, SK; Basuthakur, P; Jhelum, P; Bollu, VS; Reddy, BR; Chakravarty, S; Patra, CR2021Therapeutic angiogenesis using zinc oxide nanoflowers for the treatment of hind limb ischemia in a rat modelBIOMEDICAL MATERIALS16
63Govindarajan, D; Nandhagopal, S; Shanmuganathan, S; Ramasamy, J; Kiran, MS2021Modular mucopolysaccharide gelatin naturapolyceutics hydrocolloid biomatrix with cobalt nano-additives for high density vascular network assemblyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES181847857
64Lavhale, SG; Joshi, RS; Kumar, Y; Giri, AP2021Functional insights into two Ocimum kilimandscharicum 4-coumarate-CoA ligases involved in phenylpropanoid biosynthesisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES181202210
65Dave, A; Sanadhya, P; Joshi, PS; Agarwal, P; Agarwal, PK2021Molecular cloning and characterization of high-affinity potassium transporter (AlHKT2;1) gene promoter from halophyte Aeluropus lagopoidesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES18112541264
66Jeelani, SM; Singh, J; Sharma, A; Rather, GA; Ali, SA; Gupta, AP; Singh, S; Lattoo, SK2021In-vitro cytotoxicity in relation to chemotypic diversity in diploid and tetraploid populations of Gentiana kurroo RoyleJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY274
67Kumari, S; Anmol; Bhatt, V; Suresh, PS; Sharma, U2021Cissampelos pareira L.: A review of its traditional uses, phytochemistry, and pharmacologyJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY274
68Puri, A; Singh, P; Kumar, N; Kumar, R; Sharma, D2021Tah1, A Key Component of R2TP Complex that Regulates Assembly of snoRNP, is Involved in De Novo Generation and Maintenance of Yeast Prion [URE3]JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY433
69Aswathi, K; Lekshmi, RN; Valant, M; Mihelj, MV; Varma, MR2021Exotic magnetic behavior with intrinsic and extrinsic magnetodielectric effects in Pr2CuMnO6JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS867
70Chary, DY; Reddy, KN; Sridhar, B; Reddy, BVS2021Ru(II) catalyzed dehydrogenative annulation of 2-arylimidazo[1,2-a]pyridines with maleimides (vol 66, 152830, 2021)TETRAHEDRON LETTERS74
71Niluroutu, N; Shukla, A; Dhavale, VM; Unni, SM; Bhat, SD2021Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) reinforced with polystyrene sulfonic acid functionalized micelle templated mesoporous MCM-41 for direct methanol fuel cellsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY462064020649
72Garg, R; Kumariya, S; Katekar, R; Verma, S; Goand, UK; Gayen, JR2021JNK signaling pathway in metabolic disorders: An emerging therapeutic targetEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY901
73Malasala, S; Polomoni, A; Ahmad, MN; Shukla, M; Kaul, G; Dasgupta, A; Chopra, S; Nanduri, S2021Structure based design, synthesis and evaluation of new thienopyrimidine derivatives as anti-bacterial agentsJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE1234
74Rautela, R; Arya, S; Vishwakarma, S; Lee, J; Kim, KH; Kumar, S2021E-waste management and its effects on the environment and human healthSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT773
75Samanta, P; Ghosh, S; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2021Effect of redox additive in aqueous electrolyte on the high specific capacitance of cation incorporated MnCo2O4@Ni(OH)(2) electrode materials for flexible symmetric supercapacitorCOMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING215
76Patil, S; Kate, PR; Deshpande, JB; Kulkarni, AA2021Quantitative understanding of nucleation and growth kinetics of silver nanowiresCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL414
77Sharma, J; Misra, SK; Kulshrestha, V2021Internally cross-linked poly (2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene ether) based anion exchange membrane for recovery of different acids by diffusion dialysisCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL414
78Papanai, GS; Singh, J; Sharma, ND; Ansari, SG; Gupta, BK2021Temperature dependent Raman scattering of directly grown twisted bilayer graphene films using low pressure chemical vapor depositionCARBON177366376
79Sreevidya, PV; Borole, UP; Kadam, R; Khan, J; Barshilia, HC; Chowdhury, P2021A novel AMR based angle sensor with reduced harmonic errors for automotive applicationsSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL324
80Ramaprakash, M; Deepika, Y; Balamurugan, C; Nagaganapathy, N; Sekar, R; Panda, SK; Rajasekaran, N2021Pulse electrodeposition of nano-crystalline Ni-W alloy and the influence of tungsten composition on structure, microhardness and corrosion propertiesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS866
81Bhardwaj, VK; Purohit, R; Kumar, S2021Himalayan bioactive molecules as potential entry inhibitors for the human immunodeficiency virusFOOD CHEMISTRY347
82Kommalapati, VK; Kumar, D; Tangutur, ADJun-21Quisinostat mediated autophagy is associated with differentiation in neuroblastoma SK-N-SH cellsMOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS10.1007/s11033-021-06481-z
83Zafer, A; Saha, S; Yaday, S; Jaiswal, SK; Aswal, DKJun-21Feasible methods for g-measurement and uncertainty comparison with Monte Carlo methodMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00457-x
84Sharma, SK; Paul, B; Bhanja, P; Poddar, MK; Samanta, C; Khan, TS; Haider, MA; Bal, RJun-21Understanding the Origin of Structure Sensitivity in Nano Crystalline Mixed Cu/Mg-Al Oxides Catalyst for Low-Pressure Methanol SynthesisCHEMCATCHEM10.1002/cctc.202100488
85Tali, JA; Singh, D; Kumar, G; Shankar, RJun-21Regioselective Base-controlled Pd-catalyzed Arylation of Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines: leading selectivity at C8 position by N-chelation over O-chelationASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10.1002/ajoc.202100225
86Masiwal, R; Sawlani, R; Singh, R; Chakraborty, M; Shukla, DK; Ranjan, A; Sharma, CJun-21Indoor Air Pollution in Indian Rural Kitchen: A Case StudyMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00472-y
87Chahande, AM; Lathigara, D; Prabhune, AA; Devi, RNJun-21Red fluorescent ultra-small gold nanoclusters functionalized with signal molecules to probe specificity in quorum sensing receptors in gram-negative bacteriaARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY10.1007/s00203-021-02338-y
88Kumar, A; Swami, SK; Rawat, SS; Singh, VN; Sinha, OP; Srivastava, RJun-21Mixed bismuth-antimony-based double perovskite nanocrystals for solar cell applicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH10.1002/er.6924
89Chavan, SP; Kawale, SA; Patil, NB; Kalbhor, DB2021Application of allylic amine formation from aziridine-2-ol under Appel reaction condition: Synthesis of N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-D-vinyl glycine methyl esterTETRAHEDRON LETTERS73
90Ulaeto, SB; Pancrecious, JK; Rajan, TPDJun-21Anticorrosive Enamels: Evaluation of Nanocomposite Additives on Enamel Efficiency on Cold Rolled SteelJOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE10.1007/s11665-021-05881-3
91Agarwal, P; Baraiya, BM; Joshi, PS; Patel, M; Parida, AK; Agarwal, PKJun-21AlRab7 from Aeluropus lagopoides ameliorates ion toxicity in transgenic tobacco by regulating hormone signaling and reactive oxygen species homeostasisPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM10.1111/ppl.13449
92Padmanabhan, G; Shanmugam, GKJun-21Liquefaction and reliquefaction resistance of saturated sand deposits treated with sand compaction pilesBULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING10.1007/s10518-021-01143-8
93Shahabazuddin, M; Banuvalli, BK; Mulik, N; Pande, A; Bokade, V; Mudliar, SNJun-21Comparative studies of the influence of particle size on various pretreatments of rice husk by assessment of chemical and structural components and wastewater characteristics of liquid fractionBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-021-01565-z
94Thakur, V; Kumar, V; Kumar, V; Singh, DJun-21Genomic Insights Driven Statistical Optimization for Production of Efficient Cellulase by Himalayan Thermophilic Bacillus sp. PCH94 Using Agricultural WasteWASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION10.1007/s12649-021-01491-1
95Pandya, DK; Kumar, MA2021Chemo-metric engineering designs for deciphering the biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS411
96Shubha, JR; Tripathi, P; Somashekar, BS; Kurrey, N; Bhatt, PJun-21Woodfordia fruticosa extract supplementation stimulates the growth of Lacticaseibacillus casei and Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus with adapted intracellular and extracellular metabolite poolJOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY10.1111/jam.15132
97Rathore, AP; Chaudhary, DR; Jha, BJun-21Alteration in phenological parameters, above- and belowground biomass, nutrient contents, and their pools with phenological stages of Salicornia brachiata RoxbECOLOGICAL RESEARCH10.1111/1440-1703.12241
98Naikwadi, DR; Bankar, BD; Ravi, K; Biradar, AVJun-21Efficient and recyclable solid acid-catalyzed alkylation of active methylene compound via oxonium intermediate for atom economical synthesis of organic compoundsRESEARCH ON CHEMICAL INTERMEDIATES10.1007/s11164-021-04499-3
99Bhambhani, S; Kondhare, KR; Giri, AP2021Diversity in Chemical Structures and Biological Properties of Plant AlkaloidsMOLECULES26
100Alam, T; Meena, CS; Balam, NB; Kumar, A; Cozzolino, R2021Thermo-Hydraulic Performance Characteristics and Optimization of Protrusion Rib Roughness in Solar Air HeaterENERGIES14
101Das, S; Kumar, A; Kumar, A; Singh, J; Jha, R; Kumar, M2021UV Light Detection Using Resonance Frequency of Piezoelectric Quartz CrystalIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES6827912795
102Pandey, J; Dev, K; Chattopadhyay, S; Kadan, S; Sharma, T; Maurya, R; Sanyal, S; Siddiqi, MI; Zaid, H; Tamrakar, AK2021beta-Sitosterol-D-Glucopyranoside Mimics Estrogenic Properties and Stimulates Glucose Utilization in Skeletal Muscle CellsMOLECULES26
103Mhamane, TB; Sambyal, S; Vemireddy, S; Khan, IA; Shafi, S; Halmuthur, MSK2021Novel 1,2,3-triazole-tethered Pam(3)CAG conjugates as potential TLR-2 agonistic vaccine adjuvantsBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY111
104Jagtap, RA; Punji, BJun-21Nickel-Catalyzed C-H Bond Functionalization of Azoles and IndolesCHEMICAL RECORD10.1002/tcr.202100113
105Kontham, V; Ippakayala, B; Madhu, D2021Synthesis of beta-carboline fatty alcohol hybrid molecules and characterization of their biological and antioxidant activitiesARABIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY14
106Brahmbhatt, HD; Gupta, R; Gupta, A; Rastogi, S; Misri, R; Mobeen, A; Ghosh, A; Kothari, P; Sitaniya, S; Scaria, V; Singh, A2021The long noncoding RNA MALAT1 suppresses miR-211 to confer protection from ultraviolet-mediated DNA damage in vitiligo epidermis by upregulating sirtuin 1BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY18411321142
107Vani, B; Shivakumar, M; Kalyani, S; Sridhar, SJun-21TiO2 nanoparticles incorporated high-performance polyphenyl sulfone mixed matrix membranes for ultrafiltration of domestic greywaterIRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL10.1007/s13726-021-00945-6
108Mondal, A; Banerjee, P2021Chromofluorogenic sensory probe for ppb level recognition of hazardous F- : Proposition towards Hg2+ mediated logic gate simulatorJOURNAL OF FLUORINE CHEMISTRY246
109Ogundele, AV; Yadav, A; Das, AMJun-21Antimicrobial and alpha-Amylase Inhibitory Activities of Constituents from Elaeocarpus floribundusREVISTA BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA-BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOGNOSY10.1007/s43450-021-00152-7
110Dhote, PS; Halnor, SV; Ramana, CVJun-21Gold-Catalysed Nitroalkyne Cycloisomerization - Synthetic UtilityCHEMICAL RECORD10.1002/tcr.202100111
111Hazra, A; Mondal, U; Mandal, S; Banerjee, PJun-21Advancement in functionalized luminescent frameworks and their prospective applications as inkjet-printed sensors and anti-counterfeit materialsDALTON TRANSACTIONS10.1039/d1dt00705j
112Pinnaka, AK; Tanuku, NRS; Gupta, V; Vasudeva, G; Pydi, S; Kashyap, N; Behera, S; Ganta, SKJun-21Marinobacterium alkalitolerans sp. nov., with nitrate reductase and urease activity isolated from green algal mat collected from a solar salternANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY10.1007/s10482-021-01582-y
113Kooloth-Valappil, P; Christopher, M; Sreeja-Raju, A; Mathew, RM; Kuni-Parambil, R; Abraham, A; Sankar, M; Pandey, A; Sukumaran, RK2021Draft genome of the glucose tolerant beta-glucosidase producing rare Aspergillus unguis reveals complete cellulolytic machinery with multiple beta-glucosidase genesFUNGAL GENETICS AND BIOLOGY151
114Dhasmana, N; Kumar, N; Gangwal, A; Keshavam, CC; Singh, LK; Sangwan, N; Nashier, P; Biswas, S; Pomerantsev, AP; Leppla, SH; Singh, Y; Gupta, M2021PrkC, a Transmembrane Serine/Threonine Protein Kinase, Regulates Bacterial Chain Length in Bacillus anthracisJOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY203
115Ghosh, K; Mazumder, S; Hirani, H; Roy, P; Mandal, N2021Enhancement of Dry Sliding Tribological Characteristics of Perforated Zirconia Toughened Alumina Ceramic Composite Filled With Nano MoS2 in High VacuumJOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME143
116Rodrigues, V; Kumar, A; Gokul, S; Shukla, AK; Ravikumar, K; Sundaresan, V2021Decalepis salicifolia (Bedd. ex Hook. f.) Venter: A steno-endemic and critically endangered medicinal and aromatic plant from Western Ghats, IndiaJOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES46
117Venkadesh, A; Mathiyarasu, J; Radhakrishnan, S2021MOF mediated synthesis of porous copper oxide and their electrochemical sensing of caffeic acid in caffeinated drinksINORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS128
118Javed; Mandal, PK2021Bacterial surface capsular polysaccharides from Streptococcus pneumoniae: A systematic review on structures, syntheses, and glycoconjugate vaccines (vol 502, 108277, 2021)CARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH504
119Rathore, N; Thakur, D; Chawla, A2021Seasonal variations coupled with elevation gradient drives significant changes in eco-physiological and biogeochemical traits of a high altitude evergreen broadleaf shrub, Rhododendron anthopogon (vol 132, pg 708, 2018)PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY1632626
120Gaur, I; Gaur, P; Gautam, P; Tiwari, N; Khare, P; Tripathi, S; Shanker, K2021Simplified process of candidate certified reference material development for the analysis of Andrographis paniculata derived therapeuticsMICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL165
121Agnihotri, P; Monu; Ramani, S; Chakraborty, D; Saquib, M; Biswas, S2021Differential Metabolome in Rheumatoid Arthritis: a Brief PerspectiveCURRENT RHEUMATOLOGY REPORTS23
122Thacker, G; Mishra, M; Sharma, A; Singh, AK; Sanyal, S; Trivedi, AK2021CDK2-instigates C/EBP alpha degradation through SKP2 in Acute myeloid leukemiaMEDICAL ONCOLOGY38
123Sonker, AK; Bhateria, M; Karsauliya, K; Singh, SP2021Investigating the glucuronidation and sulfation pathways contribution and disposition kinetics of Bisphenol S and its metabolites using LC-MS/MS-based nonenzymatic hydrolysis methodCHEMOSPHERE273
124Ramalingam, B; Venkatachalam, SS; Kiran, MS; Das, SK2021Rationally designed Shewanella oneidensis Biofilm Toilored Graphene-Magnetite Hybrid Nanobiocomposite as Reusable Living Functional Nanomaterial for Effective Removal of Trivalent ChromiumENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION278
125Gopalam, R; Tumaney, AW2021Functional characterization of acyltransferases from Salvia hispanica that can selectively catalyze the formation of trilinoleninPHYTOCHEMISTRY186
126Kumar, P; Pathak, S; Singh, A; Kuldeep; Khanduri, H; Wang, X; Basheed, GA; Pant, RP2021Optimization of cobalt concentration for improved magnetic characteristics and stability of CoxFe3-xO4 mixed ferrite nanomagnetic fluidsMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS265
127Qureshi, S; Chandra, S; Chopra, D; Dubey, D; Jain, V; Roy, SK; Ray, RS2021Nabumetone induced photogenotoxicity mechanism mediated by ROS generation under environmental UV radiation in human keratinocytes (HaCaT) cell lineTOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY420
128Sundararajan, M; Rejith, RG; Renjith, RA; Mohamed, AP; Gayathri, GS; Resmi, AN; Jinesh, KB; Loveson, VJ2021Raman-XPS spectroscopic investigation of heavy mineral sands along Indian coastGEO-MARINE LETTERS41
129Sundriyal, S; Shrivastav, V; Bhardwaj, SK; Mishra, S; Deep, A2021Tetracyanoquinodimethane doped copper-organic framework electrode with excellent electrochemical performance for energy storage applicationsELECTROCHIMICA ACTA380
130Ghuge, PD; Mali, NA; Joshi, SS2021Effect of CaCl2 and ZnCl2 salts on isobaric vapor-liquid equilibrium in separation of the azeotropic mixture of ethanol plus waterFLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA537
131Kumar, TS; Rao, NNM; Rawat, R; Rani, HS; Sharma, M; Sadhu, V; Sainath, AVS2021Galactopolymer architectures/functionalized graphene oxide nanocomposites for antimicrobial applicationsJOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH28
132Ram, F; Suresh, K; Torris, A; Kumaraswamy, G; Shanmuganathan, K2021Highly compressible ceramic/polymer aerogel-based piezoelectric nanogenerators with enhanced mechanical energy harvesting propertyCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL471575015758
133Sinha, M; Neogi, S; Mahapatra, R; Krishnamurthy, S; Ghosh, R2021Material dependent and temperature driven adsorption switching (p- to n-type) using CNT/ZnO composite-based chemiresistive methanol gas sensorSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL336
134Oyeku, OG; Mandal, SK2021Taxonomy and okadaic acid production of a strain of Prorocentrum lima (Dinophyceae) isolated from the Bay of Bengal, North Indian OceanTOXICON1963243
135Rajpurohit, RS; Jena, PSM; Kumar, S; Sahu, JK2021Asymmetric cyclic loading behavior of micro-alloyed 2.25 Cr-Mo steel at room temperatureINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSELS AND PIPING191
136Haq, SU; Bhat, UA; Kumar, A2021Prenatal stress effects on offspring brain and behavior: Mediators, alterations and dysregulated epigenetic mechanismsJOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES46
137Naruka, AK; Suganya, S; Kumar, PS; Amit, C; Ankita, K; Bhatt, D; Kumar, MA2021Kinetic modelling of high turbid water flocculation using native and surface functionalized coagulants prepared from shed-leaves of Avicennia marina plantsCHEMOSPHERE272
138Ghosh, IK; Iqbal, Z; van Heerden, T; van Steen, E; Bordoloi, A2021Insights into the unusual role of chlorine in product selectivity for direct hydrogenation of CO/CO2 to short-chain olefinsCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL413
139Modestra, JA; Mohan, SV2021Capacitive biocathodes driving electrotrophy towards enhanced CO2 reduction for microbial electrosynthesis of fatty acids (vol 294, 122181, 2019)BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY330
140Thakur, VN; Sharipov, F; Yang, YC; Kumar, S; Ram, J; Omprakash; Kumar, H; Sharma, R; Yadav, S; Kumar, A2021Evaluation of effective area of air piston gauge with limitations in piston-cylinder dimension measurementsMETROLOGIA58
141Scaria, J; Anupama, KV; Nidheesh, PV2021Tetracyclines in the environment: An overview on the occurrence, fate, toxicity, detection, removal methods, and sludge managementSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT771
142Sukumaran, RK; Christopher, M; Kooloth-Valappil, P; Sreeja-Raju, A; Mathew, RM; Sankar, M; Puthiyamadam, A; Adarsh, VP; Aswathi, A; Rebinro, V; Abraham, A; Pandey, A2021Addressing challenges in production of cellulases for biomass hydrolysis: Targeted interventions into the genetics of cellulase producing fungiBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY329
143Sutariya, B; Raval, H2021Analytical study of optimum operating conditions in semi-batch closed-circuit reverse osmosis (CCRO)SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY264
144Vinoth, S; Ong, WJ; Pandikumar, A2021Sulfur-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated bismuth oxychloride/Cobalt based type-II heterojunction as a highly stable material for photoelectrochemical water splittingJOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE5918595
145Yusuff, AS; Bhonsle, AK; Trivedi, J; Bangwal, DP; Singh, LP; Atray, N2021Synthesis and characterization of coal fly ash supported zinc oxide catalyst for biodiesel production using used cooking oil as feedRENEWABLE ENERGY170302314
146Pal, S; Mondal, R; Chatterjee, U2021Sulfonated polyvinylidene fluoride and functional copolymer based blend proton exchange membrane for fuel cell application and studies on methanol crossoverRENEWABLE ENERGY170974984
147Ravikant; Rakshit, RK; Singh, M; Choudhary, RJ; Ojha, VN; Kumar, A2021Tuning of superconducting phase transition and magnetic properties of ferroelectric-superconducting PbZr0.48Ti0.52O3/YBa2Cu3O7-delta heterostructureJOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS527
148Sharma, J; Bhardwaj, VK; Singh, R; Rajendran, V; Purohit, R; Kumar, S2021An in-silico evaluation of different bioactive molecules of tea for their inhibition potency against non structural protein-15 of SARS-CoV-2FOOD CHEMISTRY346
149Bhardwaj, VK; Singh, R; Sharma, J; Rajendran, V; Purohit, R; Kumar, S2021Bioactive Molecules of Tea as Potential Inhibitors for RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase of SARS-CoV-2FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE8
150Prasad, D; Tripathi, S; Jaiswal, S; Yadav, R; Agnihotri, P2021Calamagrostis nandadeviensis (Poaceae, Agrostidinae), a new grass species from IndiaPHYTOTAXA505221228
151Garg, A; Borah, N; Sultana, J; Kulshrestha, A; Kumar, A; Sarma, DMay-21Silica immobilized copper N-heterocyclic carbene: An effective route to 1,2,3-triazoles via azide-alkyne cycloaddition and multicomponent click reactionAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY10.1002/aoc.6298
152Mathur, A; Pandey, VK; Khan, MF; Kakkar, PMay-21PHLPP1/Nrf2-Mdm2 axis induces renal apoptosis via influencing nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling of FoxO1 during diabetic nephropathyMOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY10.1007/s11010-021-04177-3
153Koundinya, S; Karmakar, AMay-21Online Speech Enhancement by Retraining of LSTM Using SURE Loss and Policy IterationNEURAL PROCESSING LETTERS10.1007/s11063-021-10535-5
154Chaouhan, HS; Jha, RR; Patel, DK; Chowdhuri, DKMay-21Cr(VI)-induced DNA damage is lessened by the modulation of hsp70 via increased GSH de novo synthesis in Drosophila melanogasterJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY10.1002/jbt.22819
155Gill, HS; Singh, T; Singh, S; Kim, JR; Caputo, R; Kaur, G; Singh, S; Khosla, A2021Active transfer faulting in the NW Sub-Himalaya (India) observed by space-borne topographic analysesQUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL5851526
156Silpa, K; Earnest, A2021Revisiting the seismogenic characteristics of stable continental interiors: The case of three Indian eventsQUATERNARY INTERNATIONAL585152162
157Gani, U; Sharma, P; Tiwari, H; Nautiyal, AK; Kundan, M; Wajid, MA; Kesari, R; Nargotra, A; Misra, P2021Comprehensive genome-wide identification, characterization, and expression profiling of MATE gene family in Nicotiana tabacumGENE783
158Kumar, L; Boruah, PK; Borthakur, S; Saikia, L; Das, MR; Deka, S2021CuCo-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanosheet-Based Polyhedrons for Flexible Supercapacitor CellsACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS452505262
159Mehta, P; Sahni, S; Siddiqui, S; Mishra, N; Sharma, P; Sharma, S; Tyagi, A; Chattopadhyay, P; Vivekanand, A; Devi, P; Khan, A; Waghdhare, S; Budhiraja, S; Uppili, B; Maurya, R; Nangia, V; Shamim, U; Hazarika, PP; Wadhwa, S; Tyagi, N; Dewan, A; Tarai, B; Das, P; Faruq, M; Agrawal, A; Jha, S; Pandey, R2021Respiratory Co-Infections: Modulators of SARS-CoV-2 Patients' Clinical Sub-PhenotypeFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY12
160Behari, J; Borkar, P; Vindu, A; Dandewad, V; Upadrasta, S; Shanmugam, D; Seshadri, V2021Conserved RNA Binding Activity of Phosphatidyl Inositol 5-Phosphate 4-Kinase (PIP4K2A)FRONTIERS IN MOLECULAR BIOSCIENCES8
161Dhulap, S; Kulkarni, MGMay-21Avoiding hindsight in non-obviousness determination: case law review of pharmaceutical patents and guidance from the KSR v Teleflex decisionEXPERT OPINION ON THERAPEUTIC PATENTS10.1080/13543776.2021.1931121
162Khwaja, S; Fatima, K; Mishra, D; Babu, V; Kumar, Y; Malik, SB; Tabassum, M; Luqman, S; Bawankule, DU; Chanda, D; Khan, F; Mondhe, DM; Negi, ASMay-21An improved synthesis of indanocine and antiproliferative activity of 2-benzylindanocine via microtubule destabilizationCHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN10.1111/cbdd.13857
163Wakchaure, VC; Goudappagouda; Das, T; Ravindranathan, S; Babu, SSMay-21An excimer to exciplex transition through realization of donor-acceptor interactions in luminescent solvent-free liquidsNANOSCALE10.1039/d1nr02190g
164Khapre, A; Khan, SA; Kumar, SMay-21A laboratory-scale phytocover system for municipal solid waste landfillsENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY10.1080/09593330.2021.1931470
165Mishra, VN; Mandal, PKMay-21One-pot iterative glycosylations toward a tetrasaccharide related to the O-specific polysaccharide from Escherichia coli O132JOURNAL OF CARBOHYDRATE CHEMISTRY10.1080/07328303.2021.1928153
166Luithui, Y; Kamani, MH; Manchanahally, MMay-21Impact of hydrothermal processing on Job's tears grain fractions and its protein isolates: Evaluation of digestibility, functionality, and anti-nutritional factorsJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION10.1111/jfpp.15636
167Yadav, K; Yadav, S; Dubey, PKMay-21A Comparative Study of Ultrasonic Contact and Immersion Method for Dimensional MeasurementsMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00452-2
168Mehta, A; Srivastava, AK; Gupta, G; Chand, S; Sharma, SNMay-21An insight into the surface engineering of colloidal PbSe quantum dots for polymer hybrid photovoltaic applicationsJOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY10.1007/s10971-021-05539-5
169Tiwari, VS; Joshi, P; Yadav, K; Sharma, A; Chowdhury, S; Manhas, A; Kumar, N; Tripathi, R; Haq, W2021Synthesis and Antimalarial Activity of 4-Methylaminoquinoline Compounds against Drug-Resistant ParasiteACS OMEGA61298412994
170Jain, SK; Low, MX; Taylor, PD; Tawfik, SA; Spencer, MJS; Kuriakose, S; Arash, A; Xu, CL; Sriram, S; Gupta, G; Bhaskaran, M; Walia, S20212D/3D Hybrid of MoS2/GaN for a High-Performance Broadband PhotodetectorACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS324072414
171Fareed, M; Sharma, V; Singh, I; Rehman, SU; Singh, G; Afzal, M2021Whole-Exome Sequencing Reveals a Rare Variant of OTOF Gene Causing Congenital Non-syndromic Hearing Loss Among Large Muslim Families Favoring ConsanguinityFRONTIERS IN GENETICS12
172Keri, RS; Patil, M; Budagumpi, S; Sasidhar, BSMay-21An efficient, multicomponent synthesis of aminoalkylnaphthols via Betti reaction using ZSM-5 as a recoverable and reusable catalystAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY10.1002/aoc.6316
173Divya, VV; Suresh, CHMay-21Design and DFT study of nitrogen-rich donor systems for improved photovoltaic performance in dye-sensitized solar cellsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY10.1039/d1nj00881a
174Manna, N; Singh, SK; Kharabe, GP; Torris, A; Kurungot, S2021Zinc-Air Batteries Catalyzed Using Co3O4 Nanorod-Supported N-Doped Entangled Graphene for Oxygen Reduction ReactionACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS445704580
175Seggem, P; Chavan, SN; Biswas, S; Jetti, VR2021Phosphate-Based Electrolyte and Pristine Graphite Cathode for a High-Voltage Rechargeable Dual-Ion Magnesium BatteryACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS451655174
176Patel, TR; Ganguly, BMay-21Metal-free catalytic activation and borylation of the -H bond of 1-methyl pyrrole using adamantane-derived aminoborane frustrated Lewis pairs: A density functional theory studyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10.1002/poc.4250
177Gogoi, R; Begum, T; Sarma, N; Pandey, SK; Lal, MMay-21Chemical composition of Callistemon citrinus (Curtis) Skeels aerial part essential oil and its pharmacological applications, neurodegenerative inhibitory, and genotoxic efficienciesJOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY10.1111/jfbc.13767
178Bera, S; Mondal, P; Sarkar, D; Pathi, VB; Pakrashy, S; Datta, A; Banerji, B2021Synthetic and Computational Studies on Rh-III-Catalyzed Redox-Neutral Cascade of Carbenoid Functionalization and Dephosphonylative AnnulationJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8670697077
179Behera, D; Thiyagarajan, S; Anjalikrishna, PK; Suresh, CH; Gunanathan, C2021Ruthenium(II)-Catalyzed Regioselective 1,2-Hydrosilylation of N-Heteroarenes and Tetrel Bonding MechanismACS CATALYSIS1158855893
180Sanjeev, K; Raju, S; Chandrasekhar, S2021Aromaticity-Driven Access to Cycloalkyl-Fused NaphthalenesORGANIC LETTERS2340134017
181Kothari, D; Thakur, R; Kumar, RMay-21Saffron (Crocus sativus L.): gold of the spices-a comprehensive reviewHORTICULTURE ENVIRONMENT AND BIOTECHNOLOGY10.1007/s13580-021-00349-8
182Kamenan, KA; Jagadeesh, A; Kre, NR; Assanvo, EF; Soman, S; Unni, KNNMay-21Natural rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis)-based quasi-solid electrolyte as a potential candidate for arresting recombination and improving performance in aqueous dye-sensitized solar cells (Apr, 10.1007/s10854-021-05979-3, 2021)JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS10.1007/s10854-021-06180-2
183Anila, S; Suresh, CHMay-21Guanidine as a strong CO2 adsorbent: a DFT study on cooperative CO2 adsorptionPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS10.1039/d1cp00754h
184Pandey, S; Kumar, A; Karakoti, M; Garg, KK; Rana, A; Tatrari, G; Bohra, BS; Yadav, P; Singh, RK; Sahoo, NGMay-213D graphene nanosheets from plastic waste for highly efficient HTM free perovskite solar cellsNANOSCALE ADVANCES10.1039/d1na00183c
185Reddy, SS; Agarwal, H; Jaiswal, A; Jagavelu, K; Dikshit, M; Barthwal, MK2021Macrophage p47phox regulates pressure overload-induced left ventricular remodeling by modulating IL-4/STAT6/PPAR? signalingFREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE168168179
186Ram, F; Biswas, B; Torris, A; Kumaraswamy, G; Shanmuganathan, KMay-21Elastic piezoelectric aerogels from isotropic and directionally ice-templated cellulose nanocrystals: comparison of structure and energy harvestingCELLULOSE10.1007/s10570-021-03896-6
187Mohapatra, G; Rakesh, V; Purwar, S; Dimri, APMay-21Spatio-temporal rainfall variability over different meteorological subdivisions in India: analysis using different machine learning techniquesTHEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY10.1007/s00704-021-03644-7
188Singh, H; Judd, WS; Samant, B; Agnihotri, P; Grimaldi, DA; Manchester, SR2021Flowers of Apocynaceae in amber from the early Eocene of IndiaAMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY108883892
189Moharir, RV; Kumar, S2021Structural characterization of LDPE films to analyse the impact of heavy metals and effect of UV pre-treatment on polymer degradationJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION298
190Kumar, A; Maity, D; Vyas, G; Bhatt, M; Bhatt, S; Paul, P2021Polyacrylic acid@zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 nanoparticles for detection and absorptive removal of cyanide from aqueous media with high efficiencyCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS617
191Sengupta, S; Murmu, M; Mandal, S; Hirani, H; Banerjee, P2021Competitive corrosion inhibition performance of alkyl/acyl substituted 2-(2-hydroxybenzylideneamino)phenol protecting mild steel used in adverse acidic medium: A dual approach analysis using FMOs/molecular dynamics simulation corroborated experimental findingsCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS617
192Singh, AK; Bilal, M; Iqbal, HMN; Raj, A2021Trends in predictive biodegradation for sustainable mitigation of environmental pollutants: Recent progress and future outlookSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT770
193Bora, PK; Saikia, J; Kemprai, P; Saikia, SP; Banik, D; Haldar, S2021Evaluation of Postharvest Drying, Key Odorants, and Phytotoxins in Plai (Zingiber montanum) Essential OilJOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY6955005509
194Kandpal, KC; Kumar, S; Venkat, GS; Meena, R; Pal, PK; Kumar, A2021Onsite age discrimination of an endangered medicinal and aromatic plant species Valeriana jatamansi using field hyperspectral remote sensing and machine learning techniquesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING4237773796
195Sharma, S; Mukherjee, AK; Roy, SS; Bagri, S; Lier, S; Verma, M; Sengupta, A; Kumar, M; Nesse, G; Pandey, DP; Chowdhury, S2021Human telomerase is directly regulated by non-telomeric TRF2-G-quadruplex interactionCELL REPORTS35
196Papanai, GS; Pal, S; Pal, P; Yadav, BS; Garg, P; Gupta, S; Ansari, SG; Gupta, BKMay-21New insight into the growth of monolayer MoS2 flakes using an indigenously developed CVD setup: a study on shape evolution and spectroscopyMATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS10.1039/d1qm00063b
197Badkul, A; Paswan, R; Singh, SK; Tegar, JPMay-21A comprehensive study on the performance of alkali activated fly ash/GGBFS geopolymer concrete pavementROAD MATERIALS AND PAVEMENT DESIGN10.1080/14680629.2021.1926311
198Khanikar, S; Kaping, S; Helissey, P; Joshi, P; Shaham, SH; Mishra, S; Srivastava, M; Tripathi, R; Vishwakarma, JNMay-21Efficient synthesis, structure elucidation, and anti-parasitic activities of novel quinolinyl beta-enaminonesMONATSHEFTE FUR CHEMIE10.1007/s00706-021-02776-w
199Padmavathi, B; Tiwari, RK; Tiwari, VMMay-21ANN-Based Assessment of the Influence of Natural and Anthropogenic Forcing on Surface Air Temperature Variability Over the Indian SubcontinentPURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS10.1007/s00024-021-02724-z
200Moogi, S; Nakka, L; Potharaju, SSP; Ahmed, A; Farooq, A; Jung, SC; Rhee, GH; Park, YK2021Copper promoted Co/MgO: A stable and efficient catalyst for glycerol steam reformingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY461807318084
201Dwivedi, R; Gangwar, S; Saha, S; Jaiswal, VK; Mehrotra, R; Jewariya, M; Mona, G; Sharma, R; Sharma, PMay-21Estimation of Error in Distance, Length, and Angular Measurements Using CCD Pixel Counting TechniqueMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00463-z
202Hefni, HHH; Saxena, M; Mehta, R; Bhojani, G; Bhattacharya, AMay-21Chitosan/polyacrylonitrile composite nanofiltration membranes: towards separation of salts, riboflavin and antibacterial studyPOLYMER BULLETIN10.1007/s00289-021-03727-5
203Akula, S; Kalaiselvi, P; Sahu, AK; Chellammal, S2021Electrodeposition of conductive PAMT/PPY bilayer composite coatings on 316L stainless steel plate for PEMFC applicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY461790917921
204Kumar, Y; Awana, VPS2021Weak Anti-localization Effect and Study of De-phasing Mechanism in Bi0.95Sb0.05 Topological Single CrystalJOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM3413031309
205Onukwuli, OD; Anadebe, VC; Nnaji, PC; Okafor, NA; Abeng, FE; Chidiebere, MA; Chukwuike, VI; Uwaleke, CC; Guo, LMay-21Effect of pigeon pea seed (isoflavone) molecules on corrosion inhibition of mild steel in oilfield descaling solution: electro-kinetic, DFT modeling and optimization studiesJOURNAL OF THE IRANIAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY10.1007/s13738-021-02250-8
206Bhardwaj, K; Naqvi, S; Kumar, R2021Comparative study of aliphatic vs. aromatic substituted perylenediimide as electron transport layer materialSOLAR ENERGY220608616
207Bakshi, P; Pappu, A; Bharti, DK; Patidar, R; Gupta, MKMay-21Sustainable Development of Particulate Reinforced Composites by Recycling Marble Waste for Advanced Construction Applications: Ultra-low Water Absorption, Remarkable Thermal and Mechanical BehaviourWASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION10.1007/s12649-021-01473-3
208Atchuta, SR; Sakthivel, S; Barshilia, HC2021Selective properties of high-temperature stable spinel absorber coatings for concentrated solar thermal application (vol 199, pg 453, 2020)SOLAR ENERGY22011421142
209Sen, T; Neog, K; Sarma, S; Manna, P; Boruah, HPD; Gogoi, P; Singh, AK2021Efflux pump inhibition by 11H-pyrido[2,1-b]quinazolin-11-one analogues in mycobacteria (vol 26, 4942, 2018)BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY38
210Nanda, T; Rathore, A; Sharma, DMay-21Biomineralized and chemically synthesized magnetic nanoparticles: A contrast (vol 14, pg 387, 2020)FRONTIERS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE10.1007/s11706-021-0556-6
211Ahmad, J; Akula, A; Mulaveesala, R; Sardana, HK2021Probability of Detecting the Deep Defects in Steel Sample Using Frequency Modulated Independent Component ThermographyIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL211124411252
212Chopra, A; Mohanta, GC; Das, B; Bhatnagar, R; Pal, SS2021Tuning the Sensitivity of a Fiber-Optic Plasmonic Sensor: An Interplay Among Gold Thickness, Tapering Ratio and Surface RoughnessIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL211215312161
213Emmanuel, N; Haridas, R; Chelakkara, S; Nair, RB; Gopi, A; Sajitha, M; Karuvath, Y2021Smartphone Assisted Colourimetric Detection and Quantification of Pb2+ and Hg2+ Ions Using Ag Nanoparticles From Aqueous Medium (vol 20, pg 8512, 2020)IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL211233812338
214Chugh, B; Thakur, S; Pani, B; Murmu, M; Banerjee, P; Al-Mohaimeed, AM; Ebenso, EE; Singh, M; Singh, J; Singh, AK2021Investigation of phenol-formaldehyde resins as corrosion impeding agent in acid solutionJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS330
215Kumar, Y; Sultana, R; Awana, VPS2021Comprehensive analysis for the high field magneto-conductivity of Bi2Te3 single crystalPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER609
216Anitha, RE; Janani, R; Peethambaran, D; Baskaran, V2021Lactucaxanthin protects retinal pigment epithelium from hyperglycemia-regulated hypoxia/ER stress/VEGF pathway mediated angiogenesis in ARPE-19 cell and rat modelEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY899
217Sridhar, B2021Hydrogen bonding features of amide functionalities in four novel salts of an antiemetic drug domperidoneJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE1232
218Bankar, BD; Advani, JH; Biradar, AV2021Cubic CuxZrO100-x as an efficient and selective catalyst for the oxidation of aromatics active methyl, alcohol, and amine groupsPOLYHEDRON200
219Kumar, P; Harish; Andersson, G; Subhedar, KM; Dhami, HS; Gupta, G; Mukhopadhyay, AK; Joshi, RP2021Utilization of green reductant Thuja Orientalis for reduction of GO to RGOCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL471486214878
220Singh, P; Pal, P; Mondal, P; Saravanan, G; Nagababu, P; Majumdar, S; Labhsetwar, N; Bhowmick, S2021Kinetics and mechanism of arsenic removal using sulfide-modified nanoscale zerovalent ironCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL412
221Trivedi, JS; Bera, P; Bhalani, DV; Jewrajka, SK2021In situ amphiphilic modification of thin film composite membrane for application in aqueous and organic solventsJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE626
222Krishnamoorthy, S; Ajala, F; Mohammed, SM; Asok, A; Shukla, S2021High adsorption and high catalyst regeneration kinetics observed for Flyash-Fe3O4-Ag magnetic composite for efficient removal of industrial azo reactive dyes from aqueous solution via persulfate activationAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE548
223Badatya, S; Bharti, DK; Srivastava, AK; Gupta, MK2021Solution processed high performance piezoelectric eggshell membrane - PVDF layer composite nanogenerator via tuning the interfacial polarizationJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS863
224Kaswan, J; Thakur, VN; Singh, S; Kushwaha, P; Maurya, KK; Kumar, A; Shukla, AK2021High temperature impedance spectroscopy study of KTaO3 (001) single crystalJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS863
225Rameshbabu, R; Ravi, P; Pecchi, G; Delgado, EJ; Mangalaraja, RV; Sathish, M2021Black Trumpet Mushroom-like ZnS incorporated with Cu3P: Noble metal free photocatalyst for superior photocatalytic H-2 productionJOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE5908293
226Kumar, A; Thallada, BMay-21Hydrodeoxygenation of lignin derived phenolics over a hydrous ruthenium oxide based catalyst(s): role of surface water molecules and acidity of the supportSUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS10.1039/d1se00102g
227Sharma, SK; Mukherjee, S; Choudhary, N; Rai, A; Ghosh, A; Chatterjee, A; Vijayan, N; Mandal, TKMay-21Seasonal variation and sources of carbonaceous species and elements in PM2.5 and PM10 over the eastern HimalayaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH10.1007/s11356-021-14361-z
228Sonowal, P; Bhorali, P; Sultana, S; Gogoi, SMay-21Pd(ii)-Catalyzed regioselective functionalization of antipyrines: synthesis of pyrazolono-maleimides and pyrazolono-quinonesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY10.1039/d1ob00819f
229Sharma, A; Wankhede, P; Samant, R; Nagarkar, S; Thakre, S; Kumaraswamy, G2021Process-Induced Microstructure in Viscose and Lyocell Regenerated Cellulose Fibers Revealed by SAXS and SEM of Acid-Etched SamplesACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS325982607
230Verma, S; Goand, UK; Husain, A; Katekar, RA; Garg, R; Gayen, JRMay-21Challenges of peptide and protein drug delivery by oral route: Current strategies to improve the bioavailabilityDRUG DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH10.1002/ddr.21832
231Mahato, P; Banerjee, P; Murmu, M; Hirani, H; Murmu, NC; Mishra, SKMay-21Investigation on Multifunctional Properties of Sputtered Ti-Si-B-C Coating with Varied Thickness over Targeted SurfaceJOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE10.1007/s11665-021-05633-3
232Kashimalla, M; Suraboyina, S; Dubbaka, V; Polumati, AMay-21Optimisation of a catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction process using central composite design for yield improvement of bio-oilBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-021-01451-8
233Sharma, P; Jain, A; Scaria, V2021Genetic Landscape of Rare Autoinflammatory Disease Variants in Qatar and Middle Eastern Populations Through the Integration of Whole-Genome and Exome DatasetsFRONTIERS IN GENETICS12
234Pandey, S; Rajput, BS; Chikkali, SHMay-21Refining plant oils and sugars to platform chemicals, monomers, and polymersGREEN CHEMISTRY10.1039/d1gc00955a
235Barman, R; Bora, PK; Saikia, J; Kemprai, P; Saikia, SP; Haldar, S; Banik, DMay-21Nutmegs and wild nutmegs: An update on ethnomedicines, phytochemicals, pharmacology, and toxicity of the Myristicaceae speciesPHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH10.1002/ptr.7098
236Changmai, S; Sultana, S; Sarma, B; Gogoi, SMay-21Pd(ii)-Catalyzed alkyne annulation through allylic isomerization: synthesis of spiro-cyclopentadiene pyrazolonesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS10.1039/d1cc02155a
237Pathak, AK; Garg, H; Yokozeki, T; Dhakate, SRMay-21Relevance of graphene oxide as nanofiller for geometrical variation in unidirectional carbon fiber/epoxy compositeJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE10.1002/app.50985
238Kalari, S; Balasubramanian, S; Rode, HB2021Difluorinative-hydroxylation and C-3 functionalization (halogenation/SCN/NO) of imidazopyridine using Selectfluor as fluorine source or oxidant respectivelyTETRAHEDRON LETTERS71
239Gupta, A; Sharma, SK; Sharma, AL; Deep, AMay-212-Aminotrimesic Acid-Functionalized Graphene Oxide-Modified Screen-Printed Electrodes for Sensitive Electrochemical Detection of Cardiac Marker Troponin IPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE10.1002/pssa.202000700
240Joshi, RS; Giri, AP; Kulkarni, MJ; Gupta, M; Verma, S; Chaudhry, D; Deshmukh, N; Chugh, A2021Antiviral drugs prioritization for COVID-19 management based on rational selectionCURRENT SCIENCE12014641470
241Rathore, HK; Roy, A; Neelam; Utreja, S; Sharma, L; De, S; Panja, SMay-21A Compact Device for Precise Distribution of Time and Frequency SignalMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00460-2
242Yamini; Sharma, S; Das, PMay-21Rhodium catalyzed 2-alkyl-benzimidazoles synthesis from benzene-1,2-diamines and tertiary alkylamines as alkylating agentsAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY10.1002/aoc.6278
243Santhini, PV; Jayadev, V; Pradhan, SC; Lingamoorthy, S; Nitha, PR; Chaithanya, MV; Mishra, RK; Unni, NKN; John, J; Soman, S2021Indolo[3,2-b]indole donor-based D-pi-A dyes for DSCs: investigating the role of pi-spacers towards recombination (vol 43, pg 862, 2019)NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4592749274
244Choudhury, S; Surendran, N; Das, AMay-21Recent advances in the induced pluripotent stem cell-based skin regenerationWOUND REPAIR AND REGENERATION10.1111/wrr.12925
245Hemalatha, M; Kiran, U; Kuncha, SK; Kopperi, H; Gokulan, CG; Mohan, SV; Mishra, RK2021Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 spread using wastewater-based epidemiology: Comprehensive studySCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT768
246Tirpude, NV; Sharma, A; Joshi, R; Kumari, M; Acharya, V2021Vitex negundo Linn. extract alleviates inflammatory aggravation and lung injury by modulating AMPK/PI3K/Akt/p38-NF-kappa B and TGF-beta/Smad/Bcl2/caspase/LC3 cascade and macrophages activation in murine model of OVA-LPS induced allergic asthmaJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY271
247Nengroo, MA; Maheshwari, S; Singh, A; Verma, A; Arya, RK; Chaturvedi, P; Saini, KK; Singh, AK; Sinha, A; Meena, S; Gupta, A; Mishra, A; Sarkar, J; Datta, D2021CXCR4 intracellular protein promotes drug resistance and tumorigenic potential by inversely regulating the expression of Death Receptor 5CELL DEATH & DISEASE12
248Kumar, I; Kumar, R; Gupta, SS; Sharma, U2021C-70 Fullerene Catalyzed Photoinduced Aerobic Oxidation of Benzylamines to Imines and AldehydesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8664496457
249Reddy, DS; Srinivas, B; Rachineni, K; Jagadeesh, B; Sarotti, AM; Mohapatra, DK2021BF3 center dot OEt2-Catalyzed Unexpected Stereoselective Formation of 2,4-trans-Diallyl-2-methyl-6-aryltetrahydro-2H-pyrans with Quaternary StereocentersJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8665186527
250Thakur, A; Dhiman, AK; Sumit; Kumar, R; Sharma, U2021Rh(III)-Catalyzed Regioselective C8-Alkylation of Quinoline N-Oxides with Maleimides and AcrylatesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8666126621
251Sharma, C; Shukla, AK; Acharya, AMay-21Rational design of a FRET-based nanoprobe of gold-conjugated carbon dots for simultaneous monitoring and disruption of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm through selective detection of virulence factor pyocyaninENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-NANO10.1039/d1en00187f
252Thorat, SS; Kontham, R2021Strategies for the synthesis of furo-pyranones and their application in the total synthesis of related natural productsORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS821102162
253Singh, M; Palakkal, AS; Pillai, RS; Neogi, S2021N-Functionality actuated improved CO2 adsorption and turn-on detection of organo-toxins with guest-induced fluorescence modulation in isostructural diamondoid MOFsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C971427153
254Kumaraswamy, G; Ramesh, V; Vijaykumar, S2021Enantioselective total synthesis of sesquiterpenoid phellilane L and its diastereomerTETRAHEDRON87
255Balmik, AA; Chinnathambi, S2021Methylation as a key regulator of Tau aggregation and neuronal health in Alzheimer's diseaseCELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING19
256Neelam; Rathore, HK; Sharma, L; Roy, A; Olaniya, MP; De, S; Panja, SMay-21Studies on Temperature Sensitivity of a White Rabbit Network-Based Time Transfer LinkMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00461-1
257Gayen, FR; Ali, AA; Bora, D; Roy, S; Saha, S; Saikia, L; Goswamee, RL; Saha, B2021A ferrocene functionalized Schiff base containing Cu(II) complex: synthesis, characterization and parts-per-million level catalysis for azide alkyne cycloaddition (vol 49, pg 6578, 2020)DALTON TRANSACTIONS5067356735
258Bosubabu, D; Sampathkumar, R; Karkera, G; Ramesha, K2021Facile Approach To Prepare Multiple Heteroatom-Doped Carbon Material from Bagasse and Its Applications toward Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Sulfur BatteriesENERGY & FUELS3582868294
259Jeevan, AK; Gopidas, KR2021Photoinduced Electron Transfer in a Self-Assembled Bis(beta-cyclodextrin)-Linked Pyrene/Bis(adamantane)-Linked Methyl Viologen Donor-AcceptorJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B12544284437
260Gautam, A; Prabhu, YT; Pal, UMay-21Efficient charge transfer on the tunable morphology of TiO2/MoS2 photocatalyst for an enhanced hydrogen productionNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY10.1039/d1nj01323h
261Jayasankar, CB; Rajendran, K; Sajani, SMay-21Does increasing the spatial resolution in dynamical downscaling impact climate change projection of Indian summer monsoon, population and GDP?THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY10.1007/s00704-021-03633-w
262Chegondi, R; Patel, SM; Maurya, S; Donthoju, A2021Organocatalytic Enantioselective Desymmetrization of Prochiral 2,2-Disubstituted Cyclic 1,3-DionesASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY1012671281
263Kapri, RK; Sharma, P; Dubey, PK2021Indigenous Design and Development of Gated Photon Counter for Low-Rate Photon RegimeMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA365966
264Lal, RK; Chanotiya, CS; Gupta, P; Mishra, A; Bisht, D; Maurya, R; Srivastva, S; Pant, YMay-21Multi-years/environmental evaluation for high photosynthetic, bio-efficient and essential oil genotypes selection in the breeding of vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty) cropJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH10.1080/10412905.2021.1917459
265Archana, T; Sreelekshmi, S; Subashini, G; Grace, AN; Arivanandhan, M; Jayavel, RMay-21The effect of graphene quantum dots/ZnS co-passivation on enhancing the photovoltaic performance of CdS quantum dot sensitized solar cellsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH10.1002/er.6821
266Kumar, A; Kumar, V; Dubey, AK; Ansari, MA; Narayan, S; Meenakshi; Kumar, S; Pandey, V; Pande, V; Sanyal, I2021Chickpea glutaredoxin (CaGrx) gene mitigates drought and salinity stress by modulating the physiological performance and antioxidant defense mechanismsPHYSIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS27923944
267Senapati, S; Unmesh, NA; Shet, MN; Ahmad, I; Ajikumar, N; Ramana, CVMay-21Unified Approach for the Total Synthesis of Bis-THF C-15 Acetogenins: A Chloroenyne from Laurencia majuscula, Laurendecumenyne B and Laurefurenynes A/BSYNTHESIS-STUTTGART10.1055/a-1500-1407
268Indukuri, DR; Potuganti, GR; Nanubolu, JB; Alla, M2021Synthesis of Dihydropyrrole Derivatives by Oxidative Functionalization of 2-Amino-4H-Chromenes Using Hypervalent Iodine ReagentsSYNLETT3211091116
269Singh, Y; Nimoriya, R; Rawat, P; Mishra, DK; Kanojiya, S2021Structural Analysis of Diastereomeric Cardiac Glycosides and Their Genins Using Ultraperformance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass SpectrometryJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY3212051214
270Singh, M; Kumar, G; Neogi, S2021Devising Mixed-Ligand Based Robust Cd(II)-Framework From Bi-Functional Ligand for Fast Responsive Luminescent Detection of Fe3+ and Cr(VI) Oxo-Anions in Water With High Selectivity and RecyclabilityFRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY9
271Gurukar, MSA; Chilkunda, ND2021Morus alba Leaf Bioactives Modulate Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor gamma in the Kidney of Diabetic Rat and Impart Beneficial Effect (vol 66, pg 7923, 2018)JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY6952795279
272Yadav, S; Suresh, S2021N-Heterocyclic Carbene (NHC)-Catalyzed Intramolecular Stetter Reaction to Access Dibenzo-fused Seven-membered HeterocyclesASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY1014061409
273Kulthe, AD; Mainkar, PS; Akondi, SM2021Intermolecular trifluoromethyl-alkenylation of alkenes enabled by metal-free photoredox catalysisCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5755825585
274Annadurai, K; Sudha, V; Murugadoss, G; Thangamuthu, R2021Electrochemical sensor based on hydrothermally prepared nickel oxide for the determination of 4-acetaminophen in paracetamol tablets and human blood serum samples (vol 852, 156911, 2021)JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS862
275Krishnamoorthy, K; Sudha, V; Kumar, SMS; Thangamuthu, R2021Simultaneous determination of dopamine and uric acid using copper oxide nano-rice modified electrode (vol 748, pg 338, 2018)JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS862
276Gorantla, NV; Sunny, LP; Rajasekhar, K; Nagaraju, PG; Priyadarshini, CGP; Govindaraju, T; Chinnathambi, S2021Amyloid-beta-Derived Peptidomimetics Inhibits Tau AggregationACS OMEGA61113111138
277Minju, N; Nair, BN; Savithri, S2021Sodium silicate-derived aerogels: effect of processing parameters on their applicationsRSC ADVANCES111530115322
278Sharma, R; Srivastava, T; Pandey, AR; Mishra, T; Gupta, B; Reddy, SS; Singh, SP; Narender, T; Tripathi, A; Chandramouli, B; Sashidhara, KV; Priya, S; Kumar, NMay-21Identification of Natural Products as Potential Pharmacological Chaperones for Protein Misfolding Diseases.CHEMMEDCHEM10.1002/cmdc.202100147
279Chander, D; Khosla, JK; Koul, D; Hossain, MM; Dar, MJ; Chaubey, A2021Purification and characterization of thermoactive serratiopeptidase from Serratia marcescens AD-W2 (vol 11, 53, 2021)AMB EXPRESS11
280Kumar, SB; Shinde, AH; Behere, MJ; Italia, D; Haldar, SMay-21Simple, rapid and on spot dye-based sensor for the detection of Vibrio load in shrimp culture farmsARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY10.1007/s00203-021-02333-3
281Ajithabh, KS; Patro, PK2021Crustal deformation in Volcanic covered area as inferred from magnetotelluric studies: An example from IndiaJOURNAL OF GEODYNAMICS145
282Singh, KS; Kumar, R; Chauhan, A; Singh, N; Sharma, R; Singh, D; Singh, SK2021Knockout of MRA_1916 in Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra affects its growth, biofilm formation, survival in macrophages and in miceTUBERCULOSIS128
283Chhimwal, J; Patial, V; Padwad, Y2021Beverages and Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Think before you drinkCLINICAL NUTRITION4025082519
284Iyer, H; Wahul, AB; Annapoorna, PK; Sawant, BS; Kumar, A2021A BRD's (BiRD's) eye view of BET and BRPF bromodomains in neurological diseasesREVIEWS IN THE NEUROSCIENCES32403426
285Mrinalini, M; Naresh, M; Prasanthkumar, S; Giribabu, L2021Porphyrin-based supramolecular assemblies and their applications in NLO and PDTJOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES25382395
286Devulapally, K; Reddy, G; Prasanthkumar, S; Jagadeesh, A; Soman, S; Giribabu, L2021Effect of auxiliary acceptor on D-pi-A based porphyrin sensitizers for dye sensitized solar cellsJOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES25407417
287Chitta, R; Badgurjar, D; Reddy, G; Jain, K; Karla, VR; Boligorla, A; Giribabu, L2021Light-induced energy transfer followed by electron transfer in axially co-ordinated benzothiazole tethered zinc porphyrin-fullero[C-60/C-70]pyrrolidine triadsJOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES25469483
288Singh, AK; Katari, SK; Umamaheswari, A; Raj, A2021In silico exploration of lignin peroxidase for unraveling the degradation mechanism employing lignin model compoundsRSC ADVANCES111463214653
289Paw, R; Hazarika, M; Boruah, PK; Kalita, AJ; Guha, AK; Das, MR; Tamuly, C2021Highly sensitive and selective colorimetric detection of dual metal ions (Hg2+ and Sn2+) in water: an eco-friendly approachRSC ADVANCES111470014709
290Singh, P; Sahoo, P; Saxena, K; Manna, JS; Ray, K; Ghosh, S; Bandyopadhyay, A2021Cytoskeletal Filaments Deep Inside a Neuron Are not Silent: They Regulate the Precise Timing of Nerve Spikes Using a Pair of VorticesSYMMETRY-BASEL13
291Maurya, S; Verma, RK2021Suppression of Spurious Cavity Modes Using Lossy Dielectric Material in X-Band Tunable Coaxial Pulse MagnetronIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE4915431547
292Sudhakar, R; Das, D; Thanumalayan, S; Gorde, S; Sijwali, PS2021Plasmodium falciparum Atg18 localizes to the food vacuole via interaction with the multi-drug resistance protein 1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphateBIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL47817051732
293Maurya, L; Kaur, P; Chawla, D; Mahapatra, P2021Non-contact breathing rate monitoring in newborns: A reviewCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE132
294Nikhita, R; Sachindra, NM2021Optimization of chemical and enzymatic hydrolysis for production of chicken blood protein hydrolysate rich in angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory and antioxidant activityPOULTRY SCIENCE100
295Loharch, S; Chhabra, S; Kumar, A; Swarup, S; Parkesh, R2021Discovery and characterization of small molecule SIRT3-specific inhibitors as revealed by mass spectrometryBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY110
296Bhowmick, S; Singh, V; Jash, S; Lal, M; Roy, SS2021Mitochondrial metabolism and calcium homeostasis in the development of NAFLD leading to hepatocellular carcinomaMITOCHONDRION582437
297Sagar, S; Kapoor, H; Chaudhary, N; Roy, SS2021Cellular and mitochondrial calcium communication in obstructive lung disordersMITOCHONDRION58184199
298Janani, R; Anitha, RE; Perumal, MK; Divya, P; Baskaran, V2021Astaxanthin mediated regulation of VEGF through HIF1? and XBP1 signaling pathway: An insight from ARPE-19 cell and streptozotocin mediated diabetic rat modelEXPERIMENTAL EYE RESEARCH206
299Chudasama, NA; Sequeira, RA; Moradiya, K; Prasad, K2021Seaweed Polysaccharide Based Products and Materials: An Assessment on Their Production from a Sustainability Point of ViewMOLECULES26
300Srivastava, D; Tiwari, M; Dutta, P; Singh, P; Chawda, K; Kumari, M; Chakrabarty, D2021Chromium Stress in Plants: Toxicity, Tolerance and PhytoremediationSUSTAINABILITY13
301Kishore, K; Kumar, SS; Mukhiya, R; Akbar, SA2021High-resolution current mode interface for MEMS piezoresistive pressure sensorAEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS134
302Chellu, RK; Kurva, S; Soda, AK; Chilaka, SK; Nanubolu, JB; Madabhushi, S2021A Study of [3+2] Cycloaddition Reaction of Hydrazonoyl Chloride and beta-Oxodithioester Under Lewis Acid Catalysis: Stereoselective Synthesis of (Z)-1,3,4-Thiadiazol-2(3H)-Ylidenes.ASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY1014321435
303Singh, S; Meena, A; Luqman, S; Meena, A2021Acacetin and pinostrobin as a promising inhibitor of cancer-associated protein kinasesFOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY151
304Kumari, L; Jaiswal, P; Tripathy, SS2021Various techniques useful for determination of adulterants in valuable saffron: A reviewTRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY111301321
305Seth, R; Maritim, TK; Parmar, R; Sharma, RK2021Underpinning the molecular programming attributing heat stress associated thermotolerance in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)HORTICULTURE RESEARCH8
306Arumugam, M; Udayan, A; Sabapathy, H; Abraham, B2021Plant growth regulator triggered metabolomic profile leading to increased lipid accumulation in an edible marine microalgaJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY3313531365
307Shetty, PR; Batchu, UR; Buddana, SK; Rao, KRSS; Penna, S2021A comprehensive review on ?-D-Glucans: Structural and functional diversity, derivatization and bioapplicationsCARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH503
308Sharma, P; Kumar, M; Awana, VPS2021Topological insulator Bi2Se3 as a tunable crystal for terahertz frequency generationAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING127
309Mondal, RK; Chatterjee, V; Pal, S2021Hole Transport in Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diode via p-Type Injection ChannelIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES6823202325
310Yadav, R; Verma, V; Mishra, A; Pal, N; Khan, A; Sinha, AK2021Si incorporated Pt nanoparticles on TixSi1-xO2 support: Photo-thermal CO2 reductionJOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION47
311Devi, N; Goswami, M; Saraf, M; Singh, B; Mobin, SM; Singh, RK; Srivastava, AK; Kumar, S2021Physicochemical and electrochemical behaviours of manganese oxide electrodes for supercapacitor application (vol 28, 101228, 2020)JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE37
312Reshmitha, TR; Nisha, P2021Lycopene mitigates acrylamide and glycidamide induced cellular toxicity via oxidative stress modulation in HepG2 cellsJOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS80
313Patil, VB; Nanubolu, JB; Chegondi, R2021Design, synthesis and application of spiro[4.5]cyclohexadienones via one-pot sequential p-hydroxybenzylation/oxidative dearomatizationCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5755745577
314Balmik, AA; Sonawane, SK; Chinnathambi, S2021The extracellular HDAC6 ZnF UBP domain modulates the actin network and post-translational modifications of TauCELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING19
315Singh, N; Gaddam, SR; Singh, D; Trivedi, PK2021Regulation of arsenic stress response by ethylene biosynthesis and signaling in Arabidopsis thalianaENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY185
316Dash, RK; Kanungo, DP; Malet, JP2021Runout modelling and hazard assessment of Tangni debris flow in Garhwal Himalayas, IndiaENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES80
317Jaiswal, A; Pathania, V; Lakshmi, AJ2021An exploratory trial of food formulations with enhanced bioaccessibility of iron and zinc aided by spicesLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY143
318Mukhia, S; Kumar, A; Kumar, R2021Generation of antioxidant peptides from soy protein isolate through psychrotrophic Chryseobacterium sp. derived alkaline broad temperature active proteaseLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY143
319Panigrahi, J; Singh, PK; Gupta, G; Vandana2021Growth and luminescence characteristics of zinc oxide thin films deposited by ALD techniqueJOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE233
320Srivastava, PN; Narwal, SK; Mishra, S2021Mitochondrial apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease Apn1 is not critical for the completion of the Plasmodium berghei life cycleDNA REPAIR101
321Kumari, A; Raj, R; Randhawa, NS; Sahu, SK2021Energy efficient process for recovery of rare earths from spent NdFeB magnet by chlorination roasting and water leachingHYDROMETALLURGY201
322Mahajan, M; Thakur, BK; Pal, PK2021Moisture stress and nitrogen availability modulate the secondary metabolite profiles, enzymatic activity, and physiological and agronomic traits of Stevia rebaudianaPLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY1625668
323Hossain, A; Jayadeep, A2021Infrared heating induced improvement of certain phytobioactives, their bioaccessible contents and bioaccessibility in maizeLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY142
324Singh, MK; Jayarajan, R; Varshney, S; Upadrasta, S; Singh, A; Yadav, R; Scaria, V; Sengupta, S; Shanmugam, D; Shalimar; Sivasubbu, S; Gandotra, S; Sachidanandan, C2021Chronic systemic exposure to IL6 leads to deregulation of glycolysis and fat accumulation in the zebrafish liverBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIPIDS1866
325Singh, M; Gupta, A; Sundriyal, S; Jain, K; Dhakate, SR2021Kraft lignin-derived free-standing carbon nanofibers mat for high-performance all-solid-state supercapacitorMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS264
326Kondhare, KR; Patil, AB; Giri, AP2021Auxin: An emerging regulator of tuber and storage root developmentPLANT SCIENCE306
327Bhatia, H; Khan, MA; Srivastava, G; Hazra, T; Spicer, RA; Hazra, M; Mehrotra, RC; Spicer, TEV; Bera, S; Roy, K2021Late Cretaceous & ndash;Paleogene Indian monsoon climate vis-& agrave;-vis movement of the Indian plate, and the birth of the South Asian MonsoonGONDWANA RESEARCH9389100
328Sithananthan, M; Kumar, R2021A framework for development of real-world motorcycle driving cycle in IndiaPROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART D-JOURNAL OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING23514971515
329Mauraya, AK; Singh, P; Muthiah, S; Kushvaha, SS; Muthusamy, SK2021Effect of post-oxidation processes and thickness of SnO2 films prepared by vacuum evaporation on CO gas sensing characteristicsCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL471301513022
330Thakur, M; Kumar, R2021Light conditions and mulch modulates the damask rose ( Rosa damascena Mill.) yield, quality, and soil environment under mid hill conditions of the western HimalayaINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS163
331Abhash, A; Yadav, BN; Pandey, A; Kumar, R; Chilla, V; Mondal, DP2021Partially open cell Ti-6Al-2Co ternary alloy foams with a range of size and volume fraction of spacer particleMATERIALS LETTERS290
332Badatya, S; Kumar, A; Sharma, C; Srivastava, AK; Chaurasia, JP; Gupta, MK2021Transparent flexible graphene quantum dot-(PVDF-HFP) piezoelectric nanogeneratorMATERIALS LETTERS290
333Poornima, V; Mohan, S; Uma, TS2021Role of Nd3+ concentration on the microstructure and scintillation behaviour of langbeinite sulphate (vol 284, 128997, 2021)MATERIALS LETTERS290
334Saha, M; Naik, A; Desai, A; Nanajkar, M; Rathore, C; Kumar, M; Gupta, P2021Microplastics in seafood as an emerging threat to marine environment: A case study in Goa, west coast of IndiaCHEMOSPHERE270
335Wakchaure, PD; Ganguly, B2021Molecular level insights into the inhibition of gene expression by thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) analogs for TPP riboswitch: A well-tempered metadynamics simulations studyJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS & MODELLING104
336Hazra, B; Singh, DP; Chakraborty, P; Singh, PK; Sahu, SG; Adak, AK2021Using rock-eval S4T(peak) as thermal maturity proxy for shalesMARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY127
337Jose, PA; Maharshi, A; Jha, B2021Actinobacteria in natural products research: Progress and prospectsMICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH246
338Singh, RP; Bashir, H; Kumar, R2021Emerging role of microbiota in immunomodulation and cancer immunotherapySEMINARS IN CANCER BIOLOGY703752
339Amulya, K; Mohan, SV2021Augmenting succinic acid production by bioelectrochemical synthesis: Influence of applied potential and CO2 availabilityCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL411
340Gupta, S; Mishra, A; Singh, S2021Cardinal role of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2 alpha) in progressive dopaminergic neuronal death & DNA fragmentation: Implication of PERK: IRE1 alpha:ATF6 axis in Parkinson's pathologyCELLULAR SIGNALLING81
341Sadique, MA; Yadav, S; Ranjan, P; Verma, S; Salammal, ST; Khan, MA; Kaushik, A; Khan, RApr-21High-performance antiviral nano-systems as a shield to inhibit viral infections: SARS-CoV-2 as a model case studyJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B10.1039/d1tb00472g
342Borah, T; Washmin, N; Bora, NJ; Saikia, J; Bomzon, PS; Ahmed, TH; Manna, P; Saikia, SP; Banik, DApr-21Effect of drying techniques on yield, nutritional, minerals of wild banana pulp (Musa balbisiana Colla): physicochemical and morphological characterization thereofBRITISH FOOD JOURNAL10.1108/BFJ-10-2020-0969
343Jain, P; Kumar, S; Satish; Mandal, J; Singh, N; Biswas, JC; Saxena, AKApr-21Determination of Inductance through Capacitance using Commercial LCR MetersMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00444-2
344Kumar, R; Dubey, PK; Zafer, A; Kumar, A; Yadav, SApr-21Design and Development of a Temperature-Compensated Body Mass Index Measuring SystemMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00448-y
345Singh, AK; Bilal, M; Iqbal, HMN; Raj, A2021Lignin peroxidase in focus for catalytic elimination of contaminants ? A critical review on recent progress and perspectivesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES1775882
346Baral, B; Dutta, J; Subudhi, U2021Biophysical interaction between self-assembled branched DNA nanostructures with bovine serum albumin and bovine liver catalaseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES177119128
347Bhattacharya, S; Padhi, AK; Junghare, V; Das, N; Ghosh, D; Roy, P; Zhang, KYJ; Hazra, S2021Understanding the molecular interactions of inhibitors against Bla1 beta-lactamase towards unraveling the mechanism of antimicrobial resistanceINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES177337350
348Mahesh, S; Bethoju, K; Nalli, A; Frank, K; Siddiqi, I2021Functional analysis of a conserved domain in SWITCH1 reveals a role in commitment to female meiocyte differentiation in ArabidopsisBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS551121126
349Rahman, A; Mondal, NC; Tiwari, KK2021Anthropogenic nitrate in groundwater and its health risks in the view of background concentration in a semi arid area of Rajasthan, IndiaSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
350Kamenan, KA; Jagadeesh, A; Kre, NR; Assanvo, EF; Soman, S; Unni, KNNApr-21Natural rubber (Hevea Brasiliensis)-based quasi-solid electrolyte as a potential candidate for arresting recombination and improving performance in aqueous dye-sensitized solar cellsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS10.1007/s10854-021-05979-3
351Bankar, BD; Advani, JH; Biradar, AV2021Exceptional Catalytic Activity of Cu-Zn/ZrO2 Mixed Metal Oxide towards the Oxidation ReactionCHEMISTRYSELECT638143821
352Borker, SS; Thakur, A; Kumar, S; Kumari, S; Kumar, R; Kumar, S2021Comparative genomics and physiological investigation supported safety, cold adaptation, efficient hydrolytic and plant growth-promoting potential of psychrotrophic Glutamicibacter arilaitensis LJH19, isolated from night-soil compostBMC GENOMICS22
353Darji, H; Verma, N; Lugani, Y; Mehrotra, P; Sindhu, DK; Vemuluri, VRApr-21Polyphasic characterization of and genomic insights into a haloalkali-tolerant Saccharibacillus alkalitolerans sp. nov., that produces three cellulase isozymes and several antimicrobial compoundsANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY10.1007/s10482-021-01575-x
354Thorat, SH; George, CP; Shaligram, PS; Suresha, PR; Gonnade, RG2021Polymorphs and hydrates of the anticancer drug erlotinib: X-ray crystallography, phase transition and biopharmaceutical studiesCRYSTENGCOMM2339613974
355Kandula, VR; Pothireddy, M; Babu, KS; Kapavarapu, R; Dandela, R; Pal, M2021Sonochemical synthesis of polyarylated oxazoles as potential cytotoxic agentsTETRAHEDRON LETTERS70
356Sornambigai, M; Raju, CV; Kumar, SS2021Bimodal Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence of the Luminol/Dicyclohexylamine (DCHA) System: A Novel and Highly Sensitive Detection of DCHA via ECL-Flow Injection AnalysisANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY9364726480
357Sarawagi, A; Soni, ND; Patel, AB2021Glutamate and GABA Homeostasis and Neurometabolism in Major Depressive DisorderFRONTIERS IN PSYCHIATRY12
358Thakur, VN; Yadav, S; Kumar, AApr-21Process and Insight of Pascal TraceabilityMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00447-z
359Jindani, S; Ganguly, B2021Exploiting the role of stereoelectronic effects to design the antagonists of the human complement C3a receptorNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4594439455
360Singh, AK; Veetil, AN; Nithyanandhan, J2021D-A-D Based Complementary Unsymmetrical Squaraine Dyes for Co-sensitized Solar Cells: Enhanced Photocurrent Generation and Suppressed Charge Recombination Processes by Controlled AggregationACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS431823193
361Johari, KK; Bhardwaj, R; Chauhan, NS; Bathula, S; Auluck, S; Dhakate, SR; Gahtori, B2021High Thermoelectric Performance in n-Type Degenerate ZrNiSn-Based Half-Heusler Alloys Driven by Enhanced Weighted Mobility and Lattice AnharmonicityACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS433933403
362Srivastava, A; Sharma, D; Kumari, P; Dutta, M; Srivastava, SK2021Highly Efficient PEDOT:PSS/Silicon Hybrid Solar Cells via Effective Surface Microengineering of Low-Cost Solar-Grade Silicon WafersACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS441814198
363Kumar, A; Jamali, MF; Thomas, S; Ahamad, S; Kant, R; Mohanan, K2021Additive-Free Synthesis of Trifluoromethylated Spiro Cyclopropanes and Their Transformation into Trifluoromethylated Building BlocksASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY1015361541
364Dixit, R; Bisai, MK; Yadav, S; Yadav, V; Sen, SS; Vanka, K2021Substrate, Catalyst, and Solvent: The Triune Nature of Multitasking Reagents in Hydroboration and CyanosilylationORGANOMETALLICS4011041112
365Mehta, L; Naved, T; Grover, P; Bhardwaj, M; Mukherjee, D; Vennapu, DRApr-21Identification and characterization of new degradation products of belinostat using UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS and in silico toxicity predictionJOURNAL OF LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY & RELATED TECHNOLOGIES10.1080/10826076.2021.1906271
366Senapati, S; Ramana, CV2021A concise/catalytic approach for the construction of the C14-C28 fragment of eribulinORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1945424550
367Thakur, RR; Chaturvedi, N2021Scalability of GaN Nanowire FET beyond 5 nm: A Simulation StudyJOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS5041284134
368Wagalgave, SM; Aljabri, MD; Bhamidipati, K; Shejule, DA; Nadimetla, DN; Al Kobaisi, M; Puvvada, N; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2021Characteristics of the pH-regulated aggregation-induced enhanced emission (AIEE) and nanostructure orchestrate via self-assembly of naphthalenediimide-tartaric acid bola-amphiphile: role in cellular uptakeNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4587758785
369Kumar, GD; Siva, B; Vadlamudi, S; Bathula, SR; Dutta, H; Babu, KS2021Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of pyrazole-linked aloe emodin derivatives as potential anticancer agentsRSC MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY12791796
370Arunpandiyan, S; Vinoth, S; Pandikumar, A; Raja, A; Arivarasan, A2021Decoration of CeO2 nanoparticles on hierarchically porous MnO2 nanorods and enhancement of supercapacitor performance by redox additive electrolyteJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS861
371Prasad, P; Ghosh, S; Roy, SS2021Glutamine deficiency promotes stemness and chemoresistance in tumor cells through DRP1-induced mitochondrial fragmentationCELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES7848214845
372Singh, SK; Valicherla, GR; Bikkasani, AK; Cheruvu, SH; Hossain, Z; Taneja, I; Ahmad, H; Raju, KSR; Sangwan, NS; Singh, SK; Dwivedi, AK; Wahajuddin, M; Gayen, JR2021Elucidation of plasma protein binding, blood partitioning, permeability, CYP phenotyping and CYP inhibition studies of Withanone using validated UPLC method: An active constituent of neuroprotective herb AshwagandhaJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY270
373Sharma, A; Dambhare, NV; Bera, J; Sahu, S; Rath, AK2021Crack-Free Conjugated PbS Quantum Dot-Hole Transport Layers for Solar CellsACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS440164025
374Mangalath, S; Babu, PSS; Nair, RR; Manu, PM; Krishna, S; Nair, SA; Joseph, J2021Graphene Quantum Dots Decorated with Boron Dipyrromethene Dye Derivatives for Photodynamic TherapyACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS441624171
375Sandhiya, M; Vivekanand; Balaji, SS; Sathish, M2021Unrevealed Performance of NH4VO3 as a Redox-Additive for Augmenting the Energy Density of a SupercapacitorJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C12580688079
376Upadhyay, R; Rana, R; Sood, A; Singh, V; Kumar, R; Srivastava, VC; Maurya, SK2021Heterogeneous vanadium-catalyzed oxidative cleavage of olefins for sustainable synthesis of carboxylic acidsCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5754305433
377Kumar, A; Harel, Y; Lellouche, JP; Jain, SL2021Catalytic Application of Ceric Ammonium Nitrate-Stabilized Maghemite Nanoparticles (CAN-gamma-Fe2O3) for Ultrasound Assisted Synthesis of beta-Amino DerivativesJOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS AND MATERIALS3132133219
378Pal, S; Sayeed, M; Kumar, A; Verma, DP; Harioudh, MK; Verma, NK; Porwal, K; Sharma, S; Kulkarni, C; Bandyopadhyay, A; Mugale, MN; Mitra, K; Ghosh, JK; Chattopadhyay, N2021Self-Assembling Nano-Globular Peptide from Human Lactoferrin Acts as a Systemic Enhancer of Bone Regeneration: A Novel Peptide for Orthopedic ApplicationACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES131730017315
379Yadav, R; Nagori, A; Mukherjee, A; Singh, V; Lodha, R; Kabra, SK; Yadav, G; Saini, JK; Singhal, KK; Jat, KR; Madan, K; George, MP; Mani, K; Mrigpuri, P; Kumar, R; Guleria, R; Pandey, RM; Sarin, R; Dhaliwal, RSApr-21Effects of ambient air pollution on emergency room visits of children for acute respiratory symptoms in Delhi, IndiaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH10.1007/s11356-021-13600-7
380Biswas, B; Misra, M; Bisht, AS; Kumar, SK; Kumaraswamy, G2021Colloidal assembly by directional ice templatingSOFT MATTER1740984108
381Singamaneni, V; Lone, B; Singh, J; Kumar, P; Gairola, S; Singh, S; Gupta, P2021Coronarin K and L: Two Novel Labdane Diterpenes From Roscoea purpurea: An Ayurvedic Crude DrugFRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY9
382Warghude, PK; Sabale, AS; Dixit, R; Vanka, K; Bhat, RG2021An easy and practical approach to access multifunctional cylcopentadiene- and cyclopentene-spirooxindoles via [3+2] annulationORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1943384345
383Naushin, S; Sardana, V; Ujjainiya, R; Bhatheja, N; Kutum, R; Bhaskar, AK; Pradhan, S; Prakash, S; Khan, R; Rawat, BS; Tallapaka, KB; Anumalla, M; Chandak, GR; Lahiri, A; Kar, S; Mulay, SR; Mugale, MN; Srivastava, M; Khan, S; Srivastava, A; Tomar, B; Veerapandian, M; Venkatachalam, G; Vijayakumar, SR; Agarwal, A; Gupta, D; Halami, PM; Peddha, MS; Sundaram, GM; Veeranna, RP; Pal, A; Agarwal, VK; Maurya, AK; Singh, RK; Raman, AK; Anandasadagopan, SK; Karuppanan, P; Venkatesan, S; Sardana, HK; Kothari, A; Jain, R; Thakur, A; Parihar, DS; Saifi, A; Kaur, J; Kumar, V; Mishra, A; Gogeri, I; Rayasam, G; Singh, P; Chakraborty, R; Chaturvedi, G; Karunakar, P; Yadav, R; Singhmar, S; Singh, D; Sarkar, S; Bhattacharya, P; Acharya, S; Singh, V; Verma, S; Soni, D; Seth, S; Vashisht, S; Thakran, S; Fatima, F; Singh, AP; Sharma, A; Sharma, B; Subramanian, M; Padwad, YS; Hallan, V; Patial, V; Singh, D; Tripude, NV; Chakrabarti, P; Maity, SK; Ganguly, D; Sarkar, J; Ramakrishna, S; Kumar, BN; Kumar, KA; Gandhi, SG; Jamwal, PS; Chouhan, R; Jamwal, VL; Kapoor, N; Ghosh, D; Thakkar, G; Subudhi, U; Sen, P; Chaudhury, SR; Kumar, R; Gupta, P; Tuli, A; Sharma, D; Ringe, RP; Amarnarayan, D; Kulkarni, M; Shanmugam, D; Dharne, MS; Dastager, SG; Joshi, R; Patil, AP; Mahajan, SN; Khan, AH; Wagh, V; Yadav, RK; Khilari, A; Bhadange, M; Chaurasiya, AH; Kulsange, SE; Khairnar, K; Paranjape, S; Kalita, J; Sastry, NG; Phukan, T; Manna, P; Romi, W; Bharali, P; Ozah, D; Sahu, RK; Babu, EV; Sukumaran, R; Nair, AR; Valappil, PK; Puthiyamadam, A; Velayudhanpillai, A; Chodankar, K; Damare, S; Madhavi, Y; Aggarwal, VV; Dahiya, S; Agrawal, A; Dash, D; Sengupta, S2021Insights from a Pan India Sero-Epidemiological survey (Phenome-India Cohort) for SARS-CoV2ELIFE10
384Sankar, SS; Karthick, K; Sangeetha, K; Karmakar, A; Madhu, R; Kundu, S2021Current perspectives on 3D ZIFs incorporated with 1D carbon matrices as fibers via electrospinning processes towards electrocatalytic water splitting: a reviewJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A91196112002
385Hajare, R; Labhasetwar, P; Nagarnaik, P2021A Critical Review of Applications of QMRA for Healthy and Safe Reclaimed Water ManagementENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT26339354
386Ahmed, S; Kouser, S; Asgher, M; Gandhi, SG2021Plant aquaporins: A frontward to make crop plants drought resistantPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM17210891105
387Bokade, P; Purohit, HJ; Bajaj, AApr-21Myco-remediation of Chlorinated Pesticides: Insights Into Fungal Metabolic SystemINDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY10.1007/s12088-021-00940-8
388Chakraborty, S; Singhmar, S; Singh, D; Maulik, M; Patil, R; Agrawal, SK; Mishra, A; Ghazi, M; Vats, A; Natarajan, VT; Juvekar, S; Prasher, B; Mukerji, M2021Baseline cell proliferation rates and response to UV differ in lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from healthy individuals of extreme constitution typesCELL CYCLE20903913
389Dutta, S; Kumar, MS2021Potential of value-added chemicals extracted from floral waste: A reviewJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION294
390Devi, L; Sharma, G; Kant, R; Shukla, SK; Rastogi, N2021Regioselective synthesis of functionalized pyrazole-chalcones via a base mediated reaction of diazo compounds with pyrylium saltsORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1941324136
391Sethi, D; Radhakrishnan, SR; Sharma, C; Mishra, SK; JaswantApr-21Aerosol optical properties over Delhi during a dust event in summer 2014: plausible implicationsINDIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS10.1007/s12648-021-02092-3
392Vaishanv, NK; Zaheer, MK; Kumar, S; Kant, R; Mohanan, K2021Base-Mediated Intramolecular Cyclization of alpha-Nitroethylallenic Esters as a Synthetic Route to 5-Hydroxy-3-pyrrolin-2-onesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8656305638
393Chauhan, AS; Kumar, A; Das, P2021Metal Catalyst and Hydrogen Gas-Free Selective Reduction of Biomass-Derived Substituted Furfuraldehyde to Alkyl Furan as a Key Biofuel AdditiveORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT25892899
394Gonuguntla, S; Saddam, SK; Tiwari, A; Mandal, H; Lakavath, PN; Perupoga, V; Pal, U2021Regulating surface structures for efficient electron transfer across h-BN/TiO2/g-C3N4 photocatalyst for remarkably enhanced hydrogen evolutionJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS321219112207
395Ramu, G; Kodiripaka, BG; Chaitanya, KR; Babu, BN2021A facile and metal-free domino reaction of TsDAM and 2-alkenylarylaldehyde: An easy access to 8-hydroxy-2,8-dihydro indeno [2,1-c]pyrazolesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1941184125
396Raina, D; Tiwari, H; Sharma, S; Deepika; Chinthakindi, PK; Nargotra, A; Sangwan, PL; Eniyan, K; Bajpai, U; Vishwakarma, RA; Khan, FG; Saran, S; Khan, IA2021Screening of compound library identifies novel inhibitors against the MurA enzyme of Escherichia coliAPPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY10536113623
397Thakur, AK; Kumar, RR; Bansal, GK; Verma, RK; Tarafder, S; Sivaprasad, S; Mandal, GKApr-21Processing-Microstructure-Property Correlation for Producing Stretch-Flangeable Grade Dual-Phase SteelJOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE10.1007/s11665-021-05735-y
398Patel, SS; Kumar, D; Tripathi, CB2021Bronsted acid catalyzed radical addition to quinone methidesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5751515154
399Anand, A; Komati, A; Katragunta, K; Shaik, H; Nagendla, NK; Kuncha, M; Mudiam, MKR; Babu, KS; Tiwari, AK2021Phytometabolomic analysis of boiled rhizome of Nymphaea nouchali (Burm. f.) using UPLC-Q-TOF-MSE, LC-QqQ-MS & GC-MS and evaluation of antihyperglycemic and antioxidant activitiesFOOD CHEMISTRY342
400Gaur, NK; Goyal, VD; Kulkarni, K; Makde, RD2021Machine learning classifiers aid virtual screening for efficient design of mini-protein therapeuticsBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS38
401Dalavi, SB; Agarwal, S; Deshpande, P; Joshi, K; Prasad, BLV2021Disordered but Efficient: Understanding the Role of Structure and Composition of the Co-Pt Alloy on the Electrocatalytic Methanol Oxidation ReactionJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C12576117624
402Ghalawat, M; Poddar, P2021Study of Growth Kinetics of Fe3Se4 Nanocrystallites and the Influence of Size and Shape Tunability on their Magnetic PropertiesJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C12579327943
403Nasrin, K; Gokulnath, S; Karnan, M; Subramani, K; Sathish, M2021Redox-Additives in Aqueous, Non-Aqueous, and All-Solid-State Electrolytes for Carbon-Based Supercapacitor: A Mini-ReviewENERGY & FUELS3564656482
404Polley, A; Varalaxmi, K; Nandi, A; Jana, R2021Divergent Total Synthesis of (+/-)-Mahanine and Other Carbazole AlkaloidsASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY1012071215
405Bhardwaj, VK; Purohit, R2021Computer simulation to identify selective inhibitor for human phosphodiesterase10AJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS328
406Sharma, G; Sequeira, RA; Pereira, MM; Maity, TK; Chudasama, NA; Prasad, K2021Are ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents the same?: Fundamental investigation from DNA dissolution point of viewJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS328
407Wani, SH; Anand, S; Singh, B; Bohra, A; Joshi, RApr-21WRKY transcription factors and plant defense responses: latest discoveries and future prospectsPLANT CELL REPORTS10.1007/s00299-021-02691-8
408Yadagiri, B; Rana, PJS; Singh, SP2021Blue-red emitting 2,12-disubstituted [5]helicenes for high fluorescence efficiency and sensing applicationJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY411
409Behera, B; Borole, UP; Sivaji, A; Khan, J; Kumar, P; Ananda, CM; Barshilia, HC; Chowdhury, P; Jadhav, JJ2021Design and development of GMR based low range pressure sensor for medical ventilator applicationSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL321
410Chukwuike, VI; Sankar, SS; Kundu, S; Barik, RC2021Capped and uncapped nickel tungstate (NiWO4) nanomaterials: A comparison study for anti-corrosion of copper metal in NaCl solution (vol 158, pg 1, 2019)CORROSION SCIENCE182
411Manwatkar, P; Dhote, L; Pandey, RA; Middey, A; Kumar, S2021Combustion of distillery sludge mixed with coal in a drop tube furnace and emission characteristicsENERGY221
412Prajapati, PK; Nagarale, RK; Singh, PS2021Covalently immobilized cobalt Phthalocyanine@MWCNT PDMS hollow fiber membrane for highly selective, reversible and bio-inspired oxygen transportJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE624
413Kadu, R; Wani, NA; Savani, C; Aravinda, S; Rai, R; Singh, VK2021Synthesis, crystallographic characterization and Hirshfeld surface analysis of metal complexes of conformationally constrained beta-amino acid, 2-(1-aminocyclohexyl)acetic acid with Co-II, Ni-II, Cull and Zn-II ionsJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE1230
414Kavale, MG; Yadav, A; Mantri, VA2021Initial comparison between monoline and tube net method of farming in red agarophyte Gracilaria dura: Evidence from hydrodynamic CFD simulationsAQUACULTURE536
415Dwivedi, R; Sharma, P; Jaiswal, VK; Mehrotra, R2021Elliptically squeezed axicon phase for detecting topological charge of vortex beamOPTICS COMMUNICATIONS485
416Baruah, R; Yadav, A; Das, AM2021Livistona jekinsiana fabricated ZnO nanoparticles and their detrimental effect towards anthropogenic organic pollutants and human pathogenic bacteriaSPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY251
417Das, A; Goswami, M; Illath, K; Ajithkumar, TG; Arya, A; Krishnan, M2021Synthesis and characterization of LAGP-glass-ceramics-based composite solid polymer electrolyte for solid-state Li-ion battery applicationJOURNAL OF NON-CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS558
418Das, A; Mohapatra, M; Basu, S2021Expeditious synthesis of 3D pyramidal faceted CuSbS2 architectures manifesting unrivalled pseudo capacitive energy storageMATERIALS LETTERS289
419Saxena, P; Hiwrale, I; Das, S; Shukla, V; Tyagi, L; Pal, S; Dafale, N; Dhodapkar, R2021Profiling of emerging contaminants and antibiotic resistance in sewage treatment plants: An Indian perspectiveJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS408
420Gu, TS; Yao, L; Meng, X; Graff, JC; Thomason, D; Li, J; Dong, W; Jiao, Y; Aleya, L; Maida, M; Wang, CY; Zangerl, B; Genini, S; Ray, K; Goldman, E; Ji, JF; Alexandrov, AV; Sun, DJ; Gu, WK; Wang, YJ2021A cost-effective plan for global testing - an infection rate stratified, algorithm guided, multiple-level, continuously pooled testing strategySCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT765
421Bherwani, H; Kumar, S; Musugu, K; Nair, M; Gautam, S; Gupta, A; Ho, CH; Anshul, A; Kumar, RApr-21Assessment and valuation of health impacts of fine particulate matter during COVID-19 lockdown: a comprehensive study of tropical and sub tropical countriesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH10.1007/s11356-021-13813-w
422Ramavath, V; Rupanawar, BD; More, SG; Bansode, AH; Suryavanshi, G2021Hypervalent iodine(iii) induced oxidative olefination of benzylamines using Wittig reagentsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4588068813
423Patel, P; Tak, RK; Parmar, B; Dabas, S; Patel, B; Suresh, E; Khan, N; Subramanian, S2021Ring-opening hydrolysis of spiro-epoxyoxindoles using a reusable sulfonic acid functionalized nitrogen rich carbon catalystRSC ADVANCES111280812814
424Sarma, PP; Gurumayum, N; Verma, AK; Devi, R2021A pharmacological perspective of banana: implications relating to therapeutic benefits and molecular dockingFOOD & FUNCTION1247494767
425Esokkiya, A; Sudalaimani, S; Kumar, KS; Sampathkumar, P; Suresh, C; Giribabu, K2021Poly(methylene blue)-Based Electrochemical Platform for Label-Free Sensing of AcrylamideACS OMEGA695289536
426Nagababu, P; Ahmed, SAM; Prabhu, YT; Kularkar, A; Bhowmick, S; Rayalu, SS2021Synthesis of Ni2P/CdS and Pt/TiO2 nanocomposite for photoreduction of CO2 into methanolSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
427Karmakar, A; Karthick, K; Sankar, SS; Kumaravel, S; Ragunath, M; Kundu, S2021Oxygen vacancy enriched NiMoO4 nanorods via microwave heating: a promising highly stable electrocatalyst for total water splittingJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A91169111704
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429Panchal, D; Tripathy, P; Prakash, O; Sharma, A; Pal, SApr-21SARS-CoV-2: fate in water environments and sewage surveillance as an early warning systemWATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY10.2166/wst.2021.146
430Teli, B; Waseem, MA; Rashid, S; Ganaie, BA; Bhat, BAApr-21Catalyst free synthesis of 2-Aryl-2H-benzo[b][1,4]oxazines and 3-Aryl-2H-benzo[b][1,4]thiazin-2-ones: An ultrasonication-assisted strategyJOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY10.1002/jhet.4267
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432Raghuvanshi, DS; Verma, N2021An iodine-mediated new avenue to sulfonylation employing N-hydroxy aryl sulfonamide as a sulfonylating agentORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1947604767
433Yadav, S; Kaushik, V; Saravanan, MP; Aloysius, RP; Ganesan, V; Sahoo, S2021A robust nitridation technique for fabrication of disordered superconducting TiN thin films featuring phase slip eventsSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
434Chinnaiah, J; Kasian, O; Dekshinamoorthy, A; Vijayaraghavan, S; Mayrhofer, KJJ; Cherevko, S; Scholz, F2021Tuning the Anodic and Cathodic Dissolution of Gold by Varying the Surface RoughnessCHEMELECTROCHEM815241530
435Dhiman, A; Giribabu, L; Trivedi, RApr-21pi-conjugated Materials Derived From Boron-chalcogenophene Combination. A Brief Description of Synthetic Routes and Optoelectronic ApplicationsCHEMICAL RECORD10.1002/tcr.202100039
436Borthakur, P; Boruah, PK; Das, P; Das, MR2021CuS nanoparticles decorated MoS2 sheets as an efficient nanozyme for selective detection and photocatalytic degradation of hydroquinone in waterNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4587148727
437Chakraborty, D; Agrawal, A; Maiti, S2021Rapid identification and tracking of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concernLANCET39713461347
438Prajapati, PK; Mistry, R; Saxena, M; Nandha, N; Thummar, U; Kumar, P; Singh, PS2021Increase of flow-through pores in rationally designed organosilica-PVDF nanocomposite membraneJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE138
439Devi, P; Jindal, N; Kim, KH; Thakur, A2021Nanostructures derived from expired drugs and their applications toward sensing, security ink, and bactericidal materialSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT764
440Kalusulingam, R; Gajula, S; Koilraj, P; Lakshmi, DS; Tayade, RJ; Srinivasan, K2021Biomass-Derived Humin-like Furanic Polymers as an Effective UV-Shielding Agent for Optically Transparent Thin-Film CompositesACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS319321942
441Yadav, S; Sharma, P; Sharma, A; Ganga, L; Saxena, JK; Srivastava, M2021Immunization with Brugia malayi Calreticulin Protein Generates Robust Antiparasitic Immunity and Offers Protection during Experimental Lymphatic FilariasisACS INFECTIOUS DISEASES7790799
442Saini, K; Kumar, A; Biswas, B; Bhaskar, TApr-21Low-temperature alkali lignin depolymerization to functional chemicalsBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-021-01478-x
443Chander, D; Khousla, JK; Koul, D; Hossain, MM; Dar, MJ; Chaubey, A2021Purification and characterization of thermoactive serratiopeptidase from Serratia marcescens AD-W2AMB EXPRESS11
444Das, P; Reddy, DS2021Total synthesis of twelve membered resorcyclic acid lactones, (R)-penicimenolide A, (R)-resorcyclide and (R)-dihydroresorcyclideTETRAHEDRON85
445Shelar, SV; Argade, NPApr-21Wittig Reactions of Maleimide-Derived Stabilized Ylides with Alkyl Pyruvates: Concise Approach to Methyl Ester of (+/-)-Chaetogline ASYNTHESIS-STUTTGART10.1055/a-1477-6043
446Ummalyma, SB; Sahoo, D; Pudiyamadam, A; Adarsh, VP; Sukumaran, RK; Bhaskar, T; Parida, A2021Sono-Assisted Alkali and Dilute Acid Pretreatment of Phragmites karka (Tall Reed Grass) to Enhance Enzymatic Digestibility for Bioethanol ConversionFRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH8
447Bano, S; Kumar, A; Misra, DKApr-21Errors Associated in Seebeck Coefficient Measurement for Thermoelectric MetrologyMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA10.1007/s12647-021-00439-z
448Sharma, N; Gulati, AApr-21Pb2+ sensing by coumarin sulphonamide hybrids in aqueous mediumLUMINESCENCE10.1002/bio.4042
449Rakesh, V; Mohapatra, GN; Bankar, AApr-21Historical extreme rainfall over the Bangalore city, India, on 14 and 15 August 2017: skill of sub-kilometer forecasts from WRF modelMETEOROLOGY AND ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS10.1007/s00703-021-00794-1
450Das, R; Kumar, NApr-21A Novel Method for Stride Length Estimation Using Wireless Foot Sensor ModuleIETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH10.1080/03772063.2021.1905565
451Shukla, AK; Sharma, C; Acharya, A2021Bioinspired Metal-Free Fluorescent Carbon Nanozyme with Dual Catalytic Activity to Confront Cellular Oxidative DamageACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES131504015052
452Singh, S; Ali, R; Miyan, J; Singh, V; Meena, S; Hasanain, M; Bhadauria, S; Datta, D; Sarkar, J; Haq, W2021Facile synthesis of rapamycin-peptide conjugates as mTOR and Akt inhibitorsORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1943524358
453Krishnaveni, P; Ganesh, V2021Electron transfer studies of a conventional redox probe in human sweat and saliva bio-mimicking conditionsSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
454Sannigrahi, A; Chowdhury, S; Das, B; Banerjee, A; Halder, A; Kumar, A; Saleem, M; Naganathan, AN; Karmakar, S; Chattopadhyay, K2021The metal cofactor zinc and interacting membranes modulate SOD1 conformation-aggregation landscape in an in vitro ALS modelELIFE10
455Karsauliya, K; Bhateria, M; Sonker, A; Singh, SP2021Determination of Bisphenol Analogues in Infant Formula Products from India and Evaluating the Health Risk in Infants Asssociated with Their ExposureJOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY6939323941
456Shah, Y; Yadav, A; Kumar, MA; Kavale, MG; Prasad, K; Mantri, VAApr-21'Proof of concept' of how tube-net diameter affects growth and agar content in industrially important farmed red seaweed Gracilaria duraJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY10.1007/s10811-021-02443-x
457Rodrigues, V; Kumar, A; Prabhu, KN; Pragadheesh, VS; Shukla, AK; Sundaresan, V2021Adventitious root cultures of Decalepis salicifolia for the production of 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, a vanillin isomer flavor metaboliteAPPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY10530873099
458Megala, S; Ravi, P; Maadeswaran, P; Navaneethan, M; Sathish, M; Ramesh, R2021The construction of a dual direct Z-scheme NiAl LDH/g-C3N4/Ag3PO4 nanocomposite for enhanced photocatalytic oxygen and hydrogen evolutionNANOSCALE ADVANCES320752088
459Fatima, K; Wani, ZA; Meena, A; Luqman, SApr-21Geraniol exerts its antiproliferative action by modulating molecular targets in lung and skin carcinoma cellsPHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH10.1002/ptr.7094
460Chadha, N; Sharma, R; Saini, PApr-21A new insight into the structural modulation of graphene oxide upon chemical reduction probed by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffractionCARBON LETTERS10.1007/s42823-021-00234-5
461Gheware, A; Dholakia, D; Kannan, S; Panda, L; Rani, R; Pattnaik, BR; Jain, V; Parekh, Y; Enayathullah, MG; Bokara, KK; Subramanian, V; Mukerji, M; Agrawal, A; Prasher, B2021Adhatoda Vasica attenuates inflammatory and hypoxic responses in preclinical mouse models: potential for repurposing in COVID-19-like conditionsRESPIRATORY RESEARCH22
462Madhu, R; Karmakar, A; Karthick, K; Kumaravel, S; Sankar, SS; Prajapati, D; Kundu, S2021Fabrication of highly stable platinum organosols over DNA-scaffolds for enriched catalytic and SERS applicationsDALTON TRANSACTIONS5071987211
463Bansal, M; Acharya, S; Sharma, S; Phutela, R; Rauthan, R; Maiti, S; Chakraborty, DApr-21CRISPR Cas9 based genome editing in inherited retinal dystrophiesOPHTHALMIC GENETICS10.1080/13816810.2021.1904421
464Rajput, A; Raj, SK; Sharma, J; Rathod, NH; Maru, PD; Kulshrestha, V2021Sulfonated poly ether ether ketone (SPEEK) based composite cation exchange membranes for salt removal from brackish waterCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS614
465Asif, M; Kumar, A2021Existence of bipolar and unipolar resistive switching in CaZrO3 thin film deviceJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS859
466Dhar, MS; Asokachandran, V; Uppili, B; Tyagi, N; Sharma, P; Tiwari, S; Srinivasan, RV; Marwal, R; Kanakan, A; Khan, AM; Pandey, R; Jais, M; Gogoi, S; Shewale, A; Nale, T; Kabra, S; Faruq, M; Singh, S; Agrawal, A; Rakshit, P2021Reinfection or reactivation: Genome-based two distinct SNP profile of SARS-CoV2 repositivity in an Indian caseJOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY9341524155
467Sharma, A; Hazarika, H; Gogoi, P2021o-Quinone Methides and o-Quinone Sulfides via Arynes: Synthesis of Ortho-Disubstituted Arenes and HeterocyclesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8648834895
468Venkatesh, T; Mainkar, PS; Chandrasekhar, S2021Diastereoselective Formal Synthesis of Polycyclic Meroterpenoid (+/-)-Cochlearol AJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8654125416
469Dhote, PS; Ramana, CV2021Interrupting the [Au]-Catalyzed Nitroalkyne Cycloisomerization: Trapping the Putative alpha-Oxo Gold Carbene with Benzo[c]isoxazoleORGANIC LETTERS2326322637
470Ngounou, MBK; Hippargi, G; Sylvere, NK; Patrice, KG; Joseph, KG; Pal, S2021Coagulation and Sedimentation of Concentrated Laterite Suspensions: Comparison of Hydrolyzing Salts in Presence of Grewia spp. Biopolymer (vol 2019, 1431694, 2019)JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY2021
471Jayasankar, CB; Rajendran, K; Sajani, S; Anand, KVA2021High-resolution climate change projection of northeast monsoon rainfall over peninsular IndiaQUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY14721972211
472Singh, S; Singh, BN; Srivastava, M2021Fatty acid composition and bioactivity of Sesbania sesban seed oilINDIAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE20492497
473Prasad, D; Jaiswal, S; Tripathi, S; Yadav, R; Agnihotri, P2021Revisiting the taxonomy of Helictotrichon schmidii (Poaceae, Poeae, Aveninae) from India, with updated regional distribution and conservation statusNORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY39
474Singh, SK; Vashistha, P; Chandra, R; Rai, AK2021Study on leaching of electric arc furnace (EAF) slag for its sustainable applications as construction materialPROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION14813151326
475Dhakar, AK; Rai, SK; Saini, VK; Sharma, SK; Pal, UN2021Simplified High-Voltage Short-Pulse Power Modulator for DBD Plasma ApplicationIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE4914221427
476Falae, PO; Dash, RK; Samanta, M; Kanungo, DP2021Geo-integrated assessment of the landslide zone around Gadora along NH 58 of the Garhwal Himalayas, IndiaNEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS19183198
477Kumar, R; Deshpande, S; Sewall, LM; Ozorowski, G; Cottrell, CA; Lee, WH; Holden, LG; Richey, ST; Chandrawacar, AS; Dhiman, K; Ashish, F; Kumar, V; Ahmed, S; Hingankar, N; Kumar, N; Murugavel, KG; Srikrishnan, AK; Sok, D; Ward, AB; Bhattacharya, J2021Elicitation of potent serum neutralizing antibody responses in rabbits by immunization with an HIV-1 clade C trimeric Env derived from an Indian elite neutralizerPLOS PATHOGENS17
478Singh, SK; Narang, N; Singh, D2021Development of a novel approach to detect damage in concrete structures with millimeter wave radar assessment systemREVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS92
479Khajuria, M; Jamwal, S; Ali, V; Rashid, A; Faiz, S; Vyas, D2021Temperature mitigation strategies in Lepidium latifolium L., a sleeper weed from Ladakh himalayasENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY184
480Thakare, R; Dasgupta, A; Chopra, S2021Update on nifurtimox for treatment of Chagas diseaseDRUGS OF TODAY57251263
481Mohan, SV; Katakojwala, R2021The circular chemistry conceptual framework: A way forward to sustainability in industry 4.0CURRENT OPINION IN GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY28
482Shafid, M; Jagavelu, K; Iqbal, H; Yadav, P; Chanda, D; Verma, NK; Ghosh, JK; Gaestel, M; Hanif, K2021Inhibition of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK)-Activated Protein Kinase 2 (MK2) is Protective in Pulmonary HypertensionHYPERTENSION7712481259
483Javed; Mandal, PK2021Bacterial surface capsular polysaccharides from Streptococcus pneumoniae: A systematic review on structures, syntheses, and glycoconjugate vaccinesCARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH502
484Rana, AK; Rahmatkar, SN; Kumar, A; Singh, D2021Glycogen synthase kinase-3: A putative target to combat severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemicCYTOKINE & GROWTH FACTOR REVIEWS5892101
485Shaikh, SMS; Tagde, JP; Singh, PR; Dutta, S; Sangolkar, LN; Kumar, MS2021Impact of Port and harbour activities on plankton distribution and dynamics: A multivariate approachMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN165
486Garg, M; Rani, R; Sharma, AL; Singh, S2021White graphene quantum dots as electrochemical sensing platform for ferritinFARADAY DISCUSSIONS227204212
487Singh, S; Bisht, DS; Garg, H2021A novel method for making laser cut panel based daylight collector coupled to a tubular light guideSOLAR ENERGY218532543
488Sharma, S; Sengupta, A; Chowdhury, S2021Emerging Molecular Connections between NM23 Proteins, Telomeres and Telomere-Associated Factors: Implications in Cancer Metastasis and AgeingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES22
489Kumar, S; Arockiaraj, M; Esokkiya, A; Sudalaimani, S; Hansda, S; Sivakumar, C; Sulaiman, Y; Khan, MM; Giribabu, K2021Ion-Pair Facilitated Non-Enzymatic Electrochemical Sensing of Cadaverine and PutrescineJOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY168
490Ray, A; Inamdar, AA; Sakhare, SD; Srivastava, AK2021Development of physical process for quinoa fractionation and targeted separation of germ with physical, chemical and SEM studiesLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY141
491Paul, S; Saha, D; Bk, BApr-21Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Mitophagy Closely Cooperate in Neurological Deficits Associated with Alzheimer's Disease and Type 2 DiabetesMOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY10.1007/s12035-021-02365-2
492Mondal, RK; Pandey, V; Chatterjee, V; Pal, S2021Light extraction efficiency improvement through double sided periodic photonic structures for deep UV light emitting diodesOPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS53
493Patni, K; Agarwal, P; Kumar, A; Meena, LS2021Computational evaluation of anticipated PE_PGRS39 protein involvement in host-pathogen interplay and its integration into vaccine development3 BIOTECH11
494Nair, P; Navale, GR; Dharne, MSApr-21Poly-gamma-glutamic acid biopolymer: a sleeping giant with diverse applications and unique opportunities for commercializationBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-021-01467-0
495Gupta, R; Tomar, AS; Mishra, D; Sanghi, SK2021Multifaceted geopolymer coating: Material development, characterization and study of long term anti-corrosive propertiesMICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS317
496Hazra, B; Singh, DP; Crosdale, PJ; Singh, V; Singh, PK; Gangopadhyay, M; Chakraborty, P2021Critical insights from Rock-Eval analysis of vitrains*INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL GEOLOGY238
497More, S; Dhakate, R; Ratnalu, GV; Machender, G2021Hydrogeochemistry and Health Risk Assessment of groundwater and surface water in fluoride affected area of Yadadri-Bhuvanagiri District, Telangana State, IndiaENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES80
498Myala, J; Patel, VV; Singh, GK2021A non-iterative design for aileron to rudder interconnect gainAERONAUTICAL JOURNAL125763774
499Sharma, S; Arora, B; Gaur, SN; Arora, N2021Bioinformatic and immunological investigation of Per a 5 (delta class GST) allergen from Periplaneta americanaMOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY13293101
500Chaturvedi, N; Chowdhury, R; Mishra, S; Singh, K; Chaturvedi, N; Chauhan, A; Pande, S; Sharma, N; Parjapat, P; Sharma, R; Kothari, P; Singh, AK2021GaN HEMT based biosensor for the detection of breast cancer marker (C-erbB2)SEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY36
501Anupama, N; Rani, MRP; Shyni, GL; Raghu, KG2021Glucotoxicity results in apoptosis in H9c2 cells via alteration in redox homeostasis linked mitochondrial dynamics and polyol pathway and possible reversal with cinnamic acid (vol 53, pg 178, 2018)TOXICOLOGY IN VITRO72
502Rao, VN; Ravi, P; Sathish, M; Cheralathan, KK; Neppolian, B; Kumari, MM; Shankar, MV2021Manifestation of enhanced and durable photocatalytic H-2 production using hierarchically structured Pt@Co3O4/TiO2 ternary nanocompositeCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL471022610235
503Kumar, D; Kumar, R; Singh, AK; Verma, K; Singh, KP; Nilofer; Kumar, A; Singh, V; Kaur, P; Singh, A; Anandakumar, TM; Khare, P; Singh, S2021A novel and economically viable agro-technique for enhancing productivity and resource use efficiency in menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.)INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS162
504Mahendran, G; Iqbal, Z; Kumar, D; Verma, SK; Rout, PK; Rahman, LU2021Enhanced gymnemic acids production in cell suspension cultures of Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R.Br. ex Sm. through elicitationINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS162
505Yagnam, S; Trivedi, R; Krishna, S; Giribabu, L; Praveena, G; Prakasham, RS2021Bioactive isatin (oxime)-triazole-thiazolidinedione ferrocene molecular conjugates: Design, synthesis and antimicrobial activitiesJOURNAL OF ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY937
506Boruah, PK; Darabdhara, G; Das, MR2021Polydopamine functionalized graphene sheets decorated with magnetic metal oxide nanoparticles as efficient nanozyme for the detection and degradation of harmful triazine pesticidesCHEMOSPHERE268
507Mastan, A; Rane, D; Dastager, SG; Babu, CSV2021Molecular insights of fungal endophyte co-inoculation with Trichoderma viride for the augmentation of forskolin biosynthesis in Coleus forskohliiPHYTOCHEMISTRY184
508Shewale, SR; Hebbar, HU2021Low humidity air and radiofrequency wave based sequential drying of Rosmarinus officinalis for improvement of qualityINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS162
509Saha, S; Ball, AK; Mukherjee, A; Das, A; Halder, S; Hanumaiah, N2021Optimization of electrochemical etching process for manufacturing of micro electrodes for micro-EDM applicationPROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART B-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE235925940
510Borthakur, P; Aryafard, M; Zara, Z; David, R; Minofar, B; Das, MR; Vithanage, M2021Computational and experimental assessment of pH and specific ions on the solute solvent interactions of clay-biochar composites towards tetracycline adsorption: Implications on wastewater treatmentJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT283
511Sravan, JS; Tharak, A; Modestra, JA; Chang, IS; Mohan, SV2021Emerging trends in microbial fuel cell diversification-Critical analysisBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY326
512Rai, P; Mehrotra, S; Priya, S; Gnansounou, E; Sharma, SK2021Recent advances in the sustainable design and applications of biodegradable polymersBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY325
513Dwivedi, N; Dhand, C; Kumar, R; Lodhi, K; Vishwakarma, J; Gupta, RK; Kumar, P; Hashmi, SAR; Mishra, S; Malik, HK; Kumar, S; Srivastava, AK2021Anomalous characteristics of nanostructured hydrogenated carbon thin filmsMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS262
514Bhalani, DV; Trivedi, JS; Jewrajka, SK2021Selective grafting of morphologically modified poly(vinylidene fluoride) ultrafiltration membrane by poly(acrylic acid) for inducing antifouling propertyAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE544
515Ahmadivand, A; Gerislioglu, B; Ramezani, Z; Kaushik, A; Manickam, P; Ghoreishi, SA2021Functionalized terahertz plasmonic metasensors: Femtomolar-level detection of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteinsBIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS177
516Aggarwal, V; Ramesh, C; Tyagi, P; Gautam, S; Sharma, A; Husale, S; Kumar, MS; Kushvaha, SS2021Controlled epitaxial growth of GaN nanostructures on sapphire (11-20) using laser molecular beam epitaxy for photodetector applicationsMATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING125
517Ignatious, V; Raveendran, N; Prabhakaran, A; Puli, YT; Chakkooth, V; Deb, B2021MWCNT/Thienothiophene based All-Organic thermoelectric composites: Enhanced performance by realigning of the Fermi level through dopingCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL409
518Chauhan, S; Kumari, S; Siwach, PK; Maurya, KK; Malik, V; Singh, HK2021Interface induced reemergent insulator-metal transitions in ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic manganite superlatticesPHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES128
519Nikte, SV; Sonar, K; Tandale, A; Joshi, M; Sengupta, D2021Loss of a water-mediated network results in reduced agonist affinity in a beta(2)-adrenergic receptor clinical variantBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS1869
520Chandan; Dey, S; Iqbal, SM; Reddy, KS; Pesala, B2021Numerical modeling and performance assessment of elongated compound parabolic concentrator based LCPVT systemRENEWABLE ENERGY167199216
521Sawlani, R; Agnihotri, R; Sharma, C2021Chemical and isotopic characteristics of PM2.5 over New Delhi from September 2014 to May 2015: Evidences for synergy between air-pollution and meteorological changesSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT763
522Baral, A; Satish, L; Padhy, SK; Das, DP; Ju, SH; Ghosh, MK2021Structure and activity of lysozyme on binding to lithium-manganese oxide nanocomposites prepared from seabed noduleJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS151
523Muralidharan, N; Nallathamby, K2021CuCo2S4: Versatile anode for high capacity and high rate for lithium and sodium ion battery applicationJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS151
524Udutha, S; Borkar, RM; Shankar, G; Sony, T; Jala, A; Krisna, EV; Kumar, TK; Misra, S; Prabhakar, S; Srinivas, R2021Stress degradation study of bortezomib: effect of co-solvent, isolation and characterization of degradation products by UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS/MS and NMR and evaluation of the toxicity of the degradation productsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4581788191
525Tiwari, R; Singh, RD; Binwal, M; Srivastav, AK; Singh, N; Khan, H; Gangopadhyay, S; Argaria, N; Saxena, PN; Roy, SK; Kumar, M; Sharma, V; Srivastava, VMar-21Perinatal exposure to silver nanoparticles reprograms immunometabolism and promotes pancreatic beta-cell death and kidney damage in miceNANOTOXICOLOGY10.1080/17435390.2021.1909767
526Prasad, D; Yadav, R; Jaiswal, S; Tripathi, S; Agnihotri, P2021Agrostis barikii (Poaceae: Agrostidinae), a new grass species from WesternPHYTOTAXA494145150
527Poddar, BJ; Nakhate, SP; Gupta, RK; Chavan, AR; Singh, AK; Khardenavis, AA; Purohit, HJMar-21A comprehensive review on the pretreatment of lignocellulosic wastes for improved biogas production by anaerobic digestionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY10.1007/s13762-021-03248-8
528Nandwani, A; Rathore, S; Datta, M2021LncRNAs in cancer: Regulatory and therapeutic implicationsCANCER LETTERS501162171
529Gahlaut, V; Kumari, P; Jaiswal, V; Kumar, SMar-21Genetics, genomics and breeding in Rosa speciesJOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY10.1080/14620316.2021.1894078
530Gour, A; Manhas, D; Bag, S; Gorain, B; Nandi, UMar-21Flavonoids as potential phytotherapeutics to combat cytokine storm in SARS-CoV-2PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH10.1002/ptr.7092
531Arvapally, M; Asati, A; Nagendla, NK; Mudiam, MKR2021Development of an analytical method for the quantitative determination of multi-class nutrients in different food matrices by solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry using design of experimentsFOOD CHEMISTRY341
532Praveen, A; Prasad, D; Mishra, S; Nagarajan, S; Chaudhari, SR2021Facile NMR approach for profiling curcuminoids present in turmericFOOD CHEMISTRY341
533Dhanya, SR; Nair, MS; Kumar, BSD; Sankar, VMar-21Chemical constituents from Chonemorpha fragrans roots and antibacterial activity studies of sarcorucinine DNATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH10.1080/14786419.2021.1910263
534Sasikumar, K; Hannibal, S; Wendisch, VF; Nampoothiri, KM2021Production of Biopolyamide Precursors 5-Amino Valeric Acid and Putrescine From Rice Straw Hydrolysate by Engineered Corynebacterium glutamicumFRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY9
535Chatterjee, D; Garai, S2021Estimation of critical rotation rates for suppression of steady separation bubble behind a circular cylinderSADHANA-ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES46
536Ramasamy, K; Dhavamani, S; Natesan, G; Sengodan, K; Sengottayan, SN; Tiwari, M; Vikram, SS; Perumal, VMar-21A potential role of green engineered TiO2 nanocatalyst towards enhanced photocatalytic and biomedical applicationsENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH10.1007/s11356-021-13530-4
537Nidhankar, AD; Goudappagouda; Wakchaure, VC; Babu, SS2021Efficient metal-free organic room temperature phosphorsCHEMICAL SCIENCE1242164236
538Biswas, A; Bakthavatsalam, R; Bahadur, V; Biswas, C; Mali, BP; Raavi, SSK; Gonnade, RG; Kundu, J2021Lead-free zero dimensional tellurium(iv) chloride-organic hybrid with strong room temperature emission as a luminescent materialJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C943514358
539Goswami, R; Pal, TK; Neogi, S2021Stimuli -triggered fluoro-switching in metal-organic frameworks: applications and outlookDALTON TRANSACTIONS5040674090
540Ghosh, M; Vijayakumar, V; Kurian, M; Dilwale, S; Kurungot, S2021Naphthalene dianhydride organic anode for a 'rocking-chair' zinc-proton hybrid ion batteryDALTON TRANSACTIONS5042374243
541Bora, BR; Prakash, R; Sultana, S; Gogoi, S2021Ruthenium(ii)-catalyzed decarbonylative and decarboxylative coupling of isatoic anhydrides with salicylaldehydes: access to aryl 2-aminobenzoatesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1927252730
542Kumar, A; Rodrigues, V; Verma, S; Singh, M; Hiremath, C; Shanker, K; Shukla, AK; Sundaresan, V2021Effect of salt stress on seed germination, morphology, biochemical parameters, genomic template stability, and bioactive constituents of Andrographis paniculata NeesACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM43
543Pathak, AK; Garg, H; Subhedar, KM; Dhakate, SRMar-21Significance of Carbon Fiber Orientation on Thermomechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy CompositeFIBERS AND POLYMERS10.1007/s12221-021-0703-9
544Vinoth, R; Nakagawa, T; Mathiyarasu, J; Mohan, AMV2021Fully Printed Wearable Microfluidic Devices for High-Throughput Sweat Sampling and Multiplexed Electrochemical AnalysisACS SENSORS611741186
545Dadinaboyina, SB; Yerra, NV; Adimoolam, BM; Parsa, S; Bathini, NB; Thota, JR2021Identification and characterization of degradation products of Remdesivir using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry daggerNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4572177224
546Jha, P; Husen, S; Kumar, R2021Redox-neutral functionalization of alpha-Csp(3)-H bonds of secondary cyclic amines: a highly atom-economical strategy for N-arylation/formal cross-dehydrogenative couplingsGREEN CHEMISTRY2329502955
547Sakpal, SS; Ghosh, D; Manae, MA; Hazra, A; Bagchi, S2021The Curious Case of Aqueous Warfarin: Structural Isomers or Distinct Excited States?JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B12528712878
548Raju, CV; Kumar, SS2021Co-reactant-free self-enhanced solid-state electrochemiluminescence platform based on polyluminol-gold nanocomposite for signal-on detection of mercury ionSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
549Kundu, G; Ajithkumar, VS; Bisai, MK; Tothadi, S; Das, T; Vanka, K; Sen, SS2021Diverse reactivity of carbenes and silylenes towards fluoropyridinesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5744284431
550Gambhir, K; Sharma, P; Mehrotra, R2021Morphology-Directed Nanoscopic Energy Transfers in Plasmonic-Organic HybridsJOURNAL OF APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY88203214
551Rattan, S; Kumar, D; Warghat, ARMar-21Growth kinetics, metabolite yield, and expression analysis of biosynthetic pathway genes in friable callus cell lines of Rhodiola imbricata (Edgew)PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE10.1007/s11240-021-02057-8
552Bombaywala, S; Mandpe, A; Paliya, S; Kumar, S2021Antibiotic resistance in the environment: a critical insight on its occurrence, fate, and eco-toxicityENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH282488924916
553Rahim, JU; Singh, G; Shankar, S; Katoch, M; Rai, RMar-21Tetrahydropiperic acid (THPA) conjugated cationic hybrid dipeptides as antimicrobial agentsJOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS10.1038/s41429-021-00419-0
554De, D; Sai, MSN; Aniya, V; Satyavathi, B2021Strategic biorefinery platform for green valorization of agro-industrial residues: A sustainable approach towards biodegradable plasticsJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION290
555Kumari, K; Kar, A; Nayak, AK; Mishra, SK; Subudhi, U2021miRNA-mediated alteration of sulfatase modifying factor 1 expression using self-assembled branched DNA nanostructuresRSC ADVANCES111067010680
556Shaifali; Mehara, P; Kumar, A; Das, P2021Pd/C Catalyzed Cascade Synthesis of 2-Arylquinazolinones from 2-Iodoacetanilides Employing Ammonia and CO PrecursorsCHEMCATCHEM1324592464
557Nigam, N; Khare, P; Ahsan, M; Yadav, V; Shanker, K; Singh, RP; Pandey, V; Das, P; Anupama; Yadav, R; Tripathi, P; Sinam, GG; Shukla, AK; Karak, TMar-21Biochar amendment reduced the risk associated with metal uptake and improved metabolite content in medicinal herbsPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM10.1111/ppl.13393
558Biradar, MR; Salkar, AV; Morajkar, PP; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2021Designing neurotransmitter dopamine-functionalized naphthalene diimide molecular architectures for high-performance organic supercapacitor electrode materialsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4593469357
559Surov, AO; Voronin, AP; Drozd, KV; Gruzdev, MS; Perlovich, GL; Prashanth, J; Balasubramanian, S2021Polymorphic forms of antiandrogenic drug nilutamide: structural and thermodynamic aspectsPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS2396959708
560Dayanidhi, PD; Vaidyanathan, VG2021Structural insights into the recognition of DNA defects by small moleculesDALTON TRANSACTIONS5056915712
561Borah, N; Boruah, PK; Kalita, AJ; Guha, AK; Das, MR; Tamuly, C2021A novel method for the rapid sensing of H2O2 using a colorimetric AuNP probe and its DFT studyANALYTICAL METHODS1320552065
562Kumar, MKP; Halami, PM; Peddha, MS2021Effect of Lactobacillus fermentum MCC2760-Based Probiotic Curd on Hypercholesterolemic C57BL6 MiceACS OMEGA677017710
563Mohapatra, S; Das, G; Gupta, V; Mondal, P; Nitani, M; Ie, Y; Chatterjee, S; Aso, Y; Ghosh, S2021Power of an Organic Electron Acceptor in Modulation of Intracellular Mitochondrial Reactive Oxygen Species: Inducing JNK-and Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis of Cancer CellsACS OMEGA678157828
564Thakur, A; Kumari, S; Borker, SS; Prashant, SP; Kumar, A; Kumar, R2021Solid Waste Management in Indian Himalayan Region: Current Scenario, Resource Recovery, and Way Forward for Sustainable DevelopmentFRONTIERS IN ENERGY RESEARCH9
565Shyni, GL; Renjitha, J; Somappa, SB; Raghu, KGMar-21Zerumin A attenuates the inflammatory responses in LPS-stimulated H9c2 cardiomyoblastsJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY10.1002/jbt.22777
566Kumar, N; Sarma, H; Sastry, GNMar-21Repurposing of approved drug molecules for viral infectious diseases: a molecular modelling approachJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2021.1905558
567Gupta, P; Mishra, A; Lal, RK; Dhawan, SS2021DNA Fingerprinting and Genetic Relationships Similarities Among the Accessions/Species of Ocimum Using SCoT and ISSR Markers SystemMOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY63446457
568Pandey, A; Yadav, R; Kumar, S; Kumar, A; Shukla, P; Yadav, A; Sanyal, IMar-21Expression of the entomotoxic Cocculus hirsutus trypsin inhibitor (ChTI) gene in transgenic chickpea enhances its underlying resistance against the infestation of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera litura (Mar, 10.1007/s11240-021-02041-2, 2021)PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE10.1007/s11240-021-02054-x
569Singh, A; Gupta, A; Chowdhary, M; Brahmbhatt, HDMar-21Integrated analysis of miRNA-mRNA networks reveals a strong anti-skin cancer signature in vitiligo epidermisEXPERIMENTAL DERMATOLOGY10.1111/exd.14317
570Atapalkar, RS; Athawale, PR; Reddy, DS; Kulkarni, AA2021Scalable, sustainable and catalyst-free continuous flow ozonolysis of fatty acidsGREEN CHEMISTRY2323912396
571Kumar, A; Sharma, R; Yadav, S; Swami, SK; Kumari, R; Singh, VN; Ojha, S; Schneider, JJ; Srivastava, R; Sinha, OP2021A study on chemical exfoliation and structural and optical properties of two-dimensional layered titanium diselenideDALTON TRANSACTIONS5038943903
572Biradar, MR; Salkar, AV; Morajkar, PP; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2021High-performance supercapacitor electrode based on naphthoquinone-appended dopamine neurotransmitter as an efficient energy storage materialNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4551545164
573Dey, D; Mondal, A; Nag, S; Mondal, U; Hirani, H; Banerjee, P2021The designed synthesis of a hydrophobic covalent polymer composite to expel toxic dyes and oil from wastewater: theoretical corroborationNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4551655175
574Goswami, M; Nithya, C; Sathish, N; Kumar, S; Singh, N; Srivastava, AK; Kumar, S2021Electrochemical studies on crystalline CuS as an electrode material for non-aqueous Na-ion capacitors (vol 44, pg 5278, 2020)NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4552725272
575Kour, P; Mukherjee, SP2021CsPbBr3/Cs4PbBr6 perovskite@COF nanocomposites for visible-light-driven photocatalytic applications in waterJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A968196826
576Priyadarshni, N; Mandal, S; Ganesan, SP; Haider, S; Roy, D; Chanda, N2021Printed oxygen gas sensor using copper-DTDTPA solid electrolyteANALYST14618391843
577Prakash, C; Singh, S; Kopperi, H; Ramakrihna, S; Mohan, SV2021Comparative job production based life cycle assessment of conventional and additive manufacturing assisted investment casting of aluminium: A case studyJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION289
578Pokhriyal, A; Karki, BS; Kant, R; Rastogi, N2021Redox-Neutral 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of 2H-Azirines with 2,4,6-Triarylpyrylium Salts under Visible Light IrradiationJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8646614670
579Sumit; Chandra, D; Sharma, U2021Merging kinetic resolution with C-H activation: an efficient approach for enantioselective synthesisORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1940144026
580Shukla, B; Gupta, S; Srivastava, G; Sharma, A; Shukla, AK; Shasany, AKMar-21lncRNADetector: a bioinformatics pipeline for long non-coding RNA identification and MAPslnc: a repository of medicinal and aromatic plant lncRNAsRNA BIOLOGY10.1080/15476286.2021.1899673
581Ankade, SB; Shabade, AB; Soni, V; Punji, B2021Unactivated Alkyl Halides in Transition-Metal-Catalyzed C-H Bond AlkylationACS CATALYSIS1132683292
582Rakhi, R; Suresh, CH2021Optoelectronic Properties of Polycyclic Benzenoid Hydrocarbons of Various Sizes and Shapes for Donor-pi-Acceptor Systems: A DFT StudyCHEMISTRYSELECT627602769
583Mehta, P; Vishvkarma, R; Singh, K; Rajender, SMar-21MTHFR 1298A>C Substitution is a Strong Candidate for Analysis in Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Evidence from 14,289 SubjectsREPRODUCTIVE SCIENCES10.1007/s43032-021-00530-5
584Yadav, VD; Kumar, L; Kumari, P; Kumar, S; Singh, M; Siddiqi, MI; Yadav, PN; Batra, SMar-21Synthesis and Assessment of Fused beta-Carboline Derivatives as Kappa Opioid Receptor AgonistsCHEMMEDCHEM10.1002/cmdc.202100029
585Tewari, T; Kumar, R; Chandanshive, AC; Chikkali, SH2021Phosphorus Ligands in Hydroformylation and Hydrogenation: A Personal AccountCHEMICAL RECORD2111821198
586Kamireddy, K; Sonbarse, PP; Mishra, SK; Agrawal, L; Chauhan, PS; Lata, C; Parvatam, G2021Proteomic approach to identify the differentially abundant proteins during flavour development in tuberous roots of Decalepis hamiltonii Wight & Arn.3 BIOTECH11
587Banu, S; Choudhari, S; Patel, G; Yadav, PP2021Auto-tandem PET and EnT photocatalysis by crude chlorophyll under visible light towards the oxidative functionalization of indolesGREEN CHEMISTRY2330393047
588Agrawal, A; Goyal, R; Abraham, BM; Singh, O; Tripathi, S; Poddar, MK; Bal, R; Sarkar, B2021Synthesis of sub-nanometric Cu2O catalysts for Pd-free C-C coupling reactions daggerREACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING6929936
589Radhakrishnan, C; Divakar, MK; Jain, A; Viswanathan, P; Bhoyar, RC; Jolly, B; Imran, M; Sharma, D; Rophina, M; Ranjan, G; Sehgal, P; Jose, BP; Raman, RV; Kesavan, TN; George, K; Mathew, S; Poovullathil, JK; Govindan, SKK; Nair, PR; Vadekkandiyil, S; Gladson, V; Mohan, M; Parambath, FC; Mangla, M; Shamnath, A; Sivasubbu, S; Scaria, V2021Initial Insights Into the Genetic Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 Isolates From Kerala Suggest Local Spread From Limited IntroductionsFRONTIERS IN GENETICS12
590Raju, CE; Kadiyala, V; Sreenivasulu, G; Kumar, PB; Sridhar, B; Karunakar, GV2021Gold-catalyzed synthesis of 1H-isochromene-4-carbaldehydes via oxidative cascade cyclization daggerORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1936343643
591Panchal, D; Prakash, O; Bobde, P; Pal, S2021SARS-CoV-2: sewage surveillance as an early warning system and challenges in developing countriesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH282222122240
592Bhambhani, S; Kondhare, KR; Giri, APMar-21Advanced genome editing strategies for manipulation of plant specialized metabolites pertaining to biofortificationPHYTOCHEMISTRY REVIEWS10.1007/s11101-021-09749-1
593Sen Bishwas, M; Malik, M; Poddar, P2021Raman spectroscopy-based sensitive, fast and reversible vapour phase detection of explosives adsorbed on metal-organic frameworks UiO-67NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4571457153
594Tripathi, A; Singh, R; Kalita, J; Patel, DK; Misra, UK2021Is cerebral salt wasting related to sympathetic dysregulation in tuberculous meningitis?NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS747
595Mane, KD; Kamble, RB; Suryavanshi, G2021Short enantioselective total synthesis of (+)-tofacitinibTETRAHEDRON LETTERS67
596Sahoo, T; Sarkar, S; Ghosh, SC2021Copper(II) mediated C-8 amination of 1-naphthylamide derivatives with acyclic and cyclic aminesTETRAHEDRON LETTERS67
597Muthurasu, A; Ganesh, V2021Tuning optical properties of nitrogen-doped carbon dots through fluorescence resonance energy transfer using Rhodamine B for the ratiometric sensing of mercury ionsANALYTICAL METHODS1318571865
598Bhaskar, KL; Bhoi, BMar-21Iron and Nickel Enrichment in Low Grade Chromite Overburden to Produce Ferronickel AlloysTRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS10.1007/s12666-020-02176-4
599Gour, A; Dogra, A; Sharma, S; Wazir, P; Nandi, U2021Effect of Disease State on the Pharmacokinetics of Bedaquiline in Renal-Impaired and Diabetic RatsACS OMEGA669346941
600Kundu, S; Naskar, MK2021Perspective of Membrane Processes for the Removal of Arsenic from Water: An OverviewTRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN CERAMIC SOCIETY802840
601Srivastava, S; Dafale, NA; Tulsani, N; Jakhesara, SJ; Patil, NV; Joshi, CG; Purohit, HJ2021Evaluation of designed consortium SNH-1 for efficient hydrolysis of agriculture waste to benefit bioethanol productionJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION288
602Chatterjee, D; Jadhav, UA; Javaregowda, BH; Dongale, TD; Patil, PS; Wadgaonkar, PP2021Partially bio-based triarylamine-containing polyimides: Synthesis, characterization and evaluation in non-volatile memory device applicationsEUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL147
603Borra, A; Kosuru, RK; Bharadwaj, R; Satyavathi, B2021Measurement and modeling of solubility of furan 2-carboxylic acid in mono and binary systemsJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS326
604Sengupta, S; Murmu, M; Murmu, NC; Banerjee, P2021Adsorption of redox-active Schiff bases and corrosion inhibiting property for mild steel in 1 molL(-1) H2SO4: Experimental analysis supported by ab initio DFT, DFTB and molecular dynamics simulation approachJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS326
605Sankar, SS; Keerthana, G; Manjula, K; Sharad, JH; Kundu, S2021Electrospun Fe-Incorporated ZIF-67 Nanofibers for Effective Electrocatalytic Water SplittingINORGANIC CHEMISTRY6040344046
606Chakravarty, M; Ganguli, P; Murahari, M; Sarkar, RR; Peters, GJ; Mayur, YC2021Study of Combinatorial Drug Synergy of Novel Acridone Derivatives With Temozolomide Using in-silico and in-vitro Methods in the Treatment of Drug-Resistant GliomaFRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY11
607Kothari, D; Thakur, M; Joshi, R; Kumar, A; Kumar, R2021Agro-Climatic Suitability Evaluation for Saffron Production in Areas of Western HimalayaFRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE12
608Gandu, B; Palanivel, S; Juntupally, S; Arelli, V; Begum, S; Anupoju, GRMar-21Removal of NH3 and H2S from odor causing tannery emissions using biological filters: Impact of operational strategy on the performance of a pilot-scale bio-filterJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING10.1080/10934529.2021.1903283
609Koley, P; Shit, SC; Sabri, YM; Rao, BS; Nakka, L; Tardio, J; Mondal, J2021Looking into More Eyes Combining In Situ Spectroscopy in Catalytic Biofuel Upgradation with Composition-Graded Ag-Co Core-Shell NanoalloysACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING937433760
610Paramasivan, K; Aneesha, A; Gupta, N; Mutturi, SMar-21Adaptive evolution of engineered yeast for squalene production improvement and its genome-wide analysisYEAST10.1002/yea.3559
611Kavale, MG; Alexander, HJ; Malarvizhi, J; Manivannan, M; Ram, S2021Short note: Preliminary observations on the propagule production of Sargassum polycystum C. Agardh from stoloniferous branchesAQUACULTURE534
612Yadav, V; Rathod, NH; Sharma, J; Kulshrestha, V2021Long side-chain type partially cross-linked poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) anion exchange membranes for desalination via electrodialysisJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE622
613Narayanan, AP; Unni, KNN; Surendran, KP2021Aerogels of V2O5 nanowires reinforced by polyaniline for electromagnetic interference shieldingCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL408
614Nair, KS; Hareesh, UNS; Surendran, KP2021Oleic acid mediated solvothermal synthesis of (K0.5Na0.5)NbO3 nanoparticlesMATERIALS LETTERS287
615Shrivastava, V; Singh, P; Gupta, GK; Srivastava, SK; Singh, IB2021Synergistic effect of heat treatment and reinforcement content on the microstructure and corrosion behavior of Al-7075 alloy based nanocompositesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS857
616Jayaraman, V; Chinnan, M; Alagarsamy, P; Mani, A2021Assembly of mixed Bi4V1.4Nb0.6O11 phase and g-C3N4 photoactive material over rGO: Enhanced organic model pollutants removal under sun light irradiationMATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING124
617Vinayashree, S; Vasu, P2021Biochemical, nutritional and functional properties of protein isolate and fractions from pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata var. Kashi Harit) seedsFOOD CHEMISTRY340
618Patil, VS; Lugani, Y; Chaudhari, RD; Karodi, PP; Mane, PC; Mehrotra, P; Pawar, SP; Shouche, YS; Vemuluri, VR2021Description and genomic insights into a multidrug resistant novel bacterium Savagea serpentis sp. nov., isolated from the scats of a vine snake (Ahaetulla nasuta)ANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY114687696
619Praveena, NM; Nagarajan, S; Gowd, EB2021Stereocomplexation of enantiomeric star-shaped poly(lactide)s with a chromophore coreCRYSTENGCOMM2321222132
620Ishu, K; Kumar, D; Maurya, NK; Yadav, S; Chaudhary, D; Kuram, MR2021Dicarbofunctionalization of unactivated alkenes by palladium-catalyzed domino Heck/intermolecular direct hetero arylation with heteroarenesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1922432253
621Mote, NR; Gaikwad, SR; Khopade, KV; Gonnade, RG; Chikkali, SH2021Controlled di-lithiation enabled synthesis of phosphine-sulfonamide ligands and implications in ethylene oligomerizationDALTON TRANSACTIONS5037173723
622Bherwani, H; Anjum, S; Gupta, A; Singh, A; Kumar, RMar-21Establishing influence of morphological aspects on microclimatic conditions through GIS-assisted mathematical modeling and field observationsENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY10.1007/s10668-021-01320-4
623Goel, S; Garg, A; Baskey, HB; Tyagi, S2021Microwave absorption study of low-density composites of barium hexaferrite and carbon black in X-bandJOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY98351363
624Ranawat, B; Mishra, S; Singh, A2021Enterobacter hormaechei (MF957335) enhanced yield, disease and salinity tolerance in tomatoARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY20326592667
625Dhote, L; Pandey, RA; Middey, A; Mandal, N; Kumar, SMar-21Co-combustion of distillery sludge and coal for application in boiler and subsequent utilization of the generated bottom ashENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH10.1007/s11356-021-13277-y
626Mondal, R; Pal, S; Chatterjee, U2021Alkylated Imidazole Moieties in a Cross-Linked Anion Exchange Membrane Facilitate Acid Recovery with High PurityACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS315441554
627Karri, SN; Ega, SP; Perupogu, V; Srinivasan, P2021Enhancing the Electrochemical Performance of Polyaniline Using Fly Ash of Coal Waste for Supercapacitor ApplicationCHEMISTRYSELECT625762589
628Kumar, P; Sharma, D; Verma, SK; Halterman, D; Kumar, A2021Genome-wide identification and expression profiling of basic leucine zipper transcription factors following abiotic stresses in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)PLOS ONE16
629Dhanalaxmi, K; Singuru, R; Kundu, SK; Reddy, BM; Bhaumik, A; Mondal, J2021Strongly coupled Mn3O4-porous organic polymer hybrid: a robust, durable and potential nanocatalyst for alcohol oxidation reactions (vol 6, pg 36728, 2016)RSC ADVANCES1193619361
630Mehta, P; Singh, P; Gupta, NJ; Sankhwar, SN; Chakravarty, B; Thangaraj, K; Rajender, SMar-21Mutations in the desert hedgehog (DHH) gene in the disorders of sexual differentiation and male infertilityJOURNAL OF ASSISTED REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS10.1007/s10815-021-02140-1
631Pensia, L; Dwivedi, G; Kumar, R2021Non-destructive inspection and quantification of defects in plywood using a portable digital holographic cameraWOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY55873885
632Baliyan, N; Dindhoria, K; Kumar, A; Thakur, A; Kumar, R2021Comprehensive Substrate-Based Exploration of Probiotics From Undistilled Traditional Fermented Alcoholic Beverage 'Lugri'FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY12
633Kholiya, F; Singh, A; Gosai, A; Meena, R2021Facile preparation of agaraldehyde chitosan-based composite beads as effectual adsorbent especially towards amido blackJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE138
634Sudalaimani, S; Kumar, KS; Esokkiya, A; Suresh, C; Giribabu, K2021Electrified liquid-liquid interface as an electrochemical tool for the sensing of putrescine and cadaverine daggerANALYST14632083215
635Garg, A; Sharma, S; Srivastava, P; Ghosh, SMar-21Application of virus-induced gene silencing in Andrographis paniculata, an economically important medicinal plantPROTOPLASMA10.1007/s00709-021-01631-3
636Yendrapati, TP; Soumya, J; Bojja, S; Pal, U2021Robust Co9S8@CdIn2S4 Cage for Efficient Photocatalytic H-2 EvolutionJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C12550995109
637Chakraborty, P; Bajeli, S; Kaushal, D; Radotra, BD; Kumar, A2021Biofilm formation in the lung contributes to virulence and drug tolerance of Mycobacterium tuberculosisNATURE COMMUNICATIONS12
638Jena, PSM; Pradhan, SK; Tripathy, S; Mahato, B; Fernando, C; Paulose, N; Sahu, JK2021Evolution of geometrically necessary dislocation at the gamma-gamma ' interface and its effect on tensile deformation behaviour of disk super alloyMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING807
639Verma, KS; Muchhala, D; Panthi, S; Mondal, DP2020Experimental and Numerical Study of Compressive Deformation Behavior of Closed-Cell Aluminum Foam (vol 52, pg 451, 2020)STRENGTH OF MATERIALS52976976
640Gupta, RK; Hashmi, SAR; Verma, S; Naik, A2020Development of graphene nanoplatelets-reinforced thermo-responsive shape memory nanocomposites for high recovery force applications (vol 51, pg 793, 2019)STRENGTH OF MATERIALS52977977
641Rao, BR; Kumar, R; Haque, S; Kumar, JM; Rao, TN; Kothapalli, RVSN; Patra, CR2021Ag-2[Fe(CN)(5)NO]-Fabricated Hydrophobic Cotton as a Potential Wound Healing Dressing: An In Vivo ApproachACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES131068910704
642Kumavat, R; Kumar, V; Malhotra, R; Pandit, H; Jones, E; Ponchel, F; Biswas, S2021Biomarkers of Join Damage in Osteoarthritis: Current Status an Future DirectionsMEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION2021
643Babu, GNS; Kalaiselvi, N2021MnCr2O4/graphene composite as a high-performance anode material for lithium-ion batteriesELECTROCHIMICA ACTA372
644Singh, VP; Pathania, AS; Sharma, S; Malik, FA; Kumar, A; Singh, D; Vishwakarma, RA2021Total Synthesis and Conformational Analysis of Naturally Occurring Lipovelutibols along with Lead Optimization of Lipovelutibol DACS OMEGA660706080
645Tejavath, V; Kasarabada, V; Gonuguntla, S; Perupoga, V; Nandury, SV; Bojja, S; Pal, U2021Technoeconomic Investigation of Amine-Grafted Zeolites and Their Kinetics for CO2 CaptureACS OMEGA661536162
646Joseph, E; Rajput, SS; Patil, S; Nisal, A2021Mechanism of Adhesion of Natural Polymer Coatings to Chemically Modified Siloxane PolymerLANGMUIR3729742984
647Imam, A; Kanaujia, PK; Ray, A; Suman, SKMar-21Removal of Petroleum Contaminants Through Bioremediation with Integrated Concepts of Resource Recovery: A ReviewINDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY10.1007/s12088-021-00928-4
648Kumar, N; Saha, S; Sastry, GN2021Towards developing a criterion to characterize non-covalent bonds: a quantum mechanical study daggerPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS2384788488
649Sharma, A; Upadhyay, V; Sarkar, M; Mishra, M; Thacker, G; Trivedi, AKMar-21Proteomic analysis of TGF beta-induced A549 secretome identifies putative regulators of epithelial-mesenchymal transitionBIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY10.1002/bab.2121
650Hurrah, IA; Wagh, VV2021Geranium aedonianum a new species of Geraniaceae from Ladakh, IndiaPHYTOTAXA489241251
651Pandey, A; Yadav, R; Kumar, S; Kumar, A; Shukla, P; Yadav, A; Sanyal, IMar-21Expression of the entomotoxic Cocculus hirsutus trypsin inhibitor (ChTI) gene in transgenic chickpea enhances its underlying resistance against the infestation of Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera lituraPLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE10.1007/s11240-021-02041-2
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653Sankar, SS; Rathishkumar, A; Geetha, K; Kundu, S2021Electrospinning as a tool in fabricating hydrated porous cobalt phosphate fibrous network as high rate OER electrocatalysts in alkaline and neutral mediaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY461036610376
654Suresh, PS; Singh, PP; Padwad, YS; Sharma, U2021Steroidal saponins from Trillium govanianum as alpha-amylase, alpha-glucosidase, and dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitory agentsJOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY73487495
655Lakshmi, S; Renjitha, J; Sasidhar, SB; Priya, SMar-21Epoxyazadiradione induced apoptosis/anoikis in triple-negative breast cancer cells, MDA-MB-231, by modulating diverse cellular effectsJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY10.1002/jbt.22756
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658Samal, RR; Samantara, AK; Mahalik, S; Behera, JN; Dash, B; Sanjay, K2021An anionic and cationic surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles as the active electrode material for supercapacitors (vol 45, pg 2795, 2021)NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4545064506
659Bansal, S; Shabade, AB; Punji, B2021Advances in C(sp(2))-H/C(sp(2))-H Oxidative Coupling of (Hetero)arenes Using 3d Transition Metal CatalystsADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS36319982022
660Parmar, B; Bisht, KK; Rajput, G; Suresh, E2021Recent advances in metal-organic frameworks as adsorbent materials for hazardous dye moleculesDALTON TRANSACTIONS5030833108
661Devi, S; Luwang, MN2021Deciphering the role of temperature in Li+ co-dopant occupancy in BaYF5:Yb3+,Er3+ up-converting nanocrystals and its structure-property relationshipJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS154
662Nandi, UK; Kob, W; Bhattacharyya, SM2021Connecting real glasses to mean-field modelsJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS154
663Sreenath, S; Suman, R; Chola, NM; Verma, V; Nagarale, RK2021Hydrothermal fluorination of carbon nanotubes and its composite with metal ion-doped ceria for a non-gassing flow-in-a-cell applicationJOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROCHEMISTRY51933943
664Kumar, N; Gangwal, A; Sangwan, N; Dhasmana, N; Keshavam, CC; Tyagi, E; Singh, Y2021ClpC-Mediated Sporulation Regulation at Engulfment Stage in Bacillus anthracisINDIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY61170179
665Das, S; Bhowmik, A; Sarkar, W; Mishra, A; Deb, I2021Straightforward Access to Anthrone Functionalized Benzylic Amines via Organocatalytic 1,2-Addition of Anthrones to !mines at Ambient TemperatureJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8641314142
666Singh, S; Ghadge, VA; Kumar, P; Mathew, DE; Dhimmar, A; Sahastrabudhe, H; Nalli, Y; Rathod, MR; Shinde, PB2021Biodiversity and antimicrobial potential of bacterial endophytes from halophyte Salicornia brachiataANTONIE VAN LEEUWENHOEK INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GENERAL AND MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY114591608
667Krishnan, RA; Babu, SA; Nitha, PR; Krishnan, J; John, J2021Synthesis of Benzothienobenzofurans via Annulation of Electrophilic Benzothiophenes with PhenolsORGANIC LETTERS2318141819
668Morri, AK; Thummala, Y; Ghosh, S; Doddi, VR2021Urea-Promoted Metal-Free Homolytic Alkynyl Substitution (HAS): Metal-Free C-C Coupling of Alkynyl Bromides Formed In Situ from 1,1-DibromoalkenesCHEMISTRYSELECT623872393
669Baruah, S; Sultana, S; Bhorali, P; Saikia, P; Gogoi, S2021Ru(ii)-Catalyzed cascade decarbonylative annulation and dehydrogenative alkenylation reactions: synthesis of phthalides daggerORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1929973003
670Babu, GNS; Mani, V; Nishanthi, ST; Chandran, MKN; Kalaiselvi, N2021GeMn2O4 nanorods encapsulated by graphene sheets with enhanced electrochemical properties for lithium/sodium-ion batteriesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS856
671Bura, N; Yadav, D; Bhoriya, A; Singh, J; Sharma, ND2021Influence of varying thermodynamic parameters on the structural behavior of nano-crystalline europium sesquioxideJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS856
672Gaikwad, NB; Afroz, P; Ahmad, MN; Kaul, G; Shukla, M; Nanduri, S; Dasgupta, A; Chopra, S; Yaddanapudi, VM2021Design, synthesis, in vitro and in silico evaluation of new 3-phenyl-4,5-dihydroisoxazole-5-carboxamides active against drug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosisJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE1227
673Chanchpara, A; Sonpal, V; Mehta, G; Sahoo, TP; Thorat, RB; Ray, S; Haldar, SMar-21New normal baseline data during nationwide lock down due to Covid 19 pandemic in the world's largest ship recycling yard at Alang, IndiaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH10.1007/s11356-021-12885-y
674Nayak, D; Vijayan, N; Kumari, M; Vij, M; Sridhar, B; Gupta, G; Pant, RP2021Bulk growth of Iminodiacetic acid single crystal and its characterization for nonlinear optical applicationsBULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE44
675Mandal, H; Chakali, M; Venkatesan, M; Bangal, PR2021Hot Electron Transfer from CdTe Quantum Dot (QD) to Porphyrin and Ultrafast Electron Transfer from Porphyrin to CdTe QD in CdTe QD-Tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin NanocompositesJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C12547504763
676Kumar, A; Chauhan, AS; Shaifali; Das, P2021Lignocellulosic biomass and carbohydrates as feed-stock for scalable production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfuralCELLULOSE2839673980
677Haque, S; Patra, CR2021Biologically synthesized gold nanoparticles as a near-infrared-based bioimaging agentNANOMEDICINE16613616
678Patel, U; Patel, P; Parmar, B; Dadhania, A; Suresh, E2021Synergy of Dual Functional Sites for Conversion of CO2 in a Cycloaddition Reaction under Solvent-Free Conditions by a Zn(II)-Based Coordination Network with a Ladder MotifCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2118331842
679Sankar, SS; Manjula, K; Keerthana, G; Babu, BR; Kundu, S2021Highly Stable Trimetallic (Co, Ni, and Fe) Zeolite Imidazolate Framework Microfibers: An Excellent Electrocatalyst for Water OxidationCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN2118001809
680Rival, JV; Mymoona, P; Vinoth, R; Mohan, AMV; Shibu, ES2021Light-Emitting Atomically Precise Nanocluster-Based Flexible QR Codes for AnticounterfeitingACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES131058310593
681Daga, P; Vaishnav, SR; Dalmia, A; Tumaney, AWMar-21Extraction, fatty acid profile, phytochemical composition and antioxidant activities of fixed oils from spices belonging to Apiaceae and Lamiaceae familyJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE10.1007/s13197-021-05036-1
682Das, G; Cherumukkil, S; Padmakumar, A; Banakar, VB; Praveen, VK; Ajayaghosh, A2021Tweaking a BODIPY Spherical Self-Assembly to 2D Supramolecular Polymers Facilitates Excited-State Cascade Energy TransferANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION6078517859
683Kumar, S; Onkar, AK; Maligappa, M2021Frequency domain approach for probabilistic flutter analysis using stochastic finite elements (vol 54, pg 2207, 2019)MECCANICA5612631263
684Gayathri, T; Rao, RS; Gupta, V; Singh, SP2021Panchromatic aza-Bodipy based pi-conjugatesNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4577927798
685Sherpa, BB; Kumar, PD; Upadhyay, A; Kumar, S; Agarwal, A; Tyagi, S2021Effect of explosive welding parameters on Al/LCS interface cladded by low velocity of detonation explosive welding (LVEW) processINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY11333033317
686Sreelekshmi, M; Raghu, KGMar-21Vanillic acid mitigates the impairments in glucose metabolism in HepG2 cells through BAD-GK interaction during hyperinsulinemiaJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY10.1002/jbt.22750
687Chary, DY; Reddy, KN; Sridhar, B; Reddy, BVS2021Ru(II) catalyzed dehydrogenative annulation of 2-arylimidazo[1,2-a] pyridines with maleimidesTETRAHEDRON LETTERS66
688More, GV; Malekar, PV; Kalshetti, RG; Shinde, MH; Ramana, CV2021Ru-catalyzed asymmetric transfer hydrogenation of alpha-acyl butyrolactone via dynamic kinetic resolution: Asymmetric synthesis of bis-THF alcohol intermediate of darunavirTETRAHEDRON LETTERS66
689Yathirajam, B; Meenakshisundaram, VS; Muniyappa, AC2021An Efficient Approach to Initialization of Visual-Inertial Navigation System using Closed-Form Solution for Autonomous RobotsJOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS101
690Shah, SD; Pangti, R; Rajput, L; Mathur, J; Chouhan, V; Kumar, S; Dholakia, D; Gupta, V; Sharma, VK; Gupta, SMar-21Comparison of performance of a deep learning-based mobile application with non-dermatologist physicians in the diagnosis of common skin diseasesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY10.1111/ijd.15488
691Alam, S; Nasreen, S; Ahmad, A; Darokar, MP; Khan, F2021Detection of Natural Inhibitors against Human Liver Cancer Cell Lines through QSAR, Molecular Docking and ADMET StudiesCURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY21686695
692Rajput, A; Kumar, A; Megha, K; Thakur, A; Kumar, M2021DrugRepV: a compendium of repurposed drugs and chemicals targeting epidemic and pandemic virusesBRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS2210761084
693Singh, S; Mabalirajan, U2021Mitochondrial calcium in command of juggling myriads of cellular functionsMITOCHONDRION57108118
694Tanwar, J; Singh, JB; Motiani, RK2021Molecular machinery regulating mitochondrial calcium levels: The nuts and bolts of mitochondrial calcium dynamicsMITOCHONDRION57922
695Ali, M; Rao, KBN; Majumder, P; Sarkar, R; Mapa, K2021Alterations in inter-organelle crosstalk and Ca2+signaling through mitochondria during proteotoxic stressesMITOCHONDRION573746
696Rehman, R; Jaiswal, A; Agrawal, A; Mabalirajan, U2021Ku70 modulation alleviates murine allergic asthma features and restores mitochondrial function in lungsMITOCHONDRION577687
697Dubey, RK; Dhamija, E; Mishra, AK; Soam, D; Yabaji, SM; Srivastava, K; Srivastava, KK2021Mycobacterial origin protein Rv0674 localizes into mitochondria, interacts with D-loop and regulates OXPHOS for intracellular persistence of Mycobacterium tuberculosisMITOCHONDRION57241256
698Arora, P; Kumar, A; Vishwakarma, RA; Riyaz-Ul-Hassan, S2021A natural association of a yeast with Aspergillus terreus and its impact on the host fungal biologyFEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS368
699Choudhary, P; Badmalia, MD; Ashish, G; Rao, A2021Shape-function insights into bifunctional O-GlcNActransferase of Listeria monocytogenes EGD-eGLYCOBIOLOGY31275287
700Prasad, P; Singh, V; Aftab, N; Gupta, A; Kishor, R; Kushwaha, HK; Singh, V; Verma, RS; Kumar, B2021Gamma irradiation-induced variability in morpho-agronomic and oil quality traits of Mentha piperita L.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY97737745
701Kumar, P; Ashrita; Acharya, V; Warghat, AR2021Comparative transcriptome analysis infers bulb derived in vitro cultures as a promising source for sipeimine biosynthesis in Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don (Liliaceae, syn. Fritillaria roylei Hook.) - High value Himalayan medicinal herbPHYTOCHEMISTRY183
702Muvva, C; Murugan, NA; Subramanian, V2021Assessment of Amyloid Forming Tendency of Peptide Sequences from Amyloid Beta and Tau Proteins Using Force-Field, Semi-Empirical, and Density Functional Theory CalculationsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES22
703Ogundele, AV; Haldar, S; Yadav, A; Das, AM2021Elaeocarpus floribundus Bl. seeds as a new source of bioactive compounds with promising antioxidant and antimicrobial propertiesZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION C-A JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES76141146
704Vashistha, P; Singh, SK; Kumar, V2021Sustainable Utilization of Paper-Industry Lime Sludge through Development of Metakaolinite-Based Cementitious BinderJOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING33
705Prajapati, PK; Saini, S; Nandal, N; Jain, SL2021Photochemical fixation of carbon dioxide for N-formylation of amine using Cu(II) embedded BiVO4 nanocomposite under visible lightJOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION45
706Singh, K; Rao, A2021Probiotics: A potential immunomodulator in COVID-19 infection managementNUTRITION RESEARCH87112
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708Singu, PS; Chitakamarthi, U; Mahadik, NS; Keerti, B; Valipenta, N; Mokale, SN; Nagesh, N; Kumbhare, RM2021Benzimidazole-1,2,3-triazole hybrid molecules: synthesis and study of their interaction with G-quadruplex DNARSC MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY12416429
709Mishra, AK; Pujari, PR; Dhyani, S; Verma, P; Janipella, R; Balwant, P; Purkayastha, SD; Quamar, R; Veligeti, J2021Assessing water requirement of orange trees using sap flow measurements in Narkhed-Pandhurna critical zone observatory (CZO) in central IndiaJOURNAL OF AGROMETEOROLOGY231420
710Kholiya, F; Rathod, MR; Meena, R2021In situ synthesis of gold nanoparticle coated composite derived from agar-aldehyde: Characterization and their catalytic activity (vol 25, 101543, 2020)MATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS26
711Kumar, M; Raj, A; Kumar, A; Anshul, A2021Effect of band-gap tuning on lead-free double perovskite heterostructure devices for photovoltaic applications via SCAPS simulationMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS26
712Thakur, VN; Yadav, S; Kumar, A2021Effect of bismuth substitution on piezoelectric coefficients and temperature and pressure-dependent dielectric and impedance properties of lead zirconate titanate ceramicsMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS26
713Angamuthu, G; Bosubabu, D; Ramesha, K; Rengarajan, V2021The Si3N4/MoS2 hetero-structure as an effective polysulfide regulator for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteryAPPLIED MATERIALS TODAY22
714Niranjan, K; Kondaiah, P; Biswas, A; Kumar, VP; Srinivas, G; Barshilia, HC2021Spectrally Selective Solar Absorber Coating of W/WAlSiN/SiON/SiO2 with Enhanced Absorption through Gradation of Optical Constants: Validation by SimulationCOATINGS11
715Joshi, GP; Naik, SS; Banakar, VK2021Last 10000 years Variation in the Intensity of OMZ-Core Reconstructed from Sediment of the Eastern Arabian SeaJOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA97243248
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717Jain, S; Sharma, SK; Srivastava, MK; Chatterjee, A; Vijayan, N; Tripathy, SS; Kumari, KM; Mandal, TK; Sharma, C2021Chemical characterization, source apportionment and transport pathways of PM2.5 and PM10 over Indo Gangetic Plain of IndiaURBAN CLIMATE36
718Jayalakshmi, M; Patel, VV; Singh, GK2021Relook at Aileron to Rudder InterconnectDEFENCE SCIENCE JOURNAL71153161
719Chandrakar, P; Seth, A; Rani, A; Dutta, M; Parmar, N; Descoteaux, A; Kar, S2021Jagged-Notch-mediated divergence of immune cell crosstalk maintains the anti-inflammatory response in visceral leishmaniasisJOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE134
720Singh, RK; Pal, D; Signh, SK; Tripathi, N; Singh, RS2021Utilization of Iron Ore Tailings for Brick Manufacture from Donimalai Mines of Karnataka, IndiaJOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH80210220
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722Fatma, F; Tripathi, DK; Srivastava, M; Srivastava, KK; Arora, A2021Immunological characterization of chimeras of high specificity antigens from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37RvTUBERCULOSIS127
723Agarwal, R; Aggarwal, SG2021Absorption Efficiency Assessment and Uncertainty Measurement of the Sodium Arsenite Method for Ambient NO2 DeterminationAEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH21
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725Kumari, P; Ujala; Bhargava, B2021Phytochemicals from edible flowers: Opening a new arena for healthy lifestyleJOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS78
726Tripathy, S; Chowdhury, SG2021On the through-process texture evolution assessment in grain oriented Fe-3 wt% Si steel produced by a novel directional inoculation techniqueSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
727Anas, A; Krishna, K; Vijayakumar, S; George, G; Menon, N; Kulk, G; Chekidhenkuzhiyil, J; Ciambelli, A; Vikraman, HK; Tharakan, B; Useph, AJK; Goult, E; Vengalil, J; Platt, T; Sathyendranath, S2021Dynamics of Vibrio cholerae in a Typical Tropical Lake and Estuarine System: Potential of Remote Sensing for Risk MappingREMOTE SENSING13
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729Arunachalam, B; Jaganathan, M; Palanisamy, T; Dhathathreyan, A2021Physico-chemical studies of elastic compliance and adsorption of DOPC vesicles and its mixture with charged lipids at fluid/solid interfaceCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES199
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735Latha, M; Dolui, AK; Vijayaraj, P2021Proteoform of Arabidopsis seed storage protein identified by functional proteomics approach exhibits acyl hydrolase activity during germinationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES172452463
736Dnyane, P; Gadgil, C2021Boolean model for melanogenesisPHYSICAL BIOLOGY18
737Yoosuf, M; Pradhan, SC; Sruthi, MM; Soman, S; Gopidas, KR2021Propellar shaped triple bond rigidified D-A-pi-A triphenylamine dye as back electron interceptor in iodine and cobalt electrolyte DSSCs under full sun and indoor lightSOLAR ENERGY216151163
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739Lohithakshan, A; Narayanasamy, R; Potteth, US; Keshava, S; Nagaraja, V; Usharani, D; Kumar, R2021Molecular insights into the mechanism of substrate binding and catalysis of bifunctional FAD synthetase from Staphylococcus aureusBIOCHIMIE182217227
740Reddy, G; Della Gaspera, E; Jones, LA; Giribabu, L2021Self-assembly of a symmetrical dimethoxyphenyl substituted Zn(II) phthalocyanine into nanoparticles with enhanced NIR absorbance for singlet oxygen generationJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY408
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742Walia, S; Kumar, R2021Wild marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) biomass and essential oil composition modulated by weed management techniquesINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS161
743Rajagopal, V; Narayanan, NJ; Kathiresan, M; Pattanayak, DK; Suryanarayanan, V2021Triazine interlinked covalent organic polymer as an efficient antibacterial agentMATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY19
744Singh, C; Thakur, VN; Kumar, A2021Investigation on barometric and hydrostatic pressure sensing properties of Pb[(Mg1/3Nb2/3)(0.7)Ti-0.3]O-3 electro-ceramicsCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL4769826987
745Amsaraj, R; Mutturi, S2021Real-coded GA coupled to PLS for rapid detection and quantification of tartrazine in tea using FT-IR spectroscopyLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY139
746Singh, P; Shrivastava, V; Srivastava, SK; Singh, IB; Agarwal, P; Mondal, DP2021Microstructural evolution, compressive deformation and corrosion behaviour of thermally oxidized porous Ti4Al4Co alloy made of mechanically alloyed powderMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS261
747Prajesh, R; Jha, RK; Saini, V; Nahid, M; Goyal, V; Chaudhury, P; Bhargava, J; Sharma, AK; Agarwal, A2021Assessing simultaneous effect of Ar/O-2 ratio and process pressure on ammonia sensing properties of reactive DC magnetron sputtered SnO2 thin filmsMATERIALS LETTERS286
748Jinka, S; Rachamalla, HK; Bhattacharyya, T; Sridharan, K; Jaggarapu, MMCS; Yakati, V; Banerjee, R2021Glucocorticoid receptor-targeted liposomal delivery system for delivering small molecule ESC8 and anti-miR-Hsp90 gene construct to combat colon cancerBIOMEDICAL MATERIALS16
749Sahu, U; Ibrahim, SS; Vendan, SE2021Persistence and ingestion characteristics of phytochemical volatiles as bio-fumigants in Sitophilus oryzae adultsECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY210
750Tiwari, V; Mishra, A; Singh, S; Mishra, SK; Sahu, KK; Parul; Kulkarni, MJ; Shukla, R; Shukla, S2021Protriptyline improves spatial memory and reduces oxidative damage by regulating NF kappa B-BDNF/CREB signaling axis in streptozotocin-induced rat model of Alzheimer's diseaseBRAIN RESEARCH1754
751Vashistha, N; Kumar, A; Vij, M; Singh, RK; Kumar, M2021Detection and analysis of structural changes in MoO3/Ag heterostructure by ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopyPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER604
752Singh, G; Hossain, MM; Bhat, AQ; Ayaz, MO; Bano, N; Eachkoti, R; Dar, MJ2021Identification of a cross-talk between EGFR and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathways in HepG2 liver cancer cellsCELLULAR SIGNALLING79
753Edathara, PM; Chintalapally, S; Makani, VKK; Pant, C; Yerramsetty, S; Rao, MD; Bhadra, MP2021Inhibitory role of oleanolic acid and esculetin in HeLa cells involve multiple signaling pathwaysGENE771
754Ali, V; Khajuria, M; Bhat, R; Rashid, A; Faiz, S; Vyas, D2021Comparative phytochemical analysis of Lepidium latifolium L. sprouts from Ladakh Himalayas suggest a novel combination of 2-propenyl and benzyl glucosinolateLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY138
755Chilakala, S; Mehtab, V; Tallapally, M; Vemula, M; Shaikh, AS; Chenna, S; Upadhyayula, V2021SEC-MS/MS determination of amino acids from mango fruits and application of the method for studying amino acid perturbations due to post harvest ripeningLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY138
756Yadav, S; Sahoo, S2021Interface study of thermally driven chemical kinetics involved in Ti/Si3N4 based metal-substrate assembly by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE541
757Shukla, V; Asthana, S; Singh, S; Tripathi, A2021Role of anthraquinones in Cassia occidentalis induced hepato-myo-encephalopathyJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY267
758Babu, GNS; Kalaiselvi, N2021Co2GeO4/graphene hetero-architecture as a potential anode for sodium ion batteriesJOURNAL OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF SOLIDS150
759Niranjan, K; Soum-Glaude, A; Carling-Plaza, A; Bysakh, S; John, S; Barshilia, HC2021Extremely high temperature stable nanometric scale multilayer spectrally selective absorber coating: Emissivity measurements at elevated temperatures and a comprehensive study on ageing mechanismSOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS221
760Ishwarya, SP; Nisha, P2021Foaming agents from spent coffee grounds: A mechanistic understanding of the modes of foaming and the role of coffee oil as antifoamFOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS112
761Rashid, A; Ali, V; Khajuria, M; Faiz, S; Gairola, S; Vyas, D2021GC-MS based metabolomic approach to understand nutraceutical potential of Cannabis seeds from two different environmentsFOOD CHEMISTRY339
762Abraham, M; Kunti, AK; Thejas, KK; Amador-Mendez, N; Gogneau, N; Nishanth, KG; Tchernycheva, M; Das, S2021The elevated colour rendering of white-LEDs by microwave-synthesized red-emitting (Li, Mg)(3)RbGe8O18:Mn4+ nanophosphorsDALTON TRANSACTIONS5030443059
763Sharma, A; Dutta, D; Gogoi, P2021A palladium-catalyzed cascade process for spirooxindole: an alternative way for the synthesis of spiro(indoline-3,2 '-quinazolin)-2-onesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1917951806
764Babu, SA; Rajalekshmi, AR; Nitha, PR; Omanakuttan, VK; Rahul, P; Varughese, S; John, J2021Unprecedented access to functionalized pyrrolo[2,1-a]isoquinolines from the domino reaction of isoquinolinium ylides and electrophilic benzannulated heterocyclesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1918071817
765Gupta, SK; Sharma, M; Maurya, VK; Deeba, F; Pandey, VFeb-21Effects of ethylenediurea (EDU) on apoplast and chloroplast proteome in two wheat varieties under high ambient ozone: an approach to investigate EDU's mode of actionPROTOPLASMA10.1007/s00709-021-01617-1
766Shivangi; Ekka, MK; Meena, LS2021Essential biochemical, biophysical and computational inputs on efficient functioning of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H(37)Rv FtsYINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES1715973
767Annapareddy, VSR; Pain, AFeb-21Finite Element Modeling (FEM) vs. Simplified Force-Based Methods for Rigid Retaining Walls Under Earthquake ExcitationJOURNAL OF EARTHQUAKE AND TSUNAMI10.1142/S1793431121500202
768Kholiya, F; Jauhari, S; Meena, RFeb-21Seaweed-derived polymer-based blue-emitting C-dots: synthesis, characterization and evaluation for iron sensingPOLYMER INTERNATIONAL10.1002/pi.6201
769Kaushik, A; Kumar, A; Aswini, MA; Panda, PP; Shukla, G; Gupta, NC2021Seasonal Variation in Chemical Composition of Size-Segregated Aerosols Over the Northeastern Arabian SeaFRONTIERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE8
770Singla, G; Bhange, SN; Mahajan, M; Kurungot, S2021Facile synthesis of CNT interconnected PVP-ZIF-8 derived hierarchically porous Zn/N co-doped carbon frameworks for oxygen reduction daggerNANOSCALE1362486258
771Andraskar, J; Yadav, S; Kapley, AFeb-21Challenges and Control Strategies of Odor Emission from Composting OperationAPPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY10.1007/s12010-021-03490-3
772Rao, BSS; Ramu, C; Sudhakar, G2021Total synthesis of alstofonidine via its putative biosynthetic congenerTETRAHEDRON82
773Thangaswamy, SJK; Mir, MA; Muthu, AFeb-21Green synthesis of mono and bimetallic alloy nanoparticles of gold and silver using aqueous extract of Chlorella acidophile for potential applications in sensorsPREPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOTECHNOLOGY10.1080/10826068.2021.1894441
774Sarki, N; Goyal, V; Tyagi, NK; Puttaswamy; Narani, A; Ray, A; Natte, K2021Simple RuCl3-catalyzed N-Methylation of Amines and Transfer Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes using MethanolCHEMCATCHEM1317221729
775Lincy, J; Manohar, CS202116S rRNA and hydrazine gene-based profiling of the Candidatus Scalindua community from the Arabian Sea hypoxic sedimentsCURRENT SCIENCE120684693
776Sati, H; Chokshi, K; Soundarya, R; Ghosh, A; Mishra, S2021Seaweed-based biostimulant improves photosynthesis and effectively enhances growth and biofuel potential of a green microalga Chlorella variabilisAQUACULTURE INTERNATIONAL29963975
777Goel, S; Tyagi, A; Garg, A; Kumar, S; Baskey, HB; Gupta, RK; Tyagi, S2021Microwave absorption study of composites based on CQD@BaTiO3 core shell and BaFe12O19 nanoparticlesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS855
778Raheem, AA; Kumar, C; Shanmugam, R; Murugan, P; Praveen, C2021Molecular engineering of twisted dipolar chromophores for efficiency boosted BHJ solar cellsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C945624575
779Gangadharan, PK; Pandikassala, A; Kurungot, S2021Toward pH Independent Oxygen Reduction Reaction by Polydopamine Derived 3D Interconnected, Iron Carbide Embedded Graphitic CarbonACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES1381478158
780Desale, SE; Chinnathambi, S2021Phosphoinositides signaling modulates microglial actin remodeling and phagocytosis in Alzheimer's diseaseCELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING19
781Ranawat, B; Bachani, P; Singh, A; Mishra, S2021Enterobacter hormaechei as Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria for Improvement in Lycopersicum esculentumCURRENT MICROBIOLOGY7812081217
782Manzoor, MM; Goyal, P; Pandotra, P; Dar, MS; Dar, MJ; Misra, P; Gupta, AP; Vishwakarma, RA; Ahuja, A; Dhar, MK; Gupta, SFeb-21Transcriptome-wide identification of squalene epoxidase genes from Glycyrrhiza glabra L.: expression analysis and heterologous expression of GgSQE1 suggest important role in terpenoid biosynthesisPROTOPLASMA10.1007/s00709-021-01616-2
783Angulakshmi, N; Dhanalakshmi, RB; Sathya, S; Ahn, JH; Stephan, AMFeb-21Understanding the Electrolytes of Lithium-Sulfur BatteriesBATTERIES & SUPERCAPS10.1002/batt.202000273
784Babu, V; Binwal, M; Ranjana; Kumari, R; Sen, S; Kumar, A; Mugale, MN; Shanker, K; Kumar, N; Bawankule, DUFeb-21Hesperidin-rich ethanol extract from waste peels of Citrus limetta mitigates rheumatoid arthritis and related complicationsPHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH10.1002/ptr.7053
785Yadav, R; Bhattacharyya, B; Pandey, A; Kaur, M; Aloysius, RP; Gupta, A; Husale, S2021Accessing topological surface states and negative MR in sculpted nanowires of Bi2Te3 at ultra-low temperatureJOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER33
786Saifi, A; Joseph, JP; Singh, AP; Pal, A; Kumar, K2021Complexation of an Azo Dye by Cyclodextrins: A Potential Strategy for Water PurificationACS OMEGA647764782
787Tamuli, KJ; Nath, S; Bordoloi, M2021In water organic synthesis: Introducing itaconic acid as a recyclable acidic promoter for efficient and scalable synthesis of quinoxaline derivatives at room temperatureJOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY589831002
788Borthakur, P; Boruah, PK; Das, MR; Ibrahim, MM; Altalhi, T; El-Sheshtawy, HS; Szunerits, S; Boukherroub, R; Amin, MA2021CoS2 Nanoparticles Supported on rGO, g-C3N4, BCN, MoS2, and WS2 Two-Dimensional Nanosheets with Excellent Electrocatalytic Performance for Overall Water Splitting: Electrochemical Studies and DFT CalculationsACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS412691285
789Ramesha, RN; Bosubabu, D; Babu, MGK; Ramesha, K2021Tuning of Ni, Mn, and Co (NMC) Content in 0.4(LiNixMnyCozO2)center dot 0.4(Li2MnO3) toward Stable High-Capacity Lithium-Rich Cathode Materials (vol 3, pg 10872, 2020)ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS420202020
790Bisai, MK; Gour, K; Das, T; Vanka, K; Sen, SS2021Lithium compound catalyzed deoxygenative hydroboration of primary, secondary and tertiary amidesDALTON TRANSACTIONS5023542358
791Satyam, K; Ramarao, J; Suresh, S2021N-Heterocyclic carbene (NHC)-catalyzed intramolecular benzoin condensation-oxidationORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1914881492
792Singhania, A; Dutta, M; Saha, S; Sahoo, P; Bora, B; Ghosh, S; Fujita, D; Bandyopadhyay, A2021Speedy one-pot electrochemical synthesis of giant octahedrons from in situ generated pyrrolidinyl PAMAM dendrimer (vol 16, pg 9140, 2020)SOFT MATTER1720102010
793Tiwari, R; Shinde, PS; Sreedharan, S; Dey, AK; Vallis, KA; Mhaske, SB; Pramanik, SK; Das, A2021Photoactivatable prodrug for simultaneous release of mertansine and CO along with a BODIPY derivative as a luminescent marker in mitochondria: a proof of concept for NIR image-guided cancer therapyCHEMICAL SCIENCE1226672673
794Bolar, S; Shit, S; Samanta, P; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2021The structure-activity correlation of bifunctional MnO2 polymorphoric and MoS2-based heterostructures: a highly efficient, robust electrochemical water oxidation and reduction reaction catalyst in alkaline pHSUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS511481157
795Puranik, NV; Swami, S; Misar, AV; Mamgain, R; Gulawani, SS; Dhiman, S; Srivastava, PFeb-21The first synthesis of podocarflavone A and its analogs and evaluation of their antimycobacterial potential against Mycobacterium tuberculosis with the support of virtual screeningNATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH10.1080/14786419.2021.1893317
796Singh, S; Pandey, P; Akhtar, MQ; Negi, AS; Banerjee, S2021A new synthetic biology approach for the production of curcumin and its glucoside in Atropa belladonna hairy rootsJOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY3282333
797Kumar, M; Rani, S; Singh, Y; Gour, KS; Singh, VN2021Tin-selenide as a futuristic material: properties and applicationsRSC ADVANCES1164776503
798Vyas, G; Bhatt, S; Paul, P2021Functionalized magnetic nanoparticles Fe3O4@SiO2@PTA (PTA = (2-pyrimidylthio)acetic acid) for efficient removal of mercury from waterCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS611
799Swarnkar, S; Ansari, MY; Kumar, A2021Visible-Light-Induced Tertiary C(sp(3))-H Sulfonylation: An Approach to Tertiary SulfonesORGANIC LETTERS2311631168
800Banerjee, A; Bhakta, S; Sengupta, J2021Integrative approaches in cryogenic electron microscopy: Recent advances in structural biology and future perspectivesISCIENCE24
801Singh, H; Sen, C; Suresh, E; Panda, AB; Ghosh, SC2021C-H Amidation and Amination of Arenes and Heteroarenes with Amide and Amine using Cu-MnO as a Reusable Catalyst under Mild ConditionsJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8632613275
802Mathew, NS; Negi, PS2021Phenolic content and anti-oxidative attributes of various parts of wild banana (Ensete superbum Roxb. Cheesman) plantJOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY45
803Kapoor, NR; Kumar, A; Meena, CS; Kumar, A; Alam, T; Balam, NB; Ghosh, A2021A Systematic Review on Indoor Environmental Quality in Naturally Ventilated School Classrooms: A Way ForwardADVANCES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING2021
804Basavaraja, D; Krishna, MSA; Krishnan, J; Athira, CS; Amrutha, RR; Suresh, E; Somappa, SB2021Base-enabled access to diastereoselective spirofuran oxindoles and gamma-functionalized allenoatesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5717461749
805Stewart, GJ; Acton, WJF; Nelson, BS; Vaughan, AR; Hopkins, JR; Arya, R; Mondal, A; Jangirh, R; Ahlawat, S; Yadav, L; Sharma, SK; Dunmore, RE; Yunus, SSM; Hewitt, CN; Nemitz, E; Mullinger, N; Gadi, R; Sahu, LK; Tripathi, N; Rickard, AR; Lee, JD; Mandal, TK; Hamilton, JF2021Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds from combustion of domestic fuels in Delhi, IndiaATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS2123832406
806Das, R; Chinnathambi, S2021Microglial remodeling of actin network by Tau oligomers, via G protein-coupled purinergic receptor, P2Y12R-driven chemotaxisTRAFFIC22153170
807Haque, S; Patra, CR2021Nanoparticle-based angiogenesis for the recovery of heavy metal-induced vascular toxicityNANOMEDICINE16351354
808Amalakanti, S; Bhat, UA; Mylavarapu, MB; Khandelwal, N; Sundarachary, NV; Chakravarty, S; Kumar, AFeb-21Gene Expression Analysis Identifies Cholesterol Metabolism Dysregulation in Hippocampus of Phenytoin-Resistant Pentylenetetrazol-Kindled Epileptic MiceNEUROMOLECULAR MEDICINE10.1007/s12017-021-08648-0
809Dutta, NB; Bori, J; Gogoi, P; Baishya, G2021Metal-, Photocatalyst-, Light- and Electrochemical-Free C-3 Trifluoromethylation of Quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones, Imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines and 2H-IndazolesCHEMISTRYSELECT614711477
810Tiwari, R; Banerjee, S; Tyde, D; Das Saha, K; Ethiarajan, A; Mukherjee, N; Chattopadhy, S; Pramanik, SK; Das, A2021Redox-Responsive Nanocapsules for the Spatiotemporal Release of Miltefosine in Lysosome: Protection against LeishmaniaBIOCONJUGATE CHEMISTRY32245253
811Agarwal, PB; Thakur, NK; Sharma, R; Singh, P; Joseph, J; Tripura, C2021Chemical-free and scalable process for the fabrication of a uniform array of liquid-gated CNTFET, evaluated by KCl electrolyteSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
812Bhoyar, RC; Jain, A; Sehgal, P; Divakar, MK; Sharma, D; Imran, M; Jolly, B; Ranjan, G; Rophina, M; Sharma, S; Siwach, S; Pandhare, K; Sahoo, S; Sahoo, M; Nayak, A; Mohanty, JN; Das, J; Bhandari, S; Mathur, SK; Kumar, A; Sahlot, R; Rojarani, P; Lakshmi, JV; Surekha, A; Sekhar, PC; Mahajan, S; Masih, S; Singh, P; Kumar, V; Jose, B; Mahajan, V; Gupta, V; Gupta, R; Arumugam, P; Singh, A; Nandy, A; Ragavendran, PV; Jha, RM; Kumari, A; Gandotra, S; Rao, V; Faruq, M; Kumar, S; Reshma, GB; Varma, GN; Roy, SS; Sengupta, A; Chattopadhyay, S; Singhal, K; Pradhan, S; Jha, D; Naushin, S; Wadhwa, S; Tyagi, N; Poojary, M; Scaria, V; Sivasubbu, S2021High throughput detection and genetic epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 using COVIDSeq next-generation sequencingPLOS ONE16
813Gupta, S; Shariff, M; Chaturvedi, G; Sharma, A; Goel, N; Yadav, M; Mortensen, MS; Sorensen, SJ; Mukerji, M; Chauhan, NS2021Comparative analysis of the alveolar microbiome in COPD, ECOPD, Sarcoidosis, and ILD patients to identify respiratory illnesses specific microbial signaturesSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
814Arya, VB; Surendran, S; Rajendran, K2021On the build-up of dust aerosols and possible indirect effect during Indian summer monsoon break spells using recent satellite observations of aerosols and cloud propertiesJOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE130
815Boopathi, AA; Bhavani, T; Lobo, NP; Narasimhaswamy, TFeb-21C-13 NMR investigations and molecular order of nematogens with biphenyl and bithiophene at terminusLIQUID CRYSTALS10.1080/02678292.2021.1883139
816Maharana, R; Das, S; Dhal, NK; Dinda, S; Singh, BSM2021Characterization and Mechanisms of Biosolubilization of Rock Phosphate by Microbes Isolated from Mahanadi Estuary, Odisha, IndiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH15335348
817Malipatil, SG; Majila, AN; Fernando, DC; Manjuprasad, M; Manjunatha, CM2021Damage Tolerance Behavior of a Nickel-Based Super-alloy GTM718 Under Cold-TURBISTAN Variable Amplitude LoadsTRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS74901907
818Ranjeesh, KC; George, L; Maibam, A; Krishnamurty, S; Babu, SS2021A Durable Metalloporphyrin 2D-Polymer for Photocatalytic Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution from River and Sea WatersCHEMCATCHEM1317171721
819Venkateshwaran, S; Josline, MJ; Kumar, SMS2021Fine-tuning interlayer spacing in MoS2 for enriching 1T phase via alkylated ammonium ions for electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reactionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY4683778390
820Thakur, A; Kumar, P; Thalluri, SM; Sinha, RK; Devi, P2021Flexible polypyrrole activated micro-porous paper-based photoanode for photoelectrochemical water splittingINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY4684448453
821Srinivasa, UM; Naidu, MMFeb-21Selective extraction of galactomannan from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.) seed husk and its enzyme inhibitory potential associated with hyperglycaemiaJOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10.1002/jsfa.11121
822Malasala, S; Ahmad, MN; Akunuri, R; Shukla, M; Kaul, G; Dasgupta, A; Madhavi, YV; Chopra, S; Nanduri, S2021Synthesis and evaluation of new quinazoline-benzimidazole hybrids as potent anti-microbial agents against multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosisEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY212
823Phull, MS; Jadav, SS; Gundla, R; Mainkar, PS2021A perspective on medicinal chemistry approaches towards adenomatous polyposis coli and Wnt signal based colorectal cancer inhibitorsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY212
824Pathak, S; Verma, R; Singhal, S; Chaturvedi, R; Kumar, P; Sharma, P; Pant, RP; Wang, X2021Spin dynamics investigations of multifunctional ambient scalable Fe3O4 surface decorated ZnO magnetic nanocomposite using FMRSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
825Pandit, S; Singh, P; Sinha, M; Parthasarathi, R2021Integrated QSAR and Adverse Outcome Pathway Analysis of Chemicals Released on 3D Printing Using Acrylonitrile Butadiene StyreneCHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY34355364
826Karmakar, A; Karthick, K; Sankar, SS; Kumaravel, S; Ragunath, M; Kundu, S2021Surface Decoration of DNA-Aided Amorphous Cobalt Hydroxide via Ag+ Ions as Binder-Free Electrodes toward Electrochemical Oxygen Evolution ReactionINORGANIC CHEMISTRY6026802693
827Gupta, S; Rai, AK; Pandey, S; Singh, LR; Kant, R; Tamrakar, AK; Sashidhara, KV2021Microwave-assisted efficient synthesis of pyrazole-fibrate derivatives as stimulators of glucose uptake in skeletal muscle cellsBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS34
828Biswas, B; Kumar, AA; Bisht, Y; Krishna, BB; Kumar, J; Bhaskar, T2021Role of temperatures and solvents on hydrothermal liquefaction of Azolla filiculoidesENERGY217
829Sindhoora, S; Janhavi, P; Muthukumar, SP; Vijayanand, P2021Bioaccessibility and bioavailability of soluble polyphenols from Capparis zeylanica fruit according to drying methodJOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION1524912499
830Christopher, N; Anand, K; Srivastava, AK; Singh, NFeb-21Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and hard magnetic properties of Hf1.5Zr0.5Co10FeB melt-spun ribbonsJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY10.1007/s10973-021-10553-4
831Sharma, P; Sharma, A; Ganga, L; Satoeya, N; Jha, R; Srivastava, M2021Acidic Calcium-Independent Phospholipase A2 Regulates Eosinophil-Mediated Pathology during Filarial Manifestation of Tropical Pulmonary EosinophiliaJOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY206722736
832Faujdar, E; Singh, RK2021Methyl oleate derived multifunctional additive for polyol based lubricantsWEAR466
833Goel, P; Singh, S; Kaur, H; Mishra, S; Deep, A2021Low-cost inkjet printing of metal-organic frameworks patterns on different substrates and their applications in ammonia sensingSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL329
834Paul, S; Banerjee, P2021An ESIPT based turn on fluorochromogenic sensor for low level discrimination of chemically analogous Zn2+ and Cd2+ & aqueous phase recognition of bio-hazardous CN: From solution state analysis to prototype fabricationSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL329
835Jan, S; Dar, MI; Wani, R; Sandey, J; Mushtaq, I; Lateef, S; Syed, SH2021Targeting EHMT2/G9a for cancer therapy: Progress and perspectiveEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY893
836Toragall, V; Baskaran, V2021Chitosan-sodium alginate-fatty acid nanocarrier system: Lutein bioavailability, absorption pharmacokinetics in diabetic rat and protection of retinal cells against H2O2 induced oxidative stress in vitroCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS254
837Subha, PV; Nair, BN; Visakh, V; Achu, R; Shikhila, S; Mohamed, AP; Yamaguchi, T; Hareesh, US2021Wet chemically derived Li4SiO4 nanowires as efficient CO2 sorbents at intermediate temperaturesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL406
838Vinoth, S; Subramani, K; Ong, WJ; Sathish, M; Pandikumar, A2021CoS2 engulfed ultra-thin S-doped g-C3N4 and its enhanced electrochemical performance in hybrid asymmetric supercapacitorJOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE584204215
839Prakash, O; Selvi, MK; Vijayaraj, P; Kudachikar, VB2021Lipidome, nutraceuticals and nutritional profiling of Pyrus pashia Buch.-ham ex D. Don (Kainth) seeds oil and its antioxidant potentialFOOD CHEMISTRY338
840Yogita; Rao, BS; Subrahmanyam, C; Lingaiah, N2021The selective conversion of furfuryl alcohol to ethyl levulinate over Zr-modified tungstophosphoric acid supported on beta-zeolitesNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4532243233
841Panda, A; Rangani, J; Parida, AK2021Physiological and metabolic adjustments in the xero-halophyte Haloxylon salicornicum conferring drought tolerancePHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM17211891211
842Kolla, ST; Somanaboina, R; Bhimapaka, CR2021TBHP/Cu(OAc)(2) mediated oxidation of pyrazolines: A convenient method for the preparation of pyrazolesSYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS5114251432
843Upreti, P; Narayan, S; Khan, F; Tewari, LM; Shirke, PA2021Physiological attributes associated with leaf spectral alterations in guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.] under drought3 BIOTECH11
844Bansal, M; Saifi, IJ; Dev, I; Sonkar, AK; Dixit, S; Singh, SP; Ansari, KM2021Occurrence of Alternariol and Alternariolmonomethyl ether in edible oils: Their thermal stability and intake assessment in state of Uttar Pradesh, IndiaJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE8611241131
845Johnson, J; Saha, E; Chhetri, A; Suresh, E; Mitra, J2021Self-Assembled Melaminium Adipate Lamellae for Adsorptive Removal of Anionic Dyes from WastewaterACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS3651660
846Moorkoth, D; Nampoothiri, KM; Nagarajan, S; Girija, AR; Balasubramaniyan, S; Kumar, DS2021Star-Shaped Polylactide Dipyridamole Conjugated to 5-Fluorouracil and 4-Piperidinopiperidine Nanocarriers for Bioimaging and Dual Drug Delivery in Cancer CellsACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS3737756
847Acharya, TK; Kumar, S; Tiwari, N; Ghosh, A; Tiwari, A; Pal, S; Majhi, RK; Kumar, A; Das, R; Singh, A; Maji, PK; Chattopadhyay, N; Goswami, L; Goswami, C2021TRPM8 channel inhibitor-encapsulated hydrogel as a tunable surface for bone tissue engineeringSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
848Sonawane, SK; Uversky, VN; Chinnathambi, S2021Baicalein inhibits heparin-induced Tau aggregation by initializing non-toxic Tau oligomer formationCELL COMMUNICATION AND SIGNALING19
849Bhimala, KR; Gouda, KC; Himesh, S2021Evaluating the Spatial Distribution of WRF-Simulated Rainfall, 2-m Air Temperature, and 2-m Relative Humidity over the Urban Region of Bangalore, IndiaPURE AND APPLIED GEOPHYSICS17811051120
850Mala, D; Awasthi, S; Sharma, NK; Swarnkar, MK; Shankar, R; Kumar, S2021Comparative transcriptome analysis of Rheum australe, an endangered medicinal herb, growing in its natural habitat and those grown in controlled growth chambersSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
851Vijayakumar, V; Anothumakkool, B; Kurungot, S; Winter, M; Nair, JR2021In situ polymerization process: an essential design tool for lithium polymer batteries daggerENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE1427082788
852Kushwaha, S; Patel, K2021Catalyst: Uranium Extraction from Seawater, a Paradigm Shift in Resource RecoveryCHEM7271274
853Rammurthy, B; Peraka, S; Vasu, A; Sai, GK; Rohini, YD; Narender, N2021Metal-free Catalytic Esterification of Aryl Alkyl Ketones with Alcohols via Free-radical Mediated C(sp(3))-H Bond OxygenationASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10594601
854Agarwal, E; Pain, A; Mukhopadhyay, T; Metya, S; Sarkar, SFeb-21Efficient computational system reliability analysis of reinforced soil-retaining structures under seismic conditions including the effect of simulated noiseENGINEERING WITH COMPUTERS10.1007/s00366-020-01281-8
855Nakhate, SP; Gupta, RK; Poddar, BJ; Singh, AK; Tikariha, H; Pandit, PD; Khardenavis, AA; Purohit, HJFeb-21Influence of lignin level of raw material on anaerobic digestion process in reorganization and performance of microbial communityINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY10.1007/s13762-021-03141-4
856Madhubalaji, CK; Mudaliar, SN; Chauhan, VS; Sarada, R2021Evaluation of drying methods on nutritional constituents and antioxidant activities of Chlorella vulgaris cultivated in an outdoor open raceway pondJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY3314191434
857Gujar, N; Nikte, SV; Joshi, RS; Joshi, M2021Molecular Characterization of the beta(2)-like Octopamine Receptor of Helicoverpa armigeraJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY254311319
858Kashyap, PK; Kumar, A; Srivastava, R; Gupta, S; Gupta, BK2021A Facile Liquid Phase Exfoliation of Tungsten Diselenide using Dimethyl Sulfoxide as Polar Aprotic Solvent to Produce High-quality NanosheetsCHEMNANOMAT7328333
859Khan, A; Ali, SS; Chodimella, VP; Farooqui, SA; Anand, M; Sinha, AK2021Catalytic Conversion of Dicyclopentadiene into High Energy Density Fuel: A Brief ReviewINDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH6019771988
860Chouhan, PS; Singh, D; Purohit, P; Sharma, G; Kant, R; Shukla, SK; Chauhan, PMS2021PPh3 Catalyzed Post-Transformation Ugi-4CR Intramolecular Cyclization Reaction: One-Pot Synthesis of Functionalized SpiropyrrolidinochromanonesCHEMISTRYSELECT612161222
861Ghuge, G; Niphadkar, P; Rathod, S; Bokade, VV2021Effect of Rice Husk Particle Size on ZSM-5 Physico-Chemical Properties for Selective Formation of 1,3,5-Trimethyl-2-Benzylbenzene (Pharmaceutical Intermediate)CHEMISTRYSELECT612551262
862Kundu, M; Rajesh; Krishnan, P; Gajjala, S2021Comparative Studies of Screen-Printed Electrode Based Electrochemical Biosensor with the Optical Biosensor for Formaldehyde Detection in CornFOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY14726738
863Siddiqui, SA; Khatri, K; Patel, D; Rathore, MSFeb-21Photosynthetic Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll a Fluorescence in Salicornia brachiata (Roxb.) Under Osmotic StressJOURNAL OF PLANT GROWTH REGULATION10.1007/s00344-021-10311-8
864Pradhan, G; Sneha, JM; Sonwane, BP; Santhakumari, B; Rao, A; Kulkarni, MJ2021Multiple-parallel-protease digestion coupled with high-resolution mass spectrometry: An approach towards comprehensive peptide mapping of therapeutic mAbsJOURNAL OF PROTEOMICS232
865Kushwaha, M; Qayum, A; Jain, SK; Singh, J; Srivastava, AK; Srivastava, S; Sharma, N; Abrol, V; Malik, R; Singh, SK; Vishwakarma, RA; Jaglan, S2021Tandem MS-Based Metabolite Profiling of 19,20-Epoxycytochalasin C Reveals the Importance of a Hydroxy Group at the C7 Position for Biological ActivityACS OMEGA637173726
866Kumar, A; Prasad, S; Saxena, PN; Ansari, NG; Patel, DK2021Synthesis of an Alginate-Based Fe3O4-MnO2 Xerogel and Its Application for the Concurrent Elimination of Cr(VI) and Cd(II) from Aqueous SolutionACS OMEGA639313945
867Bhattacherjee, D; Rahman, M; Ghosh, S; Bagdi, AK; Zyryanov, GV; Chupakhin, ON; Das, P; Hajra, A2021Advances in Transition-Metal Catalyzed Carbonylative Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reaction: An UpdateADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS36315971624
868Garg, M; Johri, S; Sagar, S; Mundhada, A; Agrawal, A; Ray, P; Chakraborty, K2021Cardiolipin-mediated PPAR gamma S112 phosphorylation impairs IL-10 production and inflammation resolution during bacterial pneumoniaCELL REPORTS34
869Bhardwaj, H; Rajesh; Sumana, GFeb-21Recent advances in nanomaterials integrated immunosensors for food toxin detectionJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE10.1007/s13197-021-04999-5
870Rajput, S; Mehta, P; Mittal, M; Rajender, S; Chattopadhyay, N2021Human Relevance of Preclinical Studies on the Skeletal Impact of Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-AnalysisCALCIFIED TISSUE INTERNATIONAL108708724
871Nazir, LA; Tanveer, MA; Umar, SA; Love, S; Divya, G; Tasduq, SAFeb-21Inhibition of Ultraviolet-B Radiation Induced Photodamage by Trigonelline Through Modulation of Mitogen Activating Protein Kinases and Nuclear Factor-kappa B Signaling Axis in SkinPHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY10.1111/php.13369
872Venugopalan, AT; Kandasamy, P; Gogoi, P; Ratneshkumar, J; Thirumalaiswamy, RFeb-21Utilizing the Oxygen Carrier Property of Cerium Iron Oxide for the Low-Temperature Synthesis of 1,3-butadiene from 1-buteneCATALYSIS LETTERS10.1007/s10562-020-03512-5
873Sarkar, C; Paul, R; Shit, SC; Trinh, QT; Koley, P; Rao, BS; Beale, AM; Pao, CW; Banerjee, A; Mondal, J2021Navigating Copper-Atom-Pair Structural Effect inside a Porous Organic Polymer Cavity for Selective Hydrogenation of Biomass-Derived 5-HydroxymethylfurfuralACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING921362151
874Falae, PO; Dash, RK; Kanungo, DP; Chauhan, PKS2021Interpretation on water seepage and degree of weathering in a landslide based on pre- and post-monsoon electrical resistivity tomographyNEAR SURFACE GEOPHYSICS19315333
875Negi, H; Singh, RK2021Study of azomethine functionalized cellulose with salicylaldehyde as novel demetallization agent for metalloporphyrins in crude oilCELLULOSE2826352648
876Shivangi; Meena, LSFeb-21A comprehensive review of COVID-19 in India: A frequent catch of the informationBIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY10.1002/bab.2101
877Devarajan, N; Jayaraman, S; Mahendra, J; Venkatratnam, P; Rajagopal, P; Palaniappan, H; Ganesan, SKFeb-21Berberine-A potent chemosensitizer and chemoprotector to conventional cancer therapiesPHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH10.1002/ptr.7032
878Akula, S; Varathan, P; Menon, RS; Sahu, AK2021Rationally constructing nitrogen-fluorine heteroatoms on porous carbon derived from pomegranate fruit peel waste towards an efficient oxygen reduction catalyst for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cellsSUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS5886899
879Anila, S; Suresh, CH2021Endo- and exohedral chloro-fulleride as eta(5) ligands: a DFT study on the first-row transition metal complexesPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS2336463655
880Giram, PS; Wang, JTW; Walters, AA; Rade, PP; Akhtar, M; Han, SP; Faruqu, FN; Abdel-Bar, HM; Garnaik, B; Al-Jamal, KT2021Green synthesis of methoxy-poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(l-lactide-co-glycolide) copolymer using zinc proline as a biocompatible initiator for irinotecan delivery to colon cancer in vivoBIOMATERIALS SCIENCE9795806
881Mehta, MJ; Kulshrestha, A; Sharma, S; Kumar, A2021Room temperature depolymerization of lignin using a protic and metal based ionic liquid system: an efficient method of catalytic conversion and value additionGREEN CHEMISTRY2312401247
882Kumaravel, S; Karthick, K; Sankar, SS; Karmakar, A; Kundu, S2021Shape-selective rhodium nano-huddles on DNA for high efficiency hydrogen evolution reaction in acidic mediumJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C917091720
883Divya, VV; Suresh, CH2021Tuning the donating strength of dye sensitizers using molecular electrostatic potential analysisNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4524962507
884Samal, RR; Samantara, AK; Mahalik, S; Behera, JN; Dash, B; Sanjay, K2021An anionic and cationic surfactant-assisted hydrothermal synthesis of cobalt oxide nanoparticles as the active electrode material for supercapacitorsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4527952803
885La, DD; Malegaonkar, JN; Al Kobaisi, M; Bhosale, RS; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2021Spermine-directed supramolecular self-assembly of water-soluble AIE-active tetraphenylethylene: nanobelt, nanosheet, globular and nanotubular structures (vol 42, pg 15379, 2018)NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4528302830
886Goudappagouda; Nidhankar, AD; Nayak, RA; Babu, SS2021Aggregation-induced phosphorescence of an anthraquinone based emitterORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1910041008
887Gogoi, K; Bora, BR; Borah, G; Sarma, B; Gogoi, S2021Synthesis of quaternary carbon-centered indolo[1,2-a]quinazolinones and indazolo[1,2-a]indazolones via C-H functionalizationCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5713881391
888Alam, MN; Dash, SR; Mukherjee, A; Pandole, S; Marelli, UK; Vanka, K; Maity, P2021[1,3]-Claisen Rearrangement via Removable Functional Group Mediated Radical StabilizationORGANIC LETTERS23890895
889Kumar, A; Kumar, S; Deshmukh, B2021Geoecological integrity index for assessment and prioritisation of watersheds in the Indian northwestern Himalayan region using geoinformaticsJOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE130
890More, SG; Kamble, RB; Suryavanshi, G2021Oxidative Radical-Mediated Addition of Ethers to Quinone Imine Ketals: An Access to HemiaminalsJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8621072116
891Kurma, SH; Sridhar, B; Bhimapaka, CR2021Direct Access for the Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of N-Alkenylpyrazoles and ChromenopyrazolesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8622712282
892Birajdar, SS; Brixi, S; Rao, PS; Bhosale, RS; Al Kobaisi, M; Gupta, A; Lessard, BH; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2021Conjoint use of Naphthalene Diimide and Fullerene Derivatives to Generate Organic Semiconductors for n-type Organic Thin Film TransistorsCHEMISTRYOPEN10414420
893Khandare, SD; Chaudhary, DR; Jha, B2021Marine bacterial biodegradation of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) plasticBIODEGRADATION32127143
894Mehta, L; Naved, T; Grover, P; Bhardwaj, M; Mukherjee, D2021LC and LC-MS/MS studies for identification and characterization of new degradation products of ibrutinib and elucidation of their degradation pathwayJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS194
895Venkateshwaran, S; Partheeban, T; Sasidharan, M; Kumar, SMS2021Mesoporous Silica Template-Assisted Synthesis of 1T-MoS2 as the Anode for Li-Ion Battery ApplicationsENERGY & FUELS3526832691
896Patil, VP; Kashid, AA; Solanki, BS; Kharul, UK; Iyer, S2021Bimetallic nano alloy architecture on a special polymer: Ni or Cu merged with Pd for the promotion of the Mizoroki-Heck reaction and the Suzuki-Miyaura couplingJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES133
897Kale, A; Medishetti, N; Nanubolu, JB; Atmakur, K2021Acid-Promoted Cascade Reaction of 4H-Chromenes: Access to Hexahydronapthalenes via Decarboxylative Intramolecular CyclizationCHEMISTRYSELECT6983986
898Kadaiahgari, CS; Saha, M; Ravuri, S; Nandigama, S; Saha, KD; Banerji, B2021Sulphonamide-Containing Oxazoline Hybrids as New Class of Neuroprotective Agents and Lead Molecule as Autophagy InducerCHEMISTRYSELECT610821087
899Harini, T; Muddagoni, J; Sheelu, G; Rode, HB; Kumaraguru, TFeb-21Polymer supported cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEAs) of lipase B from Candida antarctica: An efficient and recyclable biocatalyst for reactions in both aqueous and organic mediaBIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION10.1080/10242422.2021.1885381
900Dar, MS; Dholakia, BB; Kulkarni, AP; Oak, PS; Shanmugam, D; Gupta, VS; Giri, AP2021Influence of domestication on specialized metabolic pathways in fruit cropsPLANTA253
901Bhatt, S; Kumar, V; Dogra, A; Ojha, PK; Wazir, P; Sangwan, PL; Singh, G; Nandi, U2021Amalgamation of in-silico, in-vitro and in-vivo approach to establish glabridin as a potential CYP2E1 inhibitorXENOBIOTICA51625635
902Mukkatt, I; Nirmala, A; Madhavan, ND; Shankar, S; Deb, B; Ajayaghosh, A2021Ligand-Controlled Electrochromic Diversification with Multilayer Coated Metallosupramolecular Polymer AssembliesACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES1352455255
903Rejith, RG; Sundararajan, M; Gowtham, B; Balasubramanian, A; Lawrence, JF2021Characterization of weathering profile and quality of groundwater over hard rock terrainARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES14
904Saurav, S; Gidde, P; Saini, R; Singh, SFeb-21Dual integrated convolutional neural network for real-time facial expression recognition in the wildVISUAL COMPUTER10.1007/s00371-021-02069-7
905Sreenath, S; Suman, R; Sayana, KV; Nayanthara, PS; Borle, NG; Verma, V; Nagarale, RK2021Low-Voltage Nongassing Electroosmotic Pump and Infusion Device with Polyoxometalate-Encapsulated Carbon NanotubesLANGMUIR3715631570
906Singh, RV; Sambyal, K; Negi, A; Sonwani, S; Mahajan, R2021Chitinases production: A robust enzyme and its industrial applicationsBIOCATALYSIS AND BIOTRANSFORMATION39161189
907Munda, S; Dutta, S; Lal, M2021Variability estimation and genetic divergence in Cymbopogon winterianus for development of superior genotypeAGRONOMY JOURNAL1139931007
908Singh, R; Bhardwaj, VK; Sharma, J; Das, P; Purohit, R2021Discovery and in silico evaluation of aminoarylbenzosuberene molecules as novel checkpoint kinase 1 inhibitor determinantsGENOMICS113707715
909Gaikwad, B; Karmakar, AFeb-21Smart surveillance system for real-time multi-person multi-camera tracking at the edgeJOURNAL OF REAL-TIME IMAGE PROCESSING10.1007/s11554-020-01066-8
910Pradhan, S; Shwetha, K; Kumari, P; Kumar, R2021Biochemical and functional characterization of the SMC holocomplex from Mycobacterium smegmatisMICROBIOLOGY-SGM167
911Anas, A; Chekidhenkuzhiyil, J; Nilayangod, C; Krishna, K; Raju, GT2021Prevalence of obligate and facultative anaerobic bacteria in the mudbank along the southwest coast of IndiaREGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE42
912Patel, AB; Veeraiah, P; Shameem, M; Kumar, JM; Saba, K2021Impaired GABAergic and glutamatergic neurometabolic activity in aged mice brain as measured by H-1-[C-13]-NMR spectroscopyFASEB JOURNAL35
913Singh, V; Rao, A2021Distribution and diversity of glycocin biosynthesis gene clusters beyond FirmicutesGLYCOBIOLOGY3189102
914Katakojwala, R; Mohan, SV2021A critical view on the environmental sustainability of biorefinery systemsCURRENT OPINION IN GREEN AND SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY27
915Jain, A; Ghosh, M; Krajewski, M; Kurungot, S; Michalska, M2021Biomass-derived activated carbon material from native European deciduous trees as an inexpensive and sustainable energy material for supercapacitor applicationJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE34
916Modi, KS; Singh, SP; Kaur, J; Tiwari, U; Sinha, RK2021All dielectric metasurface based tunable optical modulator: Design and analysisPHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS43
917Pandey, V; Pal, S2021Optimization of two-dimensional metal-assisted guided mode resonance based structures for sensing applications in the visible regionPHOTONICS AND NANOSTRUCTURES-FUNDAMENTALS AND APPLICATIONS43
918Birid, K; Choudhury, D2021Undrained Bearing Capacity Factor N-c for Ring Foundations in Cohesive SoilINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS21
919Gohain, M; Hasin, M; Eldiehy, KSH; Bardhan, P; Laskar, K; Phukon, H; Mandal, M; Kalita, D; Deka, D2021Bio-ethanol production: A route to sustainability of fuels using bio-based heterogeneous catalyst derived from wastePROCESS SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION146190200
920Kumar, M; Sharma, P; Rani, S; Kumar, M; Singh, VN2021Ultrafast excited-state dynamics of SnSe2-SnSe composite thin filmAIP ADVANCES11
921Kumar, G; Dash, SR; Neogi, S2021Dual-catalyst engineered porous organic framework for visible-light triggered, metal-free and aerobic sp(3) C-H activation in highly synergistic and recyclable fashionJOURNAL OF CATALYSIS3944049
922Mohan, SV; Hemalatha, M; Kopperi, H; Ranjith, I; Kumar, AK2021SARS-CoV-2 in environmental perspective: Occurrence, persistence, surveillance, inactivation and challengesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL405
923Bisai, MK; Swamy, VSVSN; Raj, KV; Vanka, K; Sen, SS2021Diverse Reactivity of Hypersilylsilylene with Boranes and ThreeComponent Reactions with Aldehyde and HBpinINORGANIC CHEMISTRY6016541663
924Karmakar, A; Karthick, K; Kumaravel, S; Sankar, SS; Kundu, S2021Enabling and Inducing Oxygen Vacancies in Cobalt Iron Layer Double Hydroxide via Selenization as Precatalysts for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen and Oxygen Evolution ReactionsINORGANIC CHEMISTRY6020232036
925Saikia, M; Das, T; Hower, JC; Silva, LFO; Fan, X; Saikia, BK2021Oxidative chemical beneficiation of low-quality coals under low-energy ultrasonic and microwave irradiation: An environmental-friendly approachJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING9
926Goel, P; Sundriyal, S; Shrivastav, V; Mishra, S; Dubal, DP; Kim, KH; Deep, A2021Perovskite materials as superior and powerful platforms for energy conversion and storage applicationsNANO ENERGY80
927Dwivedi, G; Pensia, L; Debnath, SK; Kumar, R2021Performance evaluation of a digital holographic camera under variable source power and exposure timeAPPLIED OPTICS60A120A130
928Lothe, NB; Mazeed, A; Pandey, J; Patairiya, V; Verma, K; Semwal, M; Verma, RS; Verma, RK2021Maximizing yields and economics by supplementing additional nutrients for commercially grown menthol mint (Mentha arvensis L.) cultivarsINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS160
929Thakur, M; Kumar, R2021Microclimatic buffering on medicinal and aromatic plants: A reviewINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS160
930Shukla, V; Phulara, SC2021Impact of Culture Condition Modulation on the High-Yield, High-Specificity, and Cost-Effective Production of Terpenoids from Microbial Sources: a ReviewAPPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY87
931Rao, DN; Chopra, M; Rajula, GR; Durgadevi, DSL; Sarma, VVSS2021Release of significant fraction of primary production as dissolved organic carbon in the Bay of BengalDEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART I-OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH PAPERS168
932Singh, SK; Rashid, M; Bhalala, K; Malik, Y; Chaturvedi, S; Raju, KSR; Sultana, N; Mitra, K; Gayen, JR; Wahajuddin, M2021A novel nanosized phospholipid complex of Biochanin A for improving oral bioavailability: Preparation and in-vitro/in-vivo characterizationsJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY61
933Singh, S; Meena, A; Luqman, S2021Baicalin mediated regulation of key signaling pathways in cancerPHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH164
934Hajare, R; Labhasetwar, P; Nagarnaik, P2021Evaluation of pathogen risks using QMRA to explore wastewater reuse options: A case study from New Delhi in IndiaWATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY83543555
935Kashyap, U; Chandel, A; Sharma, D; Bhardwaj, S; Bhargava, B2021Propagation of Jasminum parkeri: A Critically Endangered Wild Ornamental Woody Shrub from Western HimalayaAGRONOMY-BASEL11
936Nuthakki, VK; Bheemanaboina, RRY; Bharate, SB2021Identification of aplysinopsin as a blood-brain barrier permeable scaffold for anti-cholinesterase and anti-BACE-1 activityBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY107
937Sharma, D; Kumar, M; Das, P2021Application of cyclohexane-1,3-diones for six-membered oxygen-containing heterocycles synthesisBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY107
938Upadhyay, R; Rana, R; Maurya, SK2021Organocatalyzed C-N bond-forming Reactions for the Synthesis of Amines and AmidesCHEMCATCHEM1318671897
939Aswathi, A; Pandey, A; Madhavan, A; Sukumaran, RK2021Chlorpyrifos induced proteome remodelling of Pseudomonas nitroreducens AR-3 potentially aid efficient degradation of the pesticideENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY & INNOVATION21
940Guggari, SI2021Analysis of Thermal Performance Metrics-Application to CPU Cooling in HPC ServersIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY11222232
941Guliani, A; Pooja; Verma, M; Kumari, A; Acharya, A2021Retaining the 'essence' of essential oil: Nanoemulsions of citral and carvone reduced oil loss and enhanced antibacterial efficacy via bacterial membrane perturbationJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY61
942Kumar, R; Dubey, PK; Zafer, A; Kumar, A; Yadav, S2021Past, present and future of blood pressure measuring instruments and their calibrationMEASUREMENT172
943Singh, J; Kumaraswamidhas, LA; Bura, N; Sharma, ND2021A Monte Carlo simulation investigation on the effect of the probability distribution of input quantities on the effective area of a pressure balance and its uncertaintyMEASUREMENT172
944Mishra, M; Thacker, G; Sharma, A; Singh, AK; Upadhyay, V; Sanyal, S; Verma, SP; Tripathi, AK; Bhatt, MLB; Trivedi, AK2021FBW7 Inhibits Myeloid Differentiation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia via GSK3-Dependent Ubiquitination of PU.1MOLECULAR CANCER RESEARCH19261273
945Ranpariya, B; Salunke, G; Karmakar, S; Babiya, K; Sutar, S; Kadoo, N; Kumbhakar, P; Ghosh, S2021Antimicrobial Synergy of Silver-Platinum Nanohybrids With AntibioticsFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY11
946Kumar, A; Sawhney, G; Nagar, RK; Chauhan, N; Gupta, N; Kaul, A; Ahmed, Z; Sangwan, PL; Kumar, PS; Yadav, G2021Evaluation of the immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory activity of Bakuchiol using RAW 264.7 macrophage cell lines and in animal models stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS)INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY91
947Choi, O; Karki, S; Pawar, RR; Hazarika, S; Ingole, PG2021A new perspective of functionalized MWCNT incorporated thin film nanocomposite hollow fiber membranes for the separation of various gasesJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING9
948Devi, M; Das, P; Boruah, PK; Deka, MJ; Duarah, R; Gogoi, A; Neog, D; Dutta, HS; Das, MR2021Fluorescent graphitic carbon nitride and graphene oxide quantum dots as efficient nanozymes: Colorimetric detection of fluoride ion in water by graphitic carbon nitride quantum dotsJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING9
949Arun, S; Kiran, KUV; Kumar, SM; Karnan, M; Sathish, M; Mayavan, S2021Effect of orange peel derived activated carbon as a negative additive for lead-acid battery under high rate discharge condition.JOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE34
950Borthakur, P; Boruah, PK; Das, MR2021Facile synthesis of CuS nanoparticles on two-dimensional nanosheets as efficient artificial nanozyme for detection of Ibuprofen in waterJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING9
951Jain, H; Mondal, DP; Gupta, G; Kumar, R2021Effect of compressive strain rate on the deformation behaviour of austenitic stainless steel foam produced by space holder techniqueMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS259
952Sharma, MK; Raval, J; Ahn, GN; Kim, DP; Kulkarni, AA2021Assessing the impact of deviations in optimized multistep flow synthesis on the scale-up (vol 5, pg 838, 2020)REACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING6353353
953Mazeed, M; Singh, R; Kumar, P; Roy, A; Raman, B; Kruparani, SP; Sankaranarayanan, R2021Recruitment of archaeal DTD is a key event toward the emergence of land plantsSCIENCE ADVANCES7
954Srivastava, AK; Kapkoti, DS; Gupta, M; Rout, PK; Bhakuni, RS; Samad, A2021Enhanced production of phytotoxic polyketides isolated from Curvularia lunata by applying chemical stressesINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS160
955Ravi, R; Surendren, S; Deb, B2021Studies on All-Solid Electrochromic Devices Fabricated by a Bilayered Assembly of Hydrated Vanadium Pentoxide and PEDOT:PSS CoatingsSURFACES AND INTERFACES22
956Nagu, A; Rao, MV; Jagadeesh, M; Raju, BD; Rao, KSRFeb-21Efficient hydrogenation of biomass-derived phenol to cyclohexanol over 3D mesoporous silica-supported Ni catalysts in a continuous gas phase conditionsBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-021-01327-x
957Bora, M; Benoy, SM; Tamuly, J; Saikia, BK2021Ultrasonic-assisted chemical synthesis of activated carbon from low-quality subbituminous coal and its preliminary evaluation towards supercapacitor applicationsJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING9
958Alam, MS; Rajendran, SK; Mondal, JH; Linda, E; Siddiq, AM2021Themicellar and thermophysical studies of a surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate with a hydrotrope, 3-Nitrobenzene sulfonic acid sodium salt (vol 315, 113815, 2020)JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS323
959Bhatia, C; Gaddam, SR; Pandey, A; Trivedi, PK2021COP1 mediates light-dependent regulation of flavonol biosynthesis through HY5 in ArabidopsisPLANT SCIENCE303
960Prajesh, R; Goyal, V; Kakkar, S; Sharma, J; Alam, MA; Maurya, RK; Bhalla, V; Agarwal, A2021Polysilicon Field Effect Transistor Biosensor for the Detection of Cardiac Troponin-I (cTnI)JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY168
961Ravi, K; Naikwadi, DR; Bankar, BD; Biradar, AV2021Sustainable Isomerization of alpha-Pinene Oxide to trans-Carveol using Formic Acid/Aniline System at Room TemperatureADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS5
962Lakshmi, S; Hughes, TA; Priya, S2021Exosomes and exosomal RNAs in breast cancer: A status updateEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER144252268
963Mankad, Y; Das, P; Pathan, E; Deshpande, MV; Reddy, DS2021Herbicidal bio-assay of isocladosporin enantiomers and determination of its plausible absolute configurationJOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS74280284
964Singh, G; Singh, J; Singamaneni, V; Singh, S; Gupta, P; Katoch, MFeb-21Serine-glycine-betaine, a novel dipeptide from an endophyte Macrophomina phaseolina: isolation, bioactivity and biosynthesisJOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY10.1111/jam.14995
965Rajakani, R; Prakash, P; Ghosliya, D; Soni, R; Singh, A; Gupta, V2021Azadirachta indica MicroRNAs: Genome-Wide Identification, Target Transcript Prediction, and Expression AnalysesAPPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY19319241944
966Iqbal, IK; Bajeli, S; Sahu, S; Bhat, SA; Kumar, AFeb-21Hydrogen sulfide-induced GAPDH sulfhydration disrupts the CCAR2-SIRT1 interaction to initiate autophagyAUTOPHAGY10.1080/15548627.2021.1876342
967Aaryashree, A; Mandal, B; Biswas, A; Bhardwaj, R; Agarwal, A; Das, AK; Mukherjee, S2021Mesoporous Tyrosine Functionalized BTC-ZnO Composite for Highly Selective Capacitive CO SensorIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2126102617
968Singh, N; Kumar, R; Kumar, S; Singh, PK; Yadav, HK2021Mapping QTLs for Alternaria blight in Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.)3 BIOTECH11
969Bruntha, A; Radhipriya, R; Palanisamy, T; Dhathathreyan, A2021Elastic compliance and adsorption profiles of Bovine serum albumin at fluid/solid interface in the presence of electrolytesBIOPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY269
970Rathore, S; Debnath, P; Kumar, R2021Kuth Saussurea costus (Falc.) Lipsch.: A critically endangered medicinal plant from HimalayaJOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS20
971Reddy, SGE; Rana, S; Rana, A; Kumar, R2021Seasonal incidence and monitoring of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner on damask rose (Rosa x damascena Herrm.) by sex pheromone traps in western Himalaya (India)JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS20
972Thakur, M; Kumar, R2021Mulching: Boosting crop productivity and improving soil environment in herbal plantsJOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS20
973Kumar, KR; Chaitanya, NVVK; Natarajan, SK2021Solar thermal energy technologies and its applications for process heating and power generation - A reviewJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION282
974Singh, V; Kumar, V; Saini, A; Khosla, PK; Mishra, S2021Design and Development of the MEMS-Based High-g Acceleration Threshold SwitchJOURNAL OF MICROELECTROMECHANICAL SYSTEMS302431
975Das, M; Kumar, GS2021Potential role of mycosterols in hyperlipidemia - A reviewSTEROIDS166
976Mandpe, A; Yadav, N; Paliya, S; Tyagi, L; Yadav, BR; Singh, L; Kumar, S; Kumar, R2021Exploring the synergic effect of fly ash and garbage enzymes on biotransformation of organic wastes in in-vessel composting systemBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY322
977Vivek, N; Hazeena, SH; Alphy, MP; Kumar, V; Magdouli, S; Sindhu, R; Pandey, A; Binod, P2021Recent advances in microbial biosynthesis of C3-C5 diols: Genetics and process engineering approachesBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY322
978Venugopalan, AT; Kandasamy, P; Gupta, NN; Thirumalaiswamy, R2021Promoted mesoporous Fe-alumina catalysts for the non-oxidative dehydrogenation of isobutaneCATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS150
979Chukwuike, VI; Echem, OG; Prabhakaran, S; AnandKumar, S; Barik, RC2021Laser shock peening (LSP): Electrochemical and hydrodynamic investigation of corrosion protection pre-treatment for a copper surface in 3.5 % NaCl mediumCORROSION SCIENCE179
980Vashistha, N; Kumar, M; Singh, RK; Panda, D; Tyagi, L; Chakrabarti, S2021A comprehensive study of ultrafast carrier dynamics of LT-GaAs: Above and below bandgap regionsPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER602
981Walke, PB; Bansode, SB; More, NP; Chaurasiya, AH; Joshi, RS; Kulkarni, MJ2021Molecular investigation of glycated insulin-induced insulin resistance via insulin signaling and AGE-RAGE axisBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR BASIS OF DISEASE1867
982Rahman, A; Mondal, NC; Fauzia, F2021Arsenic enrichment and its natural background in groundwater at the proximity of active floodplains of Ganga River, northern IndiaCHEMOSPHERE265
983Khan, A; Patidar, R; Pappu, A2021Marble waste characterization and reinforcement in low density polyethylene composites via injection moulding: Towards improved mechanical strength and thermal conductivityCONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS269
984Roshni, SB; Arun, S; Sebastian, MT; Mohanan, P; Surendran, KP2021Low kappa Mg2SiO4 ceramic tapes and their role as screen printed microstrip patch antenna substratesMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS264
985Rajeev, VR; Paulose, AK; Unni, KNN2021Ammonia gas detection using field-effect transistor based on a solution-processable organic semiconductor (vol 158, pg 271, 2018)VACUUM184
986Akshay, VR; Arun, B; Mukesh, M; Chanda, A; Vasundhara, M2021Tailoring the NIR range optical absorption, band-gap narrowing and ferromagnetic response in defect modulated TiO2 nanocrystals by varying the annealing conditionsVACUUM184
987Dahiya, S; Chatterjee, S; Sarkar, O; Mohan, SV2021Renewable hydrogen production by dark-fermentation: Current status, challenges and perspectivesBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY321
988Sarabhai, S; Tamilselvan, T; Prabhasankar, P2021Role of enzymes for improvement in gluten-free foxtail millet bread: It's effect on quality, textural, rheological and pasting propertiesLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY137
989Poornima, V; Mohan, S; Uma, TS2021Role of Nd3+ concentration on the microstructure and scintillation behaviour of langbeinite sulphateMATERIALS LETTERS284
990Sravan, JS; Raunija, TSK; Verma, A; Mohan, SV2021Impregnated thermoset pre-pressurized carbon composite electrodes in microbial fuel cell: Compositional functionalities influence on ORR with reference to graphiteFUEL285
991Chakraborty, J; Rajput, V; Sapkale, V; Kamble, S; Dharne, M2021Spatio-temporal resolution of taxonomic and functional microbiome of Lonar soda lake of India reveals metabolic potential for bioremediationCHEMOSPHERE264
992Pandey, R; Siddiqui, S; Saurabh, S; Pankaj, A; Singh, PK; Parmar, D; Singh, S; Mishra, M2021Waste candle soot derived carbon nanoparticles: A competent alternative for the management of Helicoverpa armigeraCHEMOSPHERE264
993Chakali, M; Mandal, H; Venkatesan, M; Dyaga, B; Rao, VJ; Bangal, PR2021Charge separation and singlet fission in covalently linked diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives and triphenylamine triad in solutionJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY406
994Tiwari, JK; Mandal, A; Sathish, N; Yadav, V; Pradeep, KG; Singh, AK; Srivastava, AK2021Novel approach for micrographical investigation of graphene in additively manufactured graphene/AlSi10Mg compositeMATERIALS LETTERS284
995Chouhan, A; Sarkar, TK; Kumari, S; Sivakumar, KLN; Sugimura, H; Khatri, OP2021Mechano-adaptive thin film of graphene-based polymeric nanocomposite for enhancement of lubrication propertiesAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE538
996Kumar, C; Raheem, AA; Mohan, R; Shanmugam, R; Praveen, C2021Unravelling the miniscule size effect of auxiliary donor in D-D-pi-A type dipolar photosensitizers on quasi-solid state DSSC performanceDYES AND PIGMENTS185
997Kumar, R; Dwivedi, G; Singh, O2021Portable digital holographic camera featuring enhanced field of view and reduced exposure timeOPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING137
998Das, AK; Sequeira, RA; Maity, TK; Prasad, K2021Bio-ionic liquid promoted selective coagulation of kappa-carrageenan from Kappaphycus alvarezii extractFOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS111
999Roy, S; Khan, S; Jairajpuri, DS; Hussain, A; Alajmi, MF; Islam, A; Luqman, S; Parvez, S; Hassan, MIJan-21Investigation of sphingosine kinase 1 inhibitory potential of cinchonine and colcemid targeting anticancer therapyJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2021.1882341
1000Bhattacharjee, S; Bhattacharyya, R; Sengupta, J2021Dynamics and electrostatics define an allosteric druggable site within the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteinFEBS LETTERS595442451
1001Sunil, L; Appaiah, P; Martin, A; Vasu, P2021Characterization of in silico modeled synthetic protein enriched with branched-chain amino acids expressed in Pichia pastorisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES168518525
1002Bherwani, H; Gautam, S; Gupta, A2021Qualitative and quantitative analyses of impact of COVID-19 on sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Indian subcontinent with a focus on air qualityINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY1810191028
1003Jinesh, P; Lijina, P; Kumar, BSG2021Sequence and N-glycan diversity analysis of immunoglobulin G from buffalo milk using RP-UHPLC MS/MSAMINO ACIDS53533539
1004Singh, P; Bajpai, V; Khandelwal, N; Varshney, S; Gaikwad, AN; Srivastava, M; Singh, B; Kumar, B2021Determination of bioactive compounds of Artemisia Spp. plant extracts by LC-MS/MS technique and their in-vitro anti-adipogenic activity screeningJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS193
1005Arumugasamy, SK; Kanagavalli, P; Veerapandian, M; Jayaraman, M; Yun, K2021Electrochemical properties of Rubpy-reduced graphene oxide synergized by ultrasonication for label-free quercetin sensingAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE537
1006Ayyappan, GS; Babu, BR; Srinivas, K; Raghavan, MR; Poonthalir, RJan-21Mathematical Modelling and IoT Enabled Instrumentation for Simulation & Emulation of Induction Motor FaultsIETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH10.1080/03772063.2021.1875272
1007Chavan, SP; Kalbhor, DB; Gonnade, RG2021Divergent approach to the synthesis of (-)-balanol heterocycle and cis-3-hydroxypipecolic acid based on chiral 2-aminoalkanol equivalentTETRAHEDRON80
1008Sarmah, M; Sharma, A; Gogoi, P2021Exploration of Kobayashi's aryne precursor: a potent reactive platform for the synthesis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY19722737
1009Chada, RR; Kajare, RC; Bhandari, MC; Mohammed, SZ; Khatravath, M; Warudikar, K; Punna, N2021Facile access to [1,2]-oxazine derivatives via annulations of aminoxy-tethered 1,7-enynesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY19809821
1010Gollapelli, KK; Patil, VB; Vinaykumar, A; Chegondi, R2021Rh(i)-catalyzed stereoselective desymmetrization of prochiral cyclohexadienones via highly exo-selective Huisgen-type [3+2] cycloadditionCHEMICAL SCIENCE1215441550
1011Duraisamy, V; Sudha, V; Annadurai, K; Kumar, SMS; Thangamuthu, R2021Ultrasensitive simultaneous detection of ascorbic acid, dopamine, uric acid and acetaminophen on a graphitized porous carbon-modified electrodeNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4518631875
1012Vinoth, S; Rajaitha, PM; Pandikumar, A2021Modulating photoelectrochemical water splitting performance by constructing a type-II heterojunction between g-C3N4 and BiOINEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4520102018
1013Ramya, AN; Arya, JS; Madhukrishnan, M; Shamjith, S; Vidyalekshmi, MS; Maiti, KK2021Raman Imaging: An Impending Approach Towards Cancer DiagnosisCHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL16409422
1014Singh, SK; Dhar, A; Paul, MC2021Hydrothermal synthesis, characterization, and the influence of Bi+3 doping over nanocomposite thin filmsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS3255045519
1015Pawar, AB; Sengupta, D2021Role of Cholesterol in Transmembrane Dimerization of the ErbB2 Growth Factor ReceptorJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY254301310
1016Sruthi, CR; Raghu, KG2021Advanced glycation end products and their adverse effects: The role of autophagyJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR TOXICOLOGY35
1017Ette, PM; Chithambararaj, A; Prakash, AS; Ramesha, K2021MoS2 Nanoflower-Derived Interconnected CoMoO4 Nanoarchitectures as a Stable and High Rate Performing Anode for Lithium-Ion Battery Applications (vol 12, pg 11511, 2020)ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES1348234823
1018Kumar, R; Joshi, A; Rawat, D; Adimurthy, S2021Synthesis of thiazolidinimines/thiazinan-2-imines via three-component coupling of amines, vic-dihalides and isothiocyanates under metal-free conditionsSYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS5113401352
1019Bharti, R; Chopra, BS; Raut, S; Khatri, N2021Pueraria tuberosa: A Review on Traditional Uses, Pharmacology, and PhytochemistryFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY11
1020Soda, AK; Sriramoju, V; Chellu, RK; Chilaka, SK; Kurva, S; Bansod, S; Madabhushi, S2021Novel Annulation of Cyanuric Chloride with 2-Aminobenzamides: A New Approach to 2-Amino-3-substituted Quinazolin-4(3H)-onesCHEMISTRYSELECT6896901
1021Bakshi, D; Katoch, A; Chakraborty, S; Shah, R; Sharma, B; Bhat, A; Verma, S; Bhat, GHR; Nagpal, A; Vaishnavi, S; Goswami, A; Kumar, R2021ANKLE1 as New Hotspot Mutation for Breast Cancer in Indian Population and Has a Role in DNA Damage and Repair in Mammalian CellsFRONTIERS IN GENETICS11
1022Guliani, A; Kumari, A; Acharya, AJan-21Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles using aqueous leaf extract of Populus alba: characterization, antibacterial and dye degradation activityINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY10.1007/s13762-020-03065-5
1023Kajol, K; Ramesh, C2021Sequential One-pot Method for the Synthesis of 4-(Hydroxymethyl)oxazoles and their Application in Phosphonates SynthesisASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10649654
1024Bhavani, B; Mrinalini, M; Krishna, JVS; Basak, P; Giribabu, L; Prasanthkumar, S2021Conducting Nanofibers: Diagonal Scrolling of 2D Nanosheets into 1D Nanostructures via In Situ Self-AssemblyACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS3176183
1025Katoch, A; Nayak, D; Faheem, MM; Kumar, A; Sahu, PK; Gupta, AP; Kumar, LD; Goswami, A2021Natural podophyllotoxin analog 4DPG attenuates EMT and colorectal cancer progression via activation of checkpoint kinase 2CELL DEATH DISCOVERY7
1026Thakur, K; Ashrita; Sood, A; Kumar, P; Kumar, D; Warghat, AR2021Steviol glycoside accumulation and expression profiling of biosynthetic pathway genes in elicited in vitro cultures of Stevia rebaudianaIN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT57214224
1027Kumar, S; Raj, R; Agrawal, L; Gupta, T; Raj, SK; Jaidi, M; Srivastava, A2021Association of an isolate of papaya leaf curl virus and papaya leaf curl betasatellite with leaf curl disease of radish in IndiaJOURNAL OF PLANT PATHOLOGY103629634
1028Pal, S; Roy, S; Jalagam, P; Basak, P2021Nanostructured Li4Ti5O12 Anodes: Delineating the Impact of Morphology, Exposed Facets, and Phase Purity on the PerformanceACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS4969984
1029Chauhan, SS; Sachan, DK; Parthasarathi, R2021FOCUS-DB: An Online Comprehensive Database on Food Additive SafetyJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING61202210
1030Nath, J; Panda, S; Patra, SS; Ramasamy, B; Das, T2021Variation of black carbon and particulate matter in Bhubaneswar during the pre-monsoon: possible impact of meteorology and COVID-19 lockdownCURRENT SCIENCE120313321
1031Gunthe, SS; Liu, PF; Panda, U; Raj, SS; Sharma, A; Darbyshire, E; Reyes-Villegas, E; Allan, J; Chen, Y; Wang, X; Song, SJ; Pohlker, ML; Shi, LH; Wang, Y; Kommula, SM; Liu, TJ; Ravikrishna, R; McFiggans, G; Mickley, LJ; Martin, ST; Poschl, U; Andreae, MO; Coe, H2021Enhanced aerosol particle growth sustained by high continental chlorine emission in IndiaNATURE GEOSCIENCE14
1032Goyal, P; Gulia, S; Goyal, SK2021Review of land use specific source contributions in PM2.5 concentration in urban areas in IndiaAIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERE AND HEALTH14691704
1033Rival, JV; Mymoona, P; Lakshmi, KM; Nonappa; Pradeep, T; Shibu, ESJan-21Self-Assembly of Precision Noble Metal Nanoclusters: Hierarchical Structural Complexity, Colloidal Superstructures, and ApplicationsSMALL10.1002/smll.202005718
1034Singh, SK; Jyoti; Vashistha, P2021Development of newer composite cement through mechano-chemical activation of steel slagCONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS268
1035Annadurai, K; Sudha, V; Murugadoss, G; Thangamuthu, R2021Electrochemical sensor based on hydrothermally prepared nickel oxide for the determination of 4-acetaminophen in paracetamol tablets and human blood serum samplesJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS852
1036Mahanta, BP; Sut, D; Lal, M; Haldar, S2021Hydrodistillation alters the compositional originality in black turmeric (Curcuma caesia Roxb.) essential oilJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH33240246
1037Ishwarya, SP; Sandhya, R; Nisha, PJan-21Advances and prospects in the food applications of pectin hydrogelsCRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION10.1080/10408398.2021.1875394
1038Patel, P; Nandi, MK; Nandi, UK; Bhattacharyya, SM2021Effective structure of a system with continuous polydispersityJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS154
1039Thangavel, B; Berchmans, S; Venkatachalam, G2021Ni@Carbon Nanotubes Derived from Ni-MOF as a Superior Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Acidic MediumENERGY & FUELS3518661873
1040Das, SK; Parandhaman, T; Dey, MD2021Biomolecule-assisted synthesis of biomimetic nanocomposite hydrogel for hemostatic and wound heating applicationsGREEN CHEMISTRY23629669
1041Seal, N; Goswami, R; Singh, M; Pillai, RS; Neogi, S2021An ultralight charged MOF as fluoro-switchable monitor for assorted organo-toxins: size-exclusive dye scrubbing and anticounterfeiting applications via Tb3+ sensitizationINORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS8296310
1042Karmakar, A; Karthick, K; Sankar, SS; Kumaravel, S; Madhu, R; Kundu, S2021A vast exploration of improvising synthetic strategies for enhancing the OER kinetics of LDH structures: a reviewJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A913141352
1043Sharma, A; Anand, SK; Singh, N; Dwarkanath, A; Dwivedi, UN; Kakkar, P2021Berbamine induced activation of the SIRT1/LKB1/AMPK signaling axis attenuates the development of hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet-induced NAFLD ratsFOOD & FUNCTION12892909
1044Birajdar, SS; Naqvi, S; More, KS; Puyad, AL; Kumar, R; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2021Influences of the number of 2-ethylhexylamine chain substituents on electron transport characteristics of core-substituted naphthalene diimide analoguesNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY4515901600
1045Shantharjun, B; Vani, D; Unnava, R; Sandeep, M; Reddy, KR2021Hydroxymethylation of quinolines via iron promoted oxidative C-H functionalization: synthesis of arsindoline-A and its derivativesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY19645652
1046Samantray, R; Karnan, M; Vivekanand; Subramani, K; Anjeline, CJ; Mishra, SC; Sathish, M2021A facile approach to fabricate Saccharum spontaneum-derived porous carbon-based supercapacitors for excellent energy storage performance in redox active electrolytesSUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS5518531
1047Polrolniczak, P; Walkowiak, M; Kazmierczak-Razna, J; Kasprzak, D; Mathew, DE; Kathiresan, M; Stephan, AM; Angulakshmi, N2021BaTiO3-g-GO as an efficient permselective material for lithium-sulfur batteriesMATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS5950960
1048Seal, N; Singh, M; Das, S; Goswami, R; Pathak, B; Neogi, S2021Dual-functionalization actuated trimodal attribute in an ultra-robust MOF: exceptionally selective capture and effectual fixation of CO2 with fast-responsive, nanomolar detection of assorted organo-contaminants in waterMATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS5979994
1049Sherpa, BB; Kumar, PD; Upadhyay, A; Kumar, S; Agarwal, A; Tyagi, S2021Experimental and theoretical study of dynamic bend angle in the explosive welding processTRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS74511519
1050Bansode, AH; Suryavanshi, G2021Visible-Light-Induced Controlled Oxidation of N-Substituted 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinolines for the Synthesis of 3,4-Dihydroisoquinolin-1(2H)-ones and Isoquinolin-1(2H)-onesADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS36313901400
1051Nayak, D; Vijayan, N; Kumari, M; Vashishtha, P; Gupta, G; Vashishtha, N; Kumar, M; Das, S; Pant, RP2021Studies on the third-order nonlinear behaviour of Itaconic acid single crystal using femto-second laserJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS3232473254
1052Wani, A; Al Rihani, SB; Sharma, A; Weadick, B; Govindarajan, R; Khan, SU; Sharma, PR; Dogra, A; Nandi, U; Reddy, CN; Bharate, SS; Singh, G; Bharate, SB; Vishwakarma, RA; Kaddoumi, A; Kumar, AJan-21Crocetin promotes clearance of amyloid-beta by inducing autophagy via the STK11/LKB1-mediated AMPK pathwayAUTOPHAGY10.1080/15548627.2021.1872187
1053Luhach, K; Kulkarni, GT; Singh, VP; Sharma, B2021Effect of papaverine on developmental hyperserotonemia induced autism spectrum disorder related behavioural phenotypes by altering markers of neuronal function, inflammation, and oxidative stress in ratsCLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL PHARMACOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY48614625
1054Mishra, S; Reshma, GB; Pal, S; Bano, S; Gupta, A; Kumari, A; Ganguli, M2021Topical Application of Peptide-Chondroitin Sulfate Nanoparticles Allows Efficient Photoprotection in SkinACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES1323822398
1055Pal, S; Madane, K; Mane, M; Kulkarni, AA2021Impingement Dynamics of Jets in a Confined Impinging Jet ReactorINDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH60969979
1056Raveendran, A; Murthy, PSJan-21New trends in specialty coffees-the digested coffeesCRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION10.1080/10408398.2021.1877111
1057Manju; Jain, M; Vashishtha, P; Gupta, G; Sharma, A; Won, SO; Vij, A; Thakur, A2021Switchable cool and cold white emission from dysprosium doped SrZnO2JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER33
1058Sahu, KK; Raj, B; Basu, S; Mohapatra, M2021Calcination Strategy for Scalable Synthesis of Pithecellobium-Type Hierarchical Dual-Phase Nanostructured CuxO to Columnar Self-Assembled CuO and Its Electrochemical PerformancesACS OMEGA611081118
1059Abhyankar, I; Sevi, G; Prabhune, AA; Nisal, A; Bayatigeri, S2021Myristic Acid Derived Sophorolipid: Efficient Synthesis and Enhanced Antibacterial ActivityACS OMEGA612731279
1060Singh, Y; Datey, A; Chakravortty, D; Tumaney, AW2021Novel Cell-Based Assay to Investigate Monoacylglycerol Acyltransferase 2 Inhibitory Activity Using HIEC-6 Cell LineACS OMEGA617321740
1061Patel, J; Mishra, A2021Plant aquaporins alleviate drought tolerance in plants by modulating cellular biochemistry, root-architecture, and photosynthesisPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM17210301044
1062Gayathri, V; Pentela, N; Samanta, D2021Palladium nanoparticles capped by thermoresponsive N-heterocyclic carbene: Two different approaches for a comparative studyAPPLIED ORGANOMETALLIC CHEMISTRY35
1063Singha, K; Ghosh, SC; Panda, AB2021Visible Light-Driven Efficient Synthesis of Amides from Alcohols using Cu-N-TiO2 Heterogeneous PhotocatalystEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY2021657662
1064Sambyal, K; Singh, RV2021A comprehensive review on Morchella importuna: cultivation aspects, phytochemistry, and other significant applicationsFOLIA MICROBIOLOGICA66147157
1065Dewan, A; Sarmah, M; Bharali, P; Thakur, AJ; Boruah, PK; Das, MR; Bora, U2021Pd Nanoparticles-Loaded Honeycomb-Structured Bio-nanocellulose as a Heterogeneous Catalyst for Heteroaryl Cross-Coupling ReactionACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING9954966
1066Walia, S; Kumar, R2021Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilization Modulates the Yield, Essential Oil and Quality Traits of Wild Marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) in the Western HimalayaFRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE11
1067Rathore, S; Kumar, R2021Vermicompost fertilization and pinching improves the growth, yield, and quality of super food (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in the western HimalayaACTA PHYSIOLOGIAE PLANTARUM43
1068Kumari, M; Vijayan, N; Nayak, D; Misra, DK; Pant, RP2021Significance of Reference Materials for Calibration of Powder X-ray DiffractometerMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA36201210
1069Rohini, B; Hebbar, HUJan-21Photocatalytic Conversion of Xylose to Xylitol over Copper Doped Zinc Oxide CatalystCATALYSIS LETTERS10.1007/s10562-020-03499-z
1070Vani, B; Pabba, M; Kalyani, S; Sridhar, S2021Separation of Anisole and Valuable Byproducts from Liquid Reaction Mixtures by Solvent Extraction and Multicomponent DistillationJOURNAL OF SOLUTION CHEMISTRY50160177
1071Podder, A; Joseph, MM; Biswas, S; Samanta, S; Maiti, KK; Bhuniya, S2021Amphiphilic fluorescent probe self-encored in plasma to detect pH fluctuations in cancer cell membranesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS57607610
1072Gurram, R; Nanubolu, JB; Menon, RS2021Rapid synthesis of azepinoindole derivatives from tryptamine sulfonamides and bromoallyl sulfones via an acid-mediated cyclization and rearrangementCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS57635638
1073Yadav, A; Kumar, D; Mishra, MK; Deeksha; Tripathi, CB2021Catalytic Enantioselective Synthesis of Aryl-Methyl Organophosphorus CompoundsJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8620002011
1074Munakala, A; Chegondi, R2021Silver(I)-Catalyzed Enyne Cyclization/Aromatization of Alkyne-Tethered Cyclohexadienones to Access Meta-Substituted PhenolsORGANIC LETTERS23317323
1075Singh, S; Thulasiram, HV; Sengupta, D; Kulkarni, K2021Dynamic coupling analysis on plant sesquiterpene synthases provides leads for the identification of product specificity determinantsBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS536107114
1076Birajdar, RS; Chikkali, SH2021Insertion copolymerization of functional olefins: Quo Vadis?EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL143
1077Pisal, MM; Annadate, RA; Athalye, MC; Kumar, D; Chavan, SP; Sarkar, D; Borate, HB2021Synthesis and cell imaging applications of fluorescent mono/di/tri-heterocyclyl-2,6-dicyanoanilines (vol 27, pg 979, 2017)BIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS32
1078Kavale, MG; Kazi, MA; Brodie, JJan-21Phycocalidia species (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), from the warm West Coast of IndiaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHYCOLOGY10.1080/09670262.2020.1829714
1079Jena, AB; Samal, RR; Kumari, K; Pradhan, J; Chainy, GBN; Subudhi, U; Pal, S; Dandapat, J2021The benzene metabolite p-benzoquinone inhibits the catalytic activity of bovine liver catalase: A biophysical studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES167871880
1080Pal, S; Paul, B; Bandopadhyay, P; Preethy, N; Sarkar, D; Rahaman, O; Goon, S; Roy, S; Ganguly, D; Talukdar, A2021Synthesis and characterization of new potent TLR7 antagonists based on analysis of the binding mode using biomolecular simulationsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY210
1081Mariyappan, K; Velmurugan, R; Subramanian, B; Ragupathy, P; Ulaganathan, M2021Low loading of Pt@Graphite felt for enhancing multifunctional activity towards achieving high energy efficiency of Zn-Br-2 redox flow batteryJOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES482
1082Dalai, MK; Singh, BB; Sethy, SK; Sahoo, S; Bedanta, S2021Superconductivity in Ag implanted Au thin filmPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER601
1083Singh, D; Dhepe, PL2021An efficient catalytic transfer hydrogenation-hydrodeoxygenation of lignin derived monomers: Investigating catalyst properties-activity correlationCATALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS149
1084Bhattacharya, P; Mukherjee, D; Deb, N; Swarnakar, S; Banerjee, S2021Indigenously developed CuO/TiO2 coated ceramic ultrafiltration membrane for removal of emerging contaminants like phthalates and parabens: Toxicity evaluation in PA-1 cell lineMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS258
1085Kumar, A; Chaturvedi, KM; Bano, S; Govind, B; Misra, DK2021Enhanced thermoelectric performance of p-type ZrCoSb0.9Sn0.1 via Tellurium dopingMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS258
1086Naqvi, S; Patra, A2021Hole transport materials for perovskite solar cells: A computational studyMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS258
1087Kumar, KS; Giribabu, K; Suresh, R; Manigandan, R; Kumar, SP; Narayanan, V2021Bismuth sulphide/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites as an electrochemical sensing platform for hexanitrodiphenylamineMATERIALS LETTERS283
1088Raghav, DS; Chauhan, S; Singh, HK; Varma, GD2021Structure, magnetism and electrical transport in La1-x-yMnO(3) (y=0.30, 0.35, 0.40; x=0.40): Consequences of the interplay between intrinsic ionic radius and extrinsic particle sizeMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS258
1089Shah, J; Jain, S; Gahtori, B; Sharma, C; Kotnala, RK2021Water splitting on the mesoporous surface and oxygen vacancies of iron oxide generates electricity by hydroelectric cellMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS258
1090Nandi, A; Chowdhuri, DK2021Cadmium mediated redox modulation in germline stem cells homeostasis affects reproductive health of Drosophila malesJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS402
1091Bhardwaj, H; Sumana, G; Marquette, CA2021Gold nanobipyramids integrated ultrasensitive optical and electrochemical biosensor for Aflatoxin B-1 detectionTALANTA222
1092Chanda, A; Joshi, SR; Akshay, VR; Varma, S; Singh, J; Vasundhara, M; Shukla, P2021Structural and optical properties of multilayered un-doped and cobalt doped TiO2 thin filmsAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE536
1093Babu, GNS; Suriyakumar, D; Kalaiselvi, N2021Synthesis of phase-pure Cd2GeO4/G nanorods for high capacity Na-ion battery anodeJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS851
1094Bhattacharyya, B; Sharma, A; Kaur, M; Singh, BP; Husale, S2021Highly responsive broadband photodetection in topological insulator - Carbon nanotubes based heterostructureJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS851
1095Kurinjinathan, P; Kanagavalli, P; Li, PR; Veerapandian, M; Chang, HW; Yeh, PH; Asokan, K; Arul, KT; Dong, CL2021Role of partial amorphous and disordered stannous ions incorporated hydroxyapatite nanosphere for enhanced electrochemical energy storage applicationJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS851
1096Singla, G; Singh, U; Sangwan, RS; Panesar, PS; Krishania, M2021Comparative study of various processes used for removal of bitterness from kinnow pomace and kinnow pulp residueFOOD CHEMISTRY335
1097Sandeepa, K; Neeharika, TSVR; Kumar, KR; Satyavathi, B; Thella, PK2021Determination of Solid-Liquid Phase Equilibrium of Benzoic Acid in Mono, Binary, and Ternary Systems and Their CorrelationJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING DATA66793804
1098Mondal, A; Nag, S; Banerjee, P2021Coumarin functionalized molecular scaffolds for the effectual detection of hazardous fluoride and cyanideDALTON TRANSACTIONS50429451
1099Rasool, JU; Kumar, A; Ali, A; Ahmed, QN2021Triethylamine-methanol mediated selective removal of oxophenylacetyl ester in saccharidesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY19338347
1100More, P; Agarwal, P; Anand, A; Sanan-Mishra, N; Agarwal, PK2021Artificial miRNA mediated resistance in tobacco against Jatropha leaf curl Gujarat virus by targeting RNA silencing suppressorsSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
1101Maritim, TK; Masand, M; Seth, R; Sharma, RK2021Transcriptional analysis reveals key insights into seasonal induced anthocyanin degradation and leaf color transition in purple tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)SCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
1102Bolar, S; Shit, S; Murmu, NC; Samanta, P; Kuila, T2021Activation Strategy of MoS2 as HER Electrocatalyst through Doping-Induced Lattice Strain, Band Gap Engineering, and Active Crystal Plane DesignACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES13765780
1103Khan, A; Sharma, OP; Khatri, OP2021Ionic Liquids-Based Aqueous Lubricants: Emulsion Stability to Enhancement of Surface Wettability and Tribological PropertiesINDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH60333342
1104Vatsyayan, A; Sharma, P; Gupta, S; Sandhu, S; Venu, SL; Sharma, V; Badaoui, B; Azedine, K; Youssef, S; Rajab, A; Fayez, A; Madinur, S; Ranawat, A; Pandhare, K; Ramachandran, S; Sivasubbu, S; Scaria, V2021DALIA- a comprehensive resource of Disease Alleles in Arab populationPLOS ONE16
1105Kishore, K; Chaturvedi, N; Akbar, SA2021Auto-clamping interface circuit for high electron mobility transistor-based heavy metal detection sensorINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIRCUIT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS49864877
1106Nagaraju, PG; Sengupta, P; Chicgovinda, PP; Rao, PJJ2021Nanoencapsulation of clove oil and study of physicochemical properties, cytotoxic, hemolytic, and antioxidant activitiesJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING44
1107Nayak, AK; Behera, B; Sarangi, K; Ghosh, MK; Basu, S2021Process Flowsheet Development for Separation of Sm, Co, Cu, and Fe from Magnet ScrapACS OMEGA6188196
1108Salma, B; Janhavi, P; Muthaiah, S; Veeresh, P; Nanjundaiah, MS; Divyashree, S; Peddha, MS2021Ameliorative Efficacy of the Cassia auriculata Root Against High-Fat-Diet plus STZ-Induced Type-2 Diabetes in C57BL/6 MiceACS OMEGA6492504
1109Pandey, A; Yadav, R; Kaur, M; Singh, P; Gupta, A; Husale, S2021High performing flexible optoelectronic devices using thin films of topological insulatorSCIENTIFIC REPORTS11
1110Motiwala, Z; Darne, P; Prabhune, A; Inamdar, MS; Kulkarni, K2021Expression, Purification and Crystallization of Asrij, A Novel Scaffold Transmembrane ProteinJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE BIOLOGY2546574
1111Bhatt, J; Sequeira, RA; Vohra, A; Devkar, RV; Maity, TK; Prasad, K2021Ionic Liquid-Mediated Preparation of Noncytotoxic Hemocompatible Stable DNA-epsilon-Poly-L-lysine Polyplexes: A New Sustainable Approach for the Bulk Production of Potential Nonviral Vectors for Gene Delivery ApplicationsACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING9264272
1112Sharma, P; Kumari, S; Sharma, J; Purohit, R; Singh, D2021Hesperidin Interacts With CREB-BDNF Signaling Pathway to Suppress Pentylenetetrazole-Induced Convulsions in ZebrafishFRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY11
1113Tiwari, RK; Lal, MK; Kumar, R; Chourasia, KN; Naga, KC; Kumar, D; Das, SK; Zinta, G2021Mechanistic insights on melatonin-mediated drought stress mitigation in plantsPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM17212121226
1114Jain, S; Chaudhary, N; Sharma, SNJan-21An insight into the mechanism of charge transfer of organic (P3HT): inorganic (CZTS) composites for hybrid photovoltaicsMATERIALS TECHNOLOGY10.1080/10667857.2020.1870195
1115Saurav, S; Saini, R; Singh, SJan-21EmNet: a deep integrated convolutional neural network for facial emotion recognition in the wildAPPLIED INTELLIGENCE10.1007/s10489-020-02125-0
1116Dalmia, A; Tumaney, AW2021Optimisation and evaluation of cryopreservation method for Aurantiochytrium limacinumJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY33869878
1117Dixit, S; Thakur, N; Shukla, A; Upadhyay, SK; Verma, PC2021Molecular characterization of N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor from Bemisia tabaciINSECT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY30231240
1118Kuntal, BK; Gadgil, C; Mande, SS2021Web-gLV: A Web Based Platform for Lotka-Volterra Based Modeling and Simulation of Microbial Populations (vol 10, 288, 2019)FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY11
1119Jain, A; Bhoyar, RC; Pandhare, K; Mishra, A; Sharma, D; Imran, M; Senthivel, V; Divakar, MK; Rophina, M; Jolly, B; Batra, A; Sharma, S; Siwach, S; Jadhao, AG; Palande, NV; Jha, GN; Ashrafi, N; Mishra, PK; Vidhya, AK; Jain, S; Dash, D; Kumar, NS; Vanlallawma, A; Sarma, RJ; Chhakchhuak, L; Kalyanaraman, S; Mahadevan, R; Kandasamy, S; Pabitha, BM; Rajagopal, RE; Ramya, JE; Devi, PN; Bajaj, A; Gupta, V; Mathew, S; Goswami, S; Mangla, M; Prakash, S; Joshi, K; Sreedevi, S; Gajjar, D; Soraisham, R; Yadav, R; Devi, YS; Gupta, A; Mukerji, M; Ramalingam, S; Binukumar, BK; Scaria, V; Sivasubbu, S2021IndiGenomes: a comprehensive resource of genetic variants from over 1000 Indian genomesNUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH49D1225D1232
1120Lal, RK; Chanotiya, CS; Gupta, P; Mishra, A; Gupta, MM2021Genetic improvement of pyrethrum (tanacetum cinerariifolium sch. Bip.) through gamma radiation and selection of high yield stable mutants through seven post-radiation generationsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY97386393
1121Sykam, K; Harika, P; Donempudi, S2021Flame-retardant, phosphorous-based polyurethane triazoles via solvent-free and catalyst-free azide-alkyne cycloaddition and their cure kineticsPOLYMERS FOR ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES3216361653
1122Garg, N; Chauhan, BS; Singh, M2021Normative Framework of Noise Mapping in India: Strategies, Implications and Challenges AheadACOUSTICS AUSTRALIA492341
1123Immanuel, SRC; Ghanate, AD; Parmar, DS; Yadav, R; Uthup, R; Panchagnula, V; Raghunathan, A2021Integrated genetic and metabolic landscapes predict vulnerabilities of temozolomide resistant glioblastoma cellsNPJ SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS7
1124Mondal, P; Mohanty, DD2021Mantle deformation and seismic anisotropy beneath Northeast India inferred from SKKS birefringenceSTUDIA GEOPHYSICA ET GEODAETICA653652
1125Jhariya, U; Dafale, NA; Srivastava, S; Bhende, RS; Kapley, A; Purohit, HJ2021Understanding Ethanol Tolerance Mechanism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Enhance the Bioethanol Production: Current and Future ProspectsBIOENERGY RESEARCH14670688
1126Babu, GVS; Bhaskaran, A; Sridhar, B; Rao, TV; Parvathaneni, SP2021Ullmann Coupling Reaction of Bicyclic Amidines DBU/DBN with Aryl Halides: A Pathway to the Synthesis of epsilon-Caprolactam DerivativesCHEMISTRYSELECT658
1127Naqvi, S; Chaudhary, N; Singhal, S; Yadav, P; Patra, A2021Hole Transport Materials by Direct C-H Arylation for Organic Solar Cells: Effect of Structure and Conjugation on Electrical, Optical and Computational PropertiesCHEMISTRYSELECT6131139
1128Parate, R; Borgave, M; Dharne, M; Rode, C2021Bioglycerol (C3) upgrading to 2,3-butanediol (C4) by cell-free extracts of Enterobacter aerogenes NCIM 2695JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY9613161325
1129Ferreira, MFS; Paul, MC2020Introduction to the Special Issue on Optical Fiber Sources and AmplifiersFIBER AND INTEGRATED OPTICS39213214
1130Patel, U; Parmar, B; Patel, P; Dadhania, A; Suresh, E2021The synthesis and characterization of Zn(ii)/Cd(ii) based MOFs by a mixed ligand strategy: a Zn(ii) MOF as a dual functional material for reversible dye adsorption and as a heterogeneous catalyst for the Biginelli reactionMATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS5304314
1131Hazra, B; Vishal, V; Singh, DP2021Applicability of Low-Pressure CO2 and N-2 Adsorption in Determining Pore Attributes of Organic-Rich Shales and CoalsENERGY & FUELS35456464
1132Harish, B; Yadav, S; Suresh, S2021Design and application of intramolecular vinylogous Michael reaction for the construction of 2-alkenyl indolesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS57231234
1133Sarkar, O; Katakojwala, R; Mohan, SV2021Low carbon hydrogen production from a waste-based biorefinery system and environmental sustainability assessmentGREEN CHEMISTRY23561574
1134Khatun, S; Hirani, H; Roy, P2021Seawater electrocatalysis: activity and selectivityJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A97486
1135Rao, A; Kumar, A; Dhodapkar, R; Pal, S2021Adsorption of five emerging contaminants on activated carbon from aqueous medium: kinetic characteristics and computational modeling for plausible mechanismENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH282134721358
1136Ranjan, P; Singhal, A; Yadav, S; Kumar, N; Murali, S; Sanghi, SK; Khan, R2021Rapid diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 using potential point-of-care electrochemical immunosensor: Toward the future prospectsINTERNATIONAL REVIEWS OF IMMUNOLOGY40126142
1137Ghosh, D; Bansode, S; Joshi, R; Kolte, B; Gacche, RJan-21Molecular elucidation of pancreatic elastase inhibition by baicaleinJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2021.1873189
1138Mantri, VA; Shah, Y; Balar, N; Chavda, K; Mavani, M; Kolhe, M; Sambhwani, K; Meena, R; Prasad, K; Kavale, MG; Thakur, RS2021Limited-scale field trial confirmed differences in growth and agarose characteristics in life-cycle stages of industrially important marine red alga Gracilaria dura (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta)JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY3310591070
1139Muthu, C; Resmi, AN; Pious, JK; Dayal, G; Krishna, N; Jinesh, KB; Vijayakumar, C2021Resistive switching in formamidinium lead iodide perovskite nanocrystals: a contradiction to the bulk formJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C9288293
1140Biswas, A; Bakthavatsalam, R; Mali, BP; Bahadur, V; Biswas, C; Raavi, SSK; Gonnade, RG; Kundu, J2021The metal halide structure and the extent of distortion control the photo-physical properties of luminescent zero dimensional organic-antimony(iii) halide hybridsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C9348358
1141Kannimuthu, K; Sangeetha, K; Sankar, SS; Karmakar, A; Madhu, R; Kundu, S2021Investigation on nanostructured Cu-based electrocatalysts for improvising water splitting: a reviewINORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS8234272
1142Ghoshal, A; Ambule, MD; Yadav, A; Srivastava, AK2021Advances in Base-Mediated Post-Ugi Transformations via Peptidyl Anion TrappingASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10315333
1143Thirugnanam, L; Palanisamy, M; Kaveri, S; Ramaprabhu, S; Pol, VG; Dutta, M2021TiO2 nanoparticle embedded nitrogen doped electrospun helical carbon nanofiber-carbon nanotube hybrid anode for lithium-ion batteriesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY4624642478
1144Nanubolu, JB2021Conformational Polymorphism in Safinamide Acid Hydrochloride (Z '=3 and Z '=1) and Observation of a Temperature-Dependent Reversible Single-Crystal to Single-Crystal Phase Transformation of High-Z ' form (Z '=3 <-> H Z '=2 via an Intermediate Z '=4)CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN21133148
1145Samanta, K; Samanta, J; Natarajan, R2021Crystal Structure Landscape of a Triphenol: Polymorphism and Isostructurality in Solvates and Cocrystals, and Pentameric and Hexameric Aromatic StacksCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN21166190
1146Dash, SG; Thakur, TS2021Computational Screening of Multicomponent Solid Forms of 2-Aryl-Propionate Class of NSAID, Zaltoprofen, and Their Experimental ValidationCRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN21449461
1147Yerra, NV; Dyaga, B; Dadinaboyina, SB; Pandeti, S; Vaidya, JR; Tabet, JC; Thota, JR20212-Cyano-3-(2-thienyl)acrylic Acid as a New MALDI Matrix for the Analysis of a Broad Spectrum of AnalytesJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY32387393
1148Mooss, VA; Vijayakumar, V; Kurungot, S; Athawale, AA2021Interconnected polyaniline nanostructures: Enhanced interface for better supercapacitance retentionPOLYMER212
1149Kadimpati, KK; Thadikamala, S; Devarapalli, K; Banoth, L; Uppuluri, KBJan-21Characterization and hydrolysis optimization of Sargassum cinereum for the fermentative production of 3G bioethanolBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-020-01270-3
1150Kumar, A; Biswas, B; Saini, K; Kumar, A; Kumar, J; Krishna, BB; Bhaskar, TJan-21Copper and manganese bimetallic catalysts for oxidation of prot lignin: effects of metal oxide on product yieldBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-020-01167-1
1151Mohammed, AN; Ishwarya, SP; Nisha, P2021Nanoemulsion Versus Microemulsion Systems for the Encapsulation of Beetroot Extract: Comparison of Physicochemical Characteristics and Betalain StabilityFOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY14133150
1152Pal, S; Nikam, AV; Kulkarni, AA2021Antisolvent based ultrasound-assisted batch and continuous flow precipitation of metformin hydrochloride particlesJOURNAL OF FLOW CHEMISTRY11181192
1153Thulasiraman, V; Nandagopal, MSG; Kothakota, AJan-21Need for a balance between short food supply chains and integrated food processing sectors: COVID-19 takeaways from IndiaJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE10.1007/s13197-020-04942-0
1154Sengupta, A; Roy, SS; Chowdhury, S2021Non-duplex G-Quadruplex DNA Structure: A Developing Story from Predicted Sequences to DNA Structure-Dependent Epigenetics and BeyondACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH544656
1155Patel, M; Parida, AK2021Salinity alleviates the arsenic toxicity in the facultative halophyte Salvadora persica L. by the modulations of physiological, biochemical, and ROS scavenging attributesJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS401
1156Rajput, C; Sarkar, A; Sachan, N; Rawat, N; Singh, MP2021Is Gut Dysbiosis an Epicenter of Parkinson's Disease?NEUROCHEMICAL RESEARCH46425438
1157Bhatta, R; Dash, N; Nayak, B2021Effect of Heat on Organic and Inorganic Components in Some Non-coking Lower Gondwana CoalsTRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS74387397
1158Luhach, K; Kulkarni, GT; Singh, VP; Sharma, B2021Attenuation of neurobehavioural abnormalities by papaverine in prenatal valproic acid rat model of ASDEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY890
1159Botla, V; Akudari, A; Malapaka, C2021Cu-catalyzed direct ortho-chlorination/-oxygenation of aryls: Switching of oxidant, control the diversity of products (vol 60, pg 115, 2019)TETRAHEDRON LETTERS62
1160Dorigundla, AR; Gurrapu, R; Batchu, VR2021Stereoselective synthesis of peracetylated (-)-gloeosporiol via acid catalysed intramolecular etherification (vol 58, pg 563, 2017)TETRAHEDRON LETTERS62
1161Mukherjee, M; Nandhini, C; Bhatt, P2021Colorimetric and chemiluminescence based enzyme linked apta-sorbent assay (ELASA) for ochratoxin A detectionSPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY244
1162Navale, GR; Dharne, MS; Shinde, SS2021Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for isoprenoid production in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAPPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY105457475
1163Gupta, AR; Yadav, A; Sharma, S2021Scavenging fluoride from the aqueous system with porous organometallic three-dimensional architecture: An emerging adsorbentENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH281916619178
1164Kanagavalli, P; Pandey, GR; Bhat, VS; Veerapandian, M; Hegde, GJan-21Nitrogenated-carbon nanoelectrocatalyst advertently processed from bio-waste of Allium sativum for oxygen reduction reactionJOURNAL OF NANOSTRUCTURE IN CHEMISTRY10.1007/s40097-020-00370-w
1165Garima; Jindal, S; Garg, S; Matai, I; Packirisamy, G; Sachdev, A2021Dual-emission copper nanoclusters-based ratiometric fluorescent probe for intracellular detection of hydroxyl and superoxide anion speciesMICROCHIMICA ACTA188
1166Kumar, V; Tiku, PK2021A Cholesterol Homeostasis by Bioactive Peptide Fraction from Pigeon Pea By-Product: An In-Vitro StudyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH AND THERAPEUTICS27977985
1167Gupta, A; Singh, V; Prasad, P; Kumar, M; Srivastava, A; Singh, V; Luqman, S; Kumar, B2021Influence of Potassium and Sodium chloride on Germination Behaviour, Biochemical Changes, and Enzyme Activity in Two Varieties of Ocimum tenuiflorum L.JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL BEARING PLANTS24110119
1168Jain, R; Lokku, VK; Ahmed, J; Khan, MAM; Kumar, P; Devi, P2021Activated InN nanocolumns as sensitive halogen sensorJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS3217591765
1169Shaiju, SS; Nath, S; Deb, B2021Phase Transition Studies on Solution-Processed Vanadium Dioxide Coatings Through Optical MeasurementsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS3226272638
1170Kontham, V; Ansari, KR; Padmaja, KV2021Tribological Properties of 10-Undecenoic Acid-Derived Schiff Base Lubricant AdditivesARABIAN JOURNAL FOR SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING4655935603
1171Trivedi, J; Atray, N; Agrawal, D2021Enhanced biomass production of Scenedesmus obliquus in a flat-panel photobioreactor, grown in photoautotrophic modeBIOFUELS-UK125359
1172Jain, L; Kurmi, AK; Agrawal, D2021Conclusive selection of optimal parameters for cellulase production by Talaromyces verruculosus IIPC 324 under SSF via saccharification of acid-pretreated sugarcane bagasseBIOFUELS-UK126169
1173Sahoo, BK; Srivastava, VC; Mahato, B; Chowdhury, SG2021Microstructure-mechanical property evaluation and deformation mechanism in Al added medium Mn steel processed through intercritical rolling and annealingMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING799
1174Ajayi, OK; Malomo, BO; Paul, SD; Adeleye, AA; Babalola, SA2021Failure modeling for titanium alloy used in special purpose connecting rodsMATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS4543904397
1175Sharma, K; Kumar, V; Bisht, DS; Garg, H2021Comparative study of acrylic flat plate and dome shaped collector for summer and winter solstice conditionsMATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS4554895493
1176Kulthe, AD; Nadiveedhi, MR; Mainkar, PS; Akondi, SM2021Visible light-promoted Selectfluor- mediated quinone functionalization with unactivated Csp(3)-H componentsARKIVOC10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.448115124
1177Shrikanth, CB; Jagannath, S; Chilkunda, ND2021AMPK differentially alters sulphated glycosaminoglycans under normal and high glucose milieu in proximal tubular cellsJOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY1697586
1178Singh, P; Singh, S; Jaggi, N; Kim, KH; Devi, P2021Recent advances in bacteriorhodopsin-based energy harvesters and sensing devicesNANO ENERGY79
1179Paul, AR; Manivannan, R; Mukherjee, M; Kundu, S; Chatterjee, A2021Development of Y-shape hybrid frame model using wire and arc additive manufacturing processMATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS4443424348
1180Balakishan, G; Kumaraswamy, G; Narayanarao, V; Shankaraiah, P2021Lewis acid / Base-free Strategy for the Synthesis of 2-Arylthio and Selenyl Benzothiazole / Thiazole and ImidazoleHETEROCYCLIC COMMUNICATIONS271723
1181Shit, S; Ghosh, S; Samanta, P; Bolar, S; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2021Optimization of specific capacitance and water splitting efficiency of N-enriched carbon by incorporating oxides of transition metals via an ancient chemical techniqueJOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY880
1182Gupta, MVNS; Ameen, E; Unnikrishnakurup, S; Balasubramaniam, K; Veeraragavan, A; Pesala, B2021Spectral filtering of sub-bandgap radiation using all-dielectric gratings for thermophotovoltaic applicationsJOURNAL OF PHOTONICS FOR ENERGY11
1183Bhadra, SR; Saraswat, R2021Assessing the effect of riverine discharge on planktic foraminifera: A case study from the marginal marine regions of the western Bay of BengalDEEP-SEA RESEARCH PART II-TOPICAL STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY183
1184Bhattacharya, A; Jha, V; Singhal, K; Fatima, M; Singh, D; Chaturvedi, G; Dholakia, D; Kutum, R; Pandey, R; Bakken, TE; Seth, P; Pillai, B; Mukerji, M2021Multiple Alu Exonization in 3 ' UTR of a Primate-Specific Isoform of CYP20A1 Creates a Potential miRNA SpongeGENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION13
1185Grover, P; Bhardwaj, M; Kapoor, G; Mehta, L; Ghai, R; Nagarajan, K2021Advances on Quinazoline Based Congeners for Anticancer PotentialCURRENT ORGANIC CHEMISTRY25695723
1186Katoch, A; Jamwal, VL; Faheem, MM; Kumar, S; Senapati, S; Yadav, G; Gandhi, SG; Goswami, A2021Overlapping targets exist between the Par-4 and miR-200c axis which regulate EMT and proliferation of pancreatic cancer cellsTRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY14
1187Sharma, A; Kaliya, K; Maurya, SK2021Recent Advances in the Discovery of Potent Proteases Inhibitors Targeting the SARS CoronavirusesCURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY21307328
1188Desale, SE; Chinnathambi, S2021alpha-Linolenic acid modulates phagocytosis and endosomal pathways of extracellular Tau in microgliaCELL ADHESION & MIGRATION1584100
1189Sarkar, A; Monu; Kumar, V; Malhotra, R; Pandit, H; Jones, E; Ponchel, F; Biswas, S2021Poor Clearance of Free Hemoglobin Due to Lower Active Haptoglobin Availability is Associated with Osteoarthritis InflammationJOURNAL OF INFLAMMATION RESEARCH14949964
1191Oyeku, OG; Mandal, SK2021Historical occurrences of marine microalgal blooms in Indian peninsula: Probable causes and implicationsOCEANOLOGIA635170
1192Saxena, D; Kaul, G; Dasgupta, A; Chopra, S2021Enoyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] reductase Fabl inhibitor Antibacterial drugDRUGS OF THE FUTURE46520
1193Changdar, A; Chakraborty, SS2021Laser processing of metal foam - A reviewJOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES61208225
1194Agrawal, PR; Singh, N; Kumar, R; Yadav, K; Kumari, S; Dhakate, SR2021Rapid adsorption of arsenate from water on a novel hybrid of zirconia oxide anchored rGO functionalised carbon foamCOLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS40
1195Sharma, A; Singh, S; Ahmad, S; Gulzar, F; Schertzer, JD; Tamrakar, AK2021NOD1 activation induces oxidative stress via NOX1/4 in adipocytesFREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE162118128
1196Singh, M; Singh, SP; Yadav, D; Agarwal, M; Agarwal, S; Agarwal, V; Swargiary, G; Srivastava, S; Tyagi, S; Kaur, R; Mani, S2021Targeted Delivery for Neurodegenerative Disorders Using Gene Therapy Vectors: Gene Next Therapeutic GoalsCURRENT GENE THERAPY212342
1197Mishra, SK; Hidau, MK; Rai, S2021Memantine treatment exerts an antidepressant-like effect by preventing hippocampal mitochondrial dysfunction and memory impairment via upregulation of CREB/BDNF signaling in the rat model of chronic unpredictable stress-induced depressionNEUROCHEMISTRY INTERNATIONAL142
1198Maritim, TK; Seth, R; Parmar, R; Sharma, RK2021Multiple-genotypes transcriptional analysis revealed candidates genes and nucleotide variants for improvement of quality characteristics in tea (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze)GENOMICS113305316
1199Sahoo, A; Kumar, S; Kumar, J; Bhaskar, T2021A detailed assessment of pyrolysis kinetics of invasive lignocellulosic biomasses (Prosopis juliflora and Lantana camara) by thermogravimetric analysisBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY319
1200Kumar, M; Raj, A; Kumar, A; Anshul, A2021Theoretical evidence of high power conversion efficiency in double perovskite solar cell deviceOPTICAL MATERIALS111
1201Thomas, MM; Chandran, PR; Vipin, VV; Mohamed, AP; Kingshott, P; Pillai, S2021Core-shell based responsive colloidal photonic crystals for facile, rapid, visual detection of acetoneREACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS158
1202Sharma, D; Kumar, Y; Kumar, P; Nagpal, V; Patnaik, S; Awana, VPS2021High field magneto-transport of mixed topological insulators Bi2Se3-xTex (x=0, 1, 2 & 3)SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS323
1203Sakthivel, A; Chandrasekaran, A; Sadasivam, M; Manickam, P; Alwarappan, S2021Sulphur Doped Graphitic Carbon Nitride as a Dual Biosensing Platform for the Detection of Cancer Biomarker CA15-3JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY168
1204Subramanian, Y; Mishra, B; Mandal, S; Gubendiran, R; Chaudhary, YS2021Design of heterostructured perovskites for enhanced photocatalytic activity: Insight into their charge carrier dynamicsMATERIALS TODAY-PROCEEDINGS35179185
1205Nizamuddin, S; Dubey, S; Singh, S; Sharma, S; Machha, P; Thangaraj, K2021CYP2C9 Variations and Their Pharmacogenetic Implications Among Diverse South Asian PopulationsPHARMACOGENOMICS & PERSONALIZED MEDICINE14135147
1206Thakur, P; Bhargava, N; Jaitly, S; Gupta, P; Bhattacharya, SK; Padma, G; Kondaveeti, S; Jain, S; Ramalingam, S2021Establishment and characterization of induced pluripotent stem cell line (IGIBi002-A) from a beta-thalassemia patient with IVS1-5 mutation by non-integrating reprogramming approachSTEM CELL RESEARCH50
1207Mishra, M; Singh, V; Tellis, MB; Joshi, RS; Singh, S2021Repurposing the McoTI-II Rigid Molecular Scaffold in to Inhibitor of 'Papain Superfamily' Cysteine ProteasesPHARMACEUTICALS14
1208Gupta, A; Shrivastava, D; Shakya, AK; Gupta, K; Pratap, JV; Habib, S2021PfKsgA1 functions as a transcription initiation factor and interacts with the N-terminal region of the mitochondrial RNA polymerase of Plasmodium falciparumINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR PARASITOLOGY512337
1209Reddy, CR; Srinivasu, E; Sathish, P; Subbarao, M; Donthiri, RR2021One-Pot Arylative Benzannulation of 2-Carbonyl-3-propargyl Indoles with Boronic Acids Leading to Arylated CarbazolesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY8611181132
1210Maurya, RK; Alam, MA; Ahamad, N; Kishore, K; Prajesh, R; Choudhary, M; Bhalla, V; Agarwal, A2021Sensitivity Enhancement of Electrochemical Biosensor for Point of Care (POC) Applications: Vi Antigen Detection as a Case StudyJOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY168
1211Sahoo, J; Jaiswar, S; Chatterjee, PB; Subramanian, PS; Jena, HS2021Mechanistic Insight of Sensing Hydrogen Phosphate in Aqueous Medium by Using Lanthanide(III)-Based Luminescent ProbesNANOMATERIALS11
1212Ramya, AN; Joseph, MM; Maniganda, S; Karunakaran, V; Sreelekha, TT; Maiti, KK2021Emergence of Gold-Mesoporous Silica Hybrid Nanotheranostics: Dox-Encoded, Folate Targeted Chemotherapy with Modulation of SERS Fingerprinting for Apoptosis Toward Tumor Eradication (vol 13, 1700819, 2017)SMALL17
1213Chakraborty, D; Gupta, K; Biswas, S2021A mechanistic insight of phytoestrogens used for Rheumatoid arthritis: An evidence-based reviewBIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY133
1214Rani, MP; Nair, A; Mohan, S; Raghu, KG2021Chlorogenic acid attenuates glucotoxicity in H9c2 cells via inhibition of glycation and PKC alpha upregulation and safeguarding innate antioxidant status (vol 100, pg 467, 2018)BIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY133
1215Bhardwaj, VK; Singh, R; Das, P; Purohit, R2021Evaluation of acridinedione analogs as potential SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors and their comparison with repurposed anti-viral drugsCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE128
1216Choudhury, S; Das, A2021Advances in generation of three-dimensional skin equivalents: pre-clinical studies to clinical therapiesCYTOTHERAPY2319
1217Jagdale, S; Tellis, M; Barvkar, VT; Joshi, RS2021Glucosinolate induces transcriptomic and metabolic reprogramming in Helicoverpa armigera3 BIOTECH11
1218Natesh, J; Mondal, P; Penta, D; Salam, AAA; Meeran, SM2021Culinary spice bioactives as potential therapeutics against SARS-CoV-2: Computational investigationCOMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE128
1219Imam, A; Suman, SK; Singh, R; Vempatapu, BP; Ray, A; Kanaujia, PK2021Application of laccase immobilized rice straw biochar for anthracene degradationENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION268
1220Jain, A; Rophina, M; Mahajan, S; Krishnan, BB; Sharma, M; Mandal, S; Fernandez, T; Sultanji, S; Jolly, B; Mathew, S; Sivasubbu, S; Scaria, V2021Analysis of the potential impact of genomic variants in global SARS-CoV-2 genomes on molecular diagnostic assaysINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES102460462
1221Balaji, SS; Sandhiya, M; Sathish, M2021Enhanced electrochemical performance of supercritical fluid aided P-doped graphene nanoflakes by I3-/I- redox coupleJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE33
1222Narnoliya, LK; Sangwan, N; Jadaun, JS; Bansal, S; Sangwan, RS2021Defining the role of a caffeic acid 3-O-methyltransferase from Azadirachta indica fruits in the biosynthesis of ferulic acid through heterologous over-expression in Ocimum species and Withania somniferaPLANTA253
1223Wakchaure, PD; Ganguly, B2021Tuning the electronic effects in designing ligands for the inhibition of rotamase activity of FK506 binding proteinTHEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS140
1224Dwivedi, GR; Khwaja, S; Negi, AS; Panda, SS; Sanket, AS; Pati, S; Gupta, AC; Bawankule, DU; Chanda, D; Kant, R; Darokar, MP2021Design, synthesis and drug resistance reversal potential of novel curcumin mimics Van D Synergy potential of curcumin mimicsBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY106
1225Singh, R; Jha, D; Gautam, HK; Kumar, P2021Supramolecular self-assemblies of engineered polyethylenimines as multifunctional nanostructures for DNA transportation with excellent antimicrobial activityBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY106
1226Desale, SE; Dubey, T; Chinnathambi, S2021alpha-Linolenic acid inhibits Tau aggregation and modulates Tau conformationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES166687693
1227Khan, MS; Singh, S; Pandey, P; Semwal, M; Kalra, A2021Menthol Mint (Mentha arvensis L.) Crop Acreage Estimation Using Multi-temporal Satellite ImageryJOURNAL OF THE INDIAN SOCIETY OF REMOTE SENSING49987996
1228Garg, M; Sharma, AL; Singh, S2021Advancement in biosensors for inflammatory biomarkers of SARS-CoV-2 during 2019-2020BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS171
1229Chandra, A; Sharma, K; Pratap, K; Singh, V; Saini, N2021Inhibition of microRNA-128-3p attenuates hypercholesterolemia in mouse modelLIFE SCIENCES264
1230Panda, A; Rangani, J; Parida, AK2021Unraveling salt responsive metabolites and metabolic pathways using non-targeted metabolomics approach and elucidation of salt tolerance mechanisms in the xero-halophyte Haloxylon salicornicumPLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY158284296
1231Govind, B; Srivastava, M; Pulikkotil, JJ; Misra, DK2021Electronic structure and magnetic properties of a full-Heusler Mn2NiSb: Cu2MnAl type structureJOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS517
1232Mundra, S; Pal, RK; Tripathi, S; Jain, A; Arora, A2021Structural and functional characterization of peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase from Klebsiella pneumoniaeBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS1869
1233Gupta, S; Srivastava, P; Patil, SA; Yadav, AK2021A comprehensive review on emerging constructed wetland coupled microbial fuel cell technology: Potential applications and challengesBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY320
1234Karbhal, I; Basu, A; Patrike, A; Shelke, MV2021Laser patterning of boron carbon nitride electrodes for flexible micro-supercapacitor with remarkable electrochemical stability/capacityCARBON171750757
1235Devi, S; Karsauliya, K; Srivastava, T; Raj, R; Kumar, D; Priya, S2021Pesticide interactions induce alterations in secondary structure of malate dehydrogenase to cause destability and cytotoxicityCHEMOSPHERE263
1236Dhote, L; Kumar, S; Singh, L; Kumar, R2021A systematic review on options for sustainable treatment and resource recovery of distillery sludgeCHEMOSPHERE263
1237Gupta, S; Nayak, A; Roy, C; Yadav, AK2021An algal assisted constructed wetland-microbial fuel cell integrated with sand filter for efficient wastewater treatment and electricity productionCHEMOSPHERE263
1238Nidheesh, PV; Scaria, J; Babu, DS; Kumar, MS2021An overview on combined electrocoagulation-degradation processes for the effective treatment of water and wastewaterCHEMOSPHERE263
1239Pillalamarri, V; Reddy, CG; Bala, SC; Jangam, A; Kutty, VV; Addlagatta, A2021Methionine aminopeptidases with short sequence inserts within the catalytic domain are differentially inhibited: Structural and biochemical studies of three proteins from Vibrio spp.EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY209
1240Kontham, V; Ansari, KR; Padmaja, KV; Madhu, D2021Synthesis and evaluation of stearic acid based heterocyclic Schiff bases as biolubricant additives in epoxy karanja fatty acid 2-ethyl hexyl esters baseINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS159
1241Aggarwal, N; Krishna, S; Goswami, L; Gupta, G2021Inclination of screw dislocations on the performance of homoepitaxial GaN based UV photodetectorsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS263
1242Gupta, MK; Anand, A; Asati, A; Thati, R; Katragunta, K; Agarwal, R; Mudiam, MKR2021Quantitative determination of phenolic antioxidants in fruit juices by GC-MS/MS using automated injector port silylation after QuEChERS extractionMICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL160
1243Christopher, N; Anand, K; Singh, N2021Enhancement of hard magnetic properties in rapidly quenched Zr-Co-Fe-B ribbons through vacuum annealingSOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS323
1244Patra, SS; Panda, S; Das, T; Ramasamy, B2021COVID-19 Fatality: Statistical Evidence to Engender the Need for Focal Shift from Air Pollutants to Multi-dimensional InterventionAEROSOL AND AIR QUALITY RESEARCH21
1245Dwivedi, PK; Parte, G; Thripuranthaka, M; Shelke, MV2021High efficiency lithium storage in 3D composite foam of Co3O4 nanoparticles integrated carbon nanohornsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS263
1246Yadav, R; Rajput, V; Dharne, M2021Functional metagenomic landscape of polluted river reveals potential genes involved in degradation of xenobiotic pollutantsENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH192
1247Shewale, SR; Rajoriya, D; Bhavya, ML; Hebbar, HU2021Application of radiofrequency heating and low humidity air for sequential drying of apple slices: Process intensification and quality improvementLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY135
1248Patil, PB; Bhandari, VM; Ranade, VV2021Improving efficiency for removal of ammoniacal nitrogen from wastewaters using hydrodynamic cavitationULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY70
1249Devi, A; Anu-Appaiah, KA2021Mixed malolactic co-culture (Lactobacillus plantarum and Oenococcus oeni) with compatible Saccharomyces influences the polyphenolic, volatile and sensory profile of Shiraz wineLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY135
1250Kumar, V; Darnal, S; Kumar, S; Kumar, S; Singh, D2021Bioprocess for co-production of polyhydroxybutyrate and violacein using Himalayan bacterium Iodobacter sp. PCH194BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY319
1251Patel, NP; Shimpi, GG; Haldar, S2021A comparative account of resistance and antagonistic activity of healthy and bleached coral-associated bacteria as an indicator of coral health statusECOLOGICAL INDICATORS120
1252Scaria, J; Gopinath, A; Nidheesh, PV2021A versatile strategy to eliminate emerging contaminants from the aqueous environment: Heterogeneous Fenton processJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION278
1253Raj, A; Kumar, M; Bherwani, H; Gupta, A; Anshul, A2021Evidence of improved power conversion efficiency in lead-free CsGeI3 based perovskite solar cell heterostructure via scaps simulationJOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY B39
1254Gopal, SS; Eligar, SM; Vallikannan, B; Ponesakki, G2021Inhibitory efficacy of lutein on adipogenesis is associated with blockage of early phase regulators of adipocyte differentiationBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR AND CELL BIOLOGY OF LIPIDS1866
1255Garg, A; Goel, S; Dixit, AK; Pandey, MK; Kumari, N; Tyagi, S2021Investigation on the effect of neodymium doping on the magnetic, dielectric and microwave absorption properties of strontium hexaferrite particles in X-bandMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS257
1256Singh, P; Shrivastava, V; Abhash, A; Yadav, BN; Singh, IB; Mondal, DP2021Compressive deformation and corrosion behaviour of moderate to highly porous Ti4Al4Co (wt%) alloy foamMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS257
1257Joshi, PS; Agarwal, P; Agarwal, PK2021Overexpression of AlNAC1 from recretohalophyte Aeluropus lagopoides alleviates drought stress in transgenic tobaccoENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY181
1258Katoch, S; Patial, V2021Zebrafish: An emerging model system to study liver diseases and related drug discoveryJOURNAL OF APPLIED TOXICOLOGY413351
1259Godiwal, R; Gangwar, AK; Jaiswal, J; Vashishtha, P; Hossain, M; Pal, P; Gupta, G; Singh, P2021Influence of magnetron configurations on the structure and properties of room temperature sputtered ZnO thin filmsPHYSICA SCRIPTA96
1260Nautiyal, H; Kumari, S; Tyagi, R; Rao, US; Khatri, OP2021Evaluation of tribological performance of copper-based composites containing nano-structural 2D materials and their hybridTRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL153
1261Gohil, K; Samson, R; Dastager, S; Dharne, M2021Probiotics in the prophylaxis of COVID-19: something is better than nothing3 BIOTECH11
1262Tiwari, P; Srivastava, D; Chauhan, AS; Indoliya, Y; Singh, PK; Tiwari, S; Fatima, T; Mishra, SK; Dwivedi, S; Agarwal, L; Singh, PC; Asif, MH; Tripathi, RD; Shirke, PA; Chakrabarty, D; Chauhan, PS; Nautiyal, CS2021Root system architecture, physiological analysis and dynamic transcriptomics unravel the drought-responsive traits in rice genotypesECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY207
1263Patel, P; Aggarwal, SG; Tsai, CJ; Okuda, T2021Theoretical and field evaluation of a PM2.5 high-volume impactor inlet designATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT244
1264Thejus, PK; Krishnapriya, KV; Nishanth, KG2021A cost-effective intense blue colour inorganic pigment for multifunctional cool roof and anticorrosive coatingsSOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS219
1265Bhattacharya, S; Reddy, G; Paul, S; Hossain, SS; Raavi, SSK; Giribabu, L; Samanta, A; Soma, VR2021Comparative photophysical and femtosecond third-order nonlinear optical properties of novel imidazole substituted metal phthalocyaninesDYES AND PIGMENTS184
1266Wagalgave, SM; Bhosale, SV; Puyad, AL; Chen, JY; Jones, L; Li, JL; Gupta, A; Bhosale, SV2021Donor-acceptor-donor modelled donor targets based on indoline and naphthalene diimide functionalities for efficient bulk-heterojunction devicesDYES AND PIGMENTS184
1267Paliwal, A; Singh, K; Mathew, M2021Effects of AlInN graded polarization-dependent doped top cladding on the performance of deep ultra-violet laser diode emitting at similar to 271 nm wavelengthSEMICONDUCTOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY36
1268Sharma, D; Sharma, MM; Meena, RS; Awana, VPS2021Raman spectroscopy of Bi2Se3-x Tex (x=0-3) topological insulator crystalsPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER600
1269Hegde, V; Raman, AS; Patil, PR; Prakash, B2021Purification and preliminary characterization of four Rel homologues from pathogenic bacteria: Implications for species-specific inhibitor designPROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION177
1270Devi, J; Kumar, R; Singh, K; Gehlot, A; Bhushan, S; Kumar, S2021In vitro adventitious roots: a non-disruptive technology for the production of phytoconstituents on the industrial scaleCRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY41564579
1271Dey, A; Ramlal, VR; Sankar, SS; Mahapatra, TS; Suresh, E; Kundu, S; Mandal, AK; Das, A2020Crystalline Free-Standing Two-Dimensional Zwitterionic Organic Nanosheets for Efficient Conduction of Lithium IonsACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES125812258131
1272Kumaravel, S; Thiruvengetam, P; Karthick, K; Sankar, SS; Karmakar, A; Kundu, S2021Green and sustainable route for oxidative depolymerization of lignin: New platform for fine chemicals and fuelsBIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS37
1273Brahmbhatt, HD; Gupta, R; Gupta, A; Rastogi, S; Misri, R; Mobeen, A; Ghosh, A; Kothari, P; Sitaniya, S; Scaria, V; Singh, ADec-20The long noncoding RNA MALAT1 suppresses miR-211 to confer protection from ultraviolet-mediated DNA damage in vitiligo epidermis by upregulating sirtuin 1BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY10.1111/bjd.19666
1274Mehta, S; Agarwal, S; Kenge, N; Mekala, SP; Patil, V; Raja, T; Joshi, K2020Mixed metal oxide: A new class of catalyst for methanol activationAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE534
1275Sambyal, K; Singh, RV2021Production of salicylic acid; a potent pharmaceutically active agent and its future prospectsCRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY41394405
1276Kuhire, SS; Talanikar, AA; Tawade, BV; Nagane, SS; Wadgaonkar, PPDec-20Partially bio-based furyl-functionalized organosoluble poly(ether ether ketone)sPOLYMER INTERNATIONAL10.1002/pi.6160
1277Sasidharan, S; Pradhan, SC; Jagadeesh, A; Nair, BN; Mohamed, AAP; Unni, KNN; Soman, S; Hareesh, UNS2020Bifacial Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Enhanced Light Scattering and Improved Power Conversion Efficiency under Full Sun and Indoor Light ConditionsACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS31258412595
1278Khanam, A; Mandal, PK2021Influence of Remote Picolinyl and Picoloyl Stereodirecting Groups for the Stereoselective GlycosylationASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10296314
1279Uppin, V; Acharya, P; Kempaiah, BB; Talahalli, RR2020Zerumbone augments cognitive enhancement potentials of EPA plus DHA: insight from a hyperlipidaemic rat modelBRITISH JOURNAL OF NUTRITION12413531360
1280Chavan, SP; Khairnar, LB; Chavan, PN; Dumare, NB; Kalbhor, DB; Gonnade, RG2020Chiron approach to formal synthesis of both antipodes of cis 3-hydroxypipecolic acid (vol 55, pg 6423, 2014)TETRAHEDRON LETTERS61
1281Yennamaneni, DR; Amrutham, V; Gajula, KS; Banothu, R; Boosa, M; Nama, N2020An atom-economical addition of methyl azaarenes with aromatic aldehydes via benzylic C(sp(3))-H bond functionalization under solvent- and catalyst-free conditionsBEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY1630933103
1282Ghosh, S; Jana, K; Wakchaure, PD; Ganguly, BDec-20Revealing the cholinergic inhibition mechanism of Alzheimer's by galantamine: a metadynamics simulation studyJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2020.1867644
1283Ghosh, D; Kumar, GR; Subramanian, S; Tanaka, K2021More Than Just a Reagent: The Rise of Renewable Organohydrides for Catalytic Reduction of Carbon DioxideCHEMSUSCHEM14824841
1284Mehta, P; Rajender, S2021Exome sequencing identified compound heterozygous mutations in the SRD5A2 gene in a case of 46,XY ambiguous genitaliaANDROLOGIA53
1285Vani, B; Sekhar, SC; Sahu, N; Sridhar, S2021Development of a UV coupled indigenous hydrophilized polyamide membrane system for enhanced shelf life of mature coconut waterJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING44
1286Gaikwad, NB; Nirmale, K; Sahoo, SK; Ahmad, MN; Kaul, G; Shukla, M; Nanduri, S; Das Gupta, A; Chopra, S; Yaddanapudi, MV2021Design, synthesis, in silico, and in vitro evaluation of 3-phenylpyrazole acetamide derivatives as antimycobacterial agentsARCHIV DER PHARMAZIE354
1287Neog, K; Gogoi, P2020Recent advances in the synthesis of organophosphorus compounds via Kobayashi's aryne precursor: a reviewORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1895499561
1288Chakraborty, S; Joseph, MM; Varughese, S; Ghosh, S; Maiti, KK; Samanta, A; Ajayaghosh, A2020A new pentacyclic pyrylium fluorescent probe that responds to pH imbalance during apoptosisCHEMICAL SCIENCE111269512700
1289Nagare, M; Ayachit, M; Agnihotri, A; Schwab, W; Joshi, R2021Glycosyltransferases: the multifaceted enzymatic regulator in insectsINSECT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY30123137
1290Semwal, R; Joshi, A; Kumar, R; Adimurthy, S2020Annulation of imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines under metal-free conditionsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY442053020534
1291Panda, A; Rangani, J; Parida, AK2020Comprehensive proteomic analysis revealing multifaceted regulatory network of the xero-halophyte Haloxylon salicornicum involved in salt toleranceJOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY324143161
1292Shuhailath, KA; Linsha, V; Kumar, SN; Babitha, KB; Mohamed, AAP; Ananthakumar, S2020Photoactive, antimicrobial CeO2 decorated AlOOH/PEI hybrid nanocomposite: a multifunctional catalytic-sorbent for lignin and organic dye (vol 6, pg 54357, 2016)RSC ADVANCES104477344773
1293Sreenath, S; Sharma, NK; Nagarale, RK2020Alkaline all iron redox flow battery with a polyethylene/poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) interpolymer cation-exchange membraneRSC ADVANCES104482444833
1294Sharma, S; Sharma, M; Rana, AK; Joshi, R; Swarnkar, MK; Acharya, V; Singh, D2021Deciphering key regulators involved in epilepsy-induced cardiac damage through whole transcriptome and proteome analysis in a rat modelEPILEPSIA62504516
1295Wathore, R; Gupta, A; Bherwani, H; Labhasetwar, N2020Understanding air and water borne transmission and survival of coronavirus: Insights and way forward for SARS-CoV-2SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT749
1296Lincy, J; Manohar, CS2020A comparison of bacterial communities from OMZ sediments in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal reveals major differences in nitrogen turnover and carbon recycling potentialMARINE BIOLOGY RESEARCH16656673
1297Kundu, G; Pahar, S; Tothadi, S; Sen, SS2020Stepwise Nucleophilic Substitution to Access Saturated N-heterocyclic Carbene Haloboranes with Boron-Methyl BondsORGANOMETALLICS3946964703
1298Jeevan, AK; Krishnan, SB; Gopidas, KR2020Structural Deformation to beta-Cyclodextrin Due to Strong pi-Stacking in the Self-Assembly of Inclusion ComplexCHEMISTRYSELECT51496614970
1299Madduluri, VR; Marella, RK; Hanafiah, MM; Lakkaboyana, SK; Babu, GS2020CO2 utilization as a soft oxidant for the synthesis of styrene from ethylbenzene over Co3O4 supported on magnesium aluminate spinel: role of spinel activation temperatureSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1300Waseem, S; Maheshwari, PH; Maheshwari, P; Sahu, AK; Saini, A; Dhakate, SR2020Configuring the Porosity and Microstructure of Carbon Paper Electrode Using Pore Formers and Its Influence on the Performance of PEMFCENERGY & FUELS341673616745
1301Bosubabu, D; Sivaraj, J; Gurunathan, P; Ramesha, K2020Hollow Co3O4 Microspheres Grafted with Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes as Efficient Sulfur Host for High Performing Lithium-Sulfur BatteriesENERGY & FUELS341681016818
1302Murugan, C; Subramani, K; Subash, R; Sathish, M; Pandikumar, A2020High-Performance High-Voltage Symmetric Supercapattery Based on a Graphitic Carbon Nitride/Bismuth Vanadate NanocompositeENERGY & FUELS341685816869
1303Ghosh, D; Chaudhary, N; Kumari, KU; Singh, J; Tripathi, P; Meena, A; Luqman, S; Yadav, A; Chanotiya, CS; Pandey, G; Kumar, N2021Diversity of Essential Oil-Secretory Cells and Oil Composition in Flowers and Buds of Magnolia sirindhorniae and Its Biological ActivitiesCHEMISTRY & BIODIVERSITY18
1304Deka, D; Sonowal, S; Chikkaputtaiah, C; Velmurugan, N2020Symbiotic Associations: Key Factors That Determine Physiology and Lipid Accumulation in Oleaginous MicroorganismsFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY11
1305Arya, SK; Singh, S; Upadhyay, SK; Tiwari, V; Saxena, G; Verma, PC2021RNAi-based gene silencing in Phenacoccus solenopsis and its validation by in planta expression of a double-stranded RNAPEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE7717961805
1306Yadav, S; Ali, V; Singh, Y; Kanojia, S; Goyal, N2020Leishmania donovani chaperonin TCP1 gamma subunit protects miltefosine induced oxidative damageINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES16526072620
1307Mishra, A; Chhonker, YS; Bisen, AC; Prasad, YD; Tulsankar, SL; Chandasana, H; Dey, T; Verma, SK; Bala, V; Kanojiya, S; Ghatak, S; Bhatta, RS2020Rapid and Simultaneous Analysis of Multiple Classes of Antimicrobial Drugs by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry and Its Application to Routine Biomedical, Food, and Soil AnalysesACS OMEGA53158431597
1308Sharma, PP; Yadav, V; Rajput, A; Gupta, H; Saravaia, H; Kulshrestha, V2020Sulfonated poly (ether ether ketone) composite cation exchange membrane for selective recovery of lithium by electrodialysisDESALINATION496
1309Kaparekar, PS; Pathmanapan, S; Anandasadagopan, SK2020Polymeric scaffold of Gallic acid loaded chitosan nanoparticles infused with collagen-fibrin for wound dressing applicationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES165930947
1310Reddi, R; Ganji, RJ; Marapaka, AK; Bala, SC; Yerra, NV; Haque, N; Addlagatta, A2020Puromycin, a selective inhibitor of PSA acts as a substrate for other M1 family aminopeptidases: Biochemical and structural basisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES16513731381
1311Gopika, SK; Subramanian, R2020Recovery of bioactive volatiles from byproduct of curcumin manufacture by membrane processingINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS158
1312Thakur, M; Kumar, R2020Foliar application of plant growth regulators modulates the productivity and chemical profile of damask rose (Rosa damascena Mill.) under mid hill conditions of the western HimalayaINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS158
1313Manasa, V; Chaudhari, SR; Tumaney, AW2020Spice fixed oils as a new source of gamma-oryzanol: nutraceutical characterization of fixed oils from selected spicesRSC ADVANCES104397543984
1314Vijay, S; Vikraman, S; Mary, PR; Chauhan, AS; Kapoor, M2021Osmotic infusion of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Lacticaseibacillus casei in cut pineapple matrix: Optimization, survival under gastrointestinal stress, and storage stability studiesJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION45
1315Gani, K; Bhambure, R; Deulgaonkar, P; Mehta, D; Kamble, M2020Understanding unfolding and refolding of the antibody fragment (Fab). I. In-vitro studyBIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL164
1316Saikia, BK; Benoy, SM; Bora, M; Tamuly, J; Pandey, M; Bhattacharya, D2020A brief review on supercapacitor energy storage devices and utilization of natural carbon resources as their electrode materialsFUEL282
1317Jayanth, TAS; Mamindlapelli, NK; Begum, S; Arelli, V; Juntupally, S; Ahuja, S; Dugyala, SK; Anupoju, GR2020Anaerobic mono and co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste and landfill leachate at industrial scale: Impact of volatile organic loading rate on reaction kinetics, biogas yield and microbial diversitySCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT748
1318Tiwari, P; Indoliya, Y; Chauhan, AS; Pande, V; Chakrabarty, D2020Over-expression of rice R1-type MYB transcription factor confers different abiotic stress tolerance in transgenic ArabidopsisECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY206
1319Kumar, SS; Chauhan, AS; Giridhar, P2020Nanoliposomal encapsulation mediated enhancement of betalain stability: Characterisation, storage stability and antioxidant activity of Basella rubra L. fruits for its applications in vegan gummy candiesFOOD CHEMISTRY333
1320Yadav, P; Patra, A2020Recent advances in poly(3,4-ethylenedioxyselenophene) and related polymersPOLYMER CHEMISTRY1172757292
1321Borah, D; Saha, B; Sarma, B; Das, P2020A cyclometalated Ir(III)-NHC complex as a recyclable catalyst for acceptorless dehydrogenation of alcohols to carboxylic acidsDALTON TRANSACTIONS491686616876
1322Rokade, D; Chougale, S; Patil, P; Bhattacharjee, T; Gawande, D; Pol, H; Dhadwal, RDec-20Controlling draw resonance during extrusion film casting of nanoclay filled linear low-density polyethylene: An experimental study and numerical linear stability analysisJOURNAL OF PLASTIC FILM & SHEETING10.1177/8756087920978443
1323Raghuvanshi, G; Chakraborty, P; Hazra, B; Adak, AK; Singh, PK; Singh, AK; Singh, VDec-20Pyrolysis and combustion behavior of few high-ash Indian coalsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COAL PREPARATION AND UTILIZATION10.1080/19392699.2020.1855582
1324Devidas, SB; Sendri, N; Rahmatkar, SN; Singh, D; Bhandari, PDec-20Two undescribed diarylheptanoids from green husk of Carya illinoinensis as acetylcholinesterase inhibitorsNATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH10.1080/14786419.2020.1862833
1325Singla, G; Panesar, PS; Sangwan, RS; Krishania, M2021Enzymatic debittering of Citrus reticulata (Kinnow) pulp residue and its utilization for the preparation of vermicelliJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESSING AND PRESERVATION45
1326Sharma, L; Roy, A; Panja, S; De, S2020An easy to construct sub-micron resolution imaging systemSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1327Kundu, R; Payal, P2020Antimicrobial Hydrogels: Promising Soft BiomaterialsCHEMISTRYSELECT51480014810
1328Kanungo, DP; Singh, R; Dash, RK2020Field observations and lessons learnt from the 2018 landslide disasters in Idukki District, Kerala, IndiaCURRENT SCIENCE11917971806
1329Dey, A; Ghorai, N; Das, A; Ghosh, HN2020Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer for Photoinduced Generation of Two-Electron Reduced Species of QuinoneJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B1241116511174
1330Raina, G; Kannaboina, P; Ahmed, QN; Mondal, K; Das, P2021Palladium-Catalyzed Barluenga-Valdes Type Cross-Coupling Reaction: Alkenylation of 7-AzaindolesASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10251256
1331Mehta, R; Brahmbhatt, H; Bhojani, G; Bhattacharya, A2021Polypyrrole as the interlayer for thin-film poly(piperazine-amide) composite membranes: Separation behavior of salts and pesticidesJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE138
1332Bhat, R; Faiz, S; Ali, V; Khajuria, M; Mukherjee, D; Vyas, D2021Effect of temperature and insect herbivory on the regulation of glucosinolate-myrosinase system in Lepidium latifoliumPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM1725363
1333Chegukrishnamurthi, M; Shahabazuddin, M; Sreevathsan, S; Sarada, R; Mudliar, SN2020Ozonation as non-thermal option for bacterial load reduction of Chlorella biomass cultivated in airlift photobioreactorJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION276
1334Sarma, VVSS; Vivek, R; Rao, DN; Ghosh, VRD2020Severe phosphate limitation on nitrogen fixation in the Bay of BengalCONTINENTAL SHELF RESEARCH205
1335Satteyyanaidu, V; Chandrashekhar, R; Reddy, BVS; Lalli, C2021Modulating Prins Cyclization versus Tandem Prins Processes for the Synthesis of Hexahydro-1H-pyrano[3,4-c]chromenesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY2021138145
1336Garg, N; Chauhan, BS; Singh, M2020Realization and Dissemination of Unit Watt in Airborne Sound: Measurement Methodology, Sound Emission Regulations and ImplicationsMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35601612
1337Venkadesh, A; Mathiyarasu, J; Radhakrishnan, S2021Voltammetric Sensing of Caffeine in Food Sample using Cu-MOF and GrapheneELECTROANALYSIS3310071013
1338Sandeep, M; Shantharjun, B; Kumar, GP; Reddy, KR2021Oxidative Copper-Catalyzed Regioselective Trifluoromethylation of Fused Imidazo[1,5-a]-N-heteroarenes using Langlois ReagentEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY2021246252
1339Wakchaure, PD; Ganguly, B2020Computational Study on Metal-Ion-Decorated Prismane Molecules for Selective Adsorption of CO2 from Flue Gas MixturesACS OMEGA53114631155
1340Balmik, AA; Chidambaram, H; Dangi, A; Marelli, UK; Chinnathambi, S2020HDAC6 ZnF UBP as the Modifier of Tau Structure and FunctionBIOCHEMISTRY5945464562
1341Murugesh, V; Sahoo, AR; Achard, M; Sharma, GVM; Bruneau, C; Suresh, S2021Ruthenium Catalyzed Regioselective beta-C(sp(3))-H Functionalization of N-Alkyl-N '-p-nitrophenyl Substituted Piperazines using Aldehydes as Alkylating AgentsADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS363453458
1342Bhowmik, A; Das, S; Sarkar, W; Saidalavi, KM; Mishra, A; Roy, A; Deb, I2021Diastereoselective Spirocyclization via Intramolecular C(sp(3))-H Bond Functionalization Triggered by Sequential [1,5]-Hydride Shift/Cyclization Process: Approach to Spiro-tetrahydroquinolinesADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS363826832
1343Yadagiri, B; Daipule, K; Singh, SP2021Photoinduced Borylation Reactions: An OverviewASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY10737
1344Jana, A; Halder, SK; Dasgupta, D; Hazra, S; Mondal, P; Bhaskar, T; Ghosh, D2020Keratinase Biosynthesis from Waste Poultry Feathers for Proteinaceous Stain RemovalACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING81765117663
1345Saikia, B; Debbarma, J; Maharana, J; Singha, DL; Velmuruagan, N; Dekaboruah, H; Arunkumar, KP; Chikkaputtaiah, C2020SlHyPRP1 and DEA1, the multiple stress responsive eight-cysteine motif family genes of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are expressed tissue specifically, localize and interact at cytoplasm and plasma membrane in vivoPHYSIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF PLANTS2625532568
1346Velmurugan, R; Alagammai, P; Ulaganathan, M; Subramanian, B2020High performance in situ annealed partially pressurized pulsed laser deposited WO3 & V2O5 thin film electrodes for use as flexible all solid state supercapbatteriesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A82414824165
1347Kanika; Kedawat, G; Singh, S; Gupta, BK2021A Novel Approach to Design Luminomagnetic Pigment Formulated Security Ink for Manifold Protection to Bank Cheques against CounterfeitingADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES6
1348Semwal, J; Meera, MS2021Infrared Radiation: Impact on Physicochemical and Functional Characteristics of Grain StarchSTARCH-STARKE73
1349Pathak, AK; Dhakate, SR2021Validation of experimental results for graphene oxide-epoxy polymer nanocomposite through computational analysisJOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE598499
1350Kumari, P; Meena, A2020Green synthesis of gold nanoparticles from Lawsoniainermis and its catalytic activities following the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanismCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS606
1351Sharma, MM; Kumar, K; Sang, LN; Wang, XL; Awana, VPS2020Type-II superconductivity below 4K in Sn0.4Sb0.6JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS844
1352Bhoite, SP; Bansodes, AH; Suryavanshi, G2020Radical Rearrangement of Aryl/Alkylidene Malononitriles via Aza Michael Addition/Decynoformylation/Addition Sequence: An Access to alpha-Aminonitriles and alpha-AminoamidesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851485814865
1353Ghoshal, A; Yadav, A; Srivastava, AK2020[3+2]-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Aldehyde-Tethered Alkynamides and Trimethylsilyl Amino Esters: A Gateway to Uniquely Functionalized Polycyclic N-Heterocycles via Post-Ugi FunctionalizationJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851489014904
1354Shirsath, SR; Ghotekar, GS; Bahadur, V; Gonnade, RG; Muthukrishnan, M2020Silver-Catalyzed Cascade Cyclization/1,6-Conjugate Addition of Homopropargyl Sulfonamides to p-Quinone Methides: An Approach to Diverse 3-Diarylmethine Substituted DihydropyrrolesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851503815050
1355Mali, M; Jayaram, V; Sharma, GVM; Ghosh, S; Berree, F; Dorcet, V; Carboni, B2020Copper-Mediated Synthesis of (E)-1-Azido and (Z)-1,2-Diazido Alkenes from 1-Alkene-1,2-diboronic Esters: An Approach to Mono-and 1,2-Di-(1,2,3-Triazolyl)-Alkenes and Fused Bis-(1,2,3-Triazolo)-PyrazinesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851510415115
1356Sen, C; Sarvaiya, B; Sarkar, S; Ghosh, SC2020Room-Temperature Synthesis of Isoindolone Spirosuccinimides: Merger of Visible-Light Photocatalysis and Cobalt-Catalyzed C-H ActivationJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851528715304
1357Reddy, CR; Ajaykumar, U; Kolgave, DH2020Expeditious Access to Spiro-Fused 2,5-Cyclohexadienones via Thio(seleno)cyanative ipso-CyclizationJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851552115531
1358Kumar, H; Prajapati, G; Dubey, A; Ampapathi, RS; Mandal, PK2020Intramolecular 6-exo-dig Post-Ugi Cyclization of N-Substituted 2-Alkynamides: Direct Access to Functionalized Morpholinone GlycoconjugatesORGANIC LETTERS2292589262
1359Barak, DS; Dahatonde, DJ; Dighe, SU; Kant, R; Batra, S2020Decarboxylative/Oxidative Amidation of Aryl alpha-Ketocarboxylic Acids with Nitroarenes and Nitroso Compounds in Aqueous MediumORGANIC LETTERS2293819385
1360Bharti, R; Srivastava, A; Roy, T; Verma, K; Reddy, DVS; Shafi, H; Verma, S; Raman, SK; Singh, AK; Singh, J; Ray, L; Misra, A2020Transient Transfection of the Respiratory Epithelium with Gamma Interferon for Host-Directed Therapy in Pulmonary TuberculosisMOLECULAR THERAPY-NUCLEIC ACIDS2211211128
1361Chidambaram, H; Chinnathambi, SDec-20Role of cysteines in accelerating Tau filament formationJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2020.1856720
1362Guin, D; Rani, J; Singh, P; Grover, S; Bora, S; Talwar, P; Karthikeyan, M; Satyamoorthy, K; Adithan, C; Ramachandran, S; Saso, L; Hasija, Y; Kukreti, R2020Global Text Mining and Development of Pharmacogenomic Knowledge Resource for Precision Medicine (vol 10, 839, 2019)FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY11
1363Sangu, KG; Shinde, AU; Chopra, S; Rode, HB2021Evading antimicrobial resistance using boron-containing therapeuticsFUTURE MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY13229232
1364Saha, S; Jaiswal, VK; Sharma, P; Aswal, DK2020Evolution of SI Base Unit Candela: Quantifying the Light Perception of Human EyeMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35563573
1365Das, P; Das, S; Varalaxmi, K; Jana, R2021Metal-Free, Multicomponent Anti-Markovnikov Hydroarylsulfonylation and Alkoxyarylsulfonylation of Vinyl ArenesADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS363575584
1366Jha, RK; Patel, J; Patel, MK; Mishra, A; Jha, B2021Introgression of a novel cold and drought regulatory-protein encoding CORA-like gene, SbCDR, induced osmotic tolerance in transgenic tobaccoPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM17211701188
1367Harsha, KG; Rao, BA; Baggi, TR; Prabhakar, S; Rao, VJ2020Thiophene-phenylquinazoline probe for selective ratiometric fluorescence and visual detection of Fe(iii) and turn-off fluorescence for I- and its applicationsPHOTOCHEMICAL & PHOTOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES1917071716
1368Yadav, SK; Subhedar, KM; Dhakate, SR; Singh, BP2020Synthesis of high surface area activated carbon from eucalyptus bark for the removal of methylene blueINDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES2710591066
1369Sandeep; Kumar, R; Subhedar, KM; Kumar, R; Dhakate, SR2020Stable ensemble brightness from nitrogen vacancy centers in nanodiamonds through optimized surface compositionINDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES2710711079
1370Subhedar, KM; Chauhan, GS; Singh, BP; Dhakate, SR2020Effect of fibre orientation on mechanical properties of carbon fibre compositesINDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES2711001103
1371Dariyal, P; Arya, AK; Singh, BP; Dhakate, SR2020Synthesis of carbon nanotube fiber via direct spinning for conducting wiresINDIAN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCES2711121117
1372Waseem, S; Nithya, C; Maheshwari, PH; Dhakate, SR2020Carbon Paper as a Promising Free Standing Anode for Sodium Ion BatteriesJOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY167
1374Rao, A; Choudhary, P2020Enzymatic tools and a microbial system to generate sugar peppered glycoactive antimicrobial peptidesGLYCOBIOLOGY3010981098
1375Dubey, R; Kumar, R2020Collimation testing of laser beams having different diameters using compact holographic lateral shearing interferometer (vol 59, 102404, 2019)OPTICAL ENGINEERING59
1376Kontham, V; Padmaja, KV; Madhu, D2020Synthesis and tribological investigation of 4-vinyl guaiacol-based thioether derivatives as multifunctional additives and their interactions with the tribo surface using quantum chemical calculationsJOURNAL OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY24942954
1377Bijpuria, S; Sharma, R; Taneja, B2020Loss of U1498 methylation in 16S rRNA by RsmE methyltransferase associates its role with aminoglycoside resistance in mycobacteriaJOURNAL OF GLOBAL ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE23359369
1378Rathore, S; Walia, S; Devi, R; Kumar, R2020Review on Trillium govanianum Wall. ex D. Don: A threatened medicinal plant from the HimalayaJOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE24
1379Das, N; Kumar, A; Roy, SK; Satija, NK; Gopal, RR2020Bare plasmonic metal nanoparticles: synthesis, characterisation and in vitro toxicity assessment on a liver carcinoma cell lineIET NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY14851857
1380Kaundal, M; Kumar, R2020Effect of elevated CO2 and elevated temperature on growth and biomass accumulation in Valeriana jatamansi Jones. under different nutrient status in the western HimalayaJOURNAL OF AGROMETEOROLOGY22419428
1381Mohanty, R; Kumar, PS; Raghukanth, STG; Lakshmi, KJP2020The Long-Lived and Recent Seismicity at the Lunar Orientale Basin: Evidence From Morphology and Formation Ages of Boulder Avalanches, Tectonics, and Seismic Ground MotionJOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-PLANETS125
1382Hurrah, IA; Wagh, VV2020Geranium jainii (Geraniaceae), a new species from Himachal Pradesh, IndiaNORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY38
1383Mobin, M; Ahmad, I; Basik, M; Murmu, M; Banerjee, P2020Experimental and theoretical assessment of almond gum as an economically and environmentally viable corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in 1 M HClSUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY18
1384Anaga, N; Basavaraja, D; Abraham, B; Nisha, P; Varughese, S; Jayamurthy, P; Somappa, SB2020Advanced glycation end-products (AGE) trapping agents: Design and synthesis of nature inspired indeno[2,1-c]pyridinonesBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY105
1385Kode, J; Kovvuri, J; Nagaraju, B; Jadhav, S; Barkume, M; Sen, S; Kasinathan, NK; Chaudhari, P; Mohanty, BS; Gour, J; Sigalapalli, DK; Kumar, CG; Pradhan, T; Banerjee, M; Kamal, A2020Synthesis, biological evaluation, and molecular docking analysis of phenstatin based indole linked chalcones as anticancer agents and tubulin polymerization inhibitorsBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY105
1386Reddy, ST; Mendonza, JJ; Makani, VKK; Bhadra, MP; Uppuluri, VM2020Synthesis of some novel methyl beta-orsellinate based 3, 5-disubstituted isoxazoles and their anti-proliferative activity: Identification of potent leads active against MCF-7 breast cancer cellBIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY105
1387Sharma, B; Rajput, P; Rana, RK2020Influencing the Electron Density of Nanosized Au Colloids via Immobilization on MgO to Stimulate Surface Reaction ActivitiesLANGMUIR361420314213
1388Das, R; Balmik, AA; Chinnathambi, S2020Melatonin Reduces GSK3 beta-Mediated Tau Phosphorylation, Enhances Nrf2 Nuclear Translocation and Anti-InflammationASN NEURO12
1389Nutan, B; Kumar, A; Jewrajka, SK2020Library of Derivatizable Multiblock Copolymers by Nucleophilic Substitution Polymerization and Targeting Specific PropertiesBIOMACROMOLECULES2150295043
1390Mishra, A; Bano, M; Bisen, AC; Verma, S; Sanap, SN; Kishor, R; Shukla, PK; Bhatta, RS2020Topical corneal targeted sustained release amphotericin B liposomal formulation for the treatment of fungal keratitis and its PK-PD evaluationJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY60
1391Arun, S; Kumar, SM; Kiran, KUV; Mayavan, S2020Effects of carbon surface area and morphology on performance of stationary lead acid batteryJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE32
1392Kunyeit, L; Anu-Appaiah, KA; Rao, RP2020Application of Probiotic Yeasts on Candida Species Associated InfectionJOURNAL OF FUNGI6
1393Prasad, PSR; Kiran, BS2020Guest molecular exchange and stability of carbon dioxide hydrates under the influence of methane gasJOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING84
1394Kholiya, F; Rathod, MR; Meena, R2020In situ synthesis of gold nanoparticle coated composite derived from agar-aldehyde: characterization and their catalytic activityMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS25
1395Singh, J; Rishikesh,; Kumar, S; Verma, HK; Soni, RK2020Cost-effective scalable synthesis of few layers MoS2 based thin film for sunlight enforced photocatalytic activityOPTICAL MATERIALS110
1396Ahmad, SM; Nayak, D; Mir, KB; Faheem, MM; Nawaz, S; Yadav, G; Goswami, A2020Par-4 activation restrains EMT-induced chemoresistance in PDAC by attenuating MDM-2PANCREATOLOGY20
1397Arya, S; Mahajan, P; Gupta, R; Srivastava, R; Tailor, NK; Satapathi, S; Sumathi, RR; Datt, R; Gupta, V2020A comprehensive review on synthesis and applications of single crystal perovskite halidesPROGRESS IN SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY60
1398Mallik, R; Prasad, P; Kundu, A; Sachdev, S; Biswas, R; Dutta, A; Roy, A; Mukhopadhyay, J; Bag, SK; Chaudhuri, S2020Identification of genome-wide targets and DNA recognition sequence of the Arabidopsis HMG-box protein AtHMGB15 during cold stress responseBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS1863
1399Pompa-Monroy, DA; Figueroa-Marchant, PG; Dastager, SG; Thorat, MN; Iglesias, AL; Miranda-Soto, V; Perez-Gonzalez, GL; Villarreal-Gomez, LJ2020Bacterial Biofilm Formation Using PCL/Curcumin Electrospun Fibers and Its Potential Use for Biotechnological ApplicationsMATERIALS13
1400Goyal, AK; Dutta, HS; Pal, S2020Development of uniform porous one-dimensional photonic crystal based sensorOPTIK223
1401Rajoriya, D; Shewale, SR; Bhavya, ML; Hebbar, HU2020Far infrared assisted refractance window drying of apple slices: Comparative study on flavour, nutrient retention and drying characteristicsINNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES66
1402Manickavasakam, K; Balaji, SS; Kaipannan, S; Raj, AGK; Veeman, S; Marappan, S2020Electrochemical Performance of Thespesia Populnea Seeds Derived Activated Carbon - Supercapacitor and Its Improved Specific Energy in Redox Additive ElectrolytesJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE32
1403Abdullaha, M; Nuthakki, VK; Bharate, SB2020Discovery of methoxy-naphthyl linked N-(1-benzylpiperidine) benzamide as a blood-brain permeable dual inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesteraseEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY207
1404Dheer, D; Behera, C; Singh, D; Abdullaha, M; Chashoo, G; Bharate, SB; Gupta, PN; Shankar, R2020Design, synthesis and comparative analysis of triphenyl-1,2,3-triazoles as anti-proliferative agentsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY207
1405Bano, N; Hossain, MM; Bhat, AQ; Ayaz, MO; Kumari, M; Sandhu, P; Akhter, Y; Dar, MJ2020Analyzing structural differences between insulin receptor (IR) and IGF1R for designing small molecule allosteric inhibitors of IGF1R as novel anti-cancer agentsGROWTH HORMONE & IGF RESEARCH55
1406Kumari, S; Gusain, R; Kumar, A; Manwar, N; Jain, SL; Khatri, OP2020Direct growth of nanostructural MoS2 over the h-BN nanoplatelets: An efficient heterostructure for visible light photoreduction of CO2 to methanolJOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION42
1407Bhat, VS; Kanagavalli, P; Sriram, G; Prabhu, BR; John, NS; Veerapandian, M; Kurkuri, M; Hegde, G2020Low cost, catalyst free, high performance supercapacitors based on porous nano carbon derived from agriculture wasteJOURNAL OF ENERGY STORAGE32
1408Shukla, V; Asthana, S; Yadav, S; Rajput, VS; Tripathi, A2020Emodin inhibited NADPH-quinone reductase competitively and induced cytotoxicity in rat primary hepatocytesTOXICON188117121
1409Bherwani, H; Singh, A; Kumar, R2020Assessment methods of urban microclimate and its parameters: A critical review to take the research from lab to landURBAN CLIMATE34
1410Sharma, SK; Choudhary, N; Kotnala, G; Das, D; Mukherjee, S; Ghosh, A; Vijayan, N; Rai, A; Chatterjee, A; Mandal, TK2020Wintertime carbonaceous species and trace metals in PM10 in Darjeeling: A high altitude town in the eastern HimalayasURBAN CLIMATE34
1411Goel, V; Mishra, SK; Pal, P; Ahlawat, A; Vijayan, N; Jain, S; Sharma, C2020Influence of chemical aging on physico-chemical properties of mineral dust particles: A case study of 2016 dust storms over DelhiENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION267
1412Aswathi, A; Pandey, A; Sukumaran, RK2020Rapid degradation of the organophosphate pesticide - Chlorpyrifos by a novel strain of pseudomonas nitroreducens AR-3 (vol 292, 122025, 2019)BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY318
1413Sijil, PV; Adki, VR; Sarada, R; Chauhan, VS2020Stress induced modifications in photosystem II electron transport, oxidative status, and expression pattern of acc D and rbc L genes in an oleaginous microalga Desmodesmus sp.BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY318
1414Dey, S; Pesala, B2020Solar tree design framework for maximized power generation with minimized structural costRENEWABLE ENERGY16217471762
1415Mishra, J; Srivastava, R; Trivedi, PK; Verma, PC2020Effect of virus infection on the secondary metabolite production and phytohormone biosynthesis in plants3 BIOTECH10
1416Sreeja-Raju, A; Christopher, M; Kooloth-Valappil, P; Kuni-Parambil, R; Gokhale, DV; Sankar, M; Abraham, A; Pandey, A; Sukumaran, RK2020Penicillium janthinellum NCIM1366 shows improved biomass hydrolysis and a larger number of CAZymes with higher induction levels over Trichoderma reesei RUT-C30BIOTECHNOLOGY FOR BIOFUELS13
1417Thankachan, SN; Ilamaran, M; Ayyadurai, N; Shanmugam, G2020Insights into the effect of artificial sweeteners on the structure, stability, and fibrillation of type I collagenINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES164748758
1418Srivastava, S; Dafale, NA; Purohit, HJ2020Functional genomics assessment of lytic polysaccharide mono-oxygenase with glycoside hydrolases in Paenibacillus dendritiformis CRN18INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES16437293738
1419Khan, SH; Bijpuria, S; Maurya, A; Taneja, B2020Structural and thermodynamic characterization of a highly stable conformation of Rv2966c, a 16S rRNA methyltransferase, at low pHINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES16439093921
1420Sengupta, M; Das, S; Islam, SM; Bordoloi, A2021Heterogeneously Catalysed HydroaminationCHEMCATCHEM1310891104
1421Pal, UN; Lamba, RP; Varun; Meena, BL; Frank, K2020A Multigap Multiaperture Pseudospark Switch and Its Performance Analysis for High-Voltage ApplicationsIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES6756005604
1422Nadhe, SB; Tawre, MS; Agrawal, S; Chopade, BA; Sarkar, D; Pardesi, K2020Anticancer potential of AgNPs synthesized using Acinetobacter sp. and Curcuma aromatica against HeLa cell lines: A comparative studyJOURNAL OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY62
1423Hande, V; Choudhary, N; Chakrabarty, S; Kumar, R2020Morphology and dynamics of self-assembled structures in mixed surfactant systems (SDS plus CAPB) in the context of methane hydrate growthJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS319
1424Ranjan, P; Parihar, A; Jain, S; Kumar, N; Dhand, C; Murali, S; Mishra, D; Sanghi, SK; Chaurasia, JP; Srivastava, AK; Khan, R2020Biosensor-based diagnostic approaches for various cellular biomarkers of breast cancer: A comprehensive reviewANALYTICAL BIOCHEMISTRY610
1425Singh, RV; Sharma, H; Ganjoo, A; Kumar, A; Babu, V2020Novel amidase catalysed process for the synthesis of vorinostat drugJOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY12915891597
1426Karkal, SS; Kudre, TG2020Valorization of fish discards for the sustainable production of renewable fuelsJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION275
1427Narani, A; Kannapu, HPR; Natte, K; Burri, DR2020Pd-Nanoparticles immobilized organo-functionalized SBA-15: An efficient heterogeneous catalyst for selective hydrogenation of C-C double bonds of alpha, beta-unsaturated carbonyl compoundsMOLECULAR CATALYSIS497
1428Shit, S; Samanta, P; Bolar, S; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2020Alteration in electrocatalytic water splitting activity of reduced graphene oxide through simultaneous and individual doping of Lewis acid/base centerELECTROCHIMICA ACTA362
1429Mishra, R; Gupta, AK; Kumar, A; Lal, RK; Saikia, D; Chanotiya, CS2020Genetic diversity, essential oil composition and in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Curcuma longa L. germplasm collections (vol 10, pg 75, 2018)JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS19
1430Singh, DP; Kumar, A; Rodrigues, V; Prabhu, KN; Kaushik, A; Mani, DN; Shukla, AK; Sundaresan, V2020DNA barcoding coupled with secondary structure information enhances Achyranthes species resolutionJOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS19
1431Tiwari, J; Gandhi, D; Sivanesan, S; Naoghare, P; Bafana, A2020Remediation of different nitroaromatic pollutants by a promising agent of Cupriavidus sp. strain a3ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY205
1432Dubey, P; Shrivastav, V; Maheshwari, PH; Sundriyal, S2020Recent advances in biomass derived activated carbon electrodes for hybrid electrochemical capacitor applications: Challenges and opportunitiesCARBON170129
1433Kumari, S; Sharma, P; Mazumder, AG; Rana, AK; Sharma, S; Singh, D2020Development and validation of chemical kindling in adult zebrafish: A simple and improved chronic model for screening of antiepileptic agentsJOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS346
1434Rane, AS; Joshi, RS; Giri, AP2020Molecular determinant for specificity: Differential interaction of alpha-amylases with their proteinaceous inhibitorsBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS1864
1435Bano, S; Padmavati, MVG; Singh, A; Gandhi, M; Upadhyay, M; Dhakate, SR; Misra, DK2020Role of excess Te in Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3+x(x=0, 0.01, 0 .015 and 0.020) on the optimization of thermoelectric propertiesMATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING120
1436Mrinalini, M; Jaipal, K; Pathak, SS; Naresh, M; Prasanthkumar, S2020Photo-driven nanotubular growth from semiconducting porphyrin-quinoxalineDYES AND PIGMENTS183
1437Shaikh, DB; Liu, WB; Bhosale, RS; Said, AA; Al Kobaisi, M; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV; Zhang, QC2020Novel core-modulated naphthalenediimides with CN-TFPA as electron transport layer for inverted perovskite solar cellsMATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN132
1438Mane, MB; Bhandari, VM; Balapure, K; Ranade, VV2020Destroying antimicrobial resistant bacteria (AMR) and difficult, opportunistic pathogen using cavitation and natural oils/plant extractULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY69
1439Mittal, R; Lamdande, AG; Sharma, R; Raghavarao, KSMS2020Membrane processing for purification of R-Phycoerythrin from marine macro-alga, Gelidium pusillum and process integrationSEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY252
1440Nandi, S; Ganguli, P; Sarkar, RR2020Essential gene prediction using limited gene essentiality information-An integrative semi-supervised machine learning strategyPLOS ONE15
1441Appalanaidu, E; Busireddy, MR; Srikanth, KE; Reddy, BVS; Rao, VJ; Thomas, R2020Synthesis of Selenium Based DII-A-DI-A-DII Type Small Molecular e-Donors Employing Stille Coupling and Their Thermal, Electrochemical and Photovoltaic PropertiesCHEMISTRYSELECT51380013806
1442Kushwaha, B; Devi, A; Maikhuri, JP; Rajender, S; Gupta, G2021Inflammation driven tumor-like signaling in prostatic epithelial cells by sexually transmitted Trichomonas vaginalisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF UROLOGY28225240
1443Singh, J; Hussain, Y; Luqman, S; Meena, A2021Purpurin: A natural anthraquinone with multifaceted pharmacological activitiesPHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH3524182428
1444Kemprai, P; Mahanta, BP; Bora, PK; Das, DJ; Boruah, JLH; Saikia, SP; Haldar, S2020A H-1 NMR spectroscopic method for the quantification of propenylbenzenes in the essential oils: Evaluation of key odorants, antioxidants and post-harvest drying techniques for Piper betle L.FOOD CHEMISTRY331
1445Mauraya, AK; Mahana, D; Pal, P; Muthiah, S; Singh, P; Muthusamy, SK2020Effect of bulk and surface modification of SnO2 thin films with PdO catalyst on CO gas sensing characteristics prepared by vacuum evaporation processJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS843
1446Shrivastav, V; Sundriyal, S; Kaur, A; Tiwari, UK; Mishra, S; Deep, A2020Conductive and porous ZIF-67/PEDOT hybrid composite as superior electrode for all-solid-state symmetrical supercapacitorsJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS843
1447Yadav, U; Kushwaha, S; Anand, V; Kumar, S; Prakash, O; Singh, PC2020Chlorpyrifos degradation by plant growth-promoting Alcaligenes faecalis bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated soilBIOREMEDIATION JOURNAL258088
1448Prajesh, R; Nahid, M; Saini, V; Goyal, V; Sharma, A; Bhargava, J; Agarwal, A2021Gold-Doped Tin Oxide Film for Highly Sensitive Carbon Monoxide SensingJOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS50554561
1449Mandare, N; Shanmugam, P; Sundararajan, M; Choudhury, SD2020Unravelling the photophysics of triphenylamine and diphenylamine dyes: a comprehensive investigation with ortho-, meta- and para-amido substituted derivativesNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441906119075
1450Haque, S; Patra, CR2020Silver Prussian blue analogue nanomedicine for future cancer therapyFUTURE ONCOLOGY17119122
1451Paw, M; Borah, A; Pandey, SK; Baruah, J; Begum, T; Lal, M2021Simple sequence repeat marker based genetic diversity assessment amongst high essential oil yielding lines of Curcuma caesia Roxb.GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION6813451358
1452Konchada, S; Killi, N; Sayyad, S; Gathalkar, GB; Gundloori, RVN2020Blends of neem oil based polyesteramide as nanofiber mats to control CulicidaeRSC ADVANCES104282742837
1453Sahu, AK; Said, MS; Hingamire, T; Gaur, M; Khan, A; Shanmugam, D; Barvkar, VT; Dharne, MS; Bharde, AA; Dastager, SG2020Approach to nigericin derivatives and their therapeutic potentialRSC ADVANCES104308543091
1454Puri, S; Sharma, S; Kumari, A; Sharma, M; Sharma, U; Kumar, SNov-20Extraction of lignocellulosic constituents from cow dung: preparation and characterisation of nanocelluloseBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-020-01119-9
1455Manna, A; Das, M; Mukherjee, S; Das, S2021All-in-One: Sensing, Adsorptive Removal, and Photocatalytic Degradation of Nitro-Explosive Contaminants by Microporous Polycarbazole PolymerMACROMOLECULAR RAPID COMMUNICATIONS42
1456Samanta, S; Sahoo, RR2020Covalently Linked Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites as High-Performance Oil-Dispersible Lubricant AdditivesACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS31094110953
1457Goyal, V; Sarki, N; Singh, B; Ray, A; Poddar, M; Bordoloi, A; Narani, A; Natte, K2020Carbon-Supported Cobalt Nanoparticles as Catalysts for the Selective Hydrogenation of Nitroarenes to Arylamines and PharmaceuticalsACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS31107011079
1458Mishra, AK; Gupta, V; Wagh, VV2020Lectotypification of Rhynchosia acuminatifolia (Leguminosae)PHYTOTAXA472292294
1459Gundekari, S; Desai, H; Ravi, K; Mitra, J; Srinivasan, K2020In situ Generated Ru(0)-HRO@Na-beta From Hydrous Ruthenium Oxide (HRO)/Na-beta: An Energy-Efficient Catalyst for Selective Hydrogenation of SugarsFRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY8
1460Wakchaure, PD; Ghosh, S; Ganguly, B2020Revealing the Inhibition Mechanism of RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRp) of SARS-CoV-2 by Remdesivir and Nucleotide Analogues: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation StudyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B1241064110652
1461Patil, S; Bafana, A; Naoghare, PK; Krishnamurthi, K; Sivanesan, S2021Environmental prevalence, fate, impacts, and mitigation of microplastics-a critical review on present understanding and future research scopeENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH2849514974
1462Madhubalaji, CK; Rashmi, V; Chauhan, VS; Sarada, RNov-20Improvement in vitamin B-12 status of Wistar rats by supplementing the diet with Chlorella vulgaris biomassJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE10.1007/s13197-020-04901-9
1463Shinde, MH; Ramana, CV2020An Apparent Umpolung Reactivity of Indole through [Au]-Catalysed Cyclisation and Lewis-Acid-Mediated AllylationCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL261717117175
1464Vashishtha, P; Bishnoi, S; Li, CHA; Jagadeeswararao, M; Hooper, TJN; Lohia, N; Shivarudraiah, SB; Ansari, MS; Sharma, SN; Halpert, JE2020Recent Advancements in Near-Infrared Perovskite Light-Emitting DiodesACS APPLIED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS234703490
1465Rashid, S; Bhat, BA; Mehta, G2020Conceptualization and Synthesis of the First Inosito-Inositol (Decahydroxydecalin, DHD): In silico Binding to beta-Amyloid ProteinCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL261700517010
1466Zaheer, MK; Vaishanv, NK; Kant, R; Mohanan, K2020Utilization of Unsymmetric Diaryliodonium Salts in alpha-Arylation of alpha-FluoroacetoacetamidesCHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL1542974301
1467Ramesha, RN; Bosubabu, D; Babu, MGK; Ramesha, K2020Tuning of Ni, Mn, and Co (NMC) Content in 0.4(LiNixMnyCozO2)center dot 0.4(Li2MnO3) toward Stable High-Capacity Lithium-Rich Cathode MaterialsACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS31087210881
1468Sandhiya, M; Vivekanand; Balaji, SS; Sathish, M2020Na2MoO4-Incorporated Polymer Gel Electrolyte for High Energy Density Flexible SupercapacitorACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS31136811377
1469Nanda, T; Rathore, A; Sharma, D2020Biomineralized and chemically synthesized magnetic nanoparticles: A contrastFRONTIERS OF MATERIALS SCIENCE14387401
1470Mishra, S; Rajput, C; Singh, MP2021Cypermethrin Induces the Activation of Rat Primary Microglia and Expression of Inflammatory ProteinsJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR NEUROSCIENCE7112751283
1471Aatif, M; Tiwari, JP2020Futuristic electron transport layer based on multifunctional interactions of ZnO/TCNE for stable inverted organic solar cellsRSC ADVANCES104230542317
1472Mondal, B; Pandey, B; Parekh, N; Panda, S; Dutta, T; Padhy, A; Sen Gupta, S2020Amphiphilic mannose-6-phosphate glycopolypeptide-based bioactive and responsive self-assembled nanostructures for controlled and targeted lysosomal cargo deliveryBIOMATERIALS SCIENCE863226336
1473Nath, B; Pradhan, B; Panda, SK2020Optical tunability of lead free double perovskite Cs(2)AgInCl(6)via composition variationNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441865618661
1474Ravi, K; Advani, JH; Bankar, BD; Singh, AS; Biradar, AV2020Sustainable route for the synthesis of flower-like Ni@N-doped carbon nanosheets from bagasse and its catalytic activity towards reductive amination of nitroarenes with bio-derived aldehydesNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441871418723
1475Chandra, D; Dhiman, AK; Parmar, D; Sharma, UNov-20Alkylation, alkenylation, and alkynylation of heterocyclic compounds through group 9 (Co, Rh, Ir) metal-catalyzed C-H activationCATALYSIS REVIEWS-SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING10.1080/01614940.2020.1839849
1476Kumari, M; Vijayan, N; Nayak, D; Vij, M; Vashishtha, P; Nimanpure, S; Gupta, G; Jewariya, M; Pant, RPNov-20Synthesis growth and studies on optical, thermal and terahertz analyses of bulk size sodium acid phthalate single crystal: a metal-organic material for nonlinear optical applicationsJOURNAL OF THERMAL ANALYSIS AND CALORIMETRY10.1007/s10973-020-10391-w
1477Choudhury, A; Lahkar, J; Saikia, BK; Singh, AKA; Chikkaputtaiah, C; Boruah, HPDNov-20Strategies to address coal mine-created environmental issues and their feasibility study on northeastern coalfields of Assam, India: a reviewENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY10.1007/s10668-020-01091-4
1478Krishna, AS; Basetty, S; Nasam, R; Ralte, SL; Reddy, CR; Sudhakar, G; Pabbaraja, S; Chandrasekhar, S; Mainkar, PS; Kumaraguru, T; Ghosh, S2020Chemoenzymatic Process for the Preparation of (S)-7-((tert-Butyldiphenylsilyl)oxy)hept-1-yn-4-ol in a Continuous Packed-Bed Reactor, a Key Intermediate for Eribulin SynthesisORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT2426572664
1479Patel, TR; Ganguly, B2020Revealing the Origin of pi-facial and Regioselectivity in the Diels-Alder Reaction of Unsymmetrical, Cage-annulated 1,3-Cyclohexadiene with Ethyl Propiolate Dienophile: a DFT StudyCHEMISTRYSELECT51352413529
1480Raju, V; Rani, JV; Basak, P2020Self-arranged polythiophene on multi-walled carbon nanotube templated composites: Synthesis and application in rechargeable aluminium batteryELECTROCHIMICA ACTA361
1481Bhattacharjee, M; Adhikari, N; Sudhakar, R; Rizvi, Z; Das, D; Palanimurugan, R; Sijwali, PS2020Characterization of Plasmodium falciparum NEDD8 and identification of cullins as its substratesSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1482Raj, KV; Kumawat, J; Dhamaniya, S; Subaramanian, M; Balaraman, E; Gupta, VK; Vanka, K; Grubbs, RH2021Insights into the Nature of Self-Extinguishing External Donors for Ziegler-Natta Catalysis: A Combined Experimental and DFT StudyCHEMCATCHEM13674681
1483Kumar, G; Shankar, R20212-Isoxazolines: A Synthetic and Medicinal OverviewCHEMMEDCHEM16430447
1484Singh, SK; Samanta, UK; Dhar, A; Pal, M; Paul, MC2020Preparation of Bi-Doped ZnO Thin Film over Optical Fiber and Their Application as Detection of Ethylenediamine in an Aqueous Medium Based on the Evanescent Field TechniquePHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLICATIONS AND MATERIALS SCIENCE217
1485Dandawate, M; Choudhury, R; Krishna, GR; Reddy, DS2020Total synthesis and absolute configuration determination of Ktedonoketone, a benzenoid metabolite from Thermophilic bacteriumTETRAHEDRON LETTERS61
1486Chouhan, A; Kumari, S; Sarkar, TK; Rawat, SS; Khatri, OP2020Graphene-Based Aqueous Lubricants: Dispersion Stability to the Enhancement of Tribological PropertiesACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES125178551796
1487Choudhary, P; Rao, A2021SELECT-GLYCOCIN: a recombinant microbial system for expression and high-throughput screening of glycocinsGLYCOCONJUGATE JOURNAL38233250
1488Sawant, AM; Sunder, AV; Vamkudoth, KR; Ramasamy, S; Pundle, A2020Process Development for 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid Production Using Lentikats-Encapsulated Escherichia coli Cells Expressing Penicillin V AcylaseACS OMEGA52897228976
1489Aratikatla, EK; Kalamuddin, M; Malhotra, P; Mohmmed, A; Bhattacharya, AK2020Enantioselective Synthesis of gamma-Phenyl-gamma-amino Vinyl Phosphonates and Sulfones and Their Application to the Synthesis of Novel Highly Potent AntimalarialsACS OMEGA52902529037
1490Thiyagarajan, S; Khandelwal, P; Senthil, N; Vellaikumar, S; Arumugam, M; Dubey, AA; Kathiresan, S2021Heterologous Production of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in E. coli Using Delta 5-Desaturase Gene from Microalga Isochrysis Sp.APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY193869883
1491Chavan, SP; Pawar, AA; Patil, NB; Kadam, AL; Shinde, SS2020Scalable Synthesis of 3-Ethyl-4-methyl-1,5-dihydro-2H-pyrrol-2-one: An Important Building Block of the Antidiabetic Drug GlimepirideSYNTHESIS-STUTTGART5234803484
1492Bera, A; Busupalli, B; Prasad, BLV2020Solvent-Less Solid State Synthesis of Dispersible Metal and Semiconducting Metal Sulfide Nanocrystals (vol 6, pg 12006, 2018)ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING81700017000
1493Karthick, K; Subhashini, S; Kumar, R; Markandaraj, SS; Teepikha, MM; Kundu, S2020Cubic Nanostructures of Nickel-Cobalt Carbonate Hydroxide Hydrate as a High-Performance Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst in Alkaline and Near-Neutral MediaINORGANIC CHEMISTRY591669016702
1494Thakur, VN; Yadav, S; Kumar, A2020Realization of Quantum Pascal Using Natural Fundamental Physical ConstantsMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35595599
1495Chitra,; Sah, D; Lodhi, K; Kant, C; Saini, P; Kumar, S2020Structural composition and thermal stability of extracted EVA from silicon solar modules wasteSOLAR ENERGY2117481
1496Devulapally, K; Vardhaman, AK; Katakam, R; Upadhyaya, HM; Rajeswari, R; Islavath, N; Giribabu, L2020One-dimensional hollow metal-complex as catalytic electrode for dye-sensitized solar cells (vol 174, pg 502, 2018)SOLAR ENERGY211463463
1497Thorat, L; Joseph, E; Nisal, A; Shukla, E; Ravikumar, A; Nath, BB2020Structural and physical analysis of underwater silk from housing nest composites of a tropical chironomid midgeINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES163934942
1498Ghosh, T; Mondal, A; Vyas, A; Mishra, S2020A 'one-tube' synthesis of a selective fluorescence 'turn off/on' DNA probe based on a C-phycocyanin-graphene oxide (CPC-GO) bio compositeINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES163977984
1499Rane, AS; Venkatesh, V; Joshi, RS; Giri, AP2020Molecular investigation of Coleopteran specific alpha-Amylase inhibitors from Amaranthaceae membersINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES16314441450
1500Kumar, A; Rana, A; Vashistha, N; Garg, KK; Singh, RK2020Defect states influencing hysteresis and performance of perovskite solar cellsSOLAR ENERGY211345353
1501Khan, A; Yasa, SR; Gusain, R; Khatri, OP2020Oil-miscible, halogen-free, and surface-active lauryl sulphate-derived ionic liquids for enhancement of tribological propertiesJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS318
1502Gurav, TP; Jayaramaiah, RH; Punekar, SA; Dholakia, BB; Giri, AP2020Generation of novelties in the genus Ocimum as a result of natural hybridization: A morphological, genetical and chemical appraisalINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS156
1503Chouhan, A; Sarkar, TK; Kumari, S; Vemuluri, S; Khatri, OP2020Synergistic lubrication performance by incommensurately stacked ZnO-decorated reduced graphene oxide/MoS2 heterostructureJOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE580730739
1504Amritkar, V; Adat, S; Tejwani, V; Rathore, A; Bhambure, R2020Engineering Staphylococcal Protein A for high-throughput affinity purification of monoclonal antibodiesBIOTECHNOLOGY ADVANCES44
1505Sailwal, M; Das, AJ; Gazara, RK; Dasgupta, D; Bhaskar, T; Hazra, S; Ghosh, D2020Connecting the dots: Advances in modern metabolomics and its application in yeast systemBIOTECHNOLOGY ADVANCES44
1506Yadav, BN; Muchhala, D; Abhash, A; Singh, P; Kumar, R; Mondal, DP2020Fabrication of ultra-light LM13 alloy hybrid foam reinforced by MWCNTs and SiC through stir casting techniqueMATERIALS LETTERS279
1507Vemula, M; Sreedashyam, H; Shaikh, AS; Upadhyayula, V2020Determination of 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid and its intermediate vinylphosphonic acid from artificially ripened sapota fruit by modified dispersive solid-phase extraction cleanup and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysisRAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY34
1508Kaur, H; Shrivastav, V; Kumar, M; Sharma, AL; Deep, A2020Investigations on optoelectronic properties of metal (Terbium)-organic framework/tris(8-hydroxyquinolinato)aluminium composite for potential device applicationsMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS255
1509Remya, R; Gayathri, PTG; Deb, B2020Studies on solution-processed tungsten oxide nanostructures for efficient hole transport in the inverted polymer solar cellsMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS255
1510Aswathi, K; Palakkal, JP; Varma, MR2020Observation of Griffiths-like phase in Y2CrMnO6 perovskitesJOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS514
1511Singh, AK; Bhushan, M; Shahi, VK2020Alkaline stable thermal responsive cross-linked anion exchange membrane for the recovery of NaOH by electrodialysisDESALINATION494
1512Bhatt, V; Kumari, S; Upadhyay, P; Agrawal, P; Anmol; Sahal, D; Sharma, U2020Chemical profiling and quantification of potential active constituents responsible for the antiplasmodial activity of Cissampelos pareiraJOURNAL OF ETHNOPHARMACOLOGY262
1513Roy, S; Majumdar, S; Sahoo, GC; Bhowmick, S; Kundu, AK; Mondal, P2020Removal of As(V), Cr(VI) and Cu(II) using novel amine functionalized composite nanofiltration membranes fabricated on ceramic tubular substrateJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS399
1514Sravan, JS; Nancharaiah, YV; Lens, PNL; Mohan, SV2020Cathodic selenium recovery in bioelectrochemical system: Regulatory influence on anodic electrogenic activityJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS399
1515Tiwari, P; Indoliya, Y; Chauhan, AS; Singh, P; Singh, PK; Singh, PC; Srivastava, S; Pande, V; Chakrabarty, D2020Auxin-salicylic acid cross-talk ameliorates OsMYB-R1 mediated defense towards heavy metal, drought and fungal stressJOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS399
1516Mallesh, D; Anbarasan, J; Kumar, PM; Upendar, K; Chandrashekar, P; Rao, BVSK; Linglan, N2020Synthesis, characterization of carbon adsorbents derived from waste biomass and its application to CO2 captureAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE530
1517Toragall, V; Jayapala, N; Muthukumar, SP; Vallikanan, B2020Biodegradable chitosan-sodium alginate-oleic acid nanocarrier promotes bioavailability and target delivery of lutein in rat model with no toxicityFOOD CHEMISTRY330
1518Duvva, N; Giribabu, L2020Hexyl dithiafulvalene (HDT)-substituted carbazole (CBZ) D-pi-A based sensitizers for dye-sensitized solar cellsNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441848118488
1519Trivedi, JS; Bhalani, DV; Bhadu, GR; Jewrajka, SK2020Multifunctional amines enable the formation of polyamide nanofilm composite ultrafiltration and nanofiltration membranes with modulated charge and performance (vol 6, pg 20242, 2018)JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A82243622436
1520Gayyur; Choudhary, S; Saxena, A; Ghosh, N2020Gold-catalyzed homo- and cross-annulation of alkynyl carboxylic acids: a facile access to substituted 4-hydroxy 2H-pyrones and total synthesis of pseudopyronine AORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1887168723
1521Shinde, SS; Laha, S; Tiwari, DK; Sridhar, B; Likhar, PR2020A multi-component reaction for the synthesis of pyrido [1,2-b] isoquinoline derivatives via the [3 + 2] cycloaddition reaction between alkynes and in situ generated isoquinolinium ylides (vol 17, pg 4121, 2019)ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1887468746
1522Mishra, M; Singh, V; Tellis, MB; Joshi, RS; Pandey, KC; Singh, SNov-20Cyclic peptide engineered from phytocystatin inhibitory hairpin loop as an effective modulator of falcipains and potent antimalarialJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2020.1848629
1523Sahoo, J; Jaiswar, S; Jena, HS; Subramanian, PS2020Sensing of Phosphate and ATP by Lanthanide Complexes in Aqueous Medium and Its Application on Living CellsCHEMISTRYSELECT51287812884
1524Chanda, D; Venkataswamy, GM; Harohally, NV2020Lewis-Acid-Catalyzed Synthesis of Amadori and Heyns DipeptidesCHEMISTRYSELECT51296012964
1525Satish, N; Sudhakar, G2021Scandium Triflate Catalyzed Nazarov Cyclization of Arylvinyl Epoxides Derived from Alkoxides and Chloro(aryl)carbenes: A Facile Access to Resveratrol-Derived Natural ProductsSYNLETT32605610
1526Kinatukara, P; Subramaniyan, PS; Patil, GS; Shambhavi, S; Singh, S; Mhetre, A; Madduri, MK; Soundararajan, A; Patel, KD; Shekar, PC; Kamat, SS; Kumar, S; Sankaranarayanan, R2020Peri-natal growth retardation rate and fat mass accumulation in mice lacking Dip2A is dependent on the dietary compositionTRANSGENIC RESEARCH29553562
1527Gunjal, VB; Thakare, R; Chopra, S; Reddy, DS2020Teixobactin: A Paving Stone toward a New Class of Antibiotics?JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY631217112195
1528Kumari, N; Karmakar, A; Chakrabarti, S; Ganesan, SK2020Integrative Computational Approach Revealed Crucial Genes Associated With Different Stages of Diabetic RetinopathyFRONTIERS IN GENETICS11
1529Goyal, S; Chaturvedi, RK2021Mitochondrial Protein Import Dysfunction in Pathogenesis of Neurodegenerative DiseasesMOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY5814181437
1530Koul, D; Chander, D; Manhas, RS; Chaubey, A2021Isolation and Characterization of Serratiopeptidase Producing Bacteria from Mulberry PhyllosphereCURRENT MICROBIOLOGY78351357
1531Sahu, KK; Sahoo, RK; Beshra, LD; Mohapatra, M2021Facile synthesis of nickel oxalate@carbon as electrical double layer and its derived nickel oxide as pseudo-type supercapacitor electrodesIONICS27819832
1532Pangti, R; Mathur, J; Chouhan, V; Kumar, S; Rajput, L; Shah, S; Gupta, A; Dixit, A; Dholakia, D; Gupta, S; Gupta, S; George, M; Sharma, VK; Gupta, S2021A machine learning-based, decision support, mobile phone application for diagnosis of common dermatological diseasesJOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY35536545
1533Rai, A; Chatterjee, B; Bhowmick, S; Sagar, S; Roy, SS2020Beclin 1 controls pigmentation by changing the nuclear localization of melanogenic factor MITF (vol 528, pg 719, 2020)BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS532497497
1534Paul, R; Shit, SC; Fovanna, T; Ferri, D; Rao, BS; Gunasooriya, GTKK; Dao, DQ; Le, QV; Shown, I; Sherburne, MP; Trinh, QT; Mondal, J2020Realizing Catalytic Acetophenone Hydrodeoxygenation with Palladium-Equipped Porous Organic PolymersACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES125055050565
1535Parameshwar, M; Singam, MKR; Nagireddy, A; Nanubolu, JB; Reddy, MS2020Regioselective benzannulation of allylic sulfur ylides with ynones: a rapid access to substituted thioanisolesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS561345713460
1536Baksi, KD; Kuntal, BK; Mande, SS2020'TIME': A Web Application for Obtaining Insights into Microbial Ecology Using Longitudinal Microbiome Data (vol 9, 36, 2018)FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY11
1537Sharma, R; Rana, A; Kumar, SNov-20Phytochemical investigation and bioactivity studies of flowers obtained from different cultivars of Camellia sinensis plantNATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH10.1080/14786419.2020.1844696
1538Hirlekar, S; Ray, D; Aswal, VK; Prabhune, AA; Nisal, A2020Lauric Acid Sophorolipid: Accelerating the Gelation of Silk FibroinACS OMEGA52857128578
1539Ramya, KA; Reddy, SMM; Shanmugam, G; Deshpande, AP2020Fibrillar Network Dynamics during Oscillatory Rheology of Supramolecular GelsLANGMUIR361334213355
1540Vivek, CG; Shrungeshwara, TS; Jade, S2020GNSS and its impact on position estimatesCURRENT SCIENCE11915031509
1541Patel, M; Rangani, J; Kumari, A; Parida, AK2020Mineral nutrient homeostasis, photosynthetic performance, and modulations of antioxidative defense components in two contrasting genotypes of Arachis hypogaea L. (peanut) for mitigation of nitrogen and/or phosphorus starvationJOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY323136158
1542Bhai, S; Ganguly, B2020Role of the backbone of nucleic acids in the stability of Hg2+-mediated canonical base pairs and thymine-thymine mispair: a DFT studyRSC ADVANCES104096940982
1543Trivedi, JS; Bhadja, V; Makwana, BS; Jewrajka, SK; Chatterjee, U2020Sustainable process for the preparation of potassium sulfate by electrodialysis and its concentration and purification by a nanofiltration process (vol 6, pg 71807, 2016)RSC ADVANCES104125041250
1544Sajitha, S; Aparna, U; Deb, B2020Ultra-Thin Manganese Dioxide-Encrusted Vanadium Pentoxide Nanowire Mats for Electrochromic Energy Storage Applications (vol 6, 1901038, 2019)ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES7
1545Das, R; Chinnathambi, S2020Actin-mediated Microglial Chemotaxis via G-Protein Coupled Purinergic Receptor in Alzheimer's DiseaseNEUROSCIENCE448325336
1546Ayyandurai, A; Pal, JNov-20Reaction Mechanism of In-situ Carbon in Hematite Ore Pellet during IndurationMINERAL PROCESSING AND EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY REVIEW10.1080/08827508.2020.1825954
1547Baghel, PK; Kumar, R2021Estimation of magnetorheological fluid constituent's concentration for efficient finishing processMATERIALS AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES36626635
1548Udayan, S; Sherin, DR; Vijaykumar, S; Manojkumar, TK; Nampoori, VPN; Thomas, S2020Exploring the LDS 821 dye as a potential NIR probe for the two photon imaging of amyloid fibrilsBIOMATERIALS SCIENCE860826092
1549Singh, VR; Malegaonkar, JN; Bhosale, SV; Singh, PK2020An ATP responsive fluorescent supramolecular assembly based on a polyelectrolyte and an AIE active tetraphenylethylene derivativeORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1884148423
1550Gangadurai, C; Illa, GT; Reddy, DS2020FeCl3-catalyzed oxidative decarboxylation of aryl/heteroaryl acetic acids: preparation of selected API impuritiesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1884598466
1551Reddy, RR; Reddy, JG; Kumar, BVNP2020NMR investigations on binding and dynamics of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with HEWLPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS222382423836
1552Karuppusamy, S; Marken, F; Kulandainathan, MA2020Role of dissolved oxygen in nitroarene reduction by a heterogeneous silver textile catalyst in waterNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441778017790
1553Sharma, A; Gogoi, P2020Synthesis of 6-substituted indoloquinazolinones from arynes and 2-acyl-4-quinazolinones: a transition-metal free C-N and C-C bond formation strategyNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441793817953
1554Wagalgave, SM; Padghan, SD; Al Kobaisi, M; La, DD; Bhamidipati, K; Puvvada, N; Bhosale, RS; Bhosale, SV; Bhosale, SV2020Selectivity and bio-compatibility of self-assembled chiral flower-like and helical nanostructuresNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441809218101
1555Adepu, R; Dhanaji, JR; Samatha, P; Mainkar, PS; Chandrasekhar, S2020Synthesis of 2-Amino-2 '-hydroxy-1,1 '-biaryls via Cascade Benzannulation and C-N Bond Cleavage SequenceORGANIC LETTERS2282248228
1556Vonteddu, NR; Solanke, PR; Nayani, K; Chandrasekhar, S2020Cation Triggered Domino Aza-Piancatelli Rearrangement/Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Indole-Tethered Furfuyl Alcohols to Access Cycloocta[b]indole Core of AlkaloidsORGANIC LETTERS2285558560
1557Borade, BR; Dixit, R; Kontham, R2020Total Synthesis of Beshanzuenone D and Its Epimers and Abiespiroside AORGANIC LETTERS2285618565
1558Sundriyal, S; Shrivastav, V; Mishra, S; Deep, A2020Enhanced electrochemical performance of nickel intercalated ZIF-67/rGO composite electrode for solid-state supercapacitorsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY453085930869
1559Reddy, CR; Sathish, P; Mallesh, K; Prapurna, YL2020Construction of Unique Polycyclic 3, 4-Fused Indoles via Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Domino Annulations**CHEMISTRYSELECT51273612739
1560Hadimani, L; Garg, NM2021Automatic surface defects classification of Kinnow mandarins using combination of multi-feature fusion techniquesJOURNAL OF FOOD PROCESS ENGINEERING44
1561Kumawat, A; Chakrabarty, S2020Protonation-Induced Dynamic Allostery in PDZ Domain: Evidence of Perturbation-Independent Universal Response NetworkJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS1190269031
1562Yerra, NV; Dadinaboyina, SB; Abbaraju, LSSNV; Talluri, MVNK; Thota, JR2020Identification and characterization of degradation products of indacaterol using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometryEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY26425431
1563Kumar, R; Mukherjee, S; Lakshminarasimhan, N; Shunmugam, R2020Unique polymer gel with magnetizable cobalt domains via photoinduced thiol-alkene hydrothiolationEUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL140
1564Biswas, C; Katturi, NK; Duvva, N; Giribabu, L; Soma, VR; Raavi, SSK2020Multistep Electron Injection Dynamics and Optical Nonlinearity Investigations of pi-Extended Thioalkyl-Substituted Tetrathiafulvalene SensitizersJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C1242403924051
1565Negi, H; Singh, RKNov-20A review on lignin utilization in petroleum exploration, petroleum products formulation, bio-fuel production, and oil spill clean-upBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-020-01126-w
1566Yadav, R; Singh, G; Mishra, A; Verma, V; Khan, A; Pal, N; Sinha, AK2021A Density Functional Theory and Experimental Study of CO2 Photoreduction to Methanol over alpha-Sulfur-TiO2 CompositeELECTROCATALYSIS125664
1567Mahajan, C; Sharma, A; Rath, AK2020Solution-Phase Hybrid Passivation for Efficient Infrared-Band Gap Quantum Dot Solar CellsACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124984049848
1568Mondal, P; Natesh, J; Salam, AAA; Thiyagarajan, S; Meeran, SMNov-20Traditional medicinal plants against replication, maturation and transmission targets of SARS-CoV-2: computational investigationJOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS10.1080/07391102.2020.1842246
1569Srivastava, D; Baksi, KD; Kuntal, BK; Mande, SS2020EviMass: A Literature Evidence-Based Miner for Human Microbial Associations (vol 10, 849, 2019)FRONTIERS IN GENETICS11
1570Kumar, P; Malik, YS; Ganesh, B; Rahangdale, S; Saurabh, S; Natesan, S; Srivastava, A; Sharun, K; Yatoo, MI; Tiwari, R; Singh, RK; Dhama, K2020CRISPR-Cas System: An Approach With Potentials for COVID-19 Diagnosis and TherapeuticsFRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY10
1571Gautam, P; Shivangi; Meena, LSNov-20Revelation of point mutations effect in Mycobacterium tuberculosis MfpA protein that involved in mycobacterial DNA supercoiling and fluoroquinolone resistanceBIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY10.1002/bab.2058
1572Vishwakarma, A; Chauhan, NS; Bhardwaj, R; Johari, KK; Dhakate, SR; Gahtori, B; Bathula, S2021Melt-Spun SiGe Nano-Alloys: Microstructural Engineering Towards High Thermoelectric EfficiencyJOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS50364374
1573Monika; Rawat, HS; Dubey, SK2020RF E-field Sensing Using Rydberg Atom-Based Microwave ElectrometryMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35555562
1574Singh, H; Kumar, S; Kumar, D; Srivastav, M; Kumar, R; Jain, J; Chouhan, A; Khatri, OP2021Reinforcing the Near Eutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloy with Graphene: An Approach toward Self-Lubricating CompositeADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS23
1575Saini, S; Prajapati, PK; Jain, SLNov-20Transition metal-catalyzed carboxylation of olefins with Carbon dioxide: a comprehensive reviewCATALYSIS REVIEWS-SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING10.1080/01614940.2020.1831757
1576Ray, A; Kumar, M; Dhal, NK; Hariprasad, D2020Prospective chemisorption of fluoride utilizing coastal molluscan (Crassostrea Sp.) shell from phosphatic fertilizer pond wastewater, Paradeep, OdishaINDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY27496502
1577Mehta, L; Naved, T; Grover, P; Bhardwaj, M; Mukherjee, D2020Development and Validation of Novel and Highly Sensitive Stability-Indicating Reverse Phase Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography Method for Quantification of Ibrutinib and its ten Degradation ProductsINDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES82958966
1578Gogoi, R; Sarma, N; Begum, T; Pandey, SK; Lal, M2020North-East Indian Chromolaena odorata (L. King Robinson) Aerial Part Essential Oil Chemical Composition, Pharmacological Activities-Neurodegenerative Inhibitory and Toxicity StudyJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL BEARING PLANTS2311731191
1579Ray, A; Jaiswal, A; Dutta, J; Singh, S; Mabalirajan, U2020A looming role of mitochondrial calcium in dictating the lung epithelial integrity and pathophysiology of lung diseasesMITOCHONDRION55111121
1580Rao, VD; Choudhury, D2020Estimation of Shear Wave Velocity and Seismic Site Characterization for New Nuclear Power Plant Region, IndiaNATURAL HAZARDS REVIEW21
1581Singh, L; Sridharan, S; Thul, ST; Kokate, P; Kumar, P; Kumar, S; Kumar, R2020Eco-rejuvenation of degraded land by microbe assisted bamboo plantationINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS155
1582Banu, S; Jolly, B; Mukherjee, P; Singh, P; Khan, S; Zaveri, L; Shambhavi, S; Gaur, N; Reddy, S; Kaveri, K; Srinivasan, S; Gopal, DR; Siva, AB; Thangaraj, K; Tallapaka, KB; Mishra, RK; Scaria, V; Sowpati, DT2020A Distinct Phylogenetic Cluster of Indian Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 IsolatesOPEN FORUM INFECTIOUS DISEASES7
1583Raza, W; Luqman, S; Meena, A2020Prospects of tangeretin as a modulator of cancer targets/pathwaysPHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH161
1584Ru, Y; Liu, YY; Qu, RJ; Patel, MK2020Experimental study on spraying performance of biological pesticides in aerial rotary cage nozzleINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING1316
1585Gupta, AK; Kumar, M2020HPVomics: An integrated resource for the human papillomavirus epitome and therapeuticsGENOMICS11248534862
1586Singh, S; Gupta, P; Meena, A; Luqman, S2020Acacetin, a flavone with diverse therapeutic potential in cancer, inflammation, infections and other metabolic disordersFOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY145
1587Upadhyay, V; Kandpal, KC; Kandpal, KC; Jaiswal, S; Kumar, S; Kumar, A2020Revisit and optimisation of spectral data collection techniques from vegetation using handheld non-imaging spectroscopic sensor for minimising errorsVIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY111
1588Chatterjee, S; Mohan, SV2020Yeast fermentation towards biodiesel: Maximizing resource recovery by integrating with biohydrogen production in biorefinery frameworkBIOMASS & BIOENERGY142
1589Joshi, LM; Rout, PK; Husale, S; Gupta, A2020Dissipation processes in superconducting NbN nanostructuresAIP ADVANCES10
1590Ulaganathan, M; Mariyappan, K; Suresh, S; Ragupathy, P2020Graphene Quantum Dot beyond Electrocatalyst: An In Situ Electrolyte Catalyst towards Improved Reaction Kinetics of VO2+/VO2+ Redox CouplesJOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY167
1591Gandhi, M; Kumar, A; Elangovan, R; Meena, CS; Kulkarni, KS; Kumar, A; Bhanot, G; Kapoor, NR2020A Review on Shape-Stabilized Phase Change Materials for Latent Energy Storage in BuildingsSUSTAINABILITY12
1592Maitra, S; Khandelwal, N; Kootar, S; Sant, P; Pathak, SS; Reddy, S; Annapoorna, PK; Murty, US; Chakravarty, S; Kumar, A2020Histone Lysine Demethylase JMJD2D/KDM4D and Family Members Mediate Effects of Chronic Social Defeat Stress on Mouse Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Mood DisordersBRAIN SCIENCES10
1593Kontham, V; Padmaja, KV; Madhu, D2020Synthesis of Fatty Alcohol based Sterically Hindered Esters as Potential Antioxidants for BioadditivesPETROLEUM CHEMISTRY6013091316
1594Devi, GS; Reddy, PSP; Manasa, MV2020Hydrogen Gas Sensor: Significant Role of p-n Heterojunction Based NanostructuresJOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY167
1595Bandi, R; Kannikanti, HG; Dadigala, R; Gangapuram, BR; Vaidya, JR; Guttena, V2020One step synthesis of hydrophobic carbon dots powder with solid state emission and application in rapid visualization of latent fingerprintsOPTICAL MATERIALS109
1596Verma, RK; Maurya, S2020Investigation of Transient and Steady-State Behavior of Current Components in Spatial Harmonic Magnetron by Drift Orbital Resonance TheoryIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE4838153821
1597Zohib, M; Maheshwari, D; Pal, RK; Freitag-Pohl, S; Biswal, BK; Pohl, E; Arora, A2020Crystal structure of the GDP-bound GTPase domain of Rab5a from Leishmania donovaniACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION F-STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY COMMUNICATIONS76544556
1598Tomer, S; Devi, M; Kumar, A; Laxmi, S; Rauthan, CMS; Vandana2020Silicon Surface Passivation by Atomic Layer Deposited Hafnium Oxide Films: Trap States Investigation Using Constant Voltage Stress StudiesIEEE JOURNAL OF PHOTOVOLTAICS1016141623
1599Khera, P; Kumar, N; Ahuja, P2020Machine Learning based Electromyography Signal Classification with Optimized Feature Selection for Foot MovementsJOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH7910111016
1600Sharma, NK; Misra, S; Varun; Pal, UN2020Experimental and simulation analysis of dielectric barrier discharge based pulsed cold atmospheric pressure plasma jetPHYSICS OF PLASMAS27
1601Sonbarse, PP; Kiran, K; Sharma, P; Parvatam, G2020Biochemical and molecular insights of PGPR application for the augmentation of carotenoids, tocopherols, and folate in the foliage of Moringa oleiferaPHYTOCHEMISTRY179
1602Mandal, A; Tiwari, JK; AlMangour, B; Sathish, N; Kumar, S; Kamaraj, M; Ashiq, M; Srivastava, AK2020Tribological behavior of graphene-reinforced 316L stainless-steel composite prepared via selective laser meltingTRIBOLOGY INTERNATIONAL151
1603Ramesh, C; Tyagi, P; Gautam, S; Mauraya, AK; Ojha, S; Gupta, G; Kumar, MS; Kushvaha, SS2020Self-induced growth of GaN nanorod assembly on flexible niobium metal foil using laser molecular beam epitaxyVACUUM181
1604Rana, A; Mahajan, B; Ghosh, S; Srihari, P; Singh, AK2020Integrated multi-step continuous flow synthesis of daclatasvir without intermediate purification and solvent exchangeREACTION CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING521092114
1605Boruah, P; Sarmah, P; Das, PK; Goswami, T2020Exploring the lignolytic potential of a new laccase producing strain Kocuria sp. PBS-1 and its application in bamboo pulp bleaching (vol 143, 104726, 2019)INTERNATIONAL BIODETERIORATION & BIODEGRADATION155
1606Das, P; Mudigunda, SV; Darabdhara, G; Boruah, PK; Ghar, S; Rengan, AK; Das, MR2020Biocompatible functionalized AuPd bimetallic nanoparticles decorated on reduced graphene oxide sheets for photothermal therapy of targeted cancer cellsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY212
1607Khatun, S; Biswas, S; Mahanta, AK; Joseph, MM; Vidyalekshmi, MS; Podder, A; Maiti, P; Maiti, KK; Bhuniya, S2020Biocompatible fluorescent probe for detecting mitochondrial alkaline phosphatase activity in live cellsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY212
1608Kumar, S; Mutturi, S2020Expression of a novel alpha-glucosidase from Aspergillus neoniger in Pichia pastoris and its efficient recovery for synthesis of isomaltooligosaccharidesENZYME AND MICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY141
1609Menon, RR; Kumari, S; Viver, T; Rameshkumar, N2020Flavobacterium pokkalii sp. nov., a novel plant growth promoting native rhizobacteria isolated from pokkali rice grown in coastal saline affected agricultural regions of southern India, KeralaMICROBIOLOGICAL RESEARCH240
1610Devi, GS; Manasa, MV; Vanaja, A2020Evaluation of optical and structural properties of SnO nanoparticles synthesized via versatile hydrothermal protocolMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS261
1611Srivastava, A; Fatima, K; Fatima, E; Singh, A; Singh, A; Shukla, A; Luqman, S; Shanker, K; Chanda, D; Khan, F; Negi, AS2020Fluorinated benzylidene indanone exhibits antiproliferative activity through modulation of microtubule dynamics and antiangiogenic activityEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES154
1612Sonkar, C; Mittal, AK; Bhattacharyya, SK2020Comparative Study on Cold-Formed Steel Single-Stud and Multiple-Studs Wall Panels with Magnesium Oxide Sheathing under Axial Loading: Experimental and AnalyticalJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING146
1613Bharathidasan, T; Sathiyanaryanan, S2020Self-replenishing superhydrophobic durable polymeric nanocomposite coatings for heat exchanger channels in thermal management applicationsPROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS148
1614Rahman, A; Tiwari, KK; Mondal, NC2020Assessment of hydrochemical backgrounds and threshold values of groundwater in a part of desert area, Rajasthan, IndiaENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION266
1615Shimna, K; Vijayan, MSM2020Research Paper Detecting ionospheric disturbances using GPS without aliasing caused by non-uniform spatial sampling: Algorithm, validation and illustrationJOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND SOLAR-TERRESTRIAL PHYSICS209
1616Dasgupta, S; Mukhopadhyay, M; Das, D; Mukhopadhyay, J2020Evaluation of functionality in Ni@stabilized ZrO2 and NiO@NiO-Zn through X-ray diffraction techniqueMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS254
1617Maurya, R; Pandey, AK2020Importance of protozoa Tetrahymena in toxicological studies: A reviewSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT741
1618Sarkar, S; Das, D; Dutta, P; Kalita, J; Wann, SB; Manna, P2020Chitosan: A promising therapeutic agent and effective drug delivery system in managing diabetes mellitusCARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS247
1619Islam, N; Saikia, BK2020Atmospheric particulate matter and potentially hazardous compounds around residential/road side soil in an urban areaCHEMOSPHERE259
1620Bhadu, GR; Parmar, B; Patel, P; Paul, A; Chaudhari, JC; Srivastava, DN; Suresh, E2020Co@N-doped carbon nanomaterial derived by simple pyrolysis of mixed-ligand MOF as an active and stable oxygen evolution electrocatalystAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE529
1621Pathan, EK; Kulkarni, AM; Prasanna, NVL; Ramana, CV; Deshpande, MV2020NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenases in a dimorphic zygomycete Benjaminiella poitrasii: Purification, characterization and their evaluation as an antifungal drug targetBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS1864
1622Chitransh, CS; Saxena, S2020Numerical Determination of Initiation Fracture Toughness of High-Pressure Die Cast Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Material Using FEM AnalysisTRANSACTIONS OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF METALS7330713078
1623Jadhav, PM; Pandey, RK; Kulkarni, AA2021Estimation of reaction kinetics for aromatic and heterocycles nitration in mixed acids through computational chemistry approachINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL KINETICS53319332
1624Lal, RK; Chanotiya, CS; Gupta, P2020Induced mutation breeding for qualitative and quantitative traits and varietal development in medicinal and aromatic crops at CSIR-CIMAP, Lucknow (India): past and recent accomplishmentINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION BIOLOGY9615131527
1625Kumar, SS; Giridhar, P2021In vitro micropropagation of Basella rubra L. through proliferation of axillary shootsPLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE144477483
1626Karthick, K; Subhashini, S; Teepikha, M; Kumar, R; Markandaraj, SS; Kundu, S2020Employing DNA scaffold with rhenium electrocatalyst for enhanced HER activitiesAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE528
1627Krishnan, SB; Gopidas, KR2020Generation of Long-Lived Photoinduced Charge Separation in a Supramolecular Toroidal AssemblyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B12495469555
1628Shaikh, SS; Patil, CR; Kondawar, SE; Rode, CV2020Cooperative Acid-Base Sites of Solid Ba-Zr Mixed Oxide Catalyst for Efficient Isomerization of Glucose to Fructose in Aqueous MediumCHEMISTRYSELECT51250512513
1629Mittal, N; Kedawat, G; Kanika; Gupta, S; Gupta, BK2020An Innovative Method for Large-Scale Synthesis of Hexagonal Boron Nitride Nanosheets by Liquid Phase ExfoliationCHEMISTRYSELECT51256412569
1630Bhatt, V; Mohapatra, A; Anand, S; Kuntal, BK; Mande, SS2020FLIM-MAP: Gene Context Based Identification of Functional Modules in Bacterial Metabolic Pathways (vol 9, 2183, 2018)FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY11
1631Sharma, AK; Ram, S; Sheetal; Mehara, P; Chauhan, AS; Das, P2020Supported Palladium-Gold Catalyzed Carbonylative Methylthioesterification of Aryl Iodides using Oxalic acid and DMSO as CO and CH3SH SurrogatesASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY920992102
1632Ghosh, M; Dilwale, S; Vijayakumar, V; Kurungot, S2020Scalable Synthesis of Manganese-Doped Hydrated Vanadium Oxide as a Cathode Material for Aqueous Zinc-Metal BatteryACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124854248552
1633Kumar, G; Singh, M; Goswami, R; Neogi, S2020Structural Dynamism-Actuated Reversible CO2 Adsorption Switch and Postmetalation-Induced Visible Light C-alpha-H Photocyanation with Rare Size Selectivity in N-Functionalized 3D Covalent Organic FrameworkACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124864248653
1634Paul, S; Das, R; Seth, M; Hirani, H; Murmu, NC; Banerjee, P2020A Urea-Functionalized Chemoreceptor for Expeditious Chromogenic Recognition of Toxic Industrial Pollutants Cu2+ and CN- from Real Water Sources and Biofluids: Diagnosis of Wilson's disease from Human UrineINDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH591907719092
1635Rani, R; Deep, A; Mizaikoff, B; Singh, S2020Copper Based Organic Framework Modified Electrosensor for Selective and Sensitive Detection of CiprofloxacinELECTROANALYSIS3224422451
1636Singh, SP; Tripathi, S; Yadav, A; Kant, R; Srivastava, HK; Srivastava, AK2020Synthesis of beta- and gamma-lactam fused dihydropyrazinones from Ugi adductsviaa sequential ring construction strategyCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS561278912792
1637Joshi, K; Krishnamurty, S; Dar, MA2020Surface functionalization: an efficient alternative for promoting the catalytic activity of closed shell gold clustersPHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS222335123359
1638Srivastava, T; Raj, R; Dubey, A; Kumar, D; Chaturvedi, RK; Sharma, SK; Priya, S2020Fast kinetics of environmentally induced a-synuclein aggregation mediated by structural alteration in NAC region and result in structure dependent cytotoxicitySCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1639Garg, N; Kumar, M; Kumari, N; Deep, A; Sharma, AL2020Chemoresistive Room-Temperature Sensing of Ammonia Using Zeolite Imidazole Framework and Reduced Graphene Oxide (ZIF-67/rGO) CompositeACS OMEGA52749227501
1640Muthu, C; Pious, JK; Seethal, PS; Krishna, N; Vijayakumar, C2020Formamidinium Lead Iodide Perovskite Nanocrystal/Squaraine Dye Composite based Visibly Opaque and Near-Infrared Transmitting MaterialADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS8
1641Nirmala, A; Mukkatt, I; Shankar, S; Ajayaghosh, A2021Thermochromic Color Switching to Temperature Controlled Volatile Memory and Counter Operations with Metal-Organic Complexes and Hybrid GelsANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION60455465
1642Agrawal, H; Joshi, R; Gupta, M2020Functional and nutritional characterization of in vitro enzymatic hydrolyzed millets proteinsCEREAL CHEMISTRY9713131323
1643Mantri, VA; Ganesan, M; Kavale, MG; Gajaria, TK2020Status, exploitation and resource management of alginophytes in India: an account and way forwardJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY3244234441
1644Bishnoi, A; Jamwal, M; Das, R; Scaria, V; Vishwajeet, V; De, D; Saikia, UN; Mahajan, R2021Clericuzio-type poikiloderma with neutropenia in a patient from IndiaAMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART A185278281
1645Akhoon, BA; Choudhary, S; Tiwari, H; Kumar, A; Barik, MR; Rathor, L; Pandey, R; Nargotra, A2020Discovery of a New Donepezil-like Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitor for Targeting Alzheimer's Disease: Computational Studies with Biological ValidationJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING6047174729
1646Banoth, S; Choudhury, UM; Marumudi, K; Kunwar, AC; Mohapatra, DK2021Concise Total Synthesis of Curvulone BSYNLETT32685688
1647Das, TB; Chattopadhyay, US; Soni, D; Singh, K; Singh, PK2021Preparation and Certification of Indian Reference Material of Bituminous CoalMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA36129138
1648Mishra, J; Vishwakarma, J; Malik, R; Gupta, K; Pandey, R; Maurya, SK; Garg, A; Shukla, M; Chattopadhyay, N; Bandyopadhyay, S2021Hypothyroidism Induces Interleukin-1-Dependent Autophagy Mechanism as a Key Mediator of Hippocampal Neuronal Apoptosis and Cognitive Decline in Postnatal RatsMOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY5811961211
1649Bombaywala, S; Dafale, NA; Jha, V; Bajaj, A; Purohit, HJ2021Study of indiscriminate distribution of restrained antimicrobial resistome of different environmental nichesENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH281078010790
1650Venkateswarlu, G; Madhu, D; Rani, JV2020Graphene/beta-MnO(2)composites-synthesis and its electroanalytical properties study in the Mg storage batteryINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH441023810250
1651Kushwaha, S; Mane, M; Ravindranathan, S; Das, A2020Polymer Nanorings with Uranium Specific Clefts for Selective Recovery of Uranium from Acidic Effluents via Reductive AdsorptionACS SENSORS532543263
1652Prakash, O; Supriya, A; Kudachikar, VB2020Physicochemical Changes, Phenolic Profile and Antioxidant Capacities of Colored and White Grape (Vitis Vinifera L.) Varieties during Berry Development and MaturityINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FRUIT SCIENCE20S1773S1783
1653Prajapati, PK; Singh, PS2021In-solution structure formation of poly(vinylidene fluoride) building units influencing on the final membrane characteristicsJOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE138
1654Govardhan, B; Fatima, S; Madhumala, M; Sridhar, S2020Modification of used commercial reverse osmosis membranes to nanofiltration modules for the production of mineral-rich packaged drinking waterAPPLIED WATER SCIENCE10
1655Pareek, N; Sarkar, N; Bera, A2020Exploiting hyperbolic metamaterial as a substrate for graphene surface plasmonic Cherenkov THz radiation sourceAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING126
1656Bhattacharjee, K; Biswas, K; Prasad, BLV2020Unraveling the Role of Excess Ligand in Nanoparticle Pattern Formation from an Evaporatively Dewetting Nanofluid DropletJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C1242344623453
1657Ajithabh, KS; Patro, PK; Azeez, KKA; Veeraswamy, K2020Basalt-sediment configuration in the Tapti rift of central Indian region as derived from magnetotelluric (MT) studies and hydrocarbon prospectsARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES13
1658Nagpal, S; Baksi, KD; Kuntal, BK; Mande, SS2020NetConfer: a web application for comparative analysis of multiple biological networks (vol 18, 53, 2020)BMC BIOLOGY18
1659Gupta, A; Naved, MM; Kumbhare, H; Bherwani, H; Das, D; Labhsetwar, N2021Impact assessment of clean cookstove intervention in Gujarat, India: a potential case for corporate social responsibility (CSR) fundingENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH281274012752
1660Singh, S; Ghorai, B; Yadav, PK; Ghorai, UK; Upadhyay, C; Gupta, BK2020Probing into Bifunctional Luminomagnetic Upconverting Nanorods for External Magnetic Tracking ApplicationsCHEMISTRYSELECT51215912167
1661Jha, BK; Prudhviraj, J; Mainkar, PS; Punna, N; Chandrasekhar, S2020Diastereoselective synthesis of CF3-dihydrobenzofurans by [4+1] annulation of in situ-generated CF3-o-quinone methides and sulfur ylidesRSC ADVANCES103858838591
1662Mahapatra, A; Sarkar, S; Biswas, SC; Chattopadhyay, K2020Modulation of alpha-Synuclein Fibrillation by Ultrasmall and Biocompatible Gold NanoclustersACS CHEMICAL NEUROSCIENCE1134423454
1663Gupta, A; Garg, M; Singh, S; Deep, A; Sharma, AL2020Highly Sensitive Optical Detection of Escherichia coli Using Terbium-Based Metal-Organic FrameworkACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124819848205
1664Juntupally, S; Arelli, V; Begum, S; Anupoju, GROct-20Improved biomethanation of horse manure through acid-thermal pretreatment and supplementation of iron nanoparticles under mesophilic and thermophilic conditionsBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-020-01085-2
1665Purohit, PK; Saini, N2021Mitochondrial microRNA (MitomiRs) in cancer and complex mitochondrial diseases: current status and future perspectivesCELLULAR AND MOLECULAR LIFE SCIENCES7814051421
1666Chandrappa, SG; Moni, P; Chen, DH; Karkera, G; Prakasha, KR; Caruso, RA; Prakash, AS2020The influence of ruthenium substitution in LaCoO(3)towards bi-functional electrocatalytic activity for rechargeable Zn-air batteriesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A82061220620
1667Xu, ZY; Xu, YL; Basuthakur, P; Patra, CR; Ramakrishna, S; Liu, Y; Thomas, V; Nanda, HS2020Fibro-porous PLLA/gelatin composite membrane doped with cerium oxide nanoparticles as bioactive scaffolds for future angiogenesisJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B891109120
1668Singhania, A; Dutta, M; Saha, S; Sahoo, P; Bora, B; Ghosh, S; Fujita, D; Bandyopadhyay, A2020Speedy one-pot electrochemical synthesis of giant octahedrons fromin situgenerated pyrrolidinyl PAMAM dendrimerSOFT MATTER1691409146
1669Surampudi, AVSD; Rajendrakumar, S; Nanubolu, JB; Balasubramanian, S; Surov, AO; Voronin, AP; Perlovich, GL2020Influence of crystal packing on the thermal properties of cocrystals and cocrystal solvates of olanzapine: insights from computationsCRYSTENGCOMM2265366558
1670Roy, A; Patra, CR2020Vanadium pentoxide nanomaterials and their role in anti-angiogenesis for cancer treatmentNANOMEDICINE1526432646
1671Basuthakur, P; Patra, CR2020Zinc oxide nanoparticles: future therapy for cerebral ischemiaNANOMEDICINE1527292732
1672Patra, D; Banerjee, S; Mandi, CS; Haseena, KS; Basu, G; Dutta, S2021A Pyrimido-Quinoxaline Fused Heterocycle Lights Up Transfer RNA upon Binding at the Mg(2+)Binding SiteCHEMBIOCHEM22359363
1673Kumar, AC; Venkatakrishnan, L2020Asymmetric nose-fairing for wing-body interference flowSADHANA-ACADEMY PROCEEDINGS IN ENGINEERING SCIENCES45
1674Luithui, Y; Kamani, MH; Sreerama, YN; Meera, MS2021Impact of hydrothermal processing on squalene, alpha-tocopherol, and fatty acid content inJob'stears grain milled fractions: evaluation of their storage stabilityJOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE10123192327
1675Sharma, S; Rawal, J; Dhakate, SR; Singh, BP2020Synergistic bridging effects of graphene oxide and carbon nanotube on mechanical properties of aramid fiber reinforced polycarbonate composite tapeCOMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY199
1676Raju, CV; Sornambigai, M; Kumar, SS2020Unraveling the reaction mechanism of co-reactant free in-situ cathodic solid state ECL of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) molecule immobilized on Nafion coated nanoporous gold electrodeELECTROCHIMICA ACTA358
1677Kumar, TSJ; Akshay, VR; Vasundhara, M; Muthu, A2020Biosynthesis of multiphase iron nanoparticles using Syzygium aromaticum and their magnetic propertiesCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS603
1678Arya, S; Kumar, S2020E-waste in India at a glance: Current trends, regulations, challenges and management strategiesJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION271
1679Kumar, A; Goyal, V; Sarki, N; Singh, B; Ray, A; Bhaskar, T; Bordoloi, A; Narani, A; Natte, K2020Biocarbon Supported Nanoscale Ruthenium Oxide-Based Catalyst for Clean Hydrogenation of Arenes and HeteroarenesACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING81574015754
1680Sulochana, SB; Arumugam, M2020Targeted Metabolomic and Biochemical Changes During Nitrogen Stress Mediated Lipid Accumulation in Scenedesmus quadricauda CASA CC202FRONTIERS IN BIOENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY8
1681Singla, G; Panesar, PS; Sangwan, RS; Krishania, MOct-20Enzymatic processing ofCitrus reticulata(Kinnow) pomace using naringinase and its valorization through preparation of nutritionally enriched pastaJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE10.1007/s13197-020-04846-z
1682Acharya, P; Uppin, V; Zarei, M; Talahalli, RR2021Role of n-3 Fatty Acids on Bile Acid Metabolism and Transport in Dyslipidemia: A ReviewLIPIDS56125139
1683Jagtap, RA; Soni, V; Punji, B2020Expeditious and Solvent-Free Nickel-Catalyzed C-H Arylation of Arenes and Indoles (vol 10, pg 2242, 2017)CHEMSUSCHEM1357715771
1684Yadav, S; Kumari, M; Nayak, D; Banerjee, S; Khan, N; Nimanpure, S; Moona, G; Sharma, R; Sharma, BK; Chowdhury, DR; Vijayan, N; Jewariya, M2020Growth and Characterization of Single Crystals ofl-Histidine Hydrochloride Monohydrate for Nonlinear Optical ApplicationsJOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS4975027508
1685Kuntal, BK; Mande, SS2020Visual exploration of microbiome data (vol 44, 119, 2019)JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES45
1686Kumar, J; Suresh, E; Bhadra, S2020Catalytic Direct alpha-Amination of Arylacetic Acid Synthons with AnilinesJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851336313374
1687Sankar, SS; Rathishkumar, A; Geetha, K; Kundu, S2020A Simple Route for the Synthesis of Cobalt Phosphate Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic Water Oxidation in Alkaline MediumENERGY & FUELS341289112899
1688Ghosh, S; Samanta, P; Samanta, P; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2020Investigation of Electrochemical Charge Storage Efficiency of NiCo2Se4/RGO Composites Derived at Varied Duration and Its Asymmetric Supercapacitor DeviceENERGY & FUELS341305613066
1689Seema, R; Mandal, S; Singh, P; Paul, S; Chanda, N2020Fiber Bragg grating sensors for in-situ temperature measurement on bending a flexible planar supercapacitorSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL314
1690Manju; Jain, M; Madas, S; Vashishtha, P; Rajput, P; Gupta, G; Kahaly, MU; Ozdogan, K; Vij, A; Thakur, A2020Oxygen vacancies induced photoluminescence in SrZnO2 nanophosphors probed by theoretical and experimental analysisSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1691Miadad, SJ; Venugopalan, T; Halder, N; Kumar, BR2020On the Study of Batch Annealing Parameter Optimization for Higher Lankford Value in High Phosphorus Interstitial Free High Strength SteelJOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE2975987606
1692Mondal, A; Hazra, A; Chakrabarty, J; Murmu, NC; Banerjee, P2020A Harmonized Applied and Theoretical Exploration for Nanomolar Level Recognition of Perilous F(-)and CN(-)by Multichannel Chemosensor: Proposition of Hg2+-Mediated Logic Gate ImitatorCHEMISTRYSELECT51197611985
1693Sangwan, R; Mishra, VN; Mandal, PK2020Synthesis of a common pentasaccharide moiety of diplasteriosides A and B belong to starfish asterosaponins isolated from the Diplasterias bruceiTETRAHEDRON LETTERS61
1694Pal, S; Mondal, R; Guha, S; Chatterjee, U; Jewrajka, SK2020Crosslinked terpolymer anion exchange membranes for selective ion separation and acid recoveryJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE612
1695Karmakar, A; Karthick, K; Sankar, SS; Kumaravel, S; Kundu, S2020Self-assembling of metallic Rh over DNA as nano-chains: An effective organosol for catalysis and SERS studiesAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE527
1696Bari, AH; Jundale, RB; Kulkarni, AA2020Understanding the role of solvent properties on reaction kinetics for synthesis of silica nanoparticlesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL398
1697Vignesh, NS; Vimali, E; Sangeetha, R; Arumugam, M; Ashokkumar, B; Ganeshmoorthy, I; Varalakshmi, P2020Sustainable biofuel from microalgae: Application of lignocellulosic wastes and bio-iron nanoparticle for biodiesel productionFUEL278
1698Dhyani, P; Sharma, B; Singh, P; Masand, M; Seth, R; Sharma, RK2020Genome-wide discovery of microsatellite markers and, population genetic diversity inferences revealed high anthropogenic pressure on endemic populations of Trillium govanianumINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS154
1699Mahanta, BP; Sarma, N; Kemprai, P; Begum, T; Saikia, L; Lal, M; Haldar, S2020Hydrodistillation based multifaceted value addition to Kaempferia galanga L. leaves, an agricultural residueINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS154
1700Mishra, B; Bose, SK; Sangwan, NS2020Comparative investigation of therapeutic plant Withania somnifera for yield, productivity, withanolide content, and expression of pathway genes during contrasting seasonsINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS154
1701Rattan, S; Sood, A; Kumar, P; Kumar, A; Kumar, D; Warghat, AR2020Phenylethanoids, phenylpropanoids, and phenolic acids quantification vis-a-vis gene expression profiling in leaf and root derived callus lines of Rhodiola imbricata (Edgew.)INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS154
1702Kumar, M; Rani, S; Pandey, A; Gour, KS; Husale, S; Singh, P; Singh, VN2020Highly responsive, low -bias operated SnSe 2 nanostructured thin film for trap -assisted NIR photodetectorJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS838
1703Dhiman, N; Kumar, A; Kumar, D; Bhattacharya, A2020De novo transcriptome analysis of the critically endangered alpine Himalayan herb Nardostachys jatamansi reveals the biosynthesis pathway genes of tissue-specific secondary metabolitesSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1704Singh, P; Bharti, N; Singh, AP; Tripathi, SK; Pandey, SP; Chauhan, AS; Kulkarni, A; Sane, AP2020Petal abscission in fragrant roses is associated with large scale differential regulation of the abscission zone transcriptomeSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1705Goswami, L; Aggarwal, N; Verma, R; Bishnoi, S; Husale, S; Pandey, R; Gupta, G2020Graphene Quantum Dot-Sensitized ZnO-Nanorod/GaN-Nanotower Heterostructure-Based High-Performance UV PhotodetectorsACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124703847047
1706Shit, SC; Koley, P; Joseph, B; Marini, C; Nakka, L; Tardio, J; Mondal, J2020Porous Organic Polymer-Driven Evolution of High-Performance Cobalt Phosphide Hybrid Nanosheets as Vanillin Hydrodeoxygenation Catalyst (vol 11, pg 24140, 2019)ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124711047110
1707Alexander, A; Singh, VK; Mishra, A2020Halotolerant PGPR Stenotrophomonas maltophilia BJ01 Induces Salt Tolerance by Modulating Physiology and Biochemical Activities of Arachis hypogaeaFRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY11
1708Neogi, S; Ghosh, R2020Origin of irreversible to reversible transition in acetone detection for Y-doped BiFeO3 perovskiteJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS128
1709Srivastava, S; Vani, B; Sadistap, S2021Handheld, smartphone based spectrometer for rapid and nondestructive testing of citrus cultivarsJOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION15892904
1710Pahar, S; Kundu, G; Sen, SS2020Cyanosilylation by Compounds with Main-Group Elements: An OdysseyACS OMEGA52547725484
1711Bhat, BA; Rashid, S; Mehta, G2020Progress in the Total Synthesis of Natural Products Embodying Diverse Furofuranone Motifs: A New Millennium UpdateASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY917261753
1712Dolma, SK; Suresh, PS; Singh, PP; Sharma, U; Reddy, SGE2021Insecticidal activity of the extract, fractions, and pure steroidal saponins ofTrillium govanianumWall. exD.Don for the control of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostellaL.) and aphid (Aphis craccivoraKoch)PEST MANAGEMENT SCIENCE77956962
1713Reddy, CR; Bodasu, S; Mallesh, K; Prapurna, YL2021Synthesis of Fused Pyrimido[1,6-a]indolones via Rhodium(III)-Catalyzed Cascade AnnulationsSYNTHESIS-STUTTGART5311271136
1714Jayaram, CS; Chauhan, N; Dolma, SK; Reddy, SGEOct-20Deformation of appendages, antennal segments and sensilla of aphid (Aphis craccivoraKoch) treated withTagetes minutaoil: a scanning electron microscopy studyTOXIN REVIEWS10.1080/15569543.2020.1828471
1715Mukherjee, D; Banerjee, S; Ghosh, S; Majumdar, S2020PDMS/ceramic composite membrane synthesis and evaluation of ciprofloxacin removal efficiencyKOREAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING3719851998
1716Borthakur, SK; Konwar, LJ; Nath, G; Kalita, PK; Borthakur, S2020Synthesis of some novel 7-substituted [1,3,4]thiadiazolo[3,2-c][1,3,5]thiadiazine-6,6-dioxides with antifungal evaluation against rice pathogensJOURNAL OF HETEROCYCLIC CHEMISTRY5742104214
1717Shivangi; Meena, LSOct-20Calcium ATPase signaling: A must include mechanism in the radar of therapeutics development against tuberculosisBIOTECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY10.1002/bab.2038
1718Pahar, S; Swamy, VSVSN; Das, T; Gonnade, RG; Vanka, K; Sen, SS2020Access to diverse germylenes and a six-membered dialane with a flexible beta-diketiminateCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS561187111874
1719Ega, SP; Biradar, MR; Srinivasan, P; Bhosale, SV2020Designing quinone-dopamine-based conjugates as six electron system for high-performance hybrid electrodeELECTROCHIMICA ACTA357
1720Narmadha, VV; Jose, J; Patil, S; Farooqui, MO; Srimuruganandam, B; Saravanadevi, S; Krishnamurthi, K2020Assessment of Microplastics in Roadside Suspended Dust from Urban and Rural Environment of Nagpur, IndiaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH14629640
1721Vignesh, M; Kazi, MA; Rathore, MS; Kavale, MG; Dineshkumar, R; Mantri, VA2020Artificial neural network modelling for seedling regeneration inGracilaria dura(Rhodophyta) under different physiochemical conditionsPLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE143583591
1722Monica, P; Kapoor, M2021Alkali-stable GH11 endo-beta-1,4 xylanase (XynB) from Bacillus subtilis strain CAM 21: application in hydrolysis of agro-industrial wastes, fruit/vegetable peels and weedsPREPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY & BIOTECHNOLOGY51475487
1723Kumar, H; Azad, A; Gupta, A; Sharma, J; Bherwani, H; Labhsetwar, NK; Kumar, R2021COVID-19 Creating another problem? Sustainable solution for PPE disposal through LCA approachENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY2394189432
1724Pari, S; Jha, NS; Ganesan, TS; Jha, SK2020Pulse Electrodeposited Au-WO3 Catalyst from a Water-Ionic Liquid Microemulsion for Photoaccelerated Methanol ElectrooxidationJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C1242195721967
1725Kaira, GS; Kapoor, M2021Molecular advancements on over-expression, stability and catalytic aspects of endo-beta-mannanasesCRITICAL REVIEWS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY41115
1726Sharma, L; Rathore, H; Utreja, S; Neelam; Roy, A; De, S; Panja, S2020Optical Atomic Clocks for Redefining SI Units of Time and FrequencyMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35531545
1727Dariyal, P; Arya, AK; Singh, BP; Dhakate, SR2021A review on conducting carbon nanotube fibers spun via direct spinning techniqueJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE5610871115
1728Reddy, PG; Indukuri, DR; Alla, M2020CuI/I-2-Catalyzed Concise Synthesis of Substituted 6-Aminoisoquinolinoquinazoline Carboxylates from AnthranilamideCHEMISTRYSELECT51168511689
1729Bhatt, S; Vyas, G; Paul, P2020A New Molecular Probe for Colorimetric and Fluorometric Detection and Removal of Hg(2+)and its Application as Agarose Film-Based Sensor for On-Site MonitoringJOURNAL OF FLUORESCENCE3015311542
1730Challa, P; Enumula, SS; Reddy, KS; Kondeboina, M; Burri, DR; Kamaraju, SRR2020Catalytic Conversion of Benzyl Alcohol to Benzaldehyde over a Cu-CeO2 Catalyst: Utilization of CO2 for Enhancement of Selectivity and ActivityINDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH591772017728
1731Mrityunjaya, M; Pavithra, V; Neelam, R; Janhavi, P; Halami, PM; Ravindra, PV2020Immune-Boosting, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Food Supplements Targeting Pathogenesis of COVID-19FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY11
1732Saha, P; Sowpati, DT; Soujanya, M; Srivastava, I; Mishra, RK2020Interplay of pericentromeric genome organization and chromatin landscape regulates the expression ofDrosophila melanogasterheterochromatic genesEPIGENETICS & CHROMATIN13
1733Verma, A; Kaur, M; Senguttuvan, TD; Gupta, A2021Superconducting Transport Properties of NiFe Artificial Spin Ice and Nb Hybrid StructureJOURNAL OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY AND NOVEL MAGNETISM34373381
1734Mishra, SK; Hidau, M; Rai, S2021Memantine and Ibuprofen pretreatment exerts anti-inflammatory effect against streptozotocin-induced astroglial inflammation via modulation of NMDA receptor-associated downstream calcium ion signalingINFLAMMOPHARMACOLOGY29183192
1735Sarkar, P; Modak, S; Karan, S2021Ultraselective and Highly Permeable Polyamide Nanofilms for Ionic and Molecular NanofiltrationADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS31
1736Pandya, R; Mane, R; Rode, CV2020Cascade dehydrative amination of glycerol to oxazoline (vol 8, pg 2954, 2018)CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY1067406740
1737Pandit, NR; Bej, S; Mondal, A; Ghosh, M; Kostakis, GE; Powell, AK; Banerjee, P; Biswas, B2020Exploratory studies on azido-bridged complexes (Ni2+ and Mn2+) as dual colourimetric chemosensors for S2- and Ag+: combined experimental and theoretical outcomes with real field applicationsDALTON TRANSACTIONS491309013099
1738George, CP; Thorat, SH; Shaligram, PS; Suresha, PR; Gonnade, RG2020Drug-drug cocrystals of anticancer drugs erlotinib-furosemide and gefitinib-mefenamic acid for alternative multi-drug treatmentCRYSTENGCOMM2261376151
1739Kirali, AA; Sreekantan, S; Marimuthu, B2020Fabrication of mesoporous carbon supported Ni-Mo catalysts for the enhanced conversion of glucose to ethylene glycolNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441595815965
1740Praveena, G; Yagnam, S; Banoth, L; Trivedi, R; Prakasham, RS2020Bacterial biosynthesis of nanosilver: a green catalyst for the synthesis of (amino pyrazolo)-(phenyl)methyl naphth-2-ol derivatives and their antimicrobial potential (vol 44, pg 13046, 2020)NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441624616246
1741Bai, S; Chaurasiya, AH; Banarjee, R; Walke, PB; Rashid, F; Unnikrishnan, AG; Kulkarni, MJ2020CD44, a Predominant Protein in Methylglyoxal-Induced Secretome of Muscle Cells, is Elevated in Diabetic PlasmaACS OMEGA52501625028
1742Kalshetti, RG; Ramana, CV2020Oxidative Rearrangement of Stilbenes to 2,2-Diaryl-2-hydroxyacetaldehydesACS OMEGA52519925208
1743Mullapudi, V; Ahmad, I; Senapati, S; Ramana, CV2020Total Synthesis of (+)-Petromyroxol, (-)-iso-Petromyroxol, and Possible DiastereomersACS OMEGA52533425348
1744Mohanty, CS; Syed, N; Kumar, D; Khare, S; Nayak, SP; Sarvendra, K; Pattanayak, R; Pal, A; Chanotiya, CS; Rout, PK2021Chemical characterization of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus(L.) DC. seeds and safety evaluation of its fatty oilJOURNAL OF FOOD MEASUREMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION15807816
1745Nitha, PR; Jayadev, V; Pradhan, SC; Divya, VV; Suresh, CH; John, J; Soman, S; Ajayaghosh, A2020Regulating Back Electron Transfer through Donor and pi-Spacer Alterations in Benzothieno[3,2-b]indole-based Dye-sensitized Solar CellsCHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL1535033512
1746Nagode, SB; Kant, R; Rastogi, N2020Hantzsch Ester-Mediated Synthesis of Phenanthridines under Visible-Light IrradiationCHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL1535133518
1747Kumaravel, S; Kumar, MP; Thiruvengetam, P; Bandla, N; Sankar, SS; Ravichandran, S; Kundu, S2020Intervening Bismuth Tungstate with DNA Chain Assemblies: A Perception toward Feedstock Conversion via Photoelectrocatalytic Water SplittingINORGANIC CHEMISTRY591450114512
1748Betsy, KJ; Lazar, A; Pavithran, A; Vinod, CP2020CO2 Hydrogenation to Formate by Palladium Nanoparticles Supported on N-Incorporated Periodic Mesoporous OrganosilicaACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING81476514774
1749Umar, SA; Tasduq, SA2020Integrating DNA damage response and autophagy signalling axis in ultraviolet-B induced skin photo-damage: a positive association in protecting cells against genotoxic stressRSC ADVANCES103631736336
1750Srivastava, R; Alam, MS2020The multi -spectroscopic approach on the interaction between rabbit serum albumin and cationic surfactant: Investigation on the formation and solubilization of the protein aggregationSPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY239
1751Ghosh, T; Mishra, S2020A natural cyanobacterial protein C-phycoerythrin as an HS ? selective optical probe in aqueous systemsSPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY239
1752Gaddam, J; Reddy, AVV; Sarma, AVS; Yadav, JS; Mohapatra, DK2020Total Synthesis and Structural Revision of Greensporone F and Dechlorogreensporone FJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851241812429
1753Manna, K; Begam, HM; Samanta, K; Jana, R2020Overcoming the Deallylation Problem: Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Chemo-, Regio-, and Stereoselective Allylic Oxidation of Aryl Allyl Ether, Amine, and Amino AcidsORGANIC LETTERS2274437449
1754Omanakuttan, VK; John, J; Hopf, H2021Synthesis of 3(2H)-Furanones: A ReviewEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY2021163201
1755Dolui, AK; Vijayaraj, P2020Functional Omics Identifies Serine Hydrolases That Mobilize Storage Lipids during Rice Seed GerminationPLANT PHYSIOLOGY184693708
1756Rehman, R; Vijayakumar, VE; Jaiswal, A; Jain, V; Mukherjee, S; Vellarikkal, SK; Dieffenbach, PB; Fredenburgh, LE; Prakash, YS; Ghosh, B; Agrawal, A; Mabalirajan, U2020Noncanonical role for Ku70/80 in the prevention of allergic airway inflammation via maintenance of airway epithelial cell organelle homeostasisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LUNG CELLULAR AND MOLECULAR PHYSIOLOGY319L728L741
1757Mohan, R; Singh, S; Kumar, G; Srivastava, M2020Evaluation of Gelling Behavior of Natural Gums and their Formulation ProspectsINDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATION AND RESEARCH5410161023
1758Varkekar, NJ; Singh, NI2020Assessment of physical, nutritional and functional attributes of Parkia biglandulosa W. & A.: An underexplored semi-wild tree legume species of Parkia generaINDIAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE19736743
1759Deepthi, S; Anusha, K; Anand, A; Manasa, A; Babu, KS; Mudiam, MKR; Tiwari, AK2020Micronutrients and phytochemicals content in various rice (Oryza sativa Linn.) samples control carbohydrate digestion variedly and present differential antioxidant activities: an in vitro appraisalINDIAN JOURNAL OF TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE19821831
1760Umasankar, G; Busireddy, MR; Kotamarthi, B; Karunakar, GV; Rao, VJ2020Pyrene appended terpyridine derivatives as electrochemiluminescence material for OLEDs: Characterization of photo-physical, thermal and electrochemical propertiesINDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION B-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INCLUDING MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY5915641574
1761Dubey, R; Kumar, R2020Collimation testing of laser beams having different diameters using compact holographic lateral shearing interferometerOPTICAL ENGINEERING59
1762Dwivedi, G; Sharma, A; Singh, O; Baghel, PK; Kumar, R2020Delamination testing of polyurethane pads adhered to polishing tool using a digital holographic nondestructive testing methodOPTICAL ENGINEERING59
1763Mohan, AMV; Rajendran, V; Mishra, RK; Jayaraman, M2020Recent advances and perspectives in sweat based wearable electrochemical sensorsTRAC-TRENDS IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY131
1764Ramesh, P; Hegde, V; Pramod, AG; Eraiah, B; Rao, SV; Shisina, S; Das, S; Agarkov, DA; Eliseeva, GM; Jagannath, G; Kokila, MK2020Effect of Eu3+ in tuning the ultrafast third-order optical nonlinearity in heavy metal borate glassesOPTICAL MATERIALS108
1765Choudhary, P; Ramalingam, B; Das, SK2020Fabrication of Chitosan-Reinforced Multifunctional Graphene Nanocomposite as Antibacterial Scaffolds for Hemorrhage Control and Wound-Healing ApplicationACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING659115929
1766Thakran, S; Guin, D; Singh, P; Singh, P; Kukal, S; Rawat, C; Yadav, S; Kushwaha, SS; Srivastava, AK; Hasija, Y; Saso, L; Ramachandran, S; Kukreti, R2020Genetic Landscape of Common Epilepsies: Advancing towards Precision in TreatmentINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES21
1767Mukherjee, AK; Sharma, S; Sengupta, S; Saha, D; Kumar, P; Hussain, T; Srivastava, V; Roy, SD; Shay, JW; Chowdhury, S2020Telomere length-dependent transcription and epigenetic modifications in promoters remote from telomere ends (vol 14, e1007782, 2018)PLOS GENETICS16
1768Rahman, A; Tiwari, KK; Mondal, NC2020Hydrochemical Characterization for Groundwater Suitability in a Semi-Arid Area in Sanganer Block, Jaipur District, RajasthanJOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF INDIA96399409
1769Kumar, M; Raj, A; Kumar, A; Anshul, A2020An optimized lead-free formamidinium Sn -based perovskite solar cell design for high power conversion efficiency by SCAPS simulationOPTICAL MATERIALS108
1770Aggarwal, V; Meena, CS; Kumar, A; Alam, T; Kumar, A; Ghosh, A; Ghosh, A2020Potential and Future Prospects of Geothermal Energy in Space Conditioning of Buildings: India and Worldwide ReviewSUSTAINABILITY12
1771Debnath, P; Rathore, S; Walia, S; Kumar, M; Devi, R; Kumar, R2020Picrorhiza kurroa: a promising traditional therapeutic herb from higher altitude of western HimalayasJOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE23
1772Kumar, A; Rodrigues, V; Baskaran, K; Shukla, AK; Sundaresan, V2020DNA barcode based species-specific marker for Ocimum tenuiflorum and its applicability in quantification of adulteration in herbal formulations using qPCRJOURNAL OF HERBAL MEDICINE23
1773Shareef, MA; Devi, GP; Routhu, SR; Kumar, CG; Kamal, A; Babu, BN2020New imidazo[2,1-b]thiazole-based aryl hydrazones: unravelling their synthesis and antiproliferative and apoptosis-inducing potentialRSC MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY1111781184
1774Nagabalaji, V; Muthukumar, T; Juhna, JR; Srinivasan, SV; Suthanthararajan, R2020Effect of food to microalgal biomass ratio on the assimilation of ammoniacal nitrogen from the secondary treated tannery effluent coupled with bio-energy generation using grown algal biomassDESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT2006573
1775Mali, BP; Dash, SR; Nikam, SB; Puthuvakkal, A; Vanka, K; Manoj, K; Gonnade, RG2020Five concomitant polymorphs of a green fluorescent protein chromophore (GFPc) analogue: understanding variations in photoluminescence with pi-stacking interactionsACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION B-STRUCTURAL SCIENCE CRYSTAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS76850864
1776Singh, AK; Shukla, SK; Ravi, M; Barik, RK2020A Review of Electron Emitters for High-Power and High-Frequency Vacuum Electron DevicesIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE4834463454
1777Maurya, S; Verma, RK; Nallasevagan, K2020Electromagnetic and Particle-In-Cell Simulation of 5-mW-Long Anode Pulse MagnetronIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE4835103515
1778Jain, S; Vanka, K2020The Effect of Solvent-Substrate Noncovalent Interactions on the Diastereoselectivity in the Intramolecular Carbonyl-Ene and the Staudinger [2+2] Cycloaddition ReactionsJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A12480198028
1779Mukherjee, A; Ghule, S; Tiwari, MK; Vanka, K2020Unraveling the Hidden Role of the Counteranion in Cation in a Cage SystemsJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A12480408049
1780Somashekharappa, GM; Govind, C; Pulikodan, V; Paul, M; Namboothiry, MAG; Das, S; Karunakaran, V2020Unsymmetrical Squaraine Dye-Based Organic Photodetector Exhibiting Enhanced Near-Infrared SensitivityJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C1242173021739
1781Kannoujia, J; Bangalore, PK; Kantevari, S; Sripadi, P2020Identification and characterization of impurities in an insecticide, bifenthrin technicalJOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY55
1782Udutha, S; Shankar, G; Borkar, RM2020Identification and characterization of stress degradation products of sumatriptan succinate by using LC/Q-TOF-ESI-MS/MS and NMR: Toxicity evaluation of degradation products (vol 53, pg 963, 2018)JOURNAL OF MASS SPECTROMETRY55
1783Sharma, P; Sharma, MM; Kumar, M; Awana, VPS2020Metal doping in topological insulators- a key for tunable generation of terahertzSOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS319
1784Prakash, C; Pandey, M; Talwar, S; Singh, Y; Kanojiya, S; Pandey, AK; Kumar, N2020Extra-ribosomal functions of Mtb RpsB in imparting stress resilience and drug tolerance to mycobacteriaBIOCHIMIE1778797
1785Kontham, V; Padmaja, KV; Madhu, D2020Synthesis of ricinoleate anion based ionic liquids and their application as green lubricating oil additivesJOURNAL OF SAUDI CHEMICAL SOCIETY24742753
1786Duvvaa, N; Gangada, S; Chitta, R; Giribabu, L2020Bis(4 '-tert-butylbiphenyl-4-yl)aniline (BBA)-substituted A(3)B zinc porphyrin as light harvesting material for conversion of light energy to electricityJOURNAL OF PORPHYRINS AND PHTHALOCYANINES2411891197
1787Jadhav, AS; Amrani, MA; Singh, SK; Al-Fatesh, AS; Bansiwal, A; Srikanth, VVSS; Labhasetwar, NK2020gamma-FeOOH and gamma-FeOOH decorated multi-layer graphene: Potential materials for selenium(VI) removal from waterJOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING37
1788Priyadarshni, N; Nath, P; Nagahanumaiah; Chanda, N2020Sustainable removal of arsenate, arsenite and bacterial contamination from water using biochar stabilized iron and copper oxide nanoparticles and associated mechanism of the remediation processJOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING37
1789Roy, J; Kumar, A; Choudhury, D2020Pseudostatic Approach to Analyze Combined Pile-Raft FoundationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEOMECHANICS20
1790Boruah, PK; Yadav, A; Das, MR2020Magnetic mixed metal oxide nanomaterials derived from industrial waste and its photocatalytic applications in environmental remediationJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING8
1791Siddiqui, SK; SahayaSheela, VJ; Kolluru, S; Pandian, GN; Santhoshkumar, TR; Dan, VM; Ramana, CV2020Discovery of 3-(benzofuran-2-ylmethyl)-1H-indole derivatives as potential autophagy inducers in cervical cancer cellsBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS30
1792Chandrasekhar, SS; Vaishnavi, D; Sahu, N; Sridhar, S2020Design of an integrated membrane bioreactor process for effective and environmentally safe treatment of highly complex coffee industrial effluentJOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING37
1793Rao, KR; Vipin, AV; Venkateswaran, G2020Mechanism of inhibition of aflatoxin synthesis by non-aflatoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavusMICROBIAL PATHOGENESIS147
1794Alam, MS; Rajendran, SK; Mondal, JH; Linda, E; Siddiq, AM2020The micellar and thermophysical studies of a surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate with a hydrotrope, 3-Nitrobenzene sulfonic acid sodium saltJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS315
1795Mehra, S; Bishnoi, S; Goswami, L; Gupta, G; Srivastava, AK; Sharma, SN2020Detailed chemical mechanism of the phase transition in nano-SrTiO3 perovskite with visible luminescenceINORGANIC CHEMISTRY COMMUNICATIONS120
1796Gopinath, R; Kumar, M; Joshua, CPC; Srinivas, K2020Energy management using non-intrusive load monitoring techniques - State-of-the-art and future research directionsSUSTAINABLE CITIES AND SOCIETY62
1797Ray, B; Mehrotra, R2020Nucleic acid binding mechanism of flavone derivative, riviciclib: Structural analysis to unveil anticancer potentialJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY211
1798Karunakaran, V; Saritha, VN; Joseph, MM; Nair, JB; Saranya, G; Raghu, KG; Sujathan, K; Kumar, KS; Maiti, KK2020Diagnostic spectro-cytology revealing differential recognition of cervical cancer lesions by label-free surface enhanced Raman fingerprints and chemometricsNANOMEDICINE-NANOTECHNOLOGY BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE29
1799Kumar, A; Kumar, P; Bajpai, A; Rangra, K; Bansal, D2020Design and Development of a Double-Bridge Micromirror With Bending and Twisting Cantilevers for Multiobject SpectroscopyIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES6743924398
1800Singh, AK2020Study and Development of Active Sintered Controlled Porosity Dispenser Cathode (vol 62, pg 3837, 2015)IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES6745464546
1801Gour, A; Dogra, A; Wazir, P; Singh, G; Nandi, U2020A highly sensitive UPLC-MS/MS method for hydroxyurea to assess pharmacokinetic intervention by phytotherapeutics in ratsJOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY B-ANALYTICAL TECHNOLOGIES IN THE BIOMEDICAL AND LIFE SCIENCES1154
1802Rani, L; Saini, S; Shukla, N; Chowdhuri, DK; Gautam, NK2020High sucrose diet induces morphological, structural and functional impairments in the renal tubules of Drosophila melanogaster: A model for studying type-2 diabetes mediated renal tubular dysfunctionINSECT BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY125
1803Acharya, A; Patial, V2020Nanotechnological interventions for the treatment of renal diseases: Current scenario and future prospectsJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY59
1804Kumari, A; Guliani, A; Shukla, AK; Kumar, S; Acharya, A2020Green surfactant based synthesis of curcumin loaded poly lactic-co-glycolic acid nanoparticles with enhanced solubility, photo-stability and anti-biofilm activityJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY59
1805Das, SK; Mohanty, B; Sahu, SC; Sruthi, TJ; Chakraborty, B; Basu, S; Jena, BK2020The experimental and theoretical insights on the interaction of AuPd bimetallic nanoentities on graphene: A study on electrocatalytic activity towards oxygen reduction reactionELECTROCHIMICA ACTA356
1806Patel, K; Chikkali, SH; Sivaram, S2020Ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene: Catalysis, structure, properties, processing and applicationsPROGRESS IN POLYMER SCIENCE109
1807Kumar, S; Mannil, A; Mutturi, S2020Modified chemical method for efficient transformation and diagnosis in Pichia pastorisPROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION174
1808Mullapudi, V; Ramana, CV2020Attempted synthesis of central furopyran core of Diocollettines A via a Gold-Catalyzed cascade 1,6-Diyne cycloisomerization processTETRAHEDRON LETTERS61
1809Dey, S; Murugan, T; Chatterjee, D2020A comparative study on the evolution of compressible vortex ring generated from a short driver section shock tubeFLUID DYNAMICS RESEARCH52
1810Kumari, S; Kumar, R; Agrawal, PR; Prakash, S; Mondal, DP; Dhakate, SR2020Fabrication of lightweight and porous silicon carbide foams as excellent microwave susceptor for heat generationMATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS253
1811Singhal, S; Chourasia, A; Parashar, J2020Anchorage behaviour of headed bars as connection system for precast reinforced concrete structural componentsSTRUCTURES2714051418
1812Sarma, VVSS; Krishna, MS; Srinivas, TNR2020Sources of organic matter and tracing of nutrient pollution in the coastal Bay of BengalMARINE POLLUTION BULLETIN159
1813Vishwakarma, A; Chauhan, NS; Bhardwaj, R; Johari, KK; Dhakate, SR; Gahtori, B; Bathula, S2020Compositional modulation is driven by aliovalent doping in n-type TiCoSb based half-Heuslers for tuning thermoelectric transportINTERMETALLICS125
1815Bawa, A; Choudhary, A; Sharma, G; Rajesh; Singh, SP; Biradar, AM2020Surface constraints controlled structural dynamics of ferroelectric liquid crystalsAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE526
1816Singh, J; Luqman, S; Meena, A2020Emerging role of phytochemicals in targeting predictive, prognostic, and diagnostic biomarkers of lung cancerFOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY144
1817Saha, A; Sensarma, S; Hazra, A; Ganguly, S; Peketi, A; Doley, B; Mudholkar, AV2020Imprints of ancient recycled oceanic lithosphere in heterogeneous Indian Ocean mantle: Evidence from petrogenesis of Carlsberg ridge basalts from Northwest Indian OceanGONDWANA RESEARCH866082
1818Gonuguntla, S; Tiwari, A; Gopinath, J; Yarasi, S; Sainath, AVS; Pal, U2020Rational design of Ru(II)-phenanthroline complex embedded porous TiO(2)photocatalyst for efficient hydrogen productionRENEWABLE ENERGY15919
1819Verma, S; Arya, P; Singh, A; Kaswan, J; Shukla, A; Kushwaha, HR; Gupta, S; Singh, SP2020ZnO-rGO nanocomposite based bioelectrode for sensitive and ultrafast detection of dopamine in human serumBIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS165
1820Sasi, USS; Sindhu, G; Raghu, KG2020Fructose-palmitate based high calorie induce steatosis in HepG2 cells via mitochondrial dysfunction: An in vitro approachTOXICOLOGY IN VITRO68
1821Yadav, R; Rajput, V; Gohil, K; Khairnar, K; Dharne, M2020Comprehensive metagenomic insights into a unique mass gathering and bathing event reveals transient influence on a riverine ecosystemECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY202
1822Yadav, V; Raj, SK; Rathod, NH; Kulshrestha, V2020Polysulfone/graphene quantum dots composite anion exchange membrane for acid recovery by diffusion dialysisJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE611
1823Bhardwaj, VK; Singh, R; Sharma, J; Das, P; Purohit, R2020Structural based study to identify new potential inhibitors for dual specificity tyrosine-phosphorylation- regulated kinaseCOMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE194
1824Yabaji, SM; Dhamija, E; Mishra, AK; Srivastava, KK2020ESAT-6 regulates autophagous response through SOD-2 and as a result induces intracellular survival of Mycobacterium bovis BCGBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS1868
1825Pandey, J; Verma, RK; Singh, S2020Trace element accumulation potential in lemongrass varieties (Cymbopogon species) and prediction through regression model equations followed by path analysis: a field studyCHEMOSPHERE257
1826Sarkar, O; Mohan, SV2020Synergy of anoxic microenvironment and facultative anaerobes on acidogenic metabolism in a self-induced electrofermentation systemBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY313
1827Roy, A; Nethi, SK; Suganya, N; Raval, M; Chatterjee, S; Patra, CR2020Attenuation of cadmium-induced vascular toxicity by pro-angiogenic nanorodsMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS115
1828Thakur, A; Ghosh, D; Devi, P; Kim, KH; Kumar, P2020Current progress and challenges in photoelectrode materials for the production of hydrogenCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL397
1829Partap, M; Kumar, P; Kumar, A; Joshi, R; Kumar, D; Warghat, AR2020Effect of Elicitors on Morpho-Physiological Performance and Metabolites Enrichment inValeriana jatamansiCultivated Under Aeroponic ConditionsFRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE11
1830Nair, JB; Joseph, MM; Arya, JS; Sreedevi, P; Sujai, PT; Maiti, KK2020Elucidating a Thermoresponsive Multimodal Photo-Chemotherapeutic Nanodelivery Vehicle to Overcome the Barriers of Doxorubicin TherapyACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124336543379
1831Khedia, J; Dangariya, M; Nakum, AK; Agarwal, P; Panda, A; Parida, AK; Gangapur, DR; Meena, R; Agarwal, PK2020Sargassumseaweed extract enhancesMacrophomina phaseolinaresistance in tomato by regulating phytohormones and antioxidative activityJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYCOLOGY3243734384
1832Dash, S; Mohanty, HS; Ravikant; Kumar, A; Thomas, R; Pradhan, DKSep-20Ferroelectric ceramic dispersion to enhance the beta phase of polymer for improving dielectric and ferroelectric properties of the compositesPOLYMER BULLETIN10.1007/s00289-020-03372-4
1833Bangar, PG; Nahide, PD; Meroliya, HK; Waghmode, SA; Iyer, S2021Oxime ligands for Pd catalysis of the Mizoroki-Heck reaction, Suzuki-Miyaura coupling & annulation reactionsSYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS51308316
1834Rao, RS; Suman; Singh, SP2020Near-Infrared (>1000 nm) Light-Harvesters: Design, Synthesis and ApplicationsCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL261658216593
1835Das, SK; Kamila, S; Satpati, B; Kandasamy, M; Chakraborty, B; Basu, S; Jena, BK2020Hollow Mn3O4 nanospheres on graphene matrix for oxygen reduction reaction and supercapacitance applications: Experimental and theoretical insightJOURNAL OF POWER SOURCES471
1836Farooq, S; Qayum, A; Nalli, Y; Lauro, G; Chini, MG; Bifulco, G; Chaubey, A; Singh, SK; Riyaz-Ul-Hassan, S; Ali, A2020Discovery of a Secalonic Acid Derivative from Aspergillus aculeatus, an Endophyte of Rosa damascena Mill., Triggers Apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 Triple Negative Breast Cancer CellsACS OMEGA52429624310
1837Kadiyala, V; Kumar, PB; Sunil, K; Raju, CE; Sridhar, B; Karunakar, GV2020Gold(iii) promoted formation of dihydroquinazolinones: double X-H activation by goldRSC ADVANCES103568135691
1838Srivastava, S; Jain, SK; Gupta, G; Senguttuvan, TD; Gupta, BK2020Boron-doped few-layer graphene nanosheet gas sensor for enhanced ammonia sensing at room temperature (vol 10, pg 1007, 2020)RSC ADVANCES103595735957
1839Sharma, P; Sharma, MM; Kumar, K; Kumar, M; Awana, VPS2021Excited-state dynamics of structurally characterized crystal of SnxSb1-xJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE5615271536
1840Tanna, B; Yadav, S; Mishra, A2020Anti-proliferative and ROS-inhibitory activities reveal the anticancer potential ofCaulerpaspeciesMOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS4774037411
1841Sachdev, A; Samanta, P; Kumar, V; Garima; Kandhal, K; Matai, I2020PMAA-CeO2 nanoparticle-based paper microfluidic device with customized image processing software for antioxidant assayANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY41281978209
1842Lal, M; Baruah, J; Begum, T; Pandey, SK2020Identification of a Novel Myrcene and Methyliso-Eugenol Rich Essential Oil Variant (Jor Lab L-11) of Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosusL.)JOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL BEARING PLANTS23660668
1843Uppin, V; Acharya, P; Bheemanakere, KB; Talahalli, RR2020Hyperlipidemia Downregulate Brain Antioxidant Defense Enzymes and Neurotrophins in Rats: Assessment of the Modulatory Potential of EPA plus DHA and ZerumboneMOLECULAR NUTRITION & FOOD RESEARCH64
1844Walia, S; Bhatt, V; Kumar, R2020Influence of Drying Processing on Essential Oil Yield and Composition of Wild Marigold (Tagetes minutaL.) in the Western HimalayasJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL BEARING PLANTS23686696
1845Kumar, S; Gangwar, LK; Bawa, A; Choudhary, A; Rajesh; Singh, SP; Biradar, AM2020Correlation between alignment geometries and memory effect in a surface-stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystalPHYSICAL REVIEW E102
1846Bosubabu, D; Ette, PM; Kumar, AKN; Arulraj, A; Ramesha, K2020Proliferation of Atomic Shuffling through Mechanical Stress on Cationic Disorder Li4FeMoO6 as a Cathode Material for a Lithium-Ion BatteryACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS387168724
1847Sharma, A; Mahajan, C; Rath, AK2020Reduction of Trap and Polydispersity in Mutually Passivated Quantum Dot Solar CellsACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS389038911
1848Gupta, MVNS; Baig, H; Reddy, KS; Mallick, TK; Pesala, B; Tahir, AA2020Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting Using a Concentrated Solar Flux-Assisted LaFeO3 PhotocathodeACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS390029009
1849Jamali, MF; Vaishanv, NK; Mohanan, K2020The Bestmann-Ohira Reagent and Related Diazo Compounds for the Synthesis of AzaheterocyclesCHEMICAL RECORD2013941408
1850Dey, J; Alam, MT; Chandra, S; Gupta, J; Ray, U; Srivastava, AK; Tripathi, PP2021Neuroinvasion of SARS-CoV-2 may play a role in the breakdown of the respiratory center of the brainJOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY9312961303
1851Aggarwal, N; Gupta, G2020Enlightening gallium nitride-based UV photodetectorsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C81234812354
1852Sarkar, W; Bhowmik, A; Das, S; Sulekha, AB; Mishra, A; Deb, I2020Iridium-catalyzed direct C-H arylation of cyclic N-sulfonyl ketimines with arylsiloxanes at ambient temperatureORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1870747078
1853Shaifali; Sheetal; Bains, R; Kumar, A; Ram, S; Das, P2020Supported palladium catalyzed aminocarbonylation of aryl iodides employing bench-stable CO and NH3 surrogatesORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1871937200
1854Rapelli, C; Sridhar, B; Reddy, BVS2020Tandem Prins cyclization for the synthesis of indole fused spiro-1,4-diazocane scaffolds (vol 18, pg 6710, 2020)ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1872247224
1855Valappil, PK; Rajasree, KP; Abraham, A; Christopher, M; Sukumaran, RK2020Characterization of a glucose tolerant beta-glucosidase from Aspergillus unguis with high potential as a blend-in for biomass hydrolyzing enzyme cocktails (vol 41, pg 1201, 2019)BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS4227592759
1856Manasa, V; Vaishnav, SR; Tumaney, AWSep-20Physicochemical characterization and nutraceutical compounds of the selected spice fixed oilsJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE10.1007/s13197-020-04813-8
1857Duraisamy, V; Krishnan, R; Kumar, SMS2020N-Doped Hollow Mesoporous Carbon Nanospheres for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Alkaline MediaACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS388758887
1858Sangwan, R; Khanam, A; Mandal, PK2020An Overview on the ChemicalN-Functionalization of Sugars and Formation ofN-GlycosidesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY202059495977
1859Vaishanv, NK; Chandrasekharan, SP; Zaheer, MK; Kant, R; Mohanan, K2020Substrate-controlled, PBu3-catalyzed annulation of phenacylmalononitriles with allenoates enables tunable access to cyclopentenesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS561105411057
1860Pandey, A; Hussain, S; Nair, P; Dasgupta, R2020Influence of niobium and silver on mechanical properties and shape memory behavior of Cu-12Al-4Mn alloysJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS836
1861Patil, MK; Gaikwad, SH; Mukherjee, SP2020Phase- and Morphology-Controlled Synthesis of Tunable Plasmonic MoO3-x Nanomaterials for Ultrasensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy DetectionJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C1242108221093
1862Pattanaik, PP; Kumar, PM; Raju, N; Lingaiah, N2021Continuous Synthesis of Glycerol Carbonate by Transesterification of Glycerol with Dimethyl Carbonate Over Fe-La Mixed Oxide CatalystsCATALYSIS LETTERS15114331443
1863Kumar, V; Lade, S; Yadav, HK2021Evaluation of genetic diversity inLepidium sativumL. germplasm based on multivariate analysisGENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION68809820
1864Krishnamurthi, V; Khan, H; Ahmed, T; Zavabeti, A; Tawfik, SA; Jain, SK; Spencer, MJS; Balendhran, S; Crozier, KB; Li, ZY; Fu, L; Mohiuddin, M; Low, MX; Shabbir, B; Boes, A; Mitchell, A; McConville, CF; Li, YX; Kalantar-Zadeh, K; Mahmood, N; Walia, S2020Liquid-Metal Synthesized Ultrathin SnS Layers for High-Performance Broadband PhotodetectorsADVANCED MATERIALS32
1865Rajam, SSN; Mohandas, KN; Vellolipadikkal, H; Leena, SV; Suresh, VK; Kaliyathan, RN; Nair, RS; Lankalapalli, RS; Velandy, RM2020Spice-infused palmyra palm syrup improved cell-mediated immunity in Wistar Albino ratsJOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY44
1866Bherwani, H; Gupta, A; Anjum, S; Anshul, A; Kumar, R2020Exploring dependence of COVID-19 on environmental factors and spread prediction in IndiaNPJ CLIMATE AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE3
1867Sharma, S; Dutta, NB; Bhuyan, M; Das, B; Baishya, G2020tert-Butylhydroperoxide (TBHP) mediated oxidative cross-dehydrogenative coupling of quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones with 4-hydroxycoumarins, 4-hydroxy-6-methyl-2pyrone and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone under metal-free conditions (vol 18, pg 6537, 2020)ORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1869656966
1868Biswas, B; Bisht, Y; Kumar, J; Yenumala, SR; Bhaskar, TSep-20Effects of temperature and solvent on hydrothermal liquefaction of the corncob for production of phenolic monomersBIOMASS CONVERSION AND BIOREFINERY10.1007/s13399-020-01012-5
1869Sharma, A; Badola, PK; Bhatia, C; Sharma, D; Trivedi, PK2020Primary transcript of miR858 encodes regulatory peptide and controls flavonoid biosynthesis and development inArabidopsisNATURE PLANTS61262+
1870Dwivedi, V; Rao, S; Bomzan, DP; Kumar, SR; Shanmugam, PV; Olsson, SB; Nagegowda, DA2021Functional characterization of a defense-responsive bulnesol/elemol synthase from potatoPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM171721
1871Gani, U; Vishwakarma, RA; Misra, P2021Membrane transporters: the key drivers of transport of secondary metabolites in plantsPLANT CELL REPORTS40118
1872Rawat, D; Kumar, R; Subbarayappa, A2020Visible-light induced phosphonation of quinoxalines and quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones under aerobic metal-free conditionsGREEN CHEMISTRY2261706175
1873Roy, D; Verma, A; Banerjee, A; Saha, S; Panda, G2020Metal free highly efficient C-N bond formation through 1,6-addition: synthesis and photophysical studies of diaryl methyl amino acid esters (DMAAEs)NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441485914864
1874Ghosh, P; Paul, S; Dey, D; Jana, S; Roy, BG; Mukhopadhyay, SK; Banerjee, P2020Engineering bio-molecular device with biocompatible sensor via symmetric encryption-decryption of spectroscopic signals towards F(-)detection and Zn2+ recognition by the imine hydrolysis pathwayNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441525115259
1875Kumar, V; Nagal, V; Kumar, R; Srivastava, S; Gupta, BK; Kumar, M; Hafiz, AK; Singh, K2020Influence of the rate of radiation energy on the charge-carrier kinetics application of all-inorganic CsPbBr3 perovskite nanocrystalRSC ADVANCES103465134657
1876Sekhar, KPC; Solanki, V; Patel, D; Holey, SA; Nayak, RR2020Binary mixture of short and long chain glycolipids and its enhanced surface activityCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES A-PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS601
1877Ehtesham, B; John, T; Yadav, S; Singh, HK; Mandal, G; Singh, N2020Journey of Kilogram from Physical Constant to Universal Physical Constant (h) via Artefact: A Brief ReviewMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35585593
1878Mallisetty, PK; Samanta, P; Murmu, NC2020Nonlinear transient analysis of rigid rotor mounted on externally pressurized double-layered porous gas journal bearings accounting velocity slipJOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING42
1879Sadat, A; Tiwari, S; Verma, K; Ray, A; Ali, M; Upadhyay, V; Singh, A; Chaphalkar, A; Ghosh, A; Chakraborty, R; Chakraborty, K; Mapa, K2020GROEL/ES Buffers Entropic Traps in Folding Pathway during Evolution of a Model SubstrateJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY43256495664
1880Parmar, D; Kumar, R; Kumar, R; Sharma, U2020Ru(II)-Catalyzed Chemoselective C(sp(3))-H Monoarylation of 8-Methyl Quinolines with Arylboronic AcidsJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851184411855
1881Shukla, CA; Atapalkar, RS; Kulkarni, AA2020Efficient Processing of Reactions Involving Diazonium Salts: Meerwein Arylation in an Impinging-Jet ReactorORGANIC PROCESS RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT2416581664
1882Jain, S; Sharma, SK; Vijayan, N; Mandal, TK2021Investigating the seasonal variability in source contribution to PM(2.5)and PM(10)using different receptor models during 2013-2016 in Delhi, IndiaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH2846604675
1883Ahmad, J; Akula, A; Mulaveesala, R; Sardana, HK2020Probability of detection of deep defects in steel samples using Barker coded independent component thermographyELECTRONICS LETTERS5610051006
1884Sandhiya, M; Balaji, SS; Sathish, M2020Boosting the Energy Density of Flexible Supercapacitors by Redox-Additive HydrogelsENERGY & FUELS341153611546
1885Dolui, AK; Vijayakumar, AK; Rajasekharan, R; Vijayaraj, P2020Activity-based protein profiling of rice (Oryza sativa L.) bran serine hydrolasesSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1886Somayaji, M; Bhuyan, MK; Bourquard, F; Velpula, PK; D'Amico, C; Colombier, JP; Stoian, R2020Multiscale electronic and thermomechanical dynamics in ultrafast nanoscale laser structuring of bulk fused silicaSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1887Sharma, MK; Suru, A; Joshi, A; Kulkarni, AA2020A Novel Flow Reactor for Handling Suspensions: Hydrodynamics and Performance EvaluationINDUSTRIAL & ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY RESEARCH591646216472
1888Vij, M; Yadav, H; Vashistha, N; Kumari, M; Verma, HK; Kumar, P; Maurya, KK2020Crystal structure, Hirshfeld surface analysis and thermal behavior of diisopropylammonium succinate, a novel third-order nonlinear optical crystalJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE551690016913
1889Agarwal, P; Pathak, S; Kumar, RS; Dhar, YV; Shukla, S; Asif, MH; Trivedi, PK2020Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase,PsDeHase,from opium poppy: putative involvement in papaverine biosynthesisPLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE143431440
1890Sharma, A; Mishra, T; Thacker, G; Mishra, M; Narender, T; Trivedi, AK2020Chebulinic acid inhibits MDA-MB-231 breast cancer metastasis and promotes cell death through down regulation of SOD1 and induction of autophagyCELL BIOLOGY INTERNATIONAL4425532569
1891Kishore, K; Akbar, SA2020Evolution of Lock-In Amplifier as Portable Sensor Interface Platform: A ReviewIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL201034510354
1892Sundar, S; Ganesh, V2020Bio-assisted preparation of efficiently architectured nanostructures of gamma-Fe2O3 as a molecular recognition platform for simultaneous detection of biomarkersSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
1893Kumar, S; Manikandan, VS; Panda, SK; Senanayak, SP; Palai, AK2020Probing synergistic outcome of graphene derivatives in solid-state polymer electrolyte and Pt-free counter electrode on photovoltaic performancesSOLAR ENERGY208949956
1894Andharia, JK; Bhattacharya, P; Maiti, S2020Development and performance analysis of a mixed mode solar thermal dryer for drying of natural rubber sheets in the north-eastern part of IndiaSOLAR ENERGY20810911102
1895Chidambaram, H; Das, R; Chinnathambi, S2020Interaction of Tau with the chemokine receptor, CX3CR1 and its effect on microglial activation, migration and proliferationCELL AND BIOSCIENCE10
1896Maharana, R; Basu, A; Dhal, NK; Adak, T2021Biosolubilization of rock phosphate byPleurotus ostreatuswith brewery sludge and its effect on the growth of maize (Zea maysL.)JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION44395410
1897Chibber, P; Haq, SA; Ahmed, I; Andrabi, NI; Singh, G2020Advances in the possible treatment of COVID-19: A reviewEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY883
1898Neipihoi; Narzary, B; Saikia, S; Saikia, S; Tamuli, KJ; Sahoo, RK; Dutta, D; Bordoloi, MSep-20Anticancer and antimicrobial compounds fromCroton caudatusGieseler andEurya acuminataDC: Two edible plants used in the traditional medicine of the Kuki tribesNATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH10.1080/14786419.2020.1815737
1899Faujdar, E; Negi, H; Bhonsle, A; Atray, N; Singh, RK2021Efficiency of Dodecenylsuccinic Amide of n-Phenyl-p-Phenylenediammine as Novel Multifunctional Lubricant Additive for Deposit Control and LubricityJOURNAL OF SURFACTANTS AND DETERGENTS24173184
1900Syed, AA; Reza, MI; Shafiq, M; Kumariya, S; Singh, P; Husain, A; Hanif, K; Gayen, JR2020Naringin ameliorates type 2 diabetes mellitus-induced steatohepatitis by inhibiting RAGE/NF-kappa B mediated mitochondrial apoptosisLIFE SCIENCES257
1901Thacker, G; Mishra, M; Sharma, A; Singh, AK; Sanyal, S; Trivedi, AK2020E3 ligase SCFSKP2 ubiquitinates and degrades tumor suppressor C/EBP alpha in acute myeloid leukemiaLIFE SCIENCES257
1902Khanppnavar, B; Roy, A; Chandra, K; Uversky, VN; Maiti, NC; Datta, S2020Deciphering the structural intricacy in virulence effectors for proton-motive force mediated unfolding in type-III protein secretionINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES1591833
1903Chandan; Dey, S; Kumar, PS; Reddy, KS; Pesala, B2020Optical and electrical performance investigation of truncated 3X non-imaging low concentrating photovoltaic-thermal systemsENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT220
1904Kundu, B; Sarkar, D; Chowdhuri, SP; Pal, S; Das, SK; Das, BB; Talukdar, A2020Development of a metabolically stable topoisomerase I poison as anticancer agentEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY202
1905Saini, S; Rani, L; Shukla, N; Banerjee, M; Chowdhuri, DK; Gautam, NK2020Development of a Drosophila melanogaster based model for the assessment of cadmium and mercury mediated renal tubular toxicityECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY201
1906Ghosh, S; Samanta, P; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2020Investigation of electrochemical charge storage in nickel-cobalt-selenide/reduced graphene oxide composite electrode and its hybrid supercapacitor deviceJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS835
1907Sarkar, O; Katari, JK; Chatterjee, S; Mohan, SV2020Salinity induced acidogenic fermentation of food waste regulates biohydrogen production and volatile fatty acids profileFUEL276
1908Upadhyay, R; Kumar, R; Jangra, M; Rana, R; Nayal, OS; Nandanwar, H; Maurya, SK2020Synthesis of Bioactive Complex Small Molecule-Ciprofloxacin Conjugates and Evaluation of Their Antibacterial ActivityACS COMBINATORIAL SCIENCE22440445
1909Varghese, SJ; Surendran, S; Ajithkumar, B; Rajendran, K; Kitoh, A2020Future changes in rice yield over Kerala using climate change scenario from high resolution global climate model projectionJOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE129
1910Mathimaran, A; Kumar, A; Prajapati, G; Ampapathi, RS; Bora, HK; Guha, R2021Partially saturated canthaxanthin alleviates aging-associated oxidative stress ind-galactose administered male wistar ratsBIOGERONTOLOGY221934
1911Babu, DS; Kadaverugu, R; Nidheesh, PV; Kumar, MS2020Importance of Chloride Addition on Arsenite Removal by Aluminium ElectrocoagulationCHEMISTRYSELECT51056710573
1912Garg, D; Matai, I; Garg, A; Sachdev, A2020Tragacanth Hydrogel Integrated CeO2@rGO Nanocomposite as Reusable Photocatalysts for Organic Dye DegradationCHEMISTRYSELECT51066310672
1913Mangaonkar, SR; Shetgaonkar, SE; Vernekar, AA; Singh, FV2020Ultrasonic-Assisted Hypervalent Iodine-Catalyzed Cyclization of (E)-2-Hydroxystilbenes to Benzofurans Using Iodobenzene as Pre-catalystCHEMISTRYSELECT51075410758
1914Juneja, S; Kumar, SSep-20Effect of Power on Crystallinity and Opto-Electronic Properties of Silicon Thin Films Grown Using VHF PECVD ProcessSILICON10.1007/s12633-020-00697-7
1915Bej, S; Hazra, A; Das, R; Saha, SK; Corbella, M; Banerjee, P2020Exploratory studies of a multidimensionally talented simple Mn-II-based porous network: selective turn-on recognition @ cysteine over homocysteine with an indication of cystinuria and renal dysfunctionNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441471214722
1916Rapelli, C; Sridhar, B; Reddy, BVS2020Tandem Prins cyclization for the synthesis of indole fused spiro-1,4-diazocane scaffoldsORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1867106715
1917Vats, G; Ravikant; Schoenherr, P; Kumar, A; Seidel, J2020Low-Pressure Mechanical Switching of Ferroelectric Domains in PbZr0.48Ti0.52O3ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS6
1918Yadav, A; Tandon, A; Seth, B; Goyal, S; Singh, SJ; Tiwari, SK; Agarwal, S; Nair, S; Chaturvedi, RK2021Cypermethrin Impairs Hippocampal Neurogenesis and Cognitive Functions by Altering Neural Fate Decisions in the Rat BrainMOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY58263280
1919Revathy, R; Varma, MR; Surendran, KP2021Observation of Cluster Glass and Griffiths-like Phase in Fe(3)O(4)NanostructuresPHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS258
1920Raj, R; Kaur, C; Srivastava, A; Kumar, S; Raj, SK2020Sequence analyses of RT-PCR products obtained from seven infected leaf samples revealed existence of three potyvirus species in Indian narcissus (Narcissus tazetta L.)3 BIOTECH10
1921Kumari, M; Vijayan, N; Sharma, E; Nayak, D; Yadav, S; Das, S; Pant, RP2020Synthesis and growth ofl-tyrosine hydrobromide and its characterization for optoelectronic applicationsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS311852418532
1922Natarajan, B; Arige, V; Khan, AA; Reddy, SS; Barthwal, MK; Mahapatra, NR2021Hypoxia-mediated regulation of mitochondrial transcription factors in renal epithelial cells: implications for hypertensive renal physiologyHYPERTENSION RESEARCH44154167
1923Santhosh, S; Kumar, AKN; Kennedy, J; Subramanian, B2020Electrochromic response of pulsed laser deposited oxygen deficient monoclinic beta-moO(3) thin filmsELECTROCHIMICA ACTA354
1924Murmu, M; Sengupta, S; Pal, R; Mandal, S; Murmu, NC; Banerjee, P2020Efficient tribological properties of azomethine-functionalized chitosan as a bio-lubricant additive in paraffin oil: experimental and theoretical analysisRSC ADVANCES103340133416
1925Agarwal, PB; Sharma, R; Mishra, D; Thakur, NK; Agarwal, A; Ajayaghosh, A2020Silicon Shadow Mask Technology for Aligning and In Situ Sorting of Semiconducting SWNTs for Sensitivity Enhancement: A Case Study of NO2 Gas SensorACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES124090140909
1926Singhania, A; Ghosh, I; Sahoo, P; Fujita, D; Ghosh, S; Bandyopadhyay, A2020Radio Waveguide-Double Ratchet Rotors Work in Unison on a Surface to Convert Heat into PowerNANO LETTERS2068916898
1927Narang, A; Uppilli, B; Vivekanand, A; Naushin, S; Yadav, A; Singhal, K; Shamim, U; Sharma, P; Zahra, S; Mathur, A; Seth, M; Parveen, S; Vats, A; Hillman, S; Dolma, P; Varma, B; Jain, V; Prasher, B; Sengupta, S; Mukerji, M; Faruq, M2020Frequency spectrum of rare and clinically relevant markers in multiethnic Indian populations (ClinIndb): A resource for genomic medicine in IndiaHUMAN MUTATION4118331847
1928Kundu, K; Ghosh, A; Ray, A; Das, S; Chakraborty, J; Kumar, S; Prasad, NE; Banerjee, R2020Boron-doped silicon carbide (SiC) thin film on silicon (Si): a novel electrode material for supercapacitor applicationJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS311794317952
1929Medishetti, N; Kale, A; Nanubolu, JB; Atmakur, K2020Iron(III)chloride induced synthesis of pyrazolopyridines & quinolinesSYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS5036423651
1930Chokshi, K; Pancha, I; Trivedi, K; Maurya, R; Ghosh, A; Mishra, S2020Physiological responses of the green microalgaAcutodesmus dimorphusto temperature induced oxidative stress conditionsPHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM170462473
1931Sharma, I; Papanai, GS; Paul, SJ; Gupta, BK2020Partial Pressure Assisted Growth of Single-Layer Graphene Grown by Low-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition: Implications for High-Performance Graphene FET DevicesACS OMEGA52210922118
1932Gogoi, J; Rana, TS2020The rediscovery of Uraria lacei Craib (Leguminosae) after 67 years from IndiaPHYTOKEYS10.3897/phytokeys.160.5423799107
1933Silpa, K; Earnest, A2020A note on stress rotations due to the 2004M(w)9.2 Sumatra-Andaman megathrust earthquakeJOURNAL OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE129
1934Shamsa, K; Rajaitha, PSM; Vinoth, S; Murugan, C; Rameshkumar, P; Pandikumar, A2020In situ formed zinc oxide/graphitic carbon nitride nanohybrid for the electrochemical determination of 4-nitrophenolMICROCHIMICA ACTA187
1935Kundu, R2020Cationic Amphiphilic Peptides: Synthetic Antimicrobial Agents Inspired by NatureCHEMMEDCHEM1518871896
1936Joseph, JE; Mary, PR; Haritha, KV; Panwar, D; Kapoor, M2021Soluble and Cross-Linked Aggregated Forms of alpha-Galactosidase from Vigna mungo Immobilized on Magnetic Nanocomposites: Improved Stability and ReusabilityAPPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY193238256
1937Singh, V; Kumar, V; Saini, A; Khosla, PK; Mishra, S2021Response analysis of MEMS based high-g acceleration threshold switch under mechanical shockINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND MATERIALS IN DESIGN17137151
1938Kallepu, S; Neeli, PK; Mallappa, S; Nagendla, NK; Mudiam, MKR; Mainkar, PS; Kotamraju, S; Chandrasekhar, S2020sp(3)-Rich Glycyrrhetinic Acid Analogues Using Late-Stage Functionalization as Potential Breast Tumor Regressing AgentsCHEMMEDCHEM1518261833
1939Yadav, A; Ambule, MD; Kant, R; Srivastava, AK2020Silver/Palladium Relay Catalyzed Cross-Coupling ofN'-Acetyl-8-quinolinesulfonylhydrazide with Alcohols: An Easy Access to 8-Quinolinesulfinate EstersEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY202057095713
1940Nadiveedhi, MR; Cirandur, SR; Akondi, SM2020Visible-light-promoted photocatalyst- and additive-free intermolecular trifluoromethyl-thio(seleno)cyanation of alkenesGREEN CHEMISTRY2255895593
1941Bhushan, M; Mani, M; Singh, AK; Panda, AB; Shahi, VK2020Self-standing polyaniline membrane containing quaternary ammonium groups loaded with hollow spherical NiCo(2)O(4)electrocatalyst for alkaline water electrolyserJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A81708917097
1942Sharma, S; Dutta, NB; Bhuyan, M; Das, B; Baishya, G2020tert-Butylhydroperoxide (TBHP) mediated oxidative cross-dehydrogenative coupling of quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones with 4-hydroxycoumarins, 4-hydroxy-6-methyl-2-pyrone and 2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinone under metal-free conditionsORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1865376548
1943Ragi, NC; Velma, GR; Pallerla, PK; Siddiqua, S; Alugonda, V; Rachamalla, HKR; Pabbaraja, S; Sripadi, P2020Identification and characterization of forced degradation products of vortioxetine by LC/MS/MS and NMRJOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS188
1944Sharma, A; Anand, SK; Singh, N; Dwivedi, UN; Kakkar, P2020Berbamine induced AMPK activation regulates mTOR/SREBP-1c axis and Nrf2/ARE pathway to allay lipid accumulation and oxidative stress in steatotic HepG2 cellsEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY882
1945Soni, Y; Pradhan, S; Bamnia, MK; Yadav, AK; Jha, SN; Bhattacharyya, D; Khan, TS; Haider, MA; Vinod, CP2020Spectroscopic Evidences for the Size Dependent Generation of Pd Species Responsible for the Low Temperature CO Oxidation Activity on Pd-SBA-15 NanocatalystAPPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL272
1946Sharma, A; Hazarika, H; Sarmah, M; Das, B; Gogoi, P2020Indane-Fused Spiropentadiene Chromanones: A Pd-Catalyzed Spiroannulation Followed by Cyclization via C-H Activation StrategyJOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY851138211395
1947Munakala, A; Gollapelli, KK; Nanubolu, JB; Chegondi, R2020Silver(I)-Catalyzed Oxidative Intramolecular Cyclopropanation: Access to Complex Tricyclo[]nonanediones via Semipinacol-Type RearrangementORGANIC LETTERS2270197024
1948Kidwai, M; Ahmad, IZ; Chakrabarty, D2020Class III peroxidase: an indispensable enzyme for biotic/abiotic stress tolerance and a potent candidate for crop improvementPLANT CELL REPORTS3913811393
1949Yadav, S; Kumar, R; Raj, KV; Yadav, P; Vanka, K; Sen, SS2020Amidinato Germylene-Zinc Complexes: Synthesis, Bonding, and ReactivityCHEMISTRY-AN ASIAN JOURNAL1531163121
1950Kumar, A; Katiyar, S; Kant, R; Sashidhara, KV2020Copper(II)-catalyzed decarboxylative cyclization for accessing biologically relevant 3-(2-furanyl) Indoles via 3-cyanoacetyl indoles and cinnamic acidsTETRAHEDRON76
1951Gogoi, B; Wann, SB; Saikia, SP2020Comparative assessment of ISSR, RAPD, and SCoT markers for genetic diversity inClerodendrumspecies of North East IndiaMOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS4773657377
1952Satpathy, R; Rani, S; Alam, Z; Besra, L2020Effectiveness of lanthanum zirconate and Yttria stabilised zirconia freestanding APS thermal barrier coatings against natural CMAS attack at high temperaturesMATERIALS AT HIGH TEMPERATURES37416424
1953Sarma, N; Begum, T; Pandey, SK; Gogoi, R; Munda, S; Lal, M2020Chemical Profiling of Leaf Essential Oil of Lantana camara Linn. From North-East IndiaJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL BEARING PLANTS2310351041
1954Das, P; Bhadra, MP2020Histone deacetylase (Rpd3) regulates Drosophila early brain development via regulation of TaillessOPEN BIOLOGY10
1955Kundu, K; Chakraborty, J; Kumar, S; Prasad, NE; Banerjee, R2020Enhancement of optical properties of boron-doped SiC thin film: a SiC QD effectBULLETIN OF MATERIALS SCIENCE43
1956Dhiman, AK; Thakur, A; Kumar, R; Sharma, U2020Rhodium-Catalyzed Selective C-H Bond Functionalization of QuinolinesASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY915021518
1957Kar, SS; Swamy, AK; Tiwari, D; Jain, PK2020Impact of Chemical Composition on Foaming Characteristics of Asphalt BinderJOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING PART B-PAVEMENTS146
1958Nabeela, K; Thomas, RT; Mohamed, AP; Pillai, S2020Nanocellulose-silver ensembles for ultrasensitive SERS: An investigation on the role of nanocellulose fibers in the generation of high-density hotspotsAPPLIED MATERIALS TODAY20
1959Rajaram, R; Kanagavalli, P; Senthilkumar, S; Mathiyarasu, J2020Au Nanoparticle-decorated Nanoporous PEDOT Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode: A New Electrochemical Sensing Platform for the Detection of GlutathioneBIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING25715723
1960Singh, B; Singh, B; Kishor, A; Singh, S; Bhat, MN; Surmal, O; Musarella, CM2020Exploring Plant-Based Ethnomedicine and Quantitative Ethnopharmacology: Medicinal Plants Utilized by the Population of Jasrota Hill in Western HimalayaSUSTAINABILITY12
1961Anas, M; Shukla, A; Tripathi, A; Kumari, V; Prakash, C; Nag, P; Kumar, LS; Sharma, SK; Ramachandran, R; Kumar, N2020Structural-functional diversity of malaria parasite's PfHSP70-1 and PfHSP40 chaperone pair gives an edge over human orthologs in chaperone-assisted protein foldingBIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL47736253643
1962Lee, JS; Song, IH; Shinde, PB; Nimse, SB2020Macrocycles and Supramolecules as Antioxidants: Excellent Scaffolds for Development of Potential Therapeutic AgentsANTIOXIDANTS9
1963Saikia, M; Kakati, N; Baruah, U; Phukan, L; Saikia, PJ; Baruah, SD2020Polyolefin Based Copolymers as Matrix Component in Coir Fiber Reinforced CompositesFIBERS AND POLYMERS2120422054
1964Shitole, AA; Sharma, N; Giram, P; Khandwekar, A; Baruah, M; Garnaik, B; Koratkar, S2020LHRH-conjugated, PEGylated, poly-lactide-co-glycolide nanocapsules for targeted delivery of combinational chemotherapeutic drugs Docetaxel and Quercetin for prostate cancerMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS114
1965Arelli, V; Juntupally, S; Begum, S; Anupoju, GR2020Significance of Pretreatment in Enhancing the Performance of Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Food Waste: An Insight on Full Scale Implementation Strategy with Theoretical AnalogyPROCESSES8
1966Saurabh, R; Nandi, S; Sinha, N; Shukla, M; Sarkar, RR2020Prediction of survival rate and effect of drugs on cancer patients with somatic mutations of genes: An AI-based approachCHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN9610051019
1967Dubey, R; Kumar, R2020Comparison of sensitivity to beam collimation of the holographic shearing interferometer with the wedge plate shearing interferometer and the Talbot shearing interferometerJOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION37B36B45
1968Katturi, NK; Reddy, G; Biswas, C; Raavi, SSK; Giribabu, L; Soma, VR2020Ultrafast nonlinear optical properties and excited-state dynamics of Soret-band excited D-pi-D porphyrinsOPTICAL MATERIALS107
1969Sharma, S; Bhat, R; Singh, R; Sharma, S; Wazir, P; Singh, PP; Vishwakarma, RA; Khan, IA2020High-throughput screening of compounds library to identify novel inhibitors against latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis using streptomycin-dependent Mycobacterium tuberculosis 18b strain as a modelTUBERCULOSIS124
1970Dharaskar, SP; Paithankar, K; Vijayavittal, AK; Kara, HS; Subbarao, SA2020Mitochondrial chaperone, TRAP1 modulates mitochondrial dynamics and promotes tumor metastasisMITOCHONDRION5492101
1971Aatif, M; Tiwari, JP2020A facile approach for enhancing device performance of excitonic solar cells with an innovative SnO2/TCNE electron transport layerAIP ADVANCES10
1972Raj, PS; Krishna, KS; Raghu, KG2020Cardioprotective, alpha glucosidase inhibition activity and antioxidant potential of boeravinone B, a rotenoid isolated from Berhaavia diffusa LinGENES & DISEASES7468468
1973Nair, JB; Mohapatra, S; Joseph, MM; Maniganda, S; Gupta, V; Ghosh, S; Maiti, KK2020Tracking the Footprints of Paclitaxel Delivery and Mechanistic Action via SERS Trajectory in Glioblastoma CellsACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING652545263
1974Nutan, B; Chandel, AKS; Biswas, A; Kumar, A; Yadav, A; Maiti, P; Jewrajka, SK2020Gold Nanoparticle Promoted Formation and Biological Properties of Injectable HydrogelsBIOMACROMOLECULES2137823794
1975Kothari, P; Sinha, S; Sardar, A; Tripathi, AK; Girme, A; Adhikary, S; Singh, R; Maurya, R; Mishra, PR; Hingorani, L; Trivedi, R2020Inhibition of cartilage degeneration and subchondral bone deterioration bySpinacia oleraceain human mimic of ACLT-induced osteoarthritisFOOD & FUNCTION1182738285
1976Vinoth, S; Rajaitha, PM; Venkadesh, A; Devi, KSS; Radhakrishnan, S; Pandikumar, A2020Nickel sulfide-incorporated sulfur-doped graphitic carbon nitride nanohybrid interface for non-enzymatic electrochemical sensing of glucoseNANOSCALE ADVANCES242424250
1977Natarajan, K; Dave, S; Bajaj, HC; Tayade, RJ2020Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of nitrobenzene using MWCNT/beta-ZnMoO4 composites under UV light emitting diodes (LEDs)MATERIALS TODAY CHEMISTRY17
1978Deepthi, K; Stamm, M; Gowd, EB2020Factors influencing the formation of block copolymer-based supramolecular assemblies in bulk and thin filmsMATERIALS TODAY COMMUNICATIONS24
1979Mukhopadhyay, S; Barak, DS; Karthik, R; Verma, SK; Bhatta, RS; Goyal, N; Batra, S2020Antileishmanial assessment of isoxazole derivatives againstL. donovaniRSC MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY1110531062
1980Turanelloormana, P; Sarmah, S; Torris, A; Bhat, SD; Unni, SM2020Functionalized Single-Walled Carbon Nanohorns to Reinforce Sulfonated Poly(ether ether ketone) Electrolyte for Direct Methanol Fuel CellsCHEMELECTROCHEM736323636
1981Roy, S; Mohammad, T; Gupta, P; Dahiya, R; Parveen, S; Luqman, S; Hasan, GM; Hassan, I2020Discovery of Harmaline as a Potent Inhibitor of Sphingosine Kinase-1: A Chemopreventive Role in Lung CancerACS OMEGA52155021560
1982Nair, RV; Thomas, RT; Mohamed, AP; Pillai, S2020Fluorescent turn-off sensor based on sulphur-doped graphene quantum dots in colloidal and film forms for the ultrasensitive detection of carbamate pesticidesMICROCHEMICAL JOURNAL157
1983Chouhan, A; Mungse, HP; Khatri, OP2020Surface chemistry of graphene and graphene oxide: A versatile route for their dispersion and tribological applicationsADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE283
1984Tanwar, J; Arora, S; Motiani, RK2020Orai3: Oncochannel with therapeutic potentialCELL CALCIUM90
1985Barsain, BL; Purohit, A; Kumar, A; Joshi, R; Hallan, V; Yadav, SK2020PkGPPS.SSU interacts with two PkGGPPS to form heteromeric GPPS in Picrorhiza kurrooa: Molecular insights into the picroside biosynthetic pathwayPLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY154115128
1986Singh, R; Bhardwaj, VK; Sharma, J; Purohit, R2020Identification of novel and selective agonists for ABA receptor PYL3PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY154387395
1987Gupta, SK; Sharma, M; Majumder, B; Maurya, VK; Deeba, F; Zhang, JL; Pandey, V2020Effects of ethylenediurea (EDU) on regulatory proteins in two maize (Zea mays L.) varieties under high tropospheric ozone phytotoxicityPLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY154675688
1988Matai, I; Kaur, G; Soni, S; Sachdev, A; Vikas; Mishra, S2020Near-infrared stimulated hydrogel patch for photothermal therapeutics and thermoresponsive drug deliveryJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY210
1989Porwal, K; Pal, S; Kulkarni, C; Singh, P; Sharma, S; Singh, P; Prajapati, G; Gayen, JR; Ampapathi, RS; Mullick, A; Chattopadhyay, N2020A prebiotic, short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides promotes peak bone mass and maintains bone mass in ovariectomized rats by an osteogenic mechanismBIOMEDICINE & PHARMACOTHERAPY129
1990Srivastava, R; Alam, MS2020Spectroscopic studies of the aggregation behavior of Human Serum Albumin and cetyltrimethylammonium bromideINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES158394400
1991Ganesan, SK; Venkatratnam, P; Mahendra, J; Devarajan, N2020Increased mortality of COVID-19 infected diabetes patients: role of furin proteasesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OBESITY4424862488
1992Siyanbola, TO; Enishetty, R; Kumar, R; James, OO; Olasehinde, GI; Kaki, S; Narayan, R; Raju, KVSN2021Specific crosslinking effects of poly(epichlorohydrin)-triol on urethane polymer matrix of castor seed oil-based coatingsJOURNAL OF COATINGS TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH18129141
1993Patil, GV; Joshi, RS; Kazi, RS; Kulsange, SE; Kulkarni, MJ2020A possible role of glycation in the regulation of amyloid beta precursor protein processing leading to amyloid beta accumulationMEDICAL HYPOTHESES142
1994Sharma, J; Purohit, R; Hallan, V2020Conformational behavior of coat protein in plants and association with coat protein-mediated resistance against TMVBRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY51893908
1995Pathak, G; Singh, S; Kumari, P; Hussain, Y; Raza, W; Luqman, S; Meena, A2020Cirsilineol inhibits proliferation of lung squamous cell carcinoma by inducing ROS mediated apoptosisFOOD AND CHEMICAL TOXICOLOGY143
1996Javed; Mandal, PK2020Metal-free [3+2] cycloaddition of glycosyl olefinic ester with in situ generated CF3CHN2: Access to CF3-substituted pyrazoline glycoconjugatesCARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH495
1997Khanam, A; Tiwari, A; Mandal, PK2020Chiral auxiliaries: Usefullness in stereoselective glycosylation reactions and their synthetic applicationsCARBOHYDRATE RESEARCH495
1998Mahajan, M; Kuiry, R; Pal, PK2020Understanding the consequence of environmental stress for accumulation of secondary metabolites in medicinal and aromatic plantsJOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH ON MEDICINAL AND AROMATIC PLANTS18
1999Murmu, M; Saha, SK; Bhaumick, P; Murmu, NC; Hirani, H; Banerjee, P2020Corrosion inhibition property of azomethine functionalized triazole derivatives in 1 mol L-1 HCl medium for mild steel: Experimental and theoretical explorationJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS313
2000Suhasaria, A; Murmu, M; Satpati, S; Banerjee, P; Sukul, D2020Bis-benzothiazoles as efficient corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in aqueous HCl: Molecular structure-reactivity correlation studyJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS313
2001Sreevalsa, S; Ranjith, P; Ahmad, S; Sahoo, SK; Som, S; Pandey, MK; Das, S2020Host sensitized photoluminescence in Sr(2.9-3x/2)Ln(x)AlO(4)F: 0.1Eu(3+) (Ln = Gd, Y) for innovative flexible lighting applicationsCERAMICS INTERNATIONAL462144821460
2002Bharti, DK; Badatya, S; Tanwar, P; Tawale, J; Srivastava, AK; Gupta, MK2020Observation of anomalous phase transition and band gap shrinkage in zinc germanate nanorodsMATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING B-ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL SOLID-STATE MATERIALS259
2003Deka, D; Marwein, R; Chikkaputtaiah, C; Kaki, SS; Azmeera, T; Boruah, HPD; Velmurugan, N2020Strain improvement of long-chain fatty acids producing Micractinium sp. by flow cytometryPROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY9690101
2004Bandesh, K; Bharadwaj, D2020Genetic variants entail type 2 diabetes as an innate immune disorderBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS1868
2005Gohil, K; Rajput, V; Dharne, M2020Pan-genomics of Ochrobactrum species from clinical and environmental origins reveals distinct populations and possible linksGENOMICS11230033012
2006Mathur, M; Nair, A; Kadoo, N2020Plant-pathogen interactions: MicroRNA-mediated trans-kingdom gene regulation in fungi and their host plantsGENOMICS11230213035
2007Bhardwaj, VK; Purohit, R2020Structural changes induced by substitution of amino acid 129 in the coat protein of Cucumber mosaic virusGENOMICS11237293738
2008Shahabuddin, M; Alam, MT; Krishna, BB; Bhaskar, T; Perkins, G2020A review on the production of renewable aviation fuels from the gasification of biomass and residual wastesBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY312
2009Ganesh, P; Murthy, AR2020Fatigue performance of damaged RC beams rehabilitated with GGBS based ultra high performance concreteINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE138
2010Kumar, A; Dubey, AK; Kumar, V; Ansari, MA; Narayan, S; Meenakshi; Kumar, S; Pandey, V; Shirke, PA; Pande, V; Sanyal, I2020Overexpression of rice glutaredoxin genes LOC_Os02g40500 and LOC_ Os01g27140 regulate plant responses to drought stressECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY200
2011Prajesh, R; Goyal, V; Nahid, M; Saini, V; Singh, AK; Sharma, AK; Bhargava, J; Agarwal, A2020Nickel oxide (NiO) thin film optimization by reactive sputtering for highly sensitive formaldehyde sensingSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL318
2012Abraham, B; Reshmitha, TR; Navami, MM; George, L; Venugopalan, VV; Nisha, P2020Phytochemical rich extract from the spent material generated from Industrial Dashamoola preparation (a medicinal Ayurvedic decoction) with antioxidant, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory potentialINDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS151
2013Rathod, NH; Sharma, J; Raj, SK; Yadav, V; Rajput, A; Kulshrestha, V2020Fabrication of a Stable and Efficient Bipolar Membrane by Incorporation of Nano-MoS2 Interfacial Layer for Conversion of Salt into Corresponding Acid and Alkali by Water Dissociation Using ElectrodialysisACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING81301913029
2014Yadav, SK; Khatri, K; Rathore, MS; Jha, BAug-20Ectopic Expression of a Transmembrane Protein KaCyt b(6)from a Red SeaweedKappaphycus alvareziiin Transgenic Tobacco Augmented the Photosynthesis and GrowthDNA AND CELL BIOLOGY10.1089/dna.2020.5479
2015Negi, VS; Garg, H; Kumar, RRS; Karar, V; Tiwari, UK; Kim, DW2020Parametric removal rate survey study and numerical modeling for deterministic optics manufacturingOPTICS EXPRESS282673326749
2016Deshmukh, AB; Dwivedi, PK; Nalawade, AC; Qureshi, MS; Shelke, MV2020Highly durable Li-ion battery anode from Fe3O4 nanoparticles embedded in nitrogen-doped porous carbon with improved rate capabilitiesJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE551566715680
2017Kamaraj, R; Nesakumar, N; Vasudevan, S2020Nitrogen Doped Carbon Nanomaterial as Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Acidic Media: To use in Electro-FentonCHEMISTRYSELECT51003410040
2018Kumar, SS; Manasa, V; Tumaney, AW; Bettadaiah, BK; Chaudhari, SR; Giridhar, P2020Chemical composition, nutraceuticals characterization, NMR confirmation of squalene and antioxidant activities ofBasella rubraL. seed oilRSC ADVANCES103186331873
2019Bansal, M; Tandon, R; Saxena, R; Sharma, A; Sen, S; Kishore, A; Venkatesh, P; Maiti, S; Chakraborty, D2020Ophthalmic genetics practice and research in India: Vision in 2020AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL GENETICS PART C-SEMINARS IN MEDICAL GENETICS184718727
2020Murugesh, V; Singh, SP2020Lead-halides Perovskite Visible Light Photoredox Catalysts for Organic SynthesisCHEMICAL RECORD2011811197
2021Raval, J; Suryawanshi, NB; Kulkarni, AA2020Effect of physical properties of dispersed phase on the residence time distribution in straight capillariesCHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE222
2022Walia, S; Kumar, R2020Wild marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) an important industrial aromatic crop: liquid gold from the HimalayaJOURNAL OF ESSENTIAL OIL RESEARCH32373393
2023Sindu, BS; Sasmal, S2020Molecular dynamics simulations for evaluation of surfactant compatibility and mechanical characteristics of carbon nanotubes incorporated cementitious compositeCONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS253
2024Dhakate, R; Ratnalu, GV; Laxmankumar, D2020Evaluation of heavy metals contamination in soils at Peenya Industrial Area, Bengarulu, IndiaARABIAN JOURNAL OF GEOSCIENCES13
2025Das, T; Soren, K; Yerasi, M; Kamle, A; Kumar, A; Chakravarty, S2020Molecular Basis of Sex Difference in Neuroprotection induced by Hypoxia Preconditioning in ZebrafishMOLECULAR NEUROBIOLOGY5751775192
2026Goswami, L; Aggarwal, N; Singh, M; Verma, R; Vashishtha, P; Jain, SK; Tawale, J; Pandey, R; Gupta, G2020GaN Nanotowers Grown on Si (111) and Functionalized with Au Nanoparticles and ZnO Nanorods for Highly Responsive UV PhotodetectorsACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS381048116
2027Singh, AK; Maibam, A; Javaregowda, BH; Bisht, R; Kudlu, A; Krishnamurty, S; Krishnamoorthy, K; Nithyanandhan, J2020Unsymmetrical Squaraine Dyes for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: Position of the Anchoring Group Controls the Orientation and Self-Assembly of Sensitizers on the TiO2 Surface and Modulates Its Flat Band PotentialJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C1241843618451
2028Bhimala, KR; Rakesh, V; Prasad, KR; Mohapatra, GN2020Identification of vegetation responses to soil moisture, rainfall, and LULC over different meteorological subdivisions in India using remote sensing dataTHEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY1429871001
2029Rao, MVK; Reddy, KN; Sridhar, B; Reddy, BVS2020ortho-Alkylation of 2-arylindazoles with alpha-diazocarbonyl compoundsTETRAHEDRON LETTERS61
2030Bangar, PG; Jawalkar, PR; Dumbre, SR; Raut, PK; Patil, DJ; Tv, N; Sudhakaran, S; Iyer, S2020Mizoroki-Heck reaction of 1,2-disubstituted aryl alkenes: Variables of synthesis, solvent and ligand modulation of reactivitySYNTHETIC COMMUNICATIONS5037963803
2031Bag, D; Mahajan, S; Sawant, SD2020Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Carbohalogenative 1,2-Difunctionalization of C-C Multiple BondsADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS36239483970
2032Singh, VP; Pathania, AS; Kushwaha, M; Singh, S; Sharma, V; Malik, FA; Khan, IA; Kumar, A; Singh, D; Vishwakarma, RA202014-Residue peptaibol velutibol A fromTrichoderma velutinum: its structural and cytotoxic evaluationRSC ADVANCES103123331242
2033Sengupta, P; Agrawal, V; Prasad, BLV2020Development of a Smart Scaffold for Sequential Cancer Chemotherapy and Tissue EngineeringACS OMEGA52072420733
2034Bukya, H; Nayani, K; Gangireddy, P; Mainkar, PS2020Benzoisothiazolone (BIT): A Fast, Efficient, and Recyclable Redox Reagent for Solid Phase Peptide SynthesisEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY202053585362
2035Dar, MS; Dholakia, BB; Shanmugam, H; Gupta, VS; Subramanian, KS; Subramanian, J; Giri, AP2020Differential Modulation in Metabolites Revealed with the Improvement in the Shelf-Life of Alphonso FruitsMOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY62508520
2036Ansari, MY; Swarnkar, S; Kumar, A2020Stereoselective aminosulfonylation of alkynes: an approach to access (Z)-beta-amino vinylsulfonesCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5695619564
2037Dijith, KS; Aiswarya, R; Sruthi, CV; Pillai, S; Surendran, KP2020Nickel electrodeposited textiles as wearable radar invisible fabricsJOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY88196206
2038Jyoti, J; Arya, AK; Chockalingam, S; Yadav, SK; Subhedar, KM; Dhakate, SR; Singh, BP2020Mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of graphene oxide-carbon nanotube/ ABS hybrid polymer nanocompositesJOURNAL OF POLYMER RESEARCH27
2039Panda, S; Mallik, C; Nath, J; Das, T; Ramasamy, B2021A study on variation of atmospheric pollutants over Bhubaneswar during imposition of nationwide lockdown in India for the COVID-19 pandemicAIR QUALITY ATMOSPHERE AND HEALTH1497108
2040Govindaraj, GM; Jain, A; Peethambaran, G; Bhoyar, RC; Vellarikkal, SK; Ganapati, A; Sandhya, P; Edavazhippurath, A; Dhanasooraj, D; Puthenpurayil, JM; Chakkiyar, K; Mishra, A; Batra, A; Punnen, A; Kumar, S; Sivasubbu, S; Scaria, V2020Spectrum of clinical features and genetic variants in mevalonate kinase (MVK) gene of South Indian families suffering from Hyperimmunoglobulin D SyndromePLOS ONE15
2041Sharma, D; Sakthivel, A; Michelraj, S; Muthurasu, A; Ganesh, V2020Surfactant Intercalated Mono-metallic Cobalt Hydrotalcite: Preparation, Characterization, and its Bi-functional Electrocatalytic ApplicationCHEMISTRYSELECT596159622
2042Balaji, SS; Tauquir, SM; Karnan, M; Moorthy, M; Sathish, M2020Enhancement in the Specific Energy of B-doped Graphene Using Redox Additive ElectrolytesCHEMISTRYSELECT598259833
2043Veena, KS; Gopalan, G; Madhukrishnan, M; Varughese, S; Radhakrishnan, KV; Lankalapalli, RS2020Putative Biomimetic Route to 8-Oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane Motif from a Humulene Sesquiterpenoid ZerumboneORGANIC LETTERS2264096413
2044Deepthi, K; Raj, RBA; Prasad, VS; Gowd, EB2020Co-assembly of functionalized donor-acceptor molecules within block copolymer microdomains via the supramolecular assembly approach with an improved charge carrier mobilitySOFT MATTER1673127322
2045Dey, A; Maity, A; Singha Mahapatra, T; Suresh, E; Mandal, AK; Das, A2020A tuneable hierarchical self-assembly of a C-3-symmetric triaminoguanidinium-derivative into a rhombic dodecahedral morphologyCRYSTENGCOMM2251175121
2046Mukesh, M; Arun, B; Akshay, VR; Vasundhara, M2020Tailoring the magnetic entropy change towards room temperature in Sr-site deficient La(0.6)Dy(0.07)Sr(0.33)MnO(3)manganiteNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441348013487
2047Sahoo, S; Sangeetha, M; Bera, S; Usharani, D; Rath, H2020Targeted synthesis ofmeso-aryl substituted aromatictrans-doublyN-confused dithia/diselena [18] porphyrins ( with NIR absorption: spectroscopic and theoretical characterizationORGANIC & BIOMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY1860586062
2048Nair, RR; Raju, M; Debnath, S; Ghosh, R; Chatterjee, PB2020Concurrent detection and treatment of cyanide-contaminated water using mechanosynthesized receptorsANALYST14556475656
2049Mohanty, B; Mitra, A; Jena, B; Jena, BK2020MoS2 Quantum Dots as Efficient Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction over a Wide pH RangeENERGY & FUELS341026810275
2050Pious, JK; Basavarajappa, MG; Muthu, C; Krishna, N; Nishikubo, R; Saeki, A; Chakraborty, S; Nair, VC2020Anisotropic Photoconductivity and Long-Lived Charge Carriers in Bismuth-Based One-Dimensional Perovskite with Type-IIa Band AlignmentJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS1167576762
2051Adimah, NI; Padhy, S2020Depth dependent azimuthal anisotropy in Madagascar island from ambient noise tomographyTECTONOPHYSICS789
2052Padmanabha, S; Vallikannan, B2020Fatty acids influence the efficacy of lutein in the modulation of alpha-crystallin chaperone function: Evidence from selenite induced cataract rat modelBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS529425431
2053Michael, R; Ranjan, A; Kumar, RS; Pathak, PK; Trivedi, PK2020Light-regulated expression of terpene synthase gene, AtTPS03, is controlled by the bZIP transcription factor, HY5, in Arabidopsis thalianaBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS529437443
2054Santra, B; Ramrakhiani, L; Kar, S; Ghosh, S; Majumdar, S2020Ceramic membrane-based ultrafiltration combined with adsorption by waste derived biochar for textile effluent treatment and management of spent biocharJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING18973992
2055Adhila, TK; Elangovan, H; John, S; Chattopadhyay, K; Barshilia, HC2020Engineering the Microstructure of Silicon Nanowires by Controlling the Shape of the Metal Catalyst and Composition of the Etchant in a Two-Step MACE Process: An In-Depth Analysis of the Growth MechanismLANGMUIR3693889398
2056Chandralekha, A; Prashanth, HS; Tavanandi, H; Raghavarao, KSMS2021A novel method for double encapsulation of C-phycocyanin using aqueous two phase systems for extension of shelf lifeJOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-MYSORE5817501763
2057Sisila, V; Puhazhselvan, P; Aarthy, M; Sakkeeshyaa, G; Saravanan, P; Kamini, NR; Ayyadurai, N2021Esterification of Polymeric Carbohydrate Through Congener Cutinase-Like BiocatalystAPPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY1931932
2058Verma, KS; Muchhala, D; Panthi, S; Mondal, DP2020Experimental and Numerical Study of Compressive Deformation Behavior of Closed-Cell Aluminum FoamSTRENGTH OF MATERIALS52451457
2059Raxwal, VK; Ghosh, S; Singh, S; Katiyar-Agarwal, S; Goel, S; Jagannath, A; Kumar, A; Scaria, V; Agarwal, M2020Abiotic stress-mediated modulation of the chromatin landscape in Arabidopsis thalianaJOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY7152805293
2060Sequeira, RA; Dubey, S; Pereira, MM; Maity, TK; Singh, S; Mishra, S; Prasad, K2020Neoteric Solvent Systems as Sustainable Media for Dissolution and Film Preparation of Poly-[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate]ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING81200512013
2061Singh, AK; Raj, A2020Emerging and eco-friendly approaches for waste managementENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES EUROPE32
2062Kaushik, S; Dharpure, JK; Joshi, PK; Ramanathan, AL; Singh, T2020Climate change drives glacier retreat in Bhaga basin located in Himachal Pradesh, IndiaGEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL3511791198
2063Gupta, AP; Garg, R; Singh, P; Goand, UK; Syed, AA; Valicherla, GR; Riyazuddin, M; Mugale, MN; Gayen, JR2020Pancreastatin inhibitor PSTi8 protects the obesity associated skeletal muscle insulin resistance in diet induced streptozotocin-treated diabetic miceEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY881
2064Rao, RK; Sasmal, S2020Smart nano-engineered cementitious composite sensors for vibration-based health monitoring of large structuresSENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL311
2065Kumar, GD; Siva, B; Bharathi, K; Devi, A; Kumar, PP; Anusha, K; Lambhate, S; Karunakar, T; Tiwari, AK; Babu, KS2020Synthesis and biological evaluation of Schizandrin derivatives as tubulin polymerization inhibitorsBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS30
2066Kurma, SH; Karri, S; Kuncha, M; Sistla, R; Bhimapaka, CR2020Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of 2-oxo-2H-chromenyl and 2H-chromenyl-5-oxo-2,5-dihydrofuran-3-carboxylatesBIOORGANIC & MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS30
2067Ramesh, C; Tyagi, P; Gautam, S; Ojha, S; Kumar, MS; Kushvaha, SS2020Influence of substrate nitridation on properties of GaN nanorods grown on molybdenum foil by laser molecular beam epitaxyPHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER591
2068Yadav, BN; Muchhala, D; Sriram, S; Mondal, DP2020Study on activation energy and strain rate sensitivity of closed -cell aluminium hybrid composite foamJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS832
2069Gohain, MB; Pawar, RR; Karki, S; Hazarika, A; Hazarika, S; Ingole, PG2020Development of thin film nanocomposite membrane incorporated with mesoporous synthetic hectorite and MSH@UiO-66-NH2 nanoparticles for efficient targeted feeds separation, and antibacterial performanceJOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE609
2070Modestra, JA; Katakojwala, R; Mohan, SV2020CO 2 fermentation to short chain fatty acids using selectively enriched chemolithoautotrophic acetogenic bacteriaCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL394
2071Badkul, A; Saxena, S; Mondal, DP2020A numerical solution to accurately predict deformation behaviour of metallic foam material up -to densification region for the possible use in composite structuresCOMPOSITE STRUCTURES246
2072Pal, M; Yesankar, PJ; Dwivedi, A; Qureshi, A2020Biotic control of harmful algal blooms (HABs): A brief reviewJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT268
2073Shisina, S; Merin, P; Vinduja, V; Som, S; Ahmad, S; Nishanth, KG; Allu, AR; Das, S2020Energy transfer in Tb3+-doped Ba2Y0.67V2O8 phosphors preferential for near white light emissionMATERIALS LETTERS273
2074Bhardwaj, H; Marquette, CA; Dutta, P; Rajesh; Sumana, G2020Integrated graphene quantum dot decorated functionalized nanosheet biosensor for mycotoxin detectionANALYTICAL AND BIOANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY41270297041
2075Joseph, MM; Ramya, AN; Vijayan, VM; Nair, JB; Bastian, BT; Pillai, RK; Therakathinal, ST; Maiti, KK2020Targeted Theranostic Nano Vehicle Endorsed with Self-Destruction and Immunostimulatory Features to Circumvent Drug Resistance and Wipe-Out Tumor Reinitiating Cancer Stem CellsSMALL16
2076Advani, JH; Ravi, K; Naikwadi, DR; Bajaj, HC; Gawande, MB; Biradar, AV2020Bio-waste chitosan-derived N-doped CNT-supported Ni nanoparticles for selective hydrogenation of nitroarenesDALTON TRANSACTIONS491043110440
2077Praveena, G; Yagnam, S; Banoth, L; Trivedi, R; Prakasham, RS2020Bacterial biosynthesis of nanosilver: a green catalyst for the synthesis of (amino pyrazolo)-(phenyl)methyl naphth-2-ol derivatives and their antimicrobial potentialNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441304613061
2078Bansal, GK; Jena, PSM; Ghosh, C; Srivastava, VC; Rajinikanth, V; Dutta, M; Chowdhury, SG2020Quench Temperature-Dependent Mechanical Properties During Nonisothermal PartitioningMETALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE5150885100
2079Janardhanan, JC; Bhaskaran, RP; Praveen, VK; Manoj, N; Babu, BP2020Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Syntheses of IndazolesASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY914101431
2080Makane, VB; Krishna, EV; Karale, UB; Babar, DA; Kalari, S; Rekha, EM; Shukla, M; Kaul, G; Sriram, D; Chopra, S; Misra, S; Rode, HB2020Synthesis of novel 4,5-dihydropyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalines, pyrrolo[1,2-a]quinoxalin]-2-ones and their antituberculosis and anticancer activityARCHIV DER PHARMAZIE353
2081Katare, AK; Singh, B; Shukla, P; Gupta, S; Singh, B; Yalamanchili, K; Kulshrestha, N; Bhanwaria, R; Sharma, AK; Sharma, S; Sneha; Mindala, DP; Roy, S; Kalgotra, RAug-20Rapid determination and optimisation of berberine from HimalayanBerberis lyciumby soxhlet apparatus using CCD-RSM and its quality control as a potential candidate for COVID-19NATURAL PRODUCT RESEARCH10.1080/14786419.2020.1806274
2082Jadaun, JS; Kushwaha, AK; Sangwan, NS; Narnoliya, LK; Mishra, S; Sangwan, RS2020WRKY1-mediated regulation of tryptophan decarboxylase in tryptamine generation for withanamide production inWithania somnifera(Ashwagandha)PLANT CELL REPORTS3914431465
2083Maiyelvaganan, KR; Ravva, MK; Prakash, M; Subramanian, V2020Benchmark studies on protonated benzene (BZH(+)) and water (W-n, n=1-6) clusters: a comparison of hybrid DFT with MP2/CBS and CCSD(T)/CBS methodsTHEORETICAL CHEMISTRY ACCOUNTS139
2084Samson, R; Navale, GR; Dharne, MS2020Biosensors: frontiers in rapid detection of COVID-193 BIOTECH10
2085Moirangthem, GS; Dholakiya, RN; Madhava, AKAug-20Anthracene biotransformation using bacterial concoction ofEnterobacter ludwigiistrain GRAS-01 andPantoea agglomeransstrain GRAS-02INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY10.1080/03067319.2020.1803849
2086Gogoi, B; Wann, SB; Saikia, SP2020DNA barcodes for delineating Clerodendrum species of North East IndiaSCIENTIFIC REPORTS10
2087Advani, JH; Bankar, BD; Bajaj, HC; Biradar, AV2020Chitosan supported molybdate nanoclusters as an efficient catalyst for oxidation of alkenes and alcoholsCELLULOSE2787698783
2088Sharma, S; Yadav, S; Dubey, PK2020Continuous Wave Ultrasonic Interferometers with Relatively Higher Excitation are Inappropriate for Liquid CharacterizationMAPAN-JOURNAL OF METROLOGY SOCIETY OF INDIA35427433
2089Shalini, T; Martin, A2020Identification, isolation, and heterologous expression of Sunflower wax synthase for the synthesis of tailored wax estersJOURNAL OF FOOD BIOCHEMISTRY44
2090Singh, SK; Singh, A; Singh, B; Vashistha, P2020Application of thermo-chemically activated lime sludge in production of sustainable low clinker cementitious bindersJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION264
2091Shankar, S; Maurya, I; Raj, A; Singh, S; Thakur, OP; Jayasimhadri, M2020Dielectric and tunable ferroelectric properties in BiFeO3-BiCoO3-BaTiO(3)ternary compoundAPPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING126
2092Sarkar, P; Modak, S; Karan, S2020Effect of Porous and Nonporous Nanostructures on the Permeance of Positively Charged Nanofilm Composite MembranesADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES7
2093Srivastava, S; Dafale, NA; Jakhesara, SJ; Joshi, CG; Patil, NV; Purohit, HJ2021Unraveling the camel rumen microbiome through metaculturomics approach for agriculture waste hydrolytic potentialARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY203107123
2094Bano, S; Govind, B; Kumar, A; Misra, DK2020Ni-doped Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 single crystal: a potential functional material for thermoelectricity, topological insulator, and optoelectronicsJOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS311565215658
2095Ahmad, A; Dutta, HS; Kumar, M; Khan, AA; Raziullah; Koley, D2020Pd-Catalyzed C-H Halogenation of Indolines and Tetrahydroquinolines with Removable Directing GroupORGANIC LETTERS2258705875
2096Chauhan, A; Patel, RK; Grellier, M; Kumar, R2020Hydrogen-Bond-Guided Reaction of Cyclohexadienone-aldehydes with Amines: Synthesis of an Aminal Group Containing a Fused Tetracyclic FrameworkORGANIC LETTERS2261776181
2097Bhardwaj, K; Kumar, R; Kindo, NJ; Vashistha, N; Patel, AK; Kumar, M; Kumar, P2020Synthesis of graphene oxide with a lower band gap and study of charge transfer interactions with perylenediimideNEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY441270412714
2098Khan, K; Verma, RK2020Essential oil bearing aromatic plants: Their potential for sequestering carbon in marginal soils of IndiaSOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT36565570
2099Das, TK; Biju, AT2020Imines as acceptors and donors in N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) organocatalysisCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5685378552
2100Mandal, S; Paul, S; Mukhopadhyay, S; Arun, RK; Dutta, D; Chanda, N2020Gold-nanoparticle-embedded microchannel array for enhanced power generationLAB ON A CHIP2027172723
2101Karella, S; Raghavan, S2020Efforts toward the synthesis of (+)-Lyconadin AJOURNAL OF CHEMICAL SCIENCES132
2102Rai, A; Chatterjee, B; Bhowmick, S; Sagar, S; Roy, SS2020Beclin 1 controls pigmentation by changing the nuclear localization of melanogenic factor MITFBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS528719725
2103Vemula, M; Shaikh, AS; Chilakala, S; Tallapally, M; Upadhyayula, V2020Identification of calcium carbide-ripened sapota (Achras sapota) fruit by headspace SPME-GC-MSFOOD ADDITIVES AND CONTAMINANTS PART A-CHEMISTRY ANALYSIS CONTROL EXPOSURE & RISK ASSESSMENT3716011609
2104Prasad, S; Ganisetti, S; Jana, A; Kant, S; Sinha, PK; Tripathy, S; Illath, K; Ajithkumar, TG; Annapurna, K; Allu, AR; Biswas, K2020Elucidating the effect of CaF 2 on structure, biocompatibility and antibacterial properties of S53P4 glassJOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS831
2105Roy, R; Pradhan, K; Khan, J; Das, G; Mukherjee, N; Das, D; Ghosh, S2020Human Serum Albumin-Inspired Glycopeptide-Based Multifunctional Inhibitor of Amyloid-beta ToxicityACS OMEGA51862818641
2106Pradhan, K; Das, G; Kar, C; Mukherjee, N; Khan, J; Mahata, T; Barman, S; Ghosh, S2020Rhodamine-Based Metal Chelator: A Potent Inhibitor of Metal-Catalyzed Amyloid ToxicityACS OMEGA51895818967
2107Reddy, CR; Ganesh, V; Singh, AK2020E-Zisomerization of 3-benzylidene-indolin-2-ones using a microfluidic photo-reactorRSC ADVANCES102863028634
2108Paul, A; Mengji, R; Bera, M; Ojha, M; Jana, A; Singh, NDP2020Mitochondria-localizedin situgeneration of rhodamine photocage with fluorescence turn-on enabling cancer cell-specific drug delivery triggered by green lightCHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS5684128415
2109Yadav, P; Sharma, N; Patrike, A; Sabri, YM; Jones, LA; Shelke, MV2020Electrochemical Evaluation of the Stability and Capacity of r-GO-Wrapped Copper Antimony Chalcogenide Anode for Li-Ion batteryCHEMELECTROCHEM732913300
2110Bolar, S; Shit, S; Murmu, NC; Kuila, T2020FeNiSx@MoS(2)Heterostructure: A Bioinspired Nonprecious Electrocatalyst for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Acidic and Basic MediaCHEMELECTROCHEM733243335
2111Kumaravel, S; Karthick, K; Thiruvengetam, P; Johny, JM; Sankar, SS; Kundu, S2020Tuning Cu Overvoltage for a Copper-Telluride System in Electrocatalytic Water Reduction and Feasible Feedstock Conversion: A New ApproachINORGANIC CHEMISTRY591112911141
2112Parekh, NA; Deshpande, RV; Shukla, SG; Nisal, AA2020Silk Fibroin 3D Microparticle Scaffolds with Bioactive Ceramics: Chemical, Mechanical, and Osteoregenerative CharacteristicsADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS22
2113Jauhari, A; Singh, T; Mishra, S; Shankar, J; Yadav, S2020Coordinated Action of miR-146a and Parkin Gene Regulate Rotenone-induced NeurodegenerationTOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES176433445
2114Arunasri, K; Yeruva, DK; Krishna, KV; Mohan, SV2020Monitoring metabolic pathway alterations in Escherichia coli due to applied potentials in microbial electrochemical systemBIOELECTROCHEMISTRY134
2115Appalanaidu, E; Busireddy, MR; Reddy, BVS; Rao, VJ2020Experimental study of end-capped acceptors influencing the photo -physical, electrochemical and thermal parameters of A-D-Pi-D-A type small molecular electron donors (vol 59b, pg 385, 2020)INDIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY SECTION B-ORGANIC CHEMISTRY INCLUDING MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY5912431243
2116Yadav, S; Kuldeep, J; Siddiqi, MI; Goyal, N2020TCP1 gamma Subunit Is Indispensable for Growth and Infectivity of Leishmania donovaniANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY64
2117Agarwal, N; Srivastava, R; Verma, A; Rai, KM; Singh, B; Verma, PC2020Unravelling Cotton Nonexpressor of Pathogenesis-Related 1(NPR1)-Like Genes Family: Evolutionary Analysis and Putative Role in Fiber Development and Defense PathwayPLANTS-BASEL9
2118Sharma, S; Arora, N2020Cockroach allergen exposure alters redox homeostasis and mediates airway inflammationALLERGY75178178
2119Mishra, R; Arora, N2020Immunomodulation by TLR-5 ligand conjugated with cockroach allergenic components for allergy therapeuticsALLERGY75309310
2120Amulya, K; Kopperi, H; Mohan, SV2020Tunable production of succinic acid at elevated pressures of CO2 in a high pressure gas fermentation reactorBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY309
2121Rena; Bin Zacharia, KM; Yadav, S; Machhirake, NP; Kim, SH; Lee, BD; Jeong, H; Singh, L; Kumar, S; Kumar, R2020Bio-hydrogen and bio-methane potential analysis for production of bio-hythane using various agricultural residuesBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY309
2122Jacob, PT; Siddiqui, SA; Rathore, MS2020Seed germination, seedling growth and seedling development associated physiochemical changes in Salicornia brachiata (Roxb.) under salinity and osmotic stressAQUATIC BOTANY166
2123Banerjee, A; Sharma, T; Nautiyal, AK; Dasgupta, D; Hazra, S; Bhaskar, T; Ghosh, D2020Scale-up strategy for yeast single cell oil production for Rhodotorula mucilagenosa IIPL32 from corn cob derived pentosanBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY309
2124Bansal, N; Dasgupta, D; Hazra, S; Bhaskar, T; Ray, A; Ghosh, D2020Effect of utilization of crude glycerol as substrate on fatty acid composition of an oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula mucilagenosa IIPL32: Assessment of nutritional indicesBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY309
2125Hemalatha, M; Sravan, JS; Mohan, SV2020Self-induced bioelectro-potential influence on sulfate removal and desalination in microbial fuel cellBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY309
2126Vanitha, TK; Hemalatha, M; Mohan, SV2020Anodic metabolic activity regulates the desalination efficiency in microbial catalysed electrochemical systemBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY309
2127Mohanta, SK; Dwari, RK2020Separation of the coal-quartz mixture using tribo-electrostatic separator: Effect of surface pretreatmentADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY3133613371
2128Garg, M; Christensen, M; Iles, A; Sharma, A; Singh, S; Pamme, N2020Microfluidic-Based Electrochemical Immunosensing of FerritinBIOSENSORS-BASEL10
2129Reddy, G; Basak, P; Jones, LA; Della Gaspera, E; Islavath, N; Giribabu, L2020Crystalline D-pi-D porphyrin molecules as a hole-transporting material for printable perovskite solar cellsSOLAR ENERGY206539547
2130Bakshi, P; Pappu, A; Patidar, R; Gupta, MK; Thakur, VK2020Transforming Marble Waste into High-Performance, Water-Resistant, and Thermally Insulative Hybrid Polymer Composites for Environmental SustainabilityPOLYMERS12
2131Jatan, R; Chauhan, PS; Lata, C2020High-Throughput Sequencing and Expression Analysis Suggest the Involvement ofPseudomonas putidaRA-Responsive microRNAs in Growth and Development of ArabidopsisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES21
2132Abraham, A; Moideen, SK; Mathew, AK; Raj, SRA; Sindhu, R; Pandey, A; Sang, BI; Sukumaran, RK2020Fumaric acid production from sugarcane trash hydrolysate using Rhizopus oryzae NIIST 1INDIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY58548556
2133Udayan, A; Thomas, J; Sreekumar, N2020Chromium (VI) biosorption using novel biosorbents from Calotropis giganteaINDIAN JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY58578583
2134Karthick, K; Anantharaj, S; Ede, SR; Sankar, SS; Kumaravel, S; Karmakar, A; Kundu, S2020Developments in DNA metallization strategies for water splitting electrocatalysis: A reviewADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE282
2135Kumar, AL; Eashwar, M; Prabu, V2020Cathodic polarization enables SEM illustration of manganese biomineralization in natural biofilmsJOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS175
2136Mulchandani, R; Lyngdoh, T; Kakkar, AK2020Statin use and safety concerns: an overview of the past, present, and the futureEXPERT OPINION ON DRUG SAFETY1910111024
2137Khanra, M; Nandi, AK2020Optimal driving based trip planning of electric vehicles using evolutionary algorithms: A driving assistance systemAPPLIED SOFT COMPUTING93
2138Kashid, AA; Patil, DJ; Mali, RD; Patil, VP; Neethu, TV; Meroliya, HK; Waghmode, SA; Iyer, S2021Bimetallic Ni-Pd Synergism-Mixed Metal Catalysis of the Mizoroki-Heck Reaction and the Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling of Aryl BromidesCATALYSIS LETTERS151353358
2139Tallapally, M; Sadiq, AS; Mehtab, V; Chilakala, S; Vemula, M; Chenna, S; Upadhyayula, V2020GC-MS based targeted metabolomics approach for studying the variations of phenolic metabolites in artificially ripened banana fruitsLWT-FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY130
2140Jagdale, PR; Dev, I; Ayanur, A; Singh, D; Arshad, M; Ansari, KM2020Safety evaluation of Ochratoxin A and Citrinin after 28 days repeated dose oral exposure to Wistar ratsREGULATORY TOXICOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY115
2141Jaggarapu, MMCS; Rachamalla, HK; Nimmu, NV; Banerjee, R2020NGRKC16-lipopeptide assisted liposomal-withaferin delivery for efficient killing of CD13 receptor-expressing pancreatic cancer and angiogenic endothelial cellsJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY58
2142Jaiswal, N; Chaudhari, RD; Chaudhari, BP2020Understanding fundamentals of hepatocellular carcinoma to design next-generation chitosan nano-formulations: Beyond chemotherapy strideJOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY58
2143Boruah, A; Saikia, M; Das, T; Goswamee, RL; Saikia, BK2020Blue-emitting fluorescent carbon quantum dots from waste biomass sources and their application in fluoride ion detection in waterJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY209
2144Kumar, SS; Arya, M; Mahadevappa, P; Giridhar, P2020Influence of photoperiod on growth, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in callus cultures of Basella rubra L.JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY209
2145Tripathi, V; Gaur, VK; Dhiman, N; Gautam, K; Manickam, N2020Characterization and properties of the biosurfactant produced by PAH-degrading bacteria isolated from contaminated oily sludge environmentENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH272726827278
2146Emmanuel, N; Haridas, R; Chelakkara, S; Nair, RB; Gopi, A; Sajitha, M; Yoosaf, K2020Smartphone Assisted Colourimetric Detection and Quantification of Pb2+ and Hg2+ Ions Using Ag Nanoparticles from Aqueous MediumIEEE SENSORS JOURNAL2085128519
2147Baghel, RS; Suthar, P; Gajaria, TK; Bhattacharya, S; Anil, A; Reddy, CRK2020Seaweed biorefinery: A sustainable process for valorising the biomass of brown seaweedJOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION263
2148Katturi, NK; Balahoju, SA; Ramya, AR; Biswas, C; Raavi, SSK; Giribabu, L; Soma, VR2020Ultrafast photophysical and nonlinear optical properties of novel free base and axially substituted phosphorus (V) corrolesJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS311
2149Gopal, SM; Pawar, AB; Wassenaar, TA; Sengupta, D2020Lipid-dependent conformational landscape of the ErbB2 growth factor receptor dimersCHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS OF LIPIDS230
2150Pathak, BK; Das, D; Bhakta, S; Chakrabarti, P; Sengupta, J2020Resveratrol as a nontoxic excipient stabilizes insulin in a bioactive hexameric formJOURNAL OF COMPUTER-AIDED MOLECULAR DESIGN34915927
2151Kirthika, SK; Singh, SK; Chourasia, A2020Performance of Recycled Fine-Aggregate Concrete Using Novel Mix-Proportioning MethodJOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING32
2152Nazia, S; Jegatheesan, V; Bhargava, SK; Sundergopal, S2020Microbial Fuel Cell-Aided Processing of Kitchen Wastewater Using High-Performance Nanocomposite MembraneJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING146
2153Chandrasekaran, K; George, HS; Venkideswaran, L; Selvaraj, H; Sundaram, M2020A new route: Electro oxidation of dithionite industrial effluent and recovery of caustic using electrochemical membrane cellJOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING36
2154Bhardwaj, R; Johari, KK; Gahtori, B; Chauhan, NS; Bathula, S; Dhakate, SR; Auluck, S; Dhar, A2020Optimization of electrical and thermal transport properties of Fe0.25Co0.75Sb3 Skutterudite employing the isoelectronic Bi-dopingINTERMETALLICS123
2155Babinszki, B; Jakab, E; Sebestyen, Z; Blazso, M; Berenyi, B; Kumar, J; Krishna, BB; Bhaskar, T; Czegeny, Z2020Comparison of hydrothermal carbonization and torrefaction of azolla biomass: Analysis of the solid productsJOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL AND APPLIED PYROLYSIS149
2156Katakojwala, R; Kopperi, H; Kumar, S; Mohan, SV2020Hydrothermal liquefaction of biogenic municipal solid waste under reduced H 2 atmosphere in biorefinery formatBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY310
2157Kumar, A; Saini, K; Bhaskar, T2020Hydochar and biochar: Production, physicochemical properties and techno- economic analysisBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY310
2158Sindhu, R; Manju, A; Mohan, P; Rajesh, RO; Madhavan, A; Arun, KB; Hazeena, SH; Mohandas, A; Rajamani, SP; Puthiyamadam, A; Binod, P; Reshmy, R2020Valorization of food and kitchen waste: An integrated strategy adopted for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, bioethanol, pectinase and 2, 3-butanediolBIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY310
2159Udayan, A; Sabapathy, H; Arumugam, M2020Stress hormones mediated lipid accumulation and modulation of specific acids in oceanica CASA CC201BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY310
2160Basu, S; Nandy, A; Biswas, D2020Keeping RNA polymerase II on the run: Functions of MLL fusion partners in transcriptional regulationBIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS1863
2161Vidya, CH; Kumar, BSG; Chinmayee, CV; Singh, SA2020Purification, characterization and specificity of a new GH family 35 galactosidase from Aspergillus awamoriINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES156885895
2162Abduldileep, S; Narayanasamy, R; Usharani, D; Singh, A; Rajasekharan, R2020A bioactive polypeptide from sugarcane selectively inhibits intestinal sucraseINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES156938948
2163Visalatchi, M; Madhan, B; Shanmugam, G2020N-Vanillylnonanamide, a natural product fr