Rajesh Bhatta (Registration No. 10PP18J36003) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical studies of the lower Gondwana coals from Talcher basin, Odisha, India” On December 15, 2023 at CSIR-… read more →
Sarika Yadav (Registration No. 10BB16J22004) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Immunological interventions to generate immune tolerance against allergen and mitigate Type I hypersensitivity” On December 14, 2023 at CSIR-Indian Institute… read more →
Ajit Kumar Rai (Registration No. (10BB16J22003) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Role of osteoblast in chemoprotection of acute myelocytic leukemia cells against daunorubicin” On December 13, 2023 at CSIR- Indian Institute… read more →
A Niharika Reddy (Registration No. 10BB18J18024) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Elucidating the role of nitazoxanide mediated mitochondrial uncoupling in the clearance of α-synuclein by autophagy: Implications for Parkinson’s disease”… read more →
Koushik Dutta (Registration No. 10CC18A38005) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Synthesis of biodegradable polymer film from kraft lignin” On December 15, 2023 at CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology,… read more →
Bijender (Registration No. 10PP18A32010) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Capacitive and resistive flexible pressure sensors based on elastomeric dielectric layer ” On December 15, 2023 at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi Ph.D… read more →
Anu Chauhan (Registration No. 10BB17A04004) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Study of selected genes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for their role in survival and persistence” On December 15, 2023 at CSIR- Central Drug… read more →
Meesa Saraswathi (Registration No. 10BB16A18064) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Isolation and structural characterization of bioactive metabolites from endophytic fungi for the control of Xanthomonas pathovars” On December 15, 2023 at CSIR-Indian… read more →
Mahinder Partap (Registration No. 10BB17A33005) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Development of plant cell culture system for biomass production and enhancement of specialized metabolites in Picrorhiza kurroa (Royle ex benth.); an endangered… read more →
Kulkarni Anand Mukund (Registration No. 10CC18A26003) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Transition metal catalysed synthesis of tetracyclic heterocyclic compounds and development of phthalic diesters/diamides as potential antifungal agents” On December… read more →