Sanchita Singhal (Registration No. 10CC15J32014) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Design, synthesis and polymerisation of donor-acceptor monomers for optoelectronic applications” On date August 28, 2020 at CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Pune Ph.D… read more →
K Sirisha (Registration No. 10BB15A18054) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Studies on purification, characterization and application of bioactive extrolites from Pseudomonas sp. ICTB-315” On date August 28, 2020 at CSIR-Indian Institute… read more →
K G Harsha (Registration No. 10CC15J18019) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Design, synthesis and characterization of fluorescent chemosensors for detection of heavy metal ions, and reaction products of chemical toxins… read more →
Kusum Khatri (Registration No. 10BB15J16017) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Transcriptome analysis of Kappaphycus alvarezii under different salt concentrations to assess salt tolerance mechanism” On date August 28, 2020 at CSIR-Central Salt… read more →
Ansari Amamudin Akhatarbhai (Registration No. 10CC14J16002) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Development of chiral catalysts for asymmetric cyanation reaction” On date August 27, 2020 at CSIR-Central Salt & Marine Chemicals… read more →
Hande Vrushali Ravindra (Registration No. 10CC17J26030) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Molecular dynamics study of context dependent structural and dynamical properties of water in heterogenous environments and water mediated self-assembly processes”… read more →
Shibin .T (Registration No. 10CC15J26005) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Structural and electrochemical characterisation of transition metal doped perovskite related structures ABO3-δ (A= Ca/Sr/Ba; B = Fe/Si/In)” On date August 26, 2020… read more →
Moon Jain (Registration No. 10BB14J04006) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “A study on autophagy in hypertension associated vascular dysfunction” On date August 26, 2020 at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow Ph.D… read more →
Hrishikesh A (Registration No. 10BB14A08013) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Ionic liquid-based aqueous biphasic extraction for purification of phycocyanin” On date August 21, 2020 at CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute,… read more →
More Namita Ashok (Registration No. 10CC17J26023) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel heterocycles and their encapsulation in drug delivery system” On date August 21,… read more →