Neakanshika Chadha (Registration No. 10CC16J32011) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Graphene based porous materials for energy and electronic applications” On December 22, 2021 at CSIR- National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi Ph.D work… read more →
Sumita Chakraborty (Registration No. 10BB13A02016) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Elucidation of inter-individual variability in cell cycle: studies in extreme constitution types of Ayurveda” On December 22, 2021 at CSIR- Institute… read more →
Peddamasthanaiah Ette (Registration No. 10CC15A05006) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Development of high capacity nanoarchitecture anode materials for Li-Ion batteries” on December 21, 2021 at CSIR- Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi. Ph.D… read more →
Poornima R Ranganathan (Registration No. 10BB15J10007)Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Role of altered lipid metabolism in the regulation of ergosterol biosynthesis and its application for enhanced production of medicinally important… read more →
Tirpude Narendra Vijay (Registration No. 10BB18J33005) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Vitex negundo Linn. for nutraceutical intervention of allergic asthma: Molecular insights on inflammation associated lung damage and underlying mechanism(s)” on… read more →
Surbhi Lambhate (Registration No. 10BB16J18032) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Regulation of IDH1 and IDH2 proteins by APC/C complex” on December 20, 2021 at CSIR- Indian Institute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad.… read more →
Sowmya Shree G (Registration No. 10BB16A08011) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Studies on the molecular mechanism underlying the inhibitory potential of lutein on adipocyte differentiation in vitro and in vivo” on December 20, 2021… read more →
Vidisha Bist (Registration No. 10BB17J25004) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Characterization of microbial formulation for rice straw management” on December 20, 2021 at CSIR- National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow. Ph.D work was… read more →
Kamble Digambar Abasaheb (Registration No. 10CC15J26018) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “π -Activation triggered cascade annulation reactions of alkynols: application in construction of ketal-lactones related to bioactive natural products” on December… read more →
Archana Katoch (Registration No. 10BB15A37002) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Explicating the role of small molecule inducer of tumor suppressor, Par-4, in controlling EMT/metastasis and, thereof, validation by relevant in vitro and in vivo… read more →