AcSIR at a Glance.

AcSIR at a Glance


Established in 2010, by an Act of Parliament, the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Act, 2011 vide The Gazette of India No. 15 dated February 07, 2012 and notified on April 03, 2012.


There are 2514 Scientists of CSIR as Faculty members of AcSIR and 36 Adjunct faculty members.


Out of a total of 4879 Students, there are 4710 Ph.D, 47 Integrated M.Tech-Ph.D (IMP), 52 Integrated Dual Degree Program (IDDP), 20 Integrated M.Sc-Ph.D, 42 M.Sc./M.Tech,  and 08 PG Diploma in ‘Patinformatics’ students, respectively.

  • First Convocation held on September 15, 2011 (during interim mode) for 52 Students of PGRPE-2009 batch
  • Second Convocation held on September 26, 2012 for 71 Students of M.Tech (PGRPE)-2010-12 batch.
  • Third Convocation held on March 24, 2014 for 81 Students of M.Tech 2011-13 batch and 5 Ph.D Students.
  • Fourth Convocation held on August 28, 2014 for 107 Students of M.Tech 2012-14 batch and 40 Ph.D Students
  • Fifth Convocation held on November 12, 2019 for 758 Students (645: PhDs students; 59: M.Sc. students; 24: M.Tech. students; and 30 PG Diploma students)
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