AD Course Code | Course Level | Name of Course Level | Course Title | Course Content | Course Credits | Full Name of Centre | Lab Name |
AcSIR-82-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | An Overview of Infectious Diseases | Classifying Infectious Diseases; Occurrence- sporadic, endemic, epidemic, pandemic; Severity or duration of disease- acute, chronic, subacute, latent; Extent of host involvement-local infections, systemic infections; Clinical aspects of Infectious diseases; Development of Disease; Stages of Disease- incubation period, prodromal period, period of illness, period of decline, period of convalescence; Pathology of infectious diseases; Microbial mechanisms of pathogenicity; Ultra structural aspects of Infectious diseases; Overview of the immune system; Emerging and re- emerging infections; Nosocomial infections. | 2 | ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases | ICMR-JALMA |
AcSIR-82-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | An Overview of Infectious Diseases | History and epidemiology of TB; Pathogenesis and pathology of TB; Clinical features and diagnosis of TB; Anti-tubercular drugs and chemotherapy; Managing treatment failure; NTEP and DOTS; HIV and TB; Prevention of TB; Extra-pulmonary TB; Latent TB infection; Anti-TB and anti-Leprosy Drugs; Mechanism of action of drugs; Drug resistance in TB; Mechanism of drug resistance; Adjunct anti-TB therapy. | 2 | ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases | ICMR-JALMA |
AcSIR-82-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Diagnostics in Communicable diseases (TB and Leprosy) | Diagnostics in TB - microscopy; culture - solid and liquid; phenotypic and genotypic assays for drug resistant TB; MODS for TB detection and drug resistance; Latent TB diagnosis by immune assays (PPD skin testing and IGRAS); LAM assay for TB diagnosis. Diagnostics in Leprosy- slit skin smears, mouse foot pad model, molecular and immunological tools and viability assays. | 2 | ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases | ICMR-JALMA |
AcSIR-82-FMR-AD-004 | 3 | Advanced Course | Molecular and Cellular Mechanism of Defence | Innate and acquired immunity; Immunological memory; Components of immune system; Innate immune cell subsets; T-cell subsets and surface markers; Antigen processing and presentation; Antigen-antibody interactions; Complement system and inflammatory reaction: Mechanisms of inflammation; Key events and cellular players in mucosal immunity; Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC); Antigen processing and presentation; Cytokines, chemokines and leukocyte trafficking; Molecular signalling in immune cells; Host response to bacterial infection (TB and Leprosy); Vaccines; Immunotherapy; Autoimmunity and Tolerance. | 2 | ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases | ICMR-JALMA |
AcSIR-82-FMR-AD-005 | 3 | Advanced Course | Communicable Disease Epidemiology (Tuberculosis and Leprosy) | Epidemiologic classification of communicable disease; Natural history of communicable diseases; Transmission mechanisms in disease control and prevention; Methods for measuring transmission and control of communicable diseases; Epidemiologic tools and methodologies to understand the transmission dynamics; Community aspects of disease control: investigation of disease outbreaks; Basic SIR models for evaluating pandemic policy strategies; Surveillance strategies; Epidemiological determinants for communicable disease with emphasis on Leprosy & TB. | 2 | ICMR-National JALMA Institute for Leprosy & Other Mycobacterial Diseases | ICMR-JALMA |
AcSIR-84-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Epidemiology and Management of Non-Communicable Diseases: Concepts, Methods, and Interventions. | Introduction to NCDs': Overview of NCDs and their global and regional burden. Historical perspective and current trends. Key concepts and definitions. Measuring and Evaluating NCD Interventions: Methods and frameworks for monitoring and evaluation of NCDs. Case studies and applications. Health system strengthening for NCD management. Access to care and healthcare infrastructure. Lifestyle and Environmental Factors: Role of diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior in NCDs. Introduction to the social determinants of health. Impact of environmental exposures (e.g., pollution, occupational hazards). Genetic epidemiology and gene-environment interactions. Lifestyle modifications and health promotion campaigns. interventions. Community-based interventions. Advanced Topics in NCD Epidemiology: Life course epidemiology. Multimorbidity and aging. Implementation science in NCD prevention. Big data and machine learning in epidemiology. Survey Methods in NCD Research : Designing and conducting epidemiological surveys conducting Analyzing survey data and interpreting results. Role of Disease Registries: Importance and functioning of registries. Registries - applications in public health research and clinical research; Registries governance (case studies). | 3 | ICMR-National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research | ICMR-NCDIR |
AcSIR-84-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Advanced Statistical Methods in Non-Communicable Disease Research | Correlation & Regression: Simple, partial and Multiple Correlations and their applications Test of Significance on Correlation Simple Linear Regression Analysis, Multiple Linear Regression: Hypothesis, Interpretation of coefficients, Evaluation of Model fit. Contingency tables: Response Variable and Explanatory Variables, Variable Measurements, Inference for a Single Population Proportion. Two-Way Contingency Tables Basic Sampling Distributions, Popular Measures of Association, Invariance properties, Inference: Tests for Independence. Three-Way Contingency Tables - Three Way Contingency Tables, Simpson's Paradox, Marginal vs. Conditional Independence, Homogeneous Association, Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Methods. Loglinear Models & Logistic Regression: Basic Uses, Loglinear Models for Two-Way Tables, Loglinear Models for Three-Way Tables, Interpretation of parameters. Logit Transformation, Interpretation of the Logistic Curve, Inference for Logistic Regression, Multiple Logistic Regression, Building and Applying Logistic Regression Models, Variable selection, Logistic Regression and Discriminant Analysis. Data analysis using R: Introduction to R, functions and Environments, Data import, Data functions, Visualization, Regression analysis methods. | 3 | National Centre for Disease Informatics and Research | ICMR-NCDIR |
AcSIR-91-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Cryobiology in Biomedicine | 1. Introduction: Introduction to Cryogenic Systems. refrigeration and cryogeme liquefaction applications of cryogenics. cryobiology, and cryo-tissue engineering in biomedicine. 2 . Principles of Cryobiology: Nature of water. low-temperature behavior of cells and tissues. nucleation and growth of ice crystals. cryo- biological variables, mitigation methods to protect cells from ice and dehydration during cooling. 3. Methods of Cryopreservation: Principles. methods, and procedural steps of freezing. vitrification, lyophilization, of cells and tissues. 4. Cryoprotective Agents: Types/ classification. mechanism of action, toxicity, assessment of toxicity, and mitigation measures to reduce toxicity of cryoprotectants. 5. Cryo-devices and Cryo-containers: Available cryo-devices and cryo-containers, their characteristics, and selection for cryopreservation of cells and tissues. 6. Cooling and Cooling Rate: Effect of cooling rate on eell survival, supercooling, seeding. nucleation. freezing, and vitrification. Heat changes during cooling-nucleation- freezing/vitrification. Slow versus rapid cooling. 7. Methods to achieve cooling/freezing: Mechanical freezers, controlled rate freezers. methods of controlled rate cooling, selecting a controlled rate freezer, controlled rate freezer accessories, freezing operation in controlled rate freezer. 8. Storing Cryopreserved Samples: LN2 storage phases, types of LN2 storage system and containers. selection LN2 storage system and inventory control system. 9. Warming. Thawing, and Post-Thaw Evaluation: Optimizing warming/thawing of cryopreserved cells and tissues, evaluation of post-thaw viability. post-thaw cell/tissue culture. 10. Cryoinjury: Hypothesis and theories of cryoinjury. membrane permeability versus cryoinjury, methods of measuring membrane permeability, mitigation measures. 11. Vitrification: Vitrificaiton methods. Probability of vitrification. ultra-rapid vitrification of cells and tissues. 12. Lyophilization: Freeze-drying assessing the process. success of freeze-drying. applications and limitations. 13. Cryomedicine and Cryosurgery: Cryosurgery. factors affecting the success of cryosurgery, frostbite and hypothermia. 14. Cryopreservation of tissues and organs: Hypothermic storage of tissues and organs. cryopreservation methods and limitations for banking of tissue and organs. | 2 | ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research | ICMR-NARFBR |
AcSIR-91-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Stem Cells for Biomedicine | 1. Concepts in stem cell engineering : Definition of terms, molecular mechanism of self- renewal. pluripotency. and lineage specification . 2. Embryonic Stem Cells: Generation and manipulation of ES. PG. EG and EC cells Patient-specific ES cells. 3. Adult stem cells: Trans-differentiation and plasticity. Somatic cell reprogramming. de- differentiation. SP population. Marker-assisted purification. High-density cultures. 4. Reprogramming of somatic cells into stem cells: Basic principle and strategies. Gurdon's experiment. SCNT 5. De-differentiation of somatic cells to stem cells: Cell-fusion induced stemness, cell-free extract system, stembrid 6. Direct reprogramming to stem cells: Landscape and approces of direct reprogramming. Small molecules for direct reprogramming, modifying signaling pathways for direct reprogramming. 7. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells: Derivation and manipulation of iPS cells. limitations and applications. 8. Epigenetic reprogramming of somatic cells to stem cells: Fundamental features of chromatin structure. genomic imprinting. X- chromosome inactivation, epigenome of stem cells. 9. Stem cells and cancer: Cancer stem cells. Germ-line stem cells. Differentiation and maturation of stem cells: Strategies for differentiation of stem cells, problems in stem cell maturation. 10. Genetic modification of stem cells: Using the stem cell "tool box". Gene transfer strategies. Clinical trials using stem cells: guidelines. process, and technical knowhow. 11. Ethical, legal, and IPR issues. | 2 | ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research | ICMR-NARFBR |
AcSIR-91-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Biotechnology in Human Health | 1. Brief history and branches of biotechnology and its impact on human health: Application of Biotechnology in diagnostics & therapeuties, pharmaceutical industry, food industry. chemical industry and environment. plant tissue culture and its applications. 2. Introduction to basic molecular biology: Chromatin, chromosome. DNA, RNA. central dogma. 3. Biotechnologist's toolbox: Outline of gene cloning and exogenous gene expression. Vectors. nuclear enzymes. rDNA technology. Polymerase chain reaction. 4. Molecular genetics mapping of disease genes: Mapping of human genome. cytogenetic analysis. genetic and physical linkage maps, complex disease traits. DNA fingerprinting. 5. Development of drugs: Evolution from natural drugs to modern drugs: recombinant drugs. Uses for recombinant drugs in human health. 6. Gene therapy for treatment of diseases: Antisense oligonucleotides and monoclonal antibodies as drugs. Biotechnology in cancer treatment. 7. Assisted Reproductive Technology: Test- tube baby. ICSI. ROSI. SUZI, prenatal genetic diagnosis. cord-blood banking. 8. Stem cell therapy: Organ transplantation. Lab tests using recombinant components. 9. Transgenic animals in health and diseases: Transgenic strains. Gene targeting and production of gene knock-out, applications of these tools for in vivo genome engineering, Screening for genome editing process in cells/ animals. recent examples of genome editing. 10. Ethical issues biotechnology in application of biotechnology. | 2 | ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research | ICMR-NARFBR |
AcSIR-91-FMR-AD-004 | 3 | Advanced Course | Genetic Engineering for Biomedicine | 1. Production of recombinant proteins: Foreign gene expression in various systems. 2. Genetic modification of animals: Animal bioreactor system. Production of bioactive pharmaceutical proteins from animals 3. Genetic engineering 'tool box': Methods of construction of rDNAs. methods of introduction of rDNAs into living systems. screening of rDNA clones. PCR, RFLP. 4. DNA fingerprinting and footprinting: chromosome walking. blotting techniques, gene sequencing and mapping, gene targeting. in vitro gene expression systems and protein engineering. site-specific and oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. antisence and ribozyme technology, gene theraphy. 5. Genome Editing: ZEN. TELENS. CRISPR. 6. Expression of genes, Prokaryotic and eukaryotic expression: Basic Mechanism of expression. 7. Ethical and legal issues in rDNA technology. | 2 | ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research | ICMR-NARFBR |
AcSIR-91-FMR-AD-005 | 3 | Advanced Course | Non-Human Primates in Biomedical Research | 1. Overview of Non-Human Primate Species Used in Research: Species commonly used in research Rhesus macaques, Cynomolgus monkeys. Bonnet monkeys, and marmosets: Anatomical and physiological similarities to humans Importance in biomedical research. Ethical and moral considerations. 2. Anatomical and Physiological Similarities to Humans: Key anatomical structures teg brain. cardiovascular system) and physiological processes that make NHPS valuable models: Comparative anatomy and physiology in the context of human diseases. 3 .Procedures Performed on Macaque in Biomedical NHPs/Rhesus Research: Identification, Handling and Restraint. Blood Collection. Urine collection, fecal Collection. Drug administration. Nasogastric Intubation. Injections 4. Bacterial and Viral Diseases in Nonhuman Primates: Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, bloody nose syndrome. bacterial gastroenteritis. tetanus, psuedotuberculosis. meliodosis. Monkey pox, B virus. measles. Simian Retrovirus1. Simian Hemorrhagic fever. Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B. Simian T cell leukemia. Rabies 5. Anaesthesia in Non Human Primates: General Anesthesia, Inhalant Anesthesia. Local Anesthesia. 6. Regulatory Requirements for Using Non- Human Primates in Research: This part provides an overview of the legal and ethical guidelines governing the use of NHPs in research. It discusses regulations by CCSEA (India), alongside international guidelines. which ensure humane and ethical practices. 7. Housing. Diet, and Enrichment Strategies for Non-Human Primates: Optimal housing conditions for NHPs. Types of Housing: Independent Housing. Indoor-Outdoor Housing System. and SS squeeze cages. Dietary requirements specific to different NHP species and outlines environmental enrichment strategies designed to promote psychological well-being and reduce stress in research environments. 8. Use of Primates in Studying Infectious Diseases: Contributions of NHPS to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria research: Disease progression models and therapeutic interventions. 9. Neurological Disorders and Cardiovascular Research Using NHPs: Use of NHPs to model Parkinson's. Alzheimer's. and other neurological conditions: Contributions to cardiovascular research te.g.. hypertension. atherosclerosis). 10. Studies on Learning. Memory, and Cognition in Non-Human Primates: Overview of cognitive studies in NHPs: Methodologies for assessing learning. memory. and decision-making in primate models: Translational impact on human psychology and neurodegenerative disease research. 11. Role of Non-Human Primates in Drug Development and Safety Testing: How NHPs are used in preclinical testing: Drug metabolism and toxicity studies in NIPs: Case studies of pharmaceutical testing using primates. 12. Ethical Considerations and Best Practices in Pharmacological Research: Ethical concerns surrounding the use of NHPs in pharmacological research are discussed here. focusing on pain management. humane endpoints. and adherence principle Replacement. to the 3Rs Reduction. and Refinement to minimize animal use and improve research practices. 13. Primate Models in Studying the Immune System and Developing Vaccines: Use of NHPs in immunology research: Vaccine development (e.g.. Ebola. COVID-19): Immune response in NHPs as a model for human diseases. 14. Key Contributions to Understanding Human Immunology: Discoveries in human immunology derived from NIIP research: Role of primates in developing immunotherapy's and treatments for autoimmune diseases. | 2 | ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research | ICMR-NARFBR |
AcSIR-91-FMR-AD-006 | 3 | Advanced Course | Medicine Genetics | 1. Genetics and Medical geneties definition: Heredity and variation. introduction to genetics, history of genetics, medical genetics. 2. Genes, chromosomes and human genome: Structure of DNA. gene. histone proteins. nucleosome. organization of DNA in chromosomes. heterochromatin, euchromatin. human genome. 4. Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance: Mendel's principles, applications of Mendel principles maltiple alleles. non-Mendelian inheritance, genetic int?r??ti?n.5. Gene and chromosome matations: Kinds of mutation aberrations gene mutation, chromosomal spontaneous and induced mutation. lethal mutatiors, molecular basis of mutation significance of motations. 6. Monogenic and Polygenic diseases: Sickle cell anenna. cystic fibrosis. hemophilia. Huntington's disease, atherosclerosis drabetes mellitus, autism, management of genetic disorders. 7. Biochemical genetics and inborn errors of metabolism: Introduction of inbom cmors of metabolism. disorders of amino acid metabolism, lysosomal storage disorders. 8. Developmental geneties malformations and teratology: Genetic errors of development, environmental teratogens. 9. Geneties of cancer: Physical, chemical and biological carcinogens, oncogenes tumor suppressor genes. epigenetic and cancer. geneties of common cancers. 10. Genetics of male and female infertility: Causes of infenility like chromosomal aberrations, single gene variants, and phenotypes with multifactorial inheritance. 11. Genetic testing and genetic screening: Biochemical and molecular tests in children. Presymptomatic testing for late onset diseases (predictive medicine).noninvasive and invasive methods. 12. Genetic counseling: Components of genetic counseling. establishing the diagnosis. outcomes in genetic counseling. 13. Gene-based therapeutic approaches and importance of biomarkers: Treatment of genetie disease, biomarkers, rDNA technology. Gene transfer and therapy. targeted gene correction. 14. Cellular and animal models in medical genetics: Cell culture model gene editing. iPSC, organoid. spontaneous animal model. chemically induced and genetically modified animal models. 15. Ethical, legal and social issues in medical genetics: General principles, ethical dilemmas in the genetic clinic. ethical dilemmas and the public interest. | 2 | ICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical Research | ICMR-NARFBR |
AcSIR-96-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Epidemiology, Screening, Prevention and Diagnosis of Cancers prevalent in India | Epidemiology and risks factors of cancer- and epidemiology in world and in India, Cancer prevention levels, Cancers amenable to screening, Common cancers in India: Cervix, Breast, Oral, colorectal and Lung. Modifiable and non-modiofiable risk factors of cancer. Substance abuse, Role of Tobacco, alcohol and smokeless tobacco in cancer. Fine needle aspiration Cytology (FNAC), Biopsies, Immunocytochemistry, Immunohistochemistry, Flow cytometry and Fluorescent insitu Hybridisation (FISH). | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research | ICMR-NICPR |
AcSIR-96-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Cancer Biology: Molecular, Cellular and Immunology of cancer | Oncogenes and Tumor suppressor genes and their role in carcinogenesis: SNP/mutation detection and analysis, signaling pathways, Immunologic and cancer Evaluation of anticancer pathogenesis, properties phytochemicals in different cancer cell lines, of Epigenetics factors in cancer DNA hypermethylation, acetylation and sialysation etc. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research | ICMR-NICPR |
AcSIR-96-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Biostatistics and Bioinformatics in Cancer Research | Introduction to Bioinformatics, Human Genome Project Pattern recognition, motif and family prediction, Phylogenetic Tree, Protein structure prediction, and visualization. Sample size determination, Contingency tables, tests of signficance, correlation, linear regression, data analysis using R and Stata. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Cancer Prevention and Research | ICMR-NICPR |
AcSIR-104-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Basics in reproductive biology-Female Reproduction | 1.Structure, function of the ovary and associated pathologies 2. Uterine anatomy, functions and pathologies. 3. Endometriosis and endometrial hyperplasia. 4. Embryo implantation and placentation. 5. Placental functions and disorders of placentation. 6. Cervical, vaginal anatomy and functions; parturition.7. Gonad development, Sex determination and disorders of Sex Development 8. Puberty and pubertal disorders 9. Female infertility causes and management; Contraception. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive & Child Health | ICMR-NIRRCH |
AcSIR-104-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Basics in reproductive biology-Male Reproduction | 1. Overview of male Reproductive system 2. Basic Concepts in Testis Biology. 3. Spermiaogenesis, Sperm maturation, capacitation, acrosome reaction. 4. Neuro- endocrine regulation of testicular function. 5. Semen analysis - what does it tell. 6. Genetics and Male fertility. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive & Child Health | ICMR-NIRRCH |
AcSIR-104-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Molecular Endocrinology Module | 1. Overview of the endocrine system. 2. Protein & Peptide hormones: Synthesis, regulation & action. 3. Steroid Hormones: Synthesis, regulation & fuction. 4. Hormones measurement (Immunoassay & Bioasssay). 5. Endocrine disruptors. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute for Research in Reproductive & Child Health | ICMR-NIRRCH |
AcSIR-88-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Immunology | Overview of Immunity. Antigens. Tissue Cells and Organs of the Immune System. Major Histocompatibility. Innate and Adaptive Immunity. Historical Perspective of Immunology. Cells and Organs of the Immune System. The Origins of Vertebrate Immune Cells. Principles of Innate Immunity. Anatomic Barriers and Initial Chemical Defences. The Complement System and Innate Immunity. The Induced Responses of Innate Immunity. Pattern Recognition by Cells of the Innate. Induced Innate Responses to Infection. Mucosal defence mechanisms. Principles of Adaptive Immunity. Antigen Recognition by B-cell and T-cell Receptors. The Structure of a Typical Antibody Molecule. Primary Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangement. The Interaction of the Antibody Molecule with Specific Antigen. Structural Variation in Immunoglobulin Constant Regions. Antigen Recognition by T Cells. The Generation of Lymphocyte Antigen Receptors. T-Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement. Evolution of the Adaptive Immune Response. Antigen Presentation to T Lymphocytes. The Generation of a:b T-Cell Receptor. Antigen Presentation to T Lymphocytes. The Major Histocompatibility Complex and Its Function. Generation of Ligands for Unconventional T-Cell Subset. Antigens and antigen presentation, superantigens. Cytokines, cellular adhesion and interactions. Immune regulation, Tolerance. Host defence mechanisms. and inflammation. Regulatory and effector functions of CD4+ T lymphocytes. Cytotoxic T cell function, cytotoxic function of macrophages, NK cell function, Tumor immunity. Pro- inflammatory and inhibitory cytokines. Function of phagocytes, mast cells, basophils and eosinophils. Immunopathology of Immune response inflammation. to microbes. Infections in the immuno-compromised host. Vaccines. Immunodeficiency. Primary immunodeficiency disorders, HIV/AIDS. Ageing and immune system. Secondary immunodeficiency (excluding AIDS). Allergic diseases. Allergic response in host defence, Anaphylaxis, Systemic immune diseases. Mechanisms of autoimmunity. Organ-specific immuno- inflammatory diseases. Reproductive immunology. Organ transplantation. Concepts and challenges transplantation. Cancer vaccines, Cytokine-modulatory therapies. Therapeutic antibodies Gene therapy. Anti-inflammatory medications: steroids, NSAIDs and antihistamines. Immunosuppressive therapy. Immunodiagnostics. Evaluating immunological functions. Detection of specific antibodies. Flowcytometry. HLA typing and matching. Lymphoproliferation assays. ELISA. Western blot. | 3 | ICMR-National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis | ICMR-NIRT |
AcSIR-88-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Bacterial Genetics & Zoonosis | Zoonoses are infections that are spread from animals to humans. This course work gives a general overview of the occurrence and transmission of zoonotic diseases, with particular emphasis on zoonotic diseases in the workplace, Common occupational zoonoses, summary information on the biological agent responsible for causing disease, methods of transmission, incidence and potential health effects, preventative measures that can be taken to reduce these risks. Horizontal Transfer Gene (HGT), conjugation, donor, recipient, conjugative plasmid, F-, F, transformation, naked DNA, competence, competent cell, DNA translocase, endonuclease, autolysin, RecA, transduction, generalized transduction, transducing particle, specialized transduction, molecular recombination, homologous recombination, resolvase, site-specific recombination, transposable elements, transposition, transposase, inverted repeats (IR), insertion sequence (IS), transposon, conservative transposition, replicative transposition. | 3 | National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis | ICMR-NIRT |
AcSIR-88-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Essentials of Microbial Informatics | Introduction to Bioinformatics: History of Bioinformatics, Genome sequencing projects, Applications of Bioinformatics. Linux OS and shell Scripting, Introduction to databases, Classification of Biological databases, Applications and limitations. Literature Search Databases (Pubmed, Medline), Microbial Nucleic acid and protein databases, Motifs and Pattern Databases(Pfam, Prosite), Databases for species identification and classification, Structural databases(PDB, Ligand Depot). Database Retrieval and deposition systems (SRA, GEO). Web tools (EMBOSS) and resources for sequence analysis: Pairwise and multiple sequence Alignment, Sequence similarity search: BLAST, Pattern recognition, motif and family prediction, CRISPR Design, primer design, Gene prediction, Phylogenetic Tree (Phylip, MEGA), Microbial genomics: microbial genome structure organization, lineage classification, insilico spoligotyping Comparative genomics of M.Tb, functional genomics(UCSC Genome Browser), Drug target identification, Codon Usage in prokaryotes (ACUA,GCUA), Gene expression analyses (GEOR, DAVID), Genome Data Visualization (Circos, Venny). Next generation sequencing: Bacterial Genome assembly (SpADes, MIRA), alignment (BWA) and variant calling (GATK), variant annotation (SNPeff), Structural Bioinformatics: Introduction to structure Protein prediction (Alphafold, Rosetta) and visualization (PYMOL), docking and virtual screening(VINA), Molecular dynamics simulation (Gromacs). | 3 | National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis | ICMR-NIRT |
AcSIR-90-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Health and Nutrition Communication Research and Practice | Introduction to Communication, Basic Models of Communication, Understanding Health and Nutrition Communication, Methods in Health and Nutrition Communication, Concepts and theories of Health Behavior Change, Theories of Behavior Change. Strategic Health and Nutrition Communication. implementing a Program and Evaluation of Health Communication, Health Risk and Crisis Communication, Health-content writing. Social media in Health and Nutrition Communication | 3 | ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research | ICMR-NIN |
AcSIR-90-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Food Components & Nutrients | Lecture: Macronutrients: Definition. General structure. Classification, and General properties of Carbohydrates, Proteins, and Lipids Proximate: Moisture, Protein, Total fat, Available sugars, Dietary Fiber, and Ash Micronutrients: Definition, General structure, Classification, Human Requirement. Storage and Deficiency of water-soluble (A, D, E, and K) and fat-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, vitamin C), and Minerals (macro: Ca, P, Na, K, Mg. CI, S and trace minerals: Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, Mo. Se, Fluoride, lodine) Carotenoids (Carotenes and Xanthophylls); a-Carotene, B-Carotene, B-Cryptoxanthin, Lutein, Lycopene, Zeaxanthin Polyphenols: Flavonoids, Anthocyanins, Anthoxanthins, Phenolic acids.Stilbenes, (Diferuloylmethane) Tannins, Curcumin Antinutrients: Phytates, Oxalates, Tannins, Lectins, Glucosinolates, Protease Inhibitors. Trypsin Inhibitors. Organic acids, and Amylase Inhibitors Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions: Zinc and Vitamin A, Iron and Vitamin C, Calcium, Phosphorous and Vitamin D. Selenium and Vitamin E. Vitamin K and Vitamin D. Folate and Vitamin B12. Energy and B-complex vitamins, Fats and Vitamin A, D. E, K, Iron and Protein, Calcium and Magnesium, Zinc and Copper, Sodium and Potassium Food Analytical Chemistry: Introduction to Food Chemistry and Analytical Techniques. Spectroscopic Methods in Food Analysis: Instrumentation, and working principles of UV-Vis Spectroscopy, Mass, Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. LAASI Mass, and ICP-MS spectrometry. Chromatographie: GC, HPLC, UHPLC. Ion-Exchange Chromatography Laboratory instruments involved in Proximate analysis: Dehydration, and evaporation instruments, Kjeldahl Apparatus, Soxhlet Extraction. Apparatus, Muffle Furnace. Practical: Proximate Analysis. Minerals Analysis using AAS/ICPMS, Vitamin Analysis using HPLC, Antioxidants Activity, Anti nutrients. | 3 | ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research | ICMR-NIN |
AcSIR-92-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Biosafety and Biosecurity for Bacterial Pathogens | Introduction to Biosafety and Biosecurity Definitions and distinctions between biosafety and biosecurity Importance in microbiology, especially bacterial pathogen research. Historical perspectives and notable incidents Biological Risk Assessment Concepts of biohazard and biocontainment. Risk group classification of bacterial pathogens. Risk assessment methodologies. Laboratory Biosafety Levels (BSL) Overview of BSL 1-4 Differences in facilities, equipment, and protocols Case studies of bacterial pathogens associated with each BSL Animal Biosafety Bacterial Pathogens in Research and Public Health Overview of bacterial pathogens of high public health concern Emerging bacterial threats and AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) Pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MRSA, ESKAPE, Anthrax etc. Biosafety Practices in Microbiology Laboratories Standard operating procedures (SOPs) for handling bacterial cultures. Personal protective equipment (PPE) and sterilization protocols. Proper disposal of bacterial waste and biohazards. Disinfection, Sterilization, and Decontamination Techniques Methods for controlling bacterial contamination Comparison of physical, chemical, and biological sterilization methods Special challenges with spore-forming and resistant bacteria Containment Facilities and Equipment Design principles of containinent laboratories BST-30 amatory design and operations Certification processes for containment facilities Engineering controls (eg, fume hoods HEPA Filters) Use and maintenance of biosafety cabinets, autoclaves, and isolation units Facility design considerations for bacterial pathogen containment Biosafety & Biosecurity Regulations/Guidelines International Biosafety guidelines (WHO, CDC, NIH), Cartagena Protocel National regulations, with a focus on India's guidelines-DBT and ICMR National rDNA Technology Guidelines, Role of IBSC Legal framework for handling bacterial pathogens Handling and Transport of Infectious Agents Packaging and shipping of bacterial cultures and specimens International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations Hazard Signage Transport-related risks and mitigating them Biosecurity in Research and Industry Dual-use research of concern (DURC), Gain in function Insider and outsider threats to biological materials Biosecurity strategies in bacterial pathogen research Emerging Bacterial Threats and Bioterrorism Potential for bacterial pathogens in bioterrorism (e.g., anthrax) Case studies of biological attacks or threats Countermeasures and preparedness for bioterrorism incidents Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and its Biosafety Implications Role of biosafety in mitigating AMR risks Case studies of AMR outbreaks and containment failures Policies and strategies for AMR control in laboratories Ethical Considerations in Biosafety and Biosecurity Ethical challenges in bacterial pathogen research Balancing public health benefits with securny risks Case studies of ethical dilemmas in biosafety Biosafety Training and Certification Developing and delivering biosafety training programs Importance of continuous education and certification Training challenges in bacterial research labs Incident Response and Emergency Preparedness Responding to accidental exposures to bacterial pathogens Lab-acquired infections (LAIs) and reporting protocols Emergency preparedness and contingency planning for bacterial pathogen releases Emerging pathogens and zoonotic diseases Role of biosafety in managing pandemics Preparedness for global health emergencies Biosafety in Field Research and Surveillance Challenges of handling bacterial pathogens outside controlled Inboratory environments Biosafety during outbreak investigations and environmental sampling Protection of personnel in fieldwork Global Collaboration and Policy Development in Biosafety International collaborations on biosafety and biosecurity Role of organizations like WHO, FAO, and OIE Global policies for bacterial pathogen handling and containment Advances in Biotechnology and Future Directions in Biosafety and Biosecurity Innovations in biosafety technologies for bacterial pathogens Emerging threats and research trends in bacterial pathogen containment Role of synthetic biology and its biosafety & biosecurity implications CRISPR and gene editing: biosafety concerns Nanobiotechnology and biosafety implications | 3 | ICMR-National Institute of Research in Bacterial Infections | ICMR-NIRBI |
AcSIR-92-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Epidemiology of Communicable Diseases | Epidemiologic Approaches to Disease and Intervention Measurements of occurrence of disease /health conditions (rate, ratio, prevalence, incidence ele.); disease dynamics and trends Epidemiologic Study Designs Observational, Quasi-Experimental; Experimental (case-control, cohort, cross-sectional, randomized trials; Blinded and unblinded trials etc.; survey and surveillance) Qualitative studies Associations and Causation, Causal Inference Determinants of disease; risk /preventive factors; association vs. causation; bias, confounding and interaction Infectious Disease Epidemiology causation and transmission; levels of disease prevention; Outbreak investigation; disease diagnostics; reliability and validity Infectious diseases of public health importance; Anti-microbial resistance Evaluation of Health Services and Health Programs Feasibility; acceptability; health equity; cost-effectiveness; National health programs; gap analysis. Ethical Issues in Public Health Human research ethics; good clinical practice; bio-materials storage and transfer; issues during public health emergencies; clinical trials including regulatory trials Fundamentals of Data Management Database types; designing databases; data checking; data storage and security; confidentiality Statistical Analysis and Interpretation Univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistics; data distribution; Systematic reviews and meta-analysis Qualitative data analysis Exercise (1-2): Epidemiological problem solving; Proposal Writing. | 3 | ICMR-National Institute of Research in Bacterial Infections | ICMR-NIRBI |
AcSIR-93-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Principles of human genetics | Models of inheritance: Mendelian inheritance, Autosomal dominant, Autosoamal recessive, X-linked dominant, X- linked recessive, and Mitochondrial. Chromosomal basis of genetic diseases | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology | ICMR-NIIH |
AcSIR-93-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Genetics of multifactorial diseases | Epigenetics Recombination frequency Genotyping, Association studies and PLINK analysis Genetic Counseling | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology | ICMR-NIIH |
AcSIR-93-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Molecular biology | Central dogma DNA replication Transcription Translation Gene regulation Major Genomic Technologies Cytogenetic technologies Karyotyping Fluorescent In-situ hybridization (FISH) Array CGH | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Immunohaematology | ICMR-NIIH |
AcSIR-86-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Basics of Environmental Health | Linkages between Environment and Health: Effect of air, water and soil quality on health: Perspective on Individual health: Nutritional, socio-cultural and developmental aspects, Dietary diversity for good health. Human developmental indices for public health . Air pollution and health: Determination of air pollutants, Air quality standards, Air Quality Index, Global and National disease burden due to air pollution. Air pollution and respiratory diseases, cardio-vascular diseases, metabolic diseases, and their mechanism. Chemical Pollution and human health: Sources of Chemical Pollution: Industrial Activities, Consumer Products, Waste Management. Types of Chemical Pollutants: Heavy Metals. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). Health Effects of Chemical Pollution; Risk Assessment and Management. Water pollution and human health: Sources of water pollution, assessment and monitoring of water pollutants (biological and chemicals), wastewater surveillance for infectious diseases, mitigation strategies, water pollution and diseases. Solid waste and its effect on health: Understanding Solid Waste: Types of Solid Waste, Waste Generation and Management, The Problem of Improper Waste Management, Health Impacts of Solid Waste: Disease Transmission, Air Pollution, Water Contamination, Chemical Exposure; Vulnerable Populations: Children and Low income communities; Solutions and Preventative Measures. lonizing and non-ionizing radiation: Types of Radiation: Electromagnetic Spectrum, lonizing Radiation and Non-lonizing Radiation: Sources of Radiation. Impact on human health and mechanism (DNA damage) and assessment method. Climate change and health: Climate Change Fundamentals: The Greenhouse Effect, Impacts of Climate Change, Climate Change and Specific Health Risks: Heat-related illnesses, Air pollution and respiratory illnesses, Waterborne diseases, Vector-borne diseases. Mental health impacts of climate change; Disease Modeling: Understanding Disease Transmission. Climate Change and Disease Modeling. Applications of Disease Modeling. Social equity and climate change. | 3 | ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health | ICMR-NIREH |
AcSIR-86-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Environment and Health Moitoring | Environmental Risk Assessment: Exposure assessment: Methods of estimating environmental toxicant cxposure Toxicity testing : Explore different methods used to assess the potential hazards of a toxicant, including in vitro and in vivo testing. Risk characterization: Investigating exposure assessment and toxicity data to estimate the potential health risk Environmental regulations and policies: Policies and regulations in place to control the use and release of toxic chemicals. Concept of exposome and diseases: Exposome: Definition, Components of the Exposome (Chemical. Physical, Biological, Social and life-style factors). Comparison with Genome. The Exposome and Disease Risk: Chronic Diseases, Gene-environment interactions, Life Stages and Exposures. Disparities in Exposures. Emerging Technologies & Challenges of Exposome research. Environmental toxicology: Assessment and methods in toxicology, Types of environmental contaminants, Sources and pathways of environmental contamination: Discuss how pollutants enter the environment through various sources like industrial activity, agriculture, and waste disposal, and how they move through air, water, and soil. Toxicity mechanism. Emerging Issues in Environmental Toxicology, Case studies. Environmental microbiology: Microbial Roles in the Environment: Biogeochemical Cycles. Degradation of Pollutants, Primary Productivity, Symbiotic Relationships. Environmental Microbiology Applications: Waste-water treatment, Bioremediation, Biofuels and bioenergy, Extremophiles, Metagenomics. role of environmental factors in emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases, AMR. Concepts of One Health Approach. Environmental Biotechnology, Genetics & Molecular Biology: Bioremediation, phytoremediation, bio-fuels. Genetic and environmental basis of disease susceptibility. Gene-Environmental Interaction, Epigenetics, Develeopment of molecular markers, Gene expression and next generation sequencing, Gut-microbiota and non-communicable diseases. Environmental epidemiology: Impact of environmental factors on communicable and non-communicable diseases, application of GIS in disease modeling and understanding, early-warning models and disease forecasting. Basic biostatics such as, Mean, median, mode, standard deviation, variance, skewness, kurtosis, correlation and regression, t-square tests, chi-square tests, ANOVA, sample size calculation, other relevant fundamental bio-statistical knowledge. Environmental & Health Instrumentation and Analytical Techniques: Basic principles and applications of environmental instruments and techniques, such as, Sampling instruments or techniques (Air/water/noise/blood/urine/stool/sputum), Microscopy, Spectrophotometry, Chromatography. Electrophoresis. PCR, Basic biochemical/molecular techniques, X-ray, ECG, EEG, Spirometry / PFT, CT-Scan, MRI, other relevant techniques etc. | 3 | ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health | ICMR-NIREH |
AcSIR-99-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Indian Traditional systems of Medicine | Historical development and cultural significance Non-codified traditional medicinal practices Definition and importance Documentation and initial validation Research cycle with case studies Overview of Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani systems Basic concepts Treatment modalities for various diseases Evidence-based traditional medicines Landscape of research in traditional medicine systems in India Studies initiated by research institutions Availability and quality of scientific literature Identifying research gaps Databases for evidence and information. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine | ICMR-NITM |
AcSIR-99-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Basic Science in Traditional Medicine | Documentation of non-codified Traditional Medicine practices Reverse pharmacology approaches Bed-to-bench and bench-to-bed approaches Comparison of drug development methodologies Laboratory techniques for identifying and isolating phytoconstituents Plant authentication Procedures and importance Phytochemical studies Introduction Importance and types of phytochemical studies (qualitative and quantitative analysis) Methodology Sample preparation Phytochemical screening (color reactions, chromatographic techniques) Spectroscopic analysis and bioassays Validation procedures (method and data validation) Preclinical studies on safety and efficacy Application of computational biology in traditional medicine research Application of biotechnology in traditional medicine research Applications Drug discovery and development Food science | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine | ICMR-NITM |
AcSIR-99-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Clinical research in traditional medicine and integrative health | Qualitative research methods in Traditional Medicine Ethnographic research methods and applications Designing clinical trials for Ayurvedic, Siddha, and Unani treatments Fundamentals of Statistical analysis Ethics and alternatives to animal models Quality control and standardization issues in traditional medicine Global and Indian regulatory frameworks and implications Pharmacovigilance practices and mechanisms Case studies of integrated healthcare practices Policies and regulations for integrating traditional medicine with modern healthcare Ethical considerations and patient management in integrative practices Challenges and opportunities in integrating traditional medicine with conventional medicine | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Traditional Medicine | ICMR-NITM |
AcSIR-65-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Parasite Biology | Life cycle of malaria parasite in human host, Vector-parasite interactions. Parasite biology of prevalent parasite species. Genetic diversity in malaria parasites, Role of genotyping in malaria research. Parasite metabolis?n in various stages of its life cycle. Host-pathogen interactions in malaria, Pathogenesis of severe malaria, Systems biology approaches in malaria research. Malaria in pregnancy. Molecular epidemiology. Drug resistance mechanisms in malaria parasites. Malaria immunology. Mouse models of malaria, Antimalarial drug targets, Vaccine design and development. Role of mesenchymal stem cells in malaria, Emerging tools for malaria research (e.g.. CRISPR-Cas9 in malaria studies). Malaria Epidemiology. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research | ICMR-NIMR |
AcSIR-65-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Mosquito Biology | Malaria Vectors in India. Basic ecology of mosquitoes (habitat, breeding sites, and behaviour). Mosquito anatomy and morphology. Mosquito biology and malaria parasite development cycle in mosquitoes. Identification of mosquito species (morphological and molecular). Basic vector genomics and data mining, entomological surveillance, Field visits for sample collection. Mosquito-parasite interactions and immune physiology. Understanding the emerging new research area of behavioral physiology, vector control strategies. Alternative strategies for mosquito control such as bio-larvicides, Maintenance of Plasmodium-infected mosquitoes. Dissection of midgut and salivary glands of infected mosquitoes and evaluation of oocyst and sporozoite load. Membrane feeding assays. Application of molecular, immunological, and bioinformatics tools in vector biology. Mosquito tunnel assay for testing new insecticides Insecticide resistance and susceptibility. Non-toxic natural product insecticides. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research | ICMR-NIMR |
AcSIR-65-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Parasite Culture | Aseptic techniques for parasite culture. Preparation of culture media and reagents, In-vitro malaria parasite culture. Preparation and maintenance of human erythrocytes for parasite culture. Synchronization of malaria parasite stages. Purification of specific stages of the parasite (rings. schizonts, gametocytes), Cryopreservation and revival of malaria parasites. Assessment of parasite growth and viability (e.g.. Giemsa staining. parasitemia quantification). Drug susceptibility testing in cultured parasites. In-vitro gametogenesis and exflagellation assays. Immuno-histochemistry and fluorescent microscopy. FACS for stage-specific parasite sorting. Gene cloning and expression of parasite proteins. Gene knock-out and CRISPR-Cas9-based genetic modifications. Transcriptomies and proteomics in cultured parasites. High-throughput screening assays for antimalarial drugs using cultured parasites. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Malaria Research | ICMR-NIMR |
AcSIR-103-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Bacteriology | Unit 1: General Bacteriology Bacterial Taxonomy Classifications, Morphology and Physiology of Bacteria - Shape of Bacteria, Cell Wall, Cell Membrane, Cytoplasmic Matrix, Cell Wall Appendages, Bacterial Growth and Nutrition, Factors Affecting Growth of Bacteria, Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infections-Specimen Collection, Staining Techniques, Culture, Identification and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test, Microbial Typing. Unit II: Systematic Bacteriology Epidemiology, transmission, identification, pathogenesis, virulence, clínical manifestation and laboratory diagnosis Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Pneumococcus, Neisseria, Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Clostridium, Enterobacteriaceae family, Brucella, Mycobacteria & Mycoplasmas. Antibiotics - classes, Mechanism of Action, Anti-microbial resistance. | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCPB |
AcSIR-103-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Virology | Unit 1: General Characteristics of Viruses The origin and evolution on viruses, Principle of Viral Taxonomy Nomenclature of viruses, identification and classification of viruses. The Structure of Viruses- General Properties of Viruses -Virion Size - Helical Capsids, Icosahedral Capsids, Nucleic Acids - Viral Envelopes and Enzymes. Unit 2: Viral Pathogenesis and Epidemiology Infections caused by Viruses, clinical manifestations, Viral infections in immuno-compromised patients, Viral vaccines. Viral outbreak preparedness, investigation, prevention and control Emerging and re-emerging viruses, Conventional and molecular epidemiology of viral infections. Biosafety, containment and biosecurity for viruses, Vectors of viral diseases and their control. | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCPB |
AcSIR-103-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Immunology | Unit 1: Components of Immune system Understand the fundamental concepts of immunity, contributions of the organs and cells in immune responses. Immune system components and functions, Innate and acquired immunity -Humoral and Cell-mediated immunity, Structure and function of antigen and antibody molecules, B and T cell receptors, MHC molecules. Unit 2: Immune response and Biophysical techniques Antigen recognition - TCR, BCR, MHC restriction, lymphocyte activation, clonal proliferation and differentiation. Physiology of acquired immune response - various phases of HI, CMI - cell mediated cytotoxicity, DTH response, antigen processing and presentation, activation and differentiation of B and T cells, Defense against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites, and Inflammation, Hypersensitivity, Immune deficiencies and autoimmunity. Immuno-assays: ELISA, RIA, Western Blotting, Immuno-fluorescence and their application. | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCPB |
AcSIR-94-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Cancer Biology | 1. Cancer Epidemiology a. The measures of disease burden, impact of cancer from a public health perspective. b. Genetic and environmental predisposition, C Biomarkers in risk prediction, d. Prognostication and tailoring of treatment, e. Understanding descriptive and analytical methods in cancer research, 2. Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment a. Diagnosis and treatment of the main cancers and possible future approaches to tumour ablation 3. Cell signaling pathways in cancer a. The hallmarks of cancer cells b. Cell cycle, replication, transcription, translation mechanisms involved in cancer. c. Cell signaling pathways in cancer 4. Animal cell culture a. Basics Techniques in Animal cell culture b. In vitro cancer models c. In vitro techniques for exploring cancer biology (cell proliferation assay, cell invasion, cell migration assays etc) 5. Cancer Pathology a) Pathology in Cancer research b) Cancer biomarkers (FDA approved Diagnostic, predictive and treatment monitoring markers c) Techniques in pathology (Immnuohistochemistry etc) 6. Analytical techniques a) Techniques for Genomic and transcriptomic analysis (Microarray, NGS etc) b) Techniques for protein analysis (Western blot, ELISA, proteomics, protein arrays etc 7. Bioinformatics and its applications analysis a) Databases, sequences, sequence alignment- Pairwise/multiple, global/ local protein domain. b) Introduction to NGS and software used for data analysis. c) Introduction to Proteomics and software used for data analysis. d) Programming languages (i.e., Perl, Python etc.) and their use in data anal, sis | 3 | ICMR-National Institute of Child Health and Development Research | ICMR-NICHDR |
AcSIR-94-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Biosafety | 1. BIOSAFETY PRINCIPLES a. Biosafety and Biosecurity (Biosafety Levels and Risk group, Classification, Containment, Primary Barriers-Respiratory protection (N95, PAPR), Laboratory specific requirement. Fit testing required through Employee Health, Secondary Barriers isolated zone, Double door entry, negative pressure with different zoning and BSC ), Biosecurity, Elements of a Bioosecurity Program. b. Biological risk assessment (Risk & Hazard Assessment, Factors associated with a risk, Pre-requisites for assessing risk, Main parameters of Risk Assessment, Behavioral Elements etc Classification of pathogens based on risk. Overview of microorganisms-types of viruses, bacteria, prions, etc., Vegetative versus spore forms Infectivity/ Pathogenicity/Virulence, Routes of entry/exit, Modes of transmission, Good microbiological practices. c. Biosafety risk management Code of safe laboratory practices, Decontamination & disposal, Health & Medical surveillance, ABSL facilities, Safe shipment of specimens & infectious materials, Salety rules for domestic & cleaning staff. 2. SAFE LABORATORY PRACTICES a. Good clinical and laboratory practices (GCLP) Safe handling of specimens in the laboratory, Use of pipettes and pipetting aids, Avoiding the dispersal of infectious materials, Use of biological safety cabinets, Avoiding ingestion of infectious materials and contact with skin and eyes, Avoiding injection of infectious materials, Separation of serum, Use of centrifuges, Use of homogenizers, shakers, blenders and sonicators, Use of tissue grinders, Care and use of refrigerators and freezers, Opening of ampoules containing lyophilized infectious materials, Storage of ampoules containing infectious materials, Standard precautions with blood and other body fluids, tissues and excreta, Precautions with materials that may contain prions. b. Decontamination and disposal (Disinfection: What is sterilization? Methods of sterilization, What is Disinfection? Should be sterilized or disinfected?, Decontamination of: Surfaces, Large Spaces, Equipment & sharps: BSC, Centrifuge, Vortex, Sharps, Microscope etc. Decontamination procedures: [Solid & Liquid & Biomedical waste, autoclaves principals and types, incinerators; Liquid: chemical kill tank, STP and BLED tanks] Segregation, Packaging, Transportation and Storage. Mandatory Authorization, Maintenance of Records, Accident Reporting, Waste categories & Colour coding (MPCB), Transport of Bio-Medical Waste Containers/Bags, Standards Standards for Incinerators, Standards for Waste Autoclaving Standard for Liquid Waste, Standards for Deep Burial, Biomedical waste log for incineration and Radioactive waste, International norms & local government regulations) 3. BIOSAFETY STANDARDS a. Safety checklist in Laboratory premises Storage facilities Sanitation and staff facilities, Heating and ventilation, Lighting Services, Laboratory biosecurity, Fire prevention and fire protection, Flammable liquid storage, Compressed and liquefied gases, Electrical hazards, Personal protection Health and safety of staff, infectious materials, Chemicals and radioactive substances b. Engineering and laboratory maintenance- [Particle & contaminant, Non viable counting and viable count, Clean rooms & its classification contaminant, Cross contamination, Source and resource for cross contamination, 150 standard for clean rooms and containment laboratory. Overview general maintenance program of facility, Routine checks [laboratory & engineering side] for safeguarding the facility, Maintenance Program Development, Functioning of BMS & Facility environment controls, Laboratory AHUS, filters etc and other decontamination procedures, Maintenance Program implementation, HVAC components: Functioning of Fan, Dampers, Solonoid valves, VAVS etc., Facility equipments related issues: Various Alarms, Biosafety Cabinets: Types, safe working, precautions, Autoclaves: Types, operation, precautions, Safeguard & record keeping, Freezers, Incubators, Centrifuges etc.] 4. EMERGENCY PLANS AND PROCEDURES a. Preparedness for emerging infections and outbreaks Epidemic Investigation related to Bat, Rodents, domestic and wild Birds, domestic animals, procedures for samples collections, transporting to Laboratory and biosafety procedures. Liquid & Solid waste decontamination in the field conditions, Maintenance of cold chain for samples, transportation, Liquid nitrogen container uses and logistic issues related to read, rail and by air transportation following biosafety in field. b. Response for emerging infections and outbreaks Field bio-safety including standard precautions, Role of Advisories, Guidelines, Recommendations during medical emergency, Epidemic Investigation for suspected high risk viruses or unknown or BT agent and biosafety procedures including logistics and preparedness /preparations, Clinical and epidemiological Investigations of emerging infectious diseases, Field surveys Including household Interviews/serosurveys, Data management including forms/formats/questionnaires, Reporting and coordination/communications. 5. BIOSAFETY ORGANIZATION AND STRUCTURE a. Regulatory Framework Code of conduct for scientists, Statuary roles of Department of Biotechnology (OBT), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals [CPCSEA) & 1AEC (Institutional Animal ethical Committee), MPCB (Municipal pollution control board), Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBSC), Institutional Human Ethics Committee (IHEC), Local Government laws in safe disposal of waste ie. PMC, BARC & BRIT for Gamma Irradiation, Shipping and Transportation (IATA & ICMR for material movement), BWC, and India as State party, Recent Viternational Issues for Biosafety & biosecurity, Laboratory certification, accreditation and standards, Commissioning. Certification & Validation, Accreditation, ISO, NABL, Bioethics. Ethical principles in medical research, ICMR ethical guidelines for humans, Ethical committees on human research (IHEC, HMSC), Ethical committees on animal research (IAEC, CPCSEA), Use of archived specimens for research, Ethical issues during outbreak investigation/public health emergencies, Consent). b. Public health structure/system (Disease surveillance and reporting, Disease control program, National/state/district/municipal health services structure/systems, Public health regulations, Outbreak response management system). c. Medical surveillance [Medical first aid, Requirements for certification of fitness, Vaccination requirements, Accident reporting and investigation, post-exposure assessments & management, Hospital infection control. | 3 | ICMR-National Institute of Child Health and Development Research | ICMR-NICHDR |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Insect Biology & Biochemistry | Digestion & Nutrition: Blood digestion in haematophagous insects Nutritional requirements and metabolic pathways (protein, lipid & carbohydrate) in haematophagous insects Respiratory and Circulatory system: Structural regions, adaptations, and functional properties with special reference to aquatic forms of mosquitoes discontinuous respiration. Cyclic or discontinuous respiration. Circulatory system structure -Mechanism and neuronal/hormonal control of circulation Haemolymph constituents and functions Haemocytes, haemopoietic organelles and immune molecules Phenoloxidase system, melanization and encapsulation. Excretion and osmoregulation: Excretion in haematophagous insects -Osmoregulation in terrestrial and aquatic insects. Reproduction and development Egg development and abdominal conditions in mosquitoes and sandflies reproductive strategies in mosquitoes and sandflies-Autogeny, gonotrophic cycle and physiological age determination in mosquitoes Reproductive organs of mosquitoes (male & female) and sandflies -Types of ovarioles Vitellogenesis and spermatogenesis embryogenesis -Fertilization, zygote formation and embryogenesis- Metamorphosis -Endocrine control of development and maturation. Biosynthetic pathways and inhibitors of mosquito juvenile hormone. Mosquito and sandfly biology: Mating, host seeking, feeding, resting, oviposition, behavior. Overview of parasite/pathogen developmental cycle inside vectors; vector bionomics; entomological surveillance. Vectors of public health in India. | 2 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Techniques in Vector Biology and Anthropod Research | Larval and Adult Bioassays for Insecticide Susceptibility: Introduction to insecticide susceptibility and resistance. Standardized protocols for larval and adult bioassays (e.g., WHO and CDC guidelines). Preparation of insecticide solutions and impregnated papers. Testing procedures for different insecticide classes. Data collection, analysis, and interpretation (e.g., LC50, LC90). LC90) Dissection of Mosquito Midgut, Salivary Gland, and Ovary Isolation: Tools and techniques for mosquito dissection. Anatomy of mosquito midgut, salivary glands, and ovaries. Protocols for tissue isolation and preservation. Applications in parasite/vector interaction studies (e.g., malaria, dengue). Haemolymph Collection, Staining, and Identification of Haemocytes in Mosquitoes Methods for haemolymph extraction from mosquitoes. Preparation of haemolymph smears and staining techniques (e.g., Giemsa or DAPI). Identification and classification of haemocytes (c.g., granulocytes, oenocytoids). Role of haemocytes in immunity and disease vector competence. Membrane Feeding of Mosquitoes: Principles of membrane feeding assays. Preparation of blood meals (e.g., infectious, non-infectious). Assembling membrane feeding apparatus. Applications in pathogen transmission and drug efficacy studies. Ethical considerations and biosafety measures. Ticks and Mites Identification: Overview of tick and mite morphology. Taxonomic keys for identification. Sampling methods for field-collected specimens. Laboratory techniques for microscopic examination. Discussion on their roles as vectors of diseases. Collection and Identification of sandflies: General ideas of habitats, different collection methods, dissection for species identification, morphometric analysis, molecular identification of species, promastigotes identification in the gut, blood meal identification. Mosquito and sandfly Rearing and Colony Maintenance: Setting up laboratory conditions for mosquito and sandfly rearing (temperature, humidity, lighting). Life cycle stages and nutritional requirements. Breeding protocols and egg collection techniques. Maintaining genetic diversity and monitoring colony health. Troubleshooting common rearing challenges. Morphological and molecular identification of mosquito species: Morphological identification techniques using taxonomic keys. Characteristics of major vector species (e.g., Anopheles, Aedes, Culex). Introduction to molecular tools (e.g., PCR, DNA barcoding). Designing primers and analyzing genetic sequences for species identication . Practical application in vector control programs. | 2 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Immunology | Introduction to Immunology: Types of immunity, innate immunity, acquired, passive, active Mechanism of innate immunity. Antigens and Antibodies Types of Antigens, haptens, antigenic determinants. Structure, Class and function of Immunoglobulins: Basic structure of immunoglobulins Different classes of immunoglobulins and functions. Antigen antibody reactions with examples: Antigen-antibody reactions, Precipitation test, Agglutination Test. Clinical applications of antigen antibody reactions: Clinical opplications of antigen antibody reaction: Eg: Widal, VDRL, HIV test (ELISA) Complement fixation test, Coombs test, Flow cytometry. surface and intracellular analysis using FACS. Multiplex cytokine analysis. Cells and organs of immune system and MIIC antibody synthesis: Primary and secondary lymphoid organs. Cells of the immune system Leucocytes, Lymphocytes T & B cells, Macrophages, Plasma cells, Memory cells, MHC Antibody synthesis, MHC, antibody development in response to an immune response. Primary and secondary immune response: Primary and secondary responses. Monoclonal and Polyclonal antibody synthesis: Monoclonal antibodies Hybridoma technology, Phage display technique, chimeric antibodies, Polyclonal antibodies, uses. Vaccine, and its types, vaccine evaluation, adjuvants. Insect Immunity: Insect hemocytes & their role in immunity, Phenoloxidases in insect immunity, blood feeding as an interface of mammalian & Anthropod immunity, Insect immunity to parasites & viruses, Insect immune recognition & suppression, RNAi & the insect immune system. | 3 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-004 | 3 | Advanced Course | Epidemiology of Vector Borne Diseases | Introduction to VBDs: Overview of VBDs: Definition and scope of VBDs, Global and regional burden of VBDs. Social and Economic impacts. Basics of Epidemiology: Epidemiology-definition-scope. Host, agent and Vector Triad. Transmission dynamics of VBDs, Basic reproductive number (RO) and its implications in VBDs. Epidemiologic triad. Epidemiological measures: Incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality risk difference relative risk Odds ratio attributable risk-standardization of rates Screening and diagnostic measures (sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values). Epidemiology of Major VBDs: Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, Filariasis, Japanese Encephalitis, Leishmaniasis, Lyme disease, Onchocerciasis. Factors influencing VBDs: Pathogen/parasite factors, vector factors, environmental factors, Socioeconomic -factors, behaviour factors. Vector and Vector Borne Disease Surveillance: Surveillance concepts survey methods - special surveys - Epidemic/outbreak investigations, Surveillance tools-Notifiable diseases and their surveillance. Zoonosis of major VBDs (Filariasis, Leishmaniasis, Malaria, etc.) Evaluation and Control: Community-Based Interventions for VBDs, Mathematical Modelling in VBD: Basic concepts of mathematical models, Application of modelling: Predicting outbreaks and evaluating interventions. Global and National Policies on VBDs: Vector Borne Disease Control Programs: Global and National Programs. | 3 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-005 | 3 | Advanced Course | Pesticides and Public Health | Pesticides and Their role in public health: Introduction to pesticides Pesticides in public health-Advantages of chemical control and its utility in vector control. Classification of insecticides: Chemical Pesticides-Bio larvicides-Insect growth regulators. WHO evaluation scheme-Evaluation of chemical Larvicides/IGRs/bio larvicides: Phase 1: Laboratory studies Phase 11: Small-scale field trials-Phase III: Medium and large-scale field trials- Effect on non-target organisms - Operational and community acceptability Evaluation. Repellents-Adulticides-insecticide treated Nets and Fabrics-Evaluation indicators: Process indicators-Impact indicators-outcome indicators- Control of mosquitoes- Selection of suitable site specific control measures-Personal protection measures zooprophylaxis - Insecticide treated fabrics-Long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets (LLINs)-Insecticide spraying (larviciding indoor residual spraying spaces spraying). | 3 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-006 | 3 | Advanced Course | Bioinformatics: Tools and Techniques | Introduction to Bioinformatics Biological Databases- Introduction, search and retrieval. Nucleotide and protein databases, parasite (Plsmo DB) and vector databases (Vector base). Sequence Alignment: Pairwise sequence alignment and multiple sequence alignment. Sequence similarity search using BLAST and its different types, Alignment methods, Tools and softwares, Applications of MSA, Basics of NGS analysis. Annotation: Introduction to annotation, Types of annotation, Genome annotation - Nucleotide level, protein level and functional level Genome Annotation Tools and databases - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic annotation with examples - Applications. Phylogenetic analysis- Introduction of Phylogeny - Phylogenetic tree construction, Phylogenetic methods Construction of phylogenetic trees -Evaluation of Phylogenetic trees-Bootstrapping -Application. Protein structure prediction - Introduction to protein structures methods of protein structure prediction Denova and Ab Initio methods Applications in vector borne disease. Omies Genomics: DNA sequencing technologies and platforms, a typical NGS experimental and analysts workflow. Transcriptomics (concepts of microarray and RNA sequencing); Proteomics: Protein Structure and structure prediction methods, basics concepts of Proteomics, Biomarker discovery. | 3 | ICMR-VCRC | |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-007 | 3 | Advanced Course | Microbial Biotechnology | Introduction Biotechnology: Overview of Microbes as tools, Fundamentals of Microbial genetics and physiology, and gene regulation mechanisms in Mirco-organisms. Molecular Tools and Techniques: Recombinant DNA technology- Principles and applications. Genomics-Sequencing and Functional Analysis, CRISPR and Gene Editing - Advances and Applications. Biotechnology Products: Proteins as biotechnology products: Enzymes, Hormones. Red biotechnology, Applications of Recombinant DNA technology in Medicine, Industry and Agriculture antibiotics, vaccines, microbial diagnostics. Industrial (White and yellow) Biotechnology: Applications in industry- chemicals, bio-fuels and food production -beer, wine, cheese. Agricultural (Green) Biotechnology: Applications in agriculture-transgenics, biofertilizers, biopesticides. | 3 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-008 | 3 | Advanced Course | Molecular Biology | Introduction to molecular biology: Central Dogma of molecular biology-DNA, RNA, Proteins, Prokaryotic (Lac, Gal and arabinose and Trp operons) Eukaryotic gene Expression (post-transcriptional modifications), Protein synthesis Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic gene regulation. Mutation- cause and effect, Transversion, Transition, Deletions. DNA Repair Mechanisms and Advances in Gene Therapy: DNA repair mechanisms prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Gene therapy and gene editing-CRISPR-Cas9 and RNAi. Tools and techniques in molecular biology: separation and colorimetric techniques, PCR types and blotting techniques: DNA/RNA extraction methods. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and types quantitative and qualitative PCRs, cDNA synthesis, and reverse transcriptase PCR.Electrophoresis techniques (Agarose, PAGE, Pulse field electrophoresis). Molecular Techniques in Genomics and Proteomics: Nucleotide sequencing methods Sanger sequencing. Next generation sequencing Transcriptomic and genomics. Centrifuge Electrophoresis-Colorimeter - Spectrophotometer- Southern Blotting Chromatography Northern Blotting and Western Bloting. One gene-one enzyme hypothesis, One gene-one polypeptide hypothesis. Characteristics of genetic code. | 3 | ICMR-VCRC | |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-009 | 3 | Advanced Course | Integrated Vector Management : Strategies and Tools | Principles and key elements of Integrated Vector Management (IVM) Introduction to IVM-Definition and Scope of IVM -Evolution of Vector Control: From traditional to integrated approaches. Framework of IVM-Feasibility, merits and limitations stories-vector management-the role of vector control in controlling preventing vector-borne diseases- planning IVM- situation analysis and needs assessment- implementation plan-monitoring and evaluation. Global Vector Control Response (GVCR): GVCR framework advocacy and resource mobilization-capacity strengthening- Support for basic and applied research-Regulatory and policy support by WHO regions. Vector Control Needs assessment (VCNA): Background-objective-framework-methods-assessment-procedures-Four Pillars of Action. Evidence-based integration of vector control options: Principles of vector control-personal protection measures - Selection of Vector control Tools evidence-based decision-making process for integration of vector control options - Vector Assessment. Inter-Sectoral Convergence (ISC) and Community Social Mobilization for Public Health Concept & Need, Scope & Stakeholders, Process & Methods of ISC, benefits and constraints, sustainability of partnerships, Experience of ISC at National & International Levels. Community and Social Mobilization-definition and requirements, principles, process, Health Behaviour Models & Theories of Behavioural Change- Health Awareness and Assessing Health Behaviour Change- Communication for Health Promotion- Social Mobilization for IVM-Case Studies in Vector-Borne Disease Control. | 3 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-010 | 3 | Advanced Course | Vector Biology, Ecology, and Control | Introduction to Vector Biology and Disease Transmission Introduction to Medical Entomology: Vector Taxonomy (mosquitoes, ticks, flies, fleas), Biology of Vectors, Mechanisms of Disease Transmission, Vector-Host Interaction. Vector Ecology and Behaviour Introduction to vector ecology, ecosystem, vector habits and habitats, Population Dynamics, Seasonal and Spatial Variability, Ecological Niches of Vectors, Behavioural Ecology, Impact of Human Activities. Vector Control Strategies - Traditional and Contemporary Approaches. Historical Overview of Vector Control, Chemical Control, Biological control, environmental management, personal protection, case study analysis of Global Malaria Eradication Programme and its evolution into Modern Vector Control Initiatives. Innovations and Emerging Trends in Vector Control: Genetic Control of Vectors, Symbiotic Control, Innovative Tools for Surveillance, Digital Health Tools, Vaccine Development or available prophylaxis, Climate Change and Vector Control, Case Study: The success of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes in controlling dengue in urban areas. | 3 | ICMR-VCRC | |
AcSIR-69-FMR-AD-011 | 3 | Advanced Course | Advanced Vector Science and Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases | Global Overview of Emerging Vector-Borne Diseases Emerging and Re-Emerging Diseases: Overview of key diseases transmitted by vectors, including malaria, dengue, Zika, chikungunya, yellow fever, and West Nile virus. Public Health Impact: Analysis of disease burden, morbidity, mortality, and economic consequences of vector-bome diseases. Drivers of Emergence: Factors contributing to the rise of emerging diseases, including population growth, urbanization, and globalization. Case Study: Zika Virus Epidemic in Latin America implications for global health response. Advanced Vector Biology and Disease Transmission Vector-Pathogen Interaction: Mechanisms of pathogen transmission by vectors (e.g., viral, bacterial, and protozoan agents), Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition: Impact of competition between vector species on disease dynamics. Host-Vector Relationships: Behavioural and physiological adaptations of vectors that enhance their capacity to transmit pathogens. Vector Competence and Susceptibility: Genetic and environmental factors influencing a vector's ability to transmit diseases. Case Study: Anopheles mosquitoes and malaria transmission in sub-Saharan Africa/India. Vector Ecology in the Context of Environmental Change Impact of Climate Change: Effects of rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events on vector distribution and seasonality. Urbanization and Land-Use Change: How urban environments and deforestation alter vector habitats and increase discase transmission risks. Vector Range Expansion: The movement of vectors into new geographic regions due to environmental changes and human activity. Case Study: Expansion of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in Europe and North America. Innovations in Vector Control for Emerging Diseases Genetic Control: Use of gene editing and gene drives to reduce vector populations or modify their ability to transmit diseases. Sterile Insect Technique (SIT): Release of sterile males to suppress wild vector populations. Symbiotic Control: Using symbiotic bacteria (e.g.. Wolbachia) to reduce vector competence or survival. Integrated Vector Control: Combining chemical, biological, and environmental methods for sustainable disease management. Case Study: Implementation of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes for dengue control in Brazil. | 3 | ICMR-Vector Control Research Centre | ICMR-VCRC |
AcSIR-87-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Design and analysis of epidemiological studies for causal inference | Logic of scientific inference; Guidelines for assessing causality; Epidemiologic approaches to causal inference; Cohort studies; Case control studies; Analytical cross-sectional studies; Hypothesis testing; P-value; Confidence intervals; Selection bias; Information bias; Confounding; Effect measure modification; Matching; Directed acyclic graphs; Target trial; Causal modelling in observational studies | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology | ICMR-NIE |
AcSIR-87-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Implementation research: Principles and methods | Operational/ Implementation Research: What? and Why? Operational/ Implementation Research: How? (Enablers) Translating operational research into policy and practice SORT IT WHO/TDR accredited and cordinated model for building OR/IR capacity Different types of implementation science frameworks? The Framework for Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance (RE-AIM); Precede-Proceed; Dynamic Sustainability; Practical, Robust Implementation Sustainability Model (PRISM); and Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). Reporting frameworks for implementation science. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology | ICMR-NIE |
AcSIR-87-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis | Rationale for conducting systematic review and meta-analysis, Guidelines for conducting a SRMA, Literature search (Building a search strategy and hands on demos of tools), Importing search results into reference manager tools (Rayyan, Covidence), Title/ Abstract screening & Full text screening, Data extraction and coding, Effect size calculation, Risk of bias assessment, Meta-analysis (Fixed and Random effects model and hands on in R software), Publication bias and other type of bias, Heterogeneity assessment, subgroup and sensitivity analysis, Other type of reviews (umbrella reviews, rapid reviews, state-of-the-art reviews, prognostic reviews etc), Grade and its variations (hands on GradePro software), Advanced meta-analysis topics: Network, Baayesian, IPD and Trial sequential analysis. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology | ICMR-NIE |
AcSIR-87-FMR-AD-004 | 3 | Advanced Course | Statistics for Clinical Trials | Principles of Experimental Designs. Guidelines for Clinical Trials. Randomization Techniques. Study Designs. Clinical trial hypothesis. Sample Size and Power Computation. Analysis of Continuous data. Analysis of Binary data. Analysis of Survival data. Intention-to-Treat Analysis. Repeated Measurements. Multiplicity. Missing Data. Interim Monitoring and Stopping Rules. Reporting of Clinical Trials. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology | ICMR-NIE |
AcSIR-87-FMR-AD-005 | 3 | Advanced Course | Public health microbiology | Microbiology in Public Health; Role of microbiology laboratory in surveillance and outbreak investigations; Planning for laboratory investigations; Specimen collection; Specimen transportation; Microbiological methods; Rapid diagnostic testing; Antimicrobial resistance testing; Diagnostic validity of laboratory tests; Laboratory quality management (internal quality control, EQAS); Biosafety. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology | ICMR-NIE |
AcSIR-87-FMR-AD-006 | 3 | Advanced Course | Molecular tools for infectious disease epidemiology | Introduction to Molecular Epidemiology; Advantages/Disadvantages of molecular tools; OMICS; Sample collection for molecular testing; Nucleic acid extraction and quantification; Amplification based methods; Polymerase chain reaction; Loop-mediated isothermal amplification; Microbial fingerprinting; Sanger sequencing; Whole Genome sequencing; Phylogenetic analysis. | 2 | ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology | ICMR-NIE |
AcSIR-101-FMR-AD-001 | 3 | Advanced Course | Molecular Biology and its application in Public Health | Structure of nucleic acid: Replication. Transcription. Translation, Regulation of Recombinant DNA gene expression. Technology. Molecutor techniques in Public heath- Nucleic acid amplification techniques, Advance molecular biology techniques, Molecular detection of pathogens like viruses, bacteria, and yeast in clinical samples: Molecular surveillance of infectious diseases; Molecular Markers. | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Gorakhpur | ICMR-RMRCGKP |
AcSIR-101-FMR-AD-002 | 3 | Advanced Course | Infectious Diseases: An Overview | Classification of Infectious Diseases: Clinical aspects of Infectious diseases: Disease progression. Stages and severity, Pathology of infectious diseases: Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis: Emerging and re-emerging diseases: Tropically neglected diseases: Nosocomial infections, | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCGKP |
AcSIR-101-FMR-AD-003 | 3 | Advanced Course | Diagnosis of infectious diseases | Molecular diagnostic techniques: Serological diagnostic techniques: Microscopy: Cell culture: Flowcytometry: Diagnosis of viruses. Diagnosis of bacteria: Diagnosis of parasites: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing and Automated microbial identification system. | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCGKP |
AcSIR-101-FMR-AD-004 | 3 | Advanced Course | Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation | Fluorescence, confocal and electron Microscopy: Digital Polymerase Chain Reaction: Micro array: DNA sequencing: Next Generation Sequencing: Centrifugation: Spectrophotometry. Biosafety cabinets: Mass spectrometry | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCGKP |
AcSIR-101-FMR-AD-005 | 3 | Advanced Course | Immune defense against infectious diseases | Overview of immune system: Components of immune system: Innate and acquired immunity: Innate immune cell subsets: T-cell subsets. B-cells and surface markers, Antigen processing and presentation: Antigen-antibody interactions: Complement system and inflammatory reaction: Mechanisms of inflammation, Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC); Antigen processing and presentation: Cytokines, chemokines and leukocyte trafficking: Host response to viral and bacterial infection: Vaccines: Immunotherapy. | 2 | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre | ICMR-RMRCGKP |
Updated on March 25,2025