Medical Research Inter-disciplinary/Cross-disciplinary Courses.

Course CodeCourse LevelName of Course LevelCourse TitleCourse ContentCourse CreditsFull Name of CentreLab Name
AcSIR-100-ID-0012Inter-disciplinary / Cross-disciplinaryPublic Heath and PracticeModule Title: Principle and practice of public Health;
Introduction to Public Health and Evolution: Defining Public Health: core functions,
essential services, History and evolution of Public Health; Major domains and scope of Public Health; levels and basic concepts of the public health system, Public Health Challenges.
Role of Public Health Professionals: The new Public Health Professional- role,
responsibilities, competencies and opportunities; Leadership in Public Health, Case study: NHM; Role of Government, Non-Govt Organizations and civil society in Public Health, Role of Public Health professional in pandemic.

Determinants of Health: Introduction to determinants of health, Concept of Health and
wellbeing, Social and economic environment, Physical environment, and Person's individual characteristics and behaviours, Modes of prevention; Community diagnosis, Genetics. Ecology of health focusing on one health concept, Community perception and priorities on health and diagnosis & need for assessment.

Approaches to Public Health & Effective Practice: Effective Practice of Public Health, Right to health, Universal Health Coverage, Out-of-pocket expenditure, National Health Policy, Challenge in public health delivery. State specific public health challenges, Quality Equity and Access to Healthcare.
Module: Introduction to Health System and Policy: Concept of Health Systems and its Components: Concept of Health System, Building blocks of health system, Pillars of health system, Heath system strengthening. Health systems in India and primary health care; Health infrastructure & Healthcare Delivery System; Concept of primary healthcare; Different sectors in health system including AYUSH; Role of PRI & WCD in public health;
Introduction to Health Policy: Introductions to National Health Policies in India, understanding of global and national health policies, Health policies of developing and developed nation including current trends, Analyse the political system within which

Factors influencing Health Policy: Contextual factors that influence to policy change, changing global health policy environment, Law and politics in Health policy, Policy making: key components, Policy framework, Stake holders in policy making, Effects of different interest and advocacy groups in influencing health policy, Effects of national and international affairs on health policy

Health Policy Analysis: Health Policy Analysis: Basic theoretical approaches and concepts used in policy analysis, steps in Health policy analysis, Fundamental of health policy research, translating research in policy making.
Module Title: Health Management Principles Practice:
Organization and Planning: Introduction to Health management, principles of health management, Planning, implementation, Steps of Planning Cycle, Organization Orga and Organizational behaviour, Leadership in Health management, public health governance, Project Leade management, Strategic management, Monitoring and Evaluation.
Resource Management and Quality: Logistic, human resource, timemanagement in Health, Conflict management, Types of Budgets, Introduction to MIS and HMIS, Health system reform, Human Resource in Health, Current status of HRH in India, Rural health statistics, recruitment planning, job analysis, Health care quality and performance management in Public Health, Quality control.

Modern management techniques: Modern management techniques, network analysis, PERT, fish bone technique, Management by Objectives, Health care marketing, health management during disasters and pandemics.

Introduction to Operational Research: Background of Operational Research, Meaning of Operations Research, Significance of Operations Research, Scope of Operations Research, History of Operations Research, Applications of Operations Research, Models of Operations Research.
Module Title: Socio behavioural Science, Communications & Health promotion. Socio behavioural Science: Introduction on sociological perspectives on health, Health & Society, Sociological structure and organization, Key concepts in sociology as applied to the study of health, Social and cultural processes impacting health status and access to health services. The relationship of culture, community, family, social networks and health,
Health Communication: Information Education and Communication (IEC), Inter Personal Communication (IPC), Behaviour Change Communication (BCC), Social Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Human behaviour and communication, its role in public health problems and solutions, Verbal vs. Non-verbal communication, Various forms of written communication,

Introduction to Health Promotion: Holistic view of health, Definition of health promotion, Evolution of the concept of health promotion and its importance in the contemporary public health scenario, Health Education vs. Health Promotion, Principles of health promotion, Ottawa Charter, Approaches for health promotion, Health promotion strategies, Health promotion action, Current legislative measures in India for health promotion, Techniques of needs assessment, Prioritization of needs, Principles processes and criteria for determining health promotion priorities. Models and Theories of Health Promotion: Models and Theories of Health Promotion: Health Promotion program in different settings (School, health care organization, workplace, community), Intervention mapping process (PRECEDE-PROCEED model), Assessing and strengthening community resources, building health promotion plan, Substance abuse epidemic in parts of India, Stigmatization of health conditions, Behavioural issues in children and teens: substance abuse, suicide patterns. Module Title: National Health Programs: Infectious disease epidemiology: Introduction to basic principles of infectious disease epidemiology, Disease transmission, contact and air, vehicle-borne transmission, Nosocomial infections, Hospital infection control, Vaccine and immunization, Emerging and re-emerging infection, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis, Diarrhea, Sepsis, Influenza, Bird flu, Swine flu, SARS, COVID-19- epidemiology, host, agent, environment and prevention.

National Programme on Communicable Diseases: National AIDS control programme, National Leprosy Eradication Programme, Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme, National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme, National Programme on Prevention and Control of Viral Hepatitis, Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme Introduction to non-communicable diseases: Current Issues and Challenges in Chronic Disease and its Control, Epidemiology of Lifestyle related diseases, Hypertension, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Asthma, Obesity, Diabetes, Musculo-skeletal disorders, Blindness, Snake bite, Injury, Mental Health problem.

National Programs on Non-Communicable diseases: National Tobacco Control Programme, National Programme for Control and Treatment of Occupational Diseases. National Programme for Prevention and Control of Deafness (NPPCD), National Mental Health Program, National Programme for Control of Blindness, National Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke. Pradhan Mantri National Dialysis Programme, and, National Urban Health Mission.

Module Title: Environmental and Occupational Health: Introduction to Environment & Health: Principles of environment health and human ecology. Ecosystem approach, Environmental Sustainability, Environmental (water, air, noise and soil) pollution and prevention strategy, Global Environmental Change, Environmental health impact assessment,
Waste Management: Classification wastes solid and liquid, Public Health Implication of waste management, Solid Waste Management in India Policy, Strategies, Bye-law and Implementation Status, Sanitation Value Chain, Liquid Waste Management in India Policy, Strategies, Bye-law and Implementation Status. Comparisons of Waste Management in Urban and Rural Settings. Plastic Waste Management, and Hazardous Waste Management.
Climate Change and Environment health programmes in India: Climate change and health, Impacts of Climate Change on Communicable Diseases and Non-Communicable Diseases. Response to Climate Change, National Sub-Mission to provide safe drinking water, Swachh Bharat Mission, Swachh Survekshan, SwachhtaUdyami Yojana, "KAYAKALPCentral Pollution Control Board (CPCB) guidelines, Biomedical Waste Management act

Ocupational Health: Occupational Hazards: Hazards at the workplace, Ergonomics, Occupational diseases, Workplace safety, Prevention of occupational hazards (including accident prevention), Legislations related to occupational health, Employees State Insurance Scheme. Module Title: Material & Child Health; Public Health Nutrition: Maternal Health: Maternity cycle, Evolution of RCH services in the country, Antenatal care, Intra natal and Post-natal care services in the country, Maternity benefit scheme, Innovations in service delivery, Framework for evaluation of services, Role of gender in public health programs, Laws and acts ensuring maternal health.

Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health: Services available for Neonatal, Child and Adolescent in India, Growth and Development, Right of Child, National policy for children, Integrated Management of Neonatal and child health, ICDS, Universal Immunization program, India New-born action plan, ARSH clinic.

Introduction to Public Health Nutrition: Understanding Nutrition, Energy, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Water, Micro and macro nutrients, Concept of Public Nutrition, Nutritional Ecology, Food, Nutrition, and Behaviour, Multidisciplinary Concept. Nutritional Problems, Malnutrition and Nutrition of Vulnerable group (Mother, child pregnant women, Elderly and adolescent, chronic disease), Other Nutritional problems in India. National Programmes on Nutrition: National Nutrition Policy, Nutrition Programmes, National Nutrition Mission, Vit-A supplementation program, Iodine disorder deficiency Program, Integrated Child Development Services Scheme and Strategies to Combating Nutrition Problems and Fieldwork in Public Health Nutrition, State specific case studies, Nutrition Education Programmes, Case Studies, Strategies for Nutrition Education and Health Behaviour Change, Nutrition Counselling.
2ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre

AcSIR-98-ID-0022Basic Laboratory SkillsLectures:

1. Biosafety, Biocontainment and Risk assessment: Levels of biosafety, universal precautions, Biomedical Water Management, Definition and risk of accidental exposures, needle stick injury, assessing risk of transmission, counsellling, Post exposure prohylaxis.
2. Basic calculations in Biological laboratory: Importance of Accurate Calculations, Units of Measurement, St Uns, Molarly. Normality, Molality and Preparing Solutions, Standard solution, Persens Solutions Weight/Volume (w/v) Volume/Volume (% v/v), Weight/Weight [% w/w). Serial Dihtions, plt and Buffers.
3. Tools and Techniques in Microbiology: Microscopy Principles and applications, dark neid, bright field, resolving power, numerical rical aperture, chromatic aberration, phave contrast microscopy, Duorescent micruxcopy, ?nverted microscopy, stereo microscopy, electron micrusenpy. Stains and staining-Principles of staining, simple staining, negative staining, differential staining, Gram and acid-fast staining flagella staining, capsule and endospore staining.Control of microbes-Sterilization, disinfection, antiseptic tyndallisation, pasteurization Physical dry heat, moist heat, UV light, tonizing radiation, filtration, HEPA filter, Chemical-phenol and phenolic compounds, (halogen aliphatic alcohol, formaldehyde, ethylene oxide, heavy metals) anionic and cationic detergents. Cultivation of bacteria-Types of growth media (natural, synthetic, complex, enriched, selective-definition with example), pure culture methods (streak plate, spread plate, pour plate, stab culture, slant culture). Anaerobic (thioglycolate, anaerobic chamber, Robertson's media, microacrophilic), liquid shake culture of aerobic bacteria.
4. Tools and techniques in Molecular biology: Introduction to Molecular Biology: Overview of DNA, RNA, and proteins, Basic laboratory safety and equipment handling
DNA Extraction and Purification: Principles and techniques for isolating DNA from cells. PCR and Gel Electrophoresis: Amplification of DNA sequences, Separation and analysis of DNA fragments.
Cloning and Plasmid Preparation: Basic techniques for gene cloning and plasmid extraction.
Protein Expression and Analysis: Introduction to SDS-PAGE and Western Blotting.
Data Analysis and Reporting: Basics of interpreting results and bioinformatics tools.
5. Tools and Techniwues in Immuology: Overview of Immunology: Types of Immune responses, function and features of various immune cell subsets. Sample Processing: PBMC separation, cryopreservation and revival. Isolation of various immune cell subsets: Magnetic bead separation, cell sorting. Introduction to flow cytometry & its applications: Immunophenotyping, CD4 count estimation, Functional characterization-Intracellular cytokine staining.
Immunogenicity assessment- Bead based multiplex assay, ELISpot, Intracellular cytokine staining.
6. Technique and applications in cell culture: • Introduction to Cell Culture: Explain what cell culture is and why it's essential in biomedical research.
• Basic Cell Culture Techniques: Primary Cell Culture - Directly from tissues and Continuous Cell Lines - Immortalized cells that can proliferate indefinitely. • Aseptic Techniques: Autoclaving, UV light, and use of sterile workspaces (e.g., biosafety cabinets) • Handling and Maintenance: Importance of avoiding contamination, use of PPE, and proper disposal of biohazardous materials.
• Media Preparation and Selection: Types of Media (DMEM, RPMI, etc..) and their specific uses.
• Supplementation: Serum (FBS), antibiotics, and growth factors.
• Cell Seeding and Subculturing: Seeding Density and Trypsinization process.
• Cryopreservation: Use of cryoprotectants like DMSO, freezing protocols.
• Thawing and Recovery: Proper techniques to revive cells post-thawing.• Advanced Cell Culture Techniques: 3D Ce Culture, Spheroids and Organoids, More physiologically relevant models for drug testing and disease modeling, Co-Culture Systems, Stem Cell Culture.
• Applications of Cell Culture in Research: Drug Discovery and Toxicology, High Throughput Screening (HTS), Cytotoxicity Assays, Virus Propagation and Anti-viral studies. Al and Machine Learning: Predictive modeling and data analysis in cell culture experiments. • Summary of Key Points: Recap the Importance of mastering cell culture techniques.
• Q&A Session: Open the floor for questions and discussion. 7. Point of care tests, DBS and other applications: Importance and uses of DBS samples in research and diagnosis Collection, transportation and storage of DBS samples. Biomarker testing using DBS samples Rapid tests for HIV diagnosis. Point of care testing for diagnosis and monitoring of infectious diseases.
8. Tools, tests and Diagnostics in Serology: Overview of antigen- antibody reactions:
Different types of serological assays and their applications, Different types of ELISAS with principles, Neutralization assays, Functional antibody assays

1. Sample preparation and storage (Institutional); 2. Buccal swab microscopy/culture; 3. Paper assignments; 4. Lab work of student choice (Institutional)."
2ICMR-National Institute of Translational Virology and AIDS Research

Updated on March 25,2025

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