Priti (Registration No. (10MM15J30004) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Resource potential of biodegradable waste: Quantification and pathways” On September 20, 2023 at CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources, New… read more →
Lakshmi Goswami (Registration No. 10CC17A26013) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Design and synthesis of potent bioactive scaffolds via [3+2] cycloaddition, glaser and Cadiot-Chodkiewicz coupling reactions; Cu catalyzed C−C bond forming reactions… read more →
Madhav Kumar (Registration No. 10BB17J16005) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Isolation, characterization and application of biofilm forming marine bacteria from Gujarat coast” On September 14, 2023 at CSIR- Central Salt &… read more →
Arun Agarwal (Registration No. 10BB18J04043) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Development and characterization of phytosomes as drug delivery system of formononetin: A potential anti-osteoporotic agent” On September 14, 2023 at CSIR-Central… read more →
Mhamane Nitin Bharat (Registration No. 10CC17J26005) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Towards bridging pressure and material gaps in heterogeneous catalysis: surface science approach” On September 14, 2023 at CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory,… read more →
Pallavi Sharma (Registration No. (20EE16J15007) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Development of divalent ion doped triboluminescence ZnS based composites for impact sensor application” On September 14, 2023 at CSIR-Central Scientific Instruments… read more →
Rahul Kumar (Registration No. (10CC19J33004) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Synthesis of small molecule-drug conjugates and their therapeutic efficacy” On September 12, 2023 at CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur Ph.D work… read more →
Nandala Shivaprasad (Registration No. (20EE16J18023) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Morphology controlled synthesis, characterization, and separation performance of novel polymeric membranes” On September 12, 2023 at CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology,… read more →
Jahnabi Gogoi (Registration No. (10BB17A25007) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Taxonomic revision and molecular phylogeny of Indian Uraria Desv. (Leguminosae) and genetic diversity assessment of Uraria picta (Jacq.) Desv. ex DC” On September 12, 2023… read more →
Gupta Anil Ramprakash (Registration No. (10CC19A16014) Ph.D. student of AcSIR will defend thesis entitled “Synthesis of metallo-polymeric network of zirconium for the mitigation of toxic ions from water” On September 12, 2023 at CSIR-Central… read more →